Who needs them!
Seat belts! Do you use seat belts? Why, why not? is it legal not to were them
in where you are?
I have a friend who has had fine for not wearing seat belt, twice. He still
doesn't use them... heh...
I think they are a life saver! what do you think
Poll coming - Please tell me why or why not. ;)
The Tribes Of Longton
02-04-2005, 23:15
I live in the UK, so I have to wear one. But considering my friend almost killed himself not wearing one, I'd try to wear one anyway...
It's illegal not to in Ohio; "Click it or Ticket"
I have no problem with it, it saves lives (and raises money).
02-04-2005, 23:20
i use them because id rather not go through the windshield.
02-04-2005, 23:20
It was drilled into me by my parents, now its subconcious. When i get into a car I immediatly put on a seatbelt without even thinking about it.
I live in the UK, so I have to wear one. But considering my friend almost killed himself not wearing one, I'd try to wear one anyway...
We have to wear them here also? But I'm very uncertain should it be mandatory.
I would wear it anyway, but to get a fine for not wearing??
I drive more safely without it. On the rare occasions I have worn a seatbelt, I was instantly filled with an aura of invunerability that allowed me to ram other cars that I felt were in my way. This didn't turn out well.
The Chocolate Goddess
02-04-2005, 23:22
Considering I would have died without one, I'd have to say yes. The bruises it left were ghastly though...
We have to wear them here also? But I'm very uncertain should it be mandatory.
I'd say it has to do with public safety concerns. Not wearing one both needlessly endangers the person not wearing it and the others in the car (in an accident, if the windshield were to break the glass would fly everywhere.
Also, there is a person who likely weighs over 100lbs flying out of their seat at a high speed, so I imagine there is also a risk there)
As an Englishman, I have to wear a seatbelt, but I'd rather it wasn't mandatory. If it wasn't I would perhaps wear it some of the time, but not all the time. If for example roads were icy, or there was fog, I'd likely don a seatbelt.
I drive more safely without it. On the rare occasions I have worn a seatbelt, I was instantly filled with an aura of invunerability that allowed me to ram other cars that I felt were in my way. This didn't turn out well.
That's gotta go in my sig.
That's gotta go in my sig.
I would be honored.
I'd say it has to do with public safety concerns. Not wearing one both needlessly endangers the person not wearing it and the others in the car (in an accident, if the windshield were to break the glass would fly everywhere.
Also, there is a person who likely weighs over 100lbs flying out of their seat at a high speed, so I imagine there is also a risk there)
You are right. Person sitting in back without a seat belt kills the person in front
of him in a crash. Still It shouldn't be mandatory. As my exempel showed
ticketing a person doesn't necessary work. There gotta be another way
I drive more safely without it. On the rare occasions I have worn a seatbelt, I was instantly filled with an aura of invunerability that allowed me to ram other cars that I felt were in my way. This didn't turn out well.
Sadly that seems to be true in other safety 'equipments' too. :(
Ticketing doesn't work very well. Really, neither do fines (look at the number of repeat DUI offenders).
Still It shouldn't be mandatory.
This is a tough issue because it borders public safety and personal freedoms, so I can't totally disagree with you, but neither can I totally agree.
At first, I never did. Then once at school, these people came to tell us about car safety and junk and they explained the consequences of not wearing a seat-belt in GRAPHIC depiction. From then on, I tried remembering it every time and eventually it became a habit. Now whenever I enter a car, it's almost automatic to reach for the seat-belt.
02-04-2005, 23:56
Yes, always. Anyone riding in my vehicle must also buckle up or get out. I started doing it because I became convinced that seatbelts save lives and I don't relish the idea of wearing my windshield as a collar.
I always used to, without question. Then I got depressed and stopped caring. Now it's habit not to. *Shrugs*
03-04-2005, 00:07
I live in New York, where it is illegal to not wear a seatbelt. Personally, I think the law is excellent, but then again I wear mine all the time. It's just a good law because it basically saves people from their own stupidity. In my opinion, anyone that doesn't where a seat-belt is going to run into more trouble than they should have (i.e. ticket where it's illegal, worse injury or death if you get into an accident). Is it really all that dificult to pull a strap and push the metal part into a holster????? Ohh.....Wait I know, it takes 1.83 seconds (this sounds stupid but I timed it) out of your "busy" schedule. WHY DOES EVERYON MAKE A BIG DEAL ABOUT SEATBELTS :confused: ???
They Do Save Lives After All!!!!!!
The Polaran Castes
03-04-2005, 00:15
I use them in the U.S. (When I went to Russia for a month, I found that cars often didn't have seat belts, or only had them in the front of the car)
As long as the seat I'm sitting in has a working seat belt, I will always use the seat belt.
The Cat-Tribe
03-04-2005, 00:19
Seat belts! Do you use seat belts? Why, why not? is it legal not to were them
in where you are?
I have a friend who has had fine for not wearing seat belt, twice. He still
doesn't use them... heh...
I think they are a life saver! what do you think
Poll coming - Please tell me why or why not. ;)
My ex-wife and I would both be dead if it were not for our seatbelts.
Seatbelts are essential not only to safety of occupants of a vehicle, but to others who may be injured by a vehicle whose occupants are not wearing seatbelts.
Failure to wear seatbelts is unforgivably stupid. It is also increasingly criminal.
Pure Metal
03-04-2005, 00:20
i think it would be stupid not to use a seat belt if your car has em. and i'm pretty sure all cars do nowadays
why would one not use a seatbelt? :confused:
My ex-wife and I would both be dead if it were not for our seatbelts.
Seatbelts are essential not only to safety of occupants of a vehicle, but to others who may be injured by a vehicle whose occupants are not wearing seatbelts.
Failure to wear seatbelts is unforgivably stupid. It is also increasingly criminal.
agreed and same here. i was in a crash when i was 11 which my dad had to be cut out of and they thought my neck was broken. it sucked pretty bad, but had it not been for our seatbelts we would definatley all died.
and last year i was in a crash when a friend drove 60mph into a wall. luckily nobody was injured (apart from whiplash and bruises) but again, had it not been for seatbelts we would have died.
a friend of mine at school didn't wear a seatbelt (as a passenger) and died in a crash 2 years ago. and the same year another friend who i had known all my life died in a motorbike crash (no seatbelt...obviously).
there was another kid in our school who died from not wearing a seatbelt a couple of years back too.
seriously, if you have em (and everyone does), wear them.
this probably goes some way to explaining why i try to be a cautious and safe driver at all times
Feminist Cat Women
03-04-2005, 00:32
Seat belts for adults shouldnt be regulated. We're adults, if we want to risk our lives, so what! we know whats good for us, it's up to us to decide if we want to wear one.
They dont say you cant parachute or rock climb do they?
Personally, i dont in my town because it's a hassle. it restricts access to my handbag for tolls and i'm often in and out of the car for different shops (supermarkets are a new concept here. And they still cant sell tobacco, light bulbs, hardware qquipment, newspspers, stationary, etc etc etc.
So my shoping list involves me stoping at normally 3 different shops (normally double parking too).
For children who arent old enough to decide if they want to risk their lives, that should be mandatory.
they kill more lives than they save...... i have to wear them (dog nabbit) or else i get a fine or worse..... PENALTY POINTS :eek: :upyours: . oh ho oh, penalty points, the very words which make me cringe with pain... oh so much pain :( :mad:
03-04-2005, 00:43
I got ticket for not wearing mine *grumble* So I started wearing it after that and now its just a habit. But who in the heck designs those things? They are super uncomfortable. They should make them like the 5 point harness in a racecar or something instead of the diagonal way....ick. I had to slam on my brakes the other day and the darn thing almost chokes me! Not designed for people who are 5'5 or less.
03-04-2005, 01:03
Yes, it's illegal not to.
I have occassionally not worn them in the back but then it's usually around 5 people in the back anyway when that happens. My guilt is on long journeys is turning sideways and slipping it off my shoulder down the arm. But in that position I'd just roll down anyway.
Edit: They do more harm than good? Ever seen an accident? A passenger can kill people in the front seat if they're not wearing a seatbelt...
Pure Metal
03-04-2005, 01:12
for your own safety, wear seatbelts. you never know what's gonna happen on the road
New Genoa
03-04-2005, 01:12
Almost always, but since you didn't give an Almost always, I chose sometimes.
New Genoa
03-04-2005, 01:13
for your own safety, wear seatbelts. you never know what's gonna happen on the road
Like giant rabid panda bears. Communist ones.
Pure Metal
03-04-2005, 01:14
Like giant rabid panda bears. Communist ones.
on the road? on rollerskates? rocket powered ones? yeah that could happen i guess
and then you'll be glad you're wearing your seatbelt :cool:
03-04-2005, 01:14
In Belgium, if anyone in the car (driver or passenger) is caught not wearing a seatbelt, he gets fined 150 € (210 $)
Bleh, damn fines.
They do more harm than good? Ever seen an accident? A passenger can kill people in the front seat if they're not wearing a seatbelt...
oh that's just a myth made up by the goverment.
tch seatbelts eh, can't live with 'em can't live without 'em