Comfort or sex?
Lunatic Goofballs
02-04-2005, 21:18
(Based on a post by Dakini in another thread)
WOuld you rather life a comfortable, life of wealth and plenty, never wanting for anything and being an important figure of influence in global affairs if it meant remaining celibate for the rest of your life...
...or would you rather have sex and take your chances?
(poll coming)
Edit: credit given
I would rather be poor and in love than wealthy and alone.
Equating sex to wealth doesn't work because they're in no way equal.
I would rather be poor and in love than wealthy and alone.
Equating sex to wealth doesn't work because they're in no way equal.
This came up in one of the pope threads.
Someone pointed out that he lived very comfortably and had everything he needed and that we should all be so lucky and I pointed out that at least I've been laid...
Good life for me means sex :D
Lunatic Goofballs
02-04-2005, 21:24
This came up in one of the pope threads.
Someone pointed out that he lived very comfortably and had everything he needed and that we should all be so lucky and I pointed out that at least I've been laid...
Ah, I knew I forgot something. I meant to give you credit. Editing now...
02-04-2005, 21:25
No, I couldn't do that.
To me celibacy would mean suicide.
02-04-2005, 21:26
Both, man, both!!
I suppose I would, if I had to choose between the two extremes, choose wealth. Sex, yes it's nice, but a loving relationship is better IMO. Besides with my money I can watch lots of porn/jerk off.
Pepe Dominguez
02-04-2005, 21:27
I would rather be poor and in love than wealthy and alone.
Equating sex to wealth doesn't work because they're in no way equal.
You can have love without sex, you know. ;)
Lunatic Goofballs
02-04-2005, 21:29
You can have love without sex, you know. ;)
You can also pilot a fighter jet with your penis. But that doesn't make it a good idea. :p
The Internet Tough Guy
02-04-2005, 21:29
I'm torn. Would I have the power to crush my enemies?
You can have love without sex, you know. ;)
Who wants that?
You can have love without sex, you know. ;)
I know you can, I'm just greedy like that though.
02-04-2005, 21:33
Consider ....
"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised!"
-Zapp Branigan, Futurama (Amazon Women In The Mood)
Somehow i don't even think that's adequate enough to explain my choice, given the nature of the poll choices AND some of the *weirdos* on this forum!
02-04-2005, 21:38
Just read poll results ... surprise, surprise, surprise.
This is an INTERNET poll ;)
Well, how bout an ADDENDUM:
Would you rather satisfactorily, unequivacally champion a long-broiled and heated political debate with (thousands of) internet viewers (strangers/friends alike) that had before been an issue of a huge political/partisan chasm, to the extent that some people might change political affiliation (religion),
or have sex under same circumstances as above poll?
(Both not an option)?
EDIT: It occurred to me that many may pick *BOTH* if the option of sex included the vanquished as the (consenting) party.
Cannot think of a name
02-04-2005, 21:38
Well, since I more or less made that decission without the wealth, I went for comfort.
Sex was great, I ain't gonna lie, but all the crap I had to put up with to get it started to be a real drag. As it turned out, I just didn't care enough. So, no sex for me. This is not to say I'm turning down offers left and right...or at all...I'm not in situations where it even comes up.
Here's the dipstick for how much effort I'm not putting into it-I work in theater, predominately as a playwright (though to be honest, just as often as a monkey) and nothin'. The sex I did get was as a musician (take note). But still, if you can't get laid in a theater department you either really aren't trying or there is something horribly wrong with you.
So, I don't even need the wealth-just give me comfort, the all important D.E. (Do Easy). It does help that I had already had it before making that decission, though...
Underemployed Pirates
02-04-2005, 21:38
For this man...
trying to live to be a person after God's own heart is comfort, and
being honorably married for 33 years to a virtuous woman, my high school sweetheart, now THAT'S good sex.