What if God didn't exist?
02-04-2005, 00:42
This isn't a debate over whether he does or does not, just curious to know what theistic people would do if the existence of any deity/deities was proved to be false?
Red Sox Fanatics
02-04-2005, 00:43
I guess they would have to start eating a giant sized bowl of crow?
Well, first, someone would invent a god to ensure order. Second, monarchy would nearly almost never exist, since kings draw their power mostly from priests and such, and third, the Pope wouldn't be a pope.
This isn't a debate over whether he does or does not, just curious to know what theistic people would do if the existence of any deity/deities was proved to be false?
well, i believe that he does exist... but...
i dunno...
even though the supposed "proof" would most likely logically or physically flawed for one reason or another....
unless God disproved himself... (read Hitchikers Guide)
Well, as an agnostic, I would say pretty much, "Oh, I guess the atheists were correct after all" and try to get as much out of my life as I could.
If God doesn't exist does this also mean that no other religions' gods do not exist?
Well, first, someone would invent a god to ensure order. Second, monarchy would nearly almost never exist, since kings draw their power mostly from priests and such, and third, the Pope wouldn't be a pope.
speaking of the pope, did you hear the news? he might not make it to the end of the day. his heart and kidneys are failing.
02-04-2005, 00:46
Well, first, someone would invent a god to ensure order. Second, monarchy would nearly almost never exist, since kings draw their power mostly from priests and such, and third, the Pope wouldn't be a pope.
There's order without a God.
speaking of the pope, did you hear the news? he might not make it to the end of the day. his heart and kidneys are failing.
Really? I didn't know. :(
There's order without a God.
No, not really, since the Germanic tribes that assaulted the Roman Empire and the Huns didn't have gods. Genghis Kahn and the Mongols believed that Kahn was the ultimate god, and they created the most lawed empire on the face of the planet. No one during the middle and dark ages has created an empire without some tie to religion.
Well, first, someone would invent a god to ensure order. Second, monarchy would nearly almost never exist, since kings draw their power mostly from priests and such, and third, the Pope wouldn't be a pope.
Ever heard of constitutional monarchies?
No, not really, since the Germanic tribes that assaulted the Roman Empire and the Huns didn't have gods
But then again, it was Christianity that played a role in destabilizing the Empire, so it works both ways.
Well, if God never existed, there would likely be order anyway because something else would step in to fill the void.
Ever heard of constitutional monarchies?
Yes, I know what constitutional monarchies are, they're countries with a king or queen with a asthetic value, no real political power. Answer this, would political monarchy exist without religion? Since constitutional monarchies came from countries of former empires (eg. Canada).
Now, I might be wrong, since I am alot of times, but meh. :(
Answer this, would political monarchy exist without religion
Yes, provided the ruler had enough influence and power to control his people and court without "divine right". This is where "divine right" fits in, since it makes this process a lot easier.
Ever heard of constitutional monarchies?
constitutional monarchies always devolve into an absolute monarchy over a period of time... for some reason, power corrupts...
who wouldve guessed?
Now, I'm not saying without God (which I don't believe in, since I am the almighty god :D ) there is absolute chaos, but the amount of order is still measured down, and somethings would be out of hand, such as theocratic rule.
02-04-2005, 01:02
You can't prove anything, really. It can only be disproved. Remember, the spoon does not exist. *What spoon?*
The Resi Corporation
02-04-2005, 01:03
No, not really, since the Germanic tribes that assaulted the Roman Empire and the Huns didn't have gods. Genghis Kahn and the Mongols believed that Kahn was the ultimate god, and they created the most lawed empire on the face of the planet. No one during the middle and dark ages has created an empire without some tie to religion.
You've got to agree that communist China was, if nothing else, civilized in a very strict sense. They made a strong point of being Godless.
God =/= Civilization
You've got to agree that communist China was, if nothing else, civilized in a very strict sense. They made a strong point of being Godless.
God =/= Civilization
I know. There are exceptions too, you know.
02-04-2005, 01:23
This isn't a debate over whether he does or does not, just curious to know what theistic people would do if the existence of any deity/deities was proved to be false?
It's really a silly debate -since it is an impossible thing to prove or disprove.