what do you think of the world?
Pure Metal
02-04-2005, 00:50
just in general? (not the forum, retard :rolleyes: )
yes its vague, but that's the point.
poll coming
Pretty cold, cruel and uncaring at large. Bar my parents and family that is.
Other than that, I think the world is a naturally beautiful place spoilt by people.
Drunk commies reborn
02-04-2005, 00:51
It's interesting.
Pure Metal
02-04-2005, 00:54
Pretty cold, cruel and uncaring at large. Bar my parents and family that is.
Other than that, I think the world is a naturally beautiful place spoilt by people.
thats pretty much my thinking too. for the most part the world is ok, but the people are generally uncompassionate, small minded and selfishly cruel. the world could be ok if it weren't for the people... pretty small minded and nasty view i know, but, hey, whatever...
ooh wow a fellow welshman :)
The world is a forlorn obsolete hunk of garbage. We got our chance to do something good with it, and we screwed up. We'll get another chance when it blows up.
Pure Metal
02-04-2005, 01:43
It's a truly wonderful place, though it does have its problems. But, then again, what things in existence don't have problems?
02-04-2005, 01:55
Hey i resent being called Reatrd sure maybe Spaz or King Gimp but Retard that Hurts! :rolleyes:
The World is 4 out of 10
The People 2 out of 10
Random Explosions
02-04-2005, 02:00
I say the world has its problems, but the people in it make it worthwhile.
Divine Imaginary Fluff
02-04-2005, 02:56
I haven't really got anything against the world itself, but the people in it totally ruin living in it.
Silent Truth
02-04-2005, 02:59
To quote Clerks...
"Work would be great if it weren't for all the customers."
Pretty much sums up my world view.
02-04-2005, 03:13
*shrugs* It does its job.
I don't get along with the world but I love the people. I dont hate anyone in the world. I may have a lack of respect for some people and I may think less of someone but 'hate' is too strong of a world. All people are different and have flaws that need mending and that's why I love the human race. I don't agree with a lot of what the world has to offer but I guess no one really does.
02-04-2005, 03:20
I thnk the world is an amazing, interesting place, but at the same time it can be cruel, uncaring and nasty.
it can be cruel, uncaring and nasty.
Especially the Southern United States...
Evil Arch Conservative
02-04-2005, 03:28
Those options are terribly pessimistic. The world isn't beyond repair, far from it, but it's not exactly in pristine condition. Environmentally speaking, things aren't great but they're steadily getting better. I think they'll keep getting better at an ever-increasing rate. The people in it are generally good. Some are morons, some are rather evil. Because the vast majority have morals and survival instincts I believe that, to paraphrase Scott Adams, humanity can't possibly wipe itself out. Before humanity wipes itself out in any given situation, humanity first has a chance to realize that they're on the path to their demise and because we realize this we leave this path and therefore no longer bring about our demise. In this way the chance of humanity wiping itself out if negated comlpetely due to survival instincts. Because of this I have high hopes for the future no matter what it may bring.
The world is a forlorn obsolete hunk of garbage. We got our chance to do something good with it, and we screwed up. We'll get another chance when it blows up.
I just have to know. What was that solitary chance?
Evil Arch Conservative
02-04-2005, 03:30
Especially the Southern United States...
You're hanging around the wrong people then. I love most of the people that live in the south. Partly because that's where I was born and raised, partly because I've lived in the north for a while and I can look at them from a third-person point of view.
02-04-2005, 03:34
The world isn't beyond repair, far from it, but it's not exactly in pristine condition. Environmentally speaking, things aren't great but they're steadily getting better. I think they'll keep getting better at an ever-increasing rate.
Could you do me a favor and explain how the environment is getting steadily better?
Pure Metal
02-04-2005, 10:41
Those options are terribly pessimistic. The world isn't beyond repair, far from it, but it's not exactly in pristine condition. Environmentally speaking, things aren't great but they're steadily getting better. I think they'll keep getting better at an ever-increasing rate. The people in it are generally good. Some are morons, some are rather evil. Because the vast majority have morals and survival instincts I believe that, to paraphrase Scott Adams, humanity can't possibly wipe itself out. Before humanity wipes itself out in any given situation, humanity first has a chance to realize that they're on the path to their demise and because we realize this we leave this path and therefore no longer bring about our demise. In this way the chance of humanity wiping itself out if negated comlpetely due to survival instincts. Because of this I have high hopes for the future no matter what it may bring.
i disagree. with such proliferation of nuclear weapons its perfectly possible to wipe ourselves out before we realise what we've done (and stop ourselves). ok, we've invented them and have largely refrained from using them (agreed - that's realisation of our impending doom and said survival tactics kicking in), but its just a matter of time before they are used again. then it'll be too late to stand back and say 'stop, what are we doing?' cos we'll all be dead.
i have a fairly grim view of the future :(
King Binks
02-04-2005, 10:57
I don't get along with the world but I love the people. I dont hate anyone in the world. I may have a lack of respect for some people and I may think less of someone but 'hate' is too strong of a world. All people are different and have flaws that need mending and that's why I love the human race. I don't agree with a lot of what the world has to offer but I guess no one really does.
I try to think the same. How can you have any respect for rapists or coldblood killers? I may have some compassion for the circumstances in their childhood that drove them to what the did, but it doesn't absolve their crime.
I just have to know. What was that solitary chance?
Call me a nihilist, but I believe that we all die anyways. Whether my opinion about the world will change the world itself, I doubt it. But I don't entirely understand what do you mean by solitary chance.