NationStates Jolt Archive

Pet hates

The Return of DO
03-04-2005, 10:21
OK, this is not having a go at anyone at all, I'm not saying it in a malicious way, but when people use apostrophes in the wrong way, it really gets on my tits. For example, "there are a lot of apples" is just peachy by me (well, appley but whatever). However, "there are a lot of apple's" is not. Unless you're going to finish the sentence with a noun, chuck a capital letter on the front of "apple" and pretend that you're talking about Gwyneth Paltrow's baby.

Anybody for any more?
03-04-2005, 10:23
I hate it when people sit near me, especially on public transport, and talk so loudly I can't think. I was waiting in the airport lounge today and tehre were these guys behind me talking really loudly. What made it worse was that they spoke awful Sydney yobbo English. "I seen yous yestadai," etc etc.

Yeah, that annoys me. :p

Edit: And one of them didn't know what an iPod was. I wanted to butt in and tell him so he'd shut up...
The Return of DO
03-04-2005, 10:25
Heehee, annoying people are annoying.
03-04-2005, 10:25
The way my dad talks annoys the hell out of me. It's a bastardized Texas/Alabama/Arkansas accent. It's truly horrible, and of all things, he makes fun of me for talking like somebody from Pennsylvania.

I'm still trying to figure that out.
New Fuglies
03-04-2005, 10:26
People who spell "ridiculous" as "rediculous" are... rediculous! Oh crap now I'm doing it! :mad:
Pure Metal
03-04-2005, 11:04
people eating with their mouthes open makes me stabby
03-04-2005, 11:05
people eating with their mouthes open makes me stabby

Yeah, that's disgusting. Especially when they chew like a horse...
Pure Metal
03-04-2005, 11:08

me when people eat noisily
03-04-2005, 11:09
I hate the loo seat being left up

stereotypical female here ;)
03-04-2005, 11:10
Everybody run!! PM's gone Postal!!!
The Return of DO
03-04-2005, 11:10
I hate it when my obese Dad takes his trousers off in the evening to "be more comfortable". I would mind if he wore boxers, or probably even briefs, but he wears Y-fronts which are baggy, even for him. It's gross seeing his giant fat legs, but then something pops out of the Y-fronts and...... yuck.
03-04-2005, 11:10
I hate the loo seat being left up

stereotypical female here ;)

You'd like me. I always close the lid completely when I'm done.
03-04-2005, 11:11
I hate it when my obese Dad takes his trousers off in the evening to "be more comfortable". I would mind if he wore boxers, or probably even briefs, but he wears Y-fronts which are baggy, even for him. It's gross seeing his giant fat legs, but then something pops out of the Y-fronts and...... yuck.

Oh... My... Fucking... God...

The Return of DO
03-04-2005, 11:11
I hate it when my brother pisses all over the toilet seat and doesn't clean it up afterwards (hello, some of us have to sit down, and I don't really feel like splashing around in your piss, thank you very much) and I also hate it when he floods the bathroom after a shower and doesn't clean up. He also leaves his underpants on the floor. What a dick.
03-04-2005, 11:13
I hate it when my brother pisses all over the toilet seat and doesn't clean it up afterwards (hello, some of us have to sit down, and I don't really feel like splashing around in your piss, thank you very much) and I also hate it when he floods the bathroom after a shower and doesn't clean up. He also leaves his underpants on the floor. What a dick.

I'd gladly kick his ass for you.
03-04-2005, 11:13
I hate it when passers by tut at you for peeing in a mail box - as if they're so high and mighty...
03-04-2005, 11:14
I hate it when passers by tut at you for peeing in a mail box - as if they're so high and mighty...

03-04-2005, 11:15

Is it? I wouldn't know
Pure Metal
03-04-2005, 11:15
Everybody run!! PM's gone Postal!!!
aaaaaarrrrrghhh! :D
The Return of DO
03-04-2005, 11:16
aaaaaarrrrrghhh! :D

Ack! I hate that website.... Salad fingers is just too creepy.... I like banana fingers though lol.
03-04-2005, 11:45
My brother sometimes forgets to take his towel into the bathroom, and then, being too lazy to get it, dries with the handtowel, which is then sodden and smelly.
03-04-2005, 11:47
My brother sometimes forgets to take his towel into the bathroom, and then, being too lazy to get it, dries with the handtowel, which is then sodden and smelly.

Some people... I just don't know...
The Return of DO
03-04-2005, 11:51
I'd gladly kick his ass for you.

I grew up with an older brother who beat me up. I have learned how to handle him.
03-04-2005, 12:04
An older brother who beat you up? Are you male or female?

If you're male, then said brother is a dirtbag. If you're female, then doubly so.
03-04-2005, 12:19
Feminists who go on and on about how I'm 'letting down the movement' just because I happen to be subservient. Apparently, because I'd rather be a stay-at-home-mother, and consider evil overlords seksay, I'm not only slapping a bunch of dead feminists in the face, I also don't deserve to vote or... earn money or... something. I usually stop listening around the point where they insult me for doing what I want to, and claim that the only way women will ever be 'equal' is if girls like me conform to their warped view of the world.

Way to promote equality - quashing dissenting opinions really does works wonders. Equality for women, whether they want it or not!

*notes that she supports equality between the genders, but only if she's allowed to opt-out when it suits her*
03-04-2005, 12:20
What bugs me is when I come home from university and then have to clean the six inches of grime, dead skin and hair that my sister has deposited all over the bathroom.

You know like when you go to get a bath and say, hey I haven't put the plug in yet, and find out that it's just plugged with hair. That or when you go to brush your teeth and notice that the razor she uses to shave her legs and armpits is sitting in the same place it was when you left 3 months ago; with 3 months worth of hair embedded in it.
03-04-2005, 12:20

Agreed. Many of these "feminists" are indeed hypocrites.
The Return of DO
03-04-2005, 12:20
An older brother who beat you up? Are you male or female?

If you're male, then said brother is a dirtbag. If you're female, then doubly so.

I'm a girly, but he's made me hard as nails lol
03-04-2005, 12:22
Yeah, well, I'd still like to kick his ass.
03-04-2005, 12:23
I hate it when my obese Dad takes his trousers off in the evening to "be more comfortable". I would mind if he wore boxers, or probably even briefs, but he wears Y-fronts which are baggy, even for him. It's gross seeing his giant fat legs, but then something pops out of the Y-fronts and...... yuck.

It could be worse... My father does it all the time (lately I see him in his briefs every time I get out of my cosy little room), he doesn't care if it's just family or if I have somebody over :mad: I must apologize, but then I learn that other fathers do it too, so maybe it's just a normal thing for an over 40 year old male :confused:

Other than that I don't really have things I hate... The only thing I can think of is the silly spelling mistakes like "there", "effect" (when it should be "affect") or "passed" (instead of "past"), but it only makes me think that English (or at least American :p) could really use being a bit more phonetic in writing :)
The Return of DO
03-04-2005, 12:23
I kicked him across a room once. That was funny. I also stamped on his forehead until he cried. That wasn't so funny.
03-04-2005, 12:25
Feminists who go on and on about how I'm 'letting down the movement' just because I happen to be subservient. Apparently, because I'd rather be a stay-at-home-mother, and consider evil overlords seksay, I'm not only slapping a bunch of dead feminists in the face, I also don't deserve to vote or... earn money or... something. I usually stop listening around the point where they insult me for doing what I want to, and claim that the only way women will ever be 'equal' is if girls like me conform to their warped view of the world.

Way to promote equality - quashing dissenting opinions really does works wonders. Equality for women, whether they want it or not!

*notes that she supports equality between the genders, but only if she's allowed to opt-out when it suits her*
See, people should have the opportunity to do whatever they want IMO, so a feminist who actually had equality in mind (like me!) would have no problem with you doing whatever you want, as long as you didn't impose your will on anyone else. Since you obviously aren't doing that, it's no skin off my nose.

What bugs me is when I come home from university and then have to clean the six inches of grime, dead skin and hair that my sister has deposited all over the bathroom.

You know like when you go to get a bath and say, hey I haven't put the plug in yet, and find out that it's just plugged with hair. That or when you go to brush your teeth and notice that the razor she uses to shave her legs and armpits is sitting in the same place it was when you left 3 months ago; with 3 months worth of hair embedded in it.
My flatmate used to do that. And she was incaable of cleaning the tub. She thought that pouring cleaning fluid onto a surface, then rinsing it away was enough to clean it. What a dumbarse.
03-04-2005, 12:26
See, people should have the opportunity to do whatever they want IMO, so a feminist who actually had equality in mind (like me!) would have no problem with you doing whatever you want, as long as you didn't impose your will on anyone else. Since you obviously aren't doing that, it's no skin off my nose.

This is why you're up for my Special Award! Well, one of the many reasons, actually.

My flatmate used to do that. And she was incaable of cleaning the tub. She thought that pouring cleaning fluid onto a surface, then rinsing it away was enough to clean it. What a dumbarse.

Yuck... What a dork.
03-04-2005, 12:26
My flatmate used to do that. And she was incaable of cleaning the tub. She thought that pouring cleaning fluid onto a surface, then rinsing it away was enough to clean it. What a dumbarse.

I had a flatmate who was once sick in the livingroom, he cleaned it up with the hoover... :( :eek: :( :confused:
03-04-2005, 12:28
I had a flatmate who was once sick in the livingroom, he cleaned it up with the hoover... :( :eek: :( :confused:

Yo... That's just wrong.
03-04-2005, 12:28
I had a flatmate who was once sick in the livingroom, he cleaned it up with the hoover... :( :eek: :( :confused:

Let me just say that she's my EX flatmate now. :p

And Potaria, are you sure you aren't my long lost twin? :D
03-04-2005, 12:29
Well, we're almost the same height, and we agree on pretty much everything...

The Return of DO
03-04-2005, 12:33
Are you clones?