If I were religious...
02-04-2005, 00:15
I would want the country to be a theocracy. At least I wouldn't be a hypocrite. Surely, if I were a Christian I would regard it as one of my chief responsibilities to ensure that nobody deviates from religious texts nobody denies God or Christ. That's right, anyone who supports a capitalist democracy can't truely call themselves Christians, such an individualistic system contravenes the very principles of Christianity, those being a charitable approach to society, strict moral adherence and the rejection of secularism, idolatory and alternative religious doctrines. Religion today has been reduced to nothing but a facade with which to mask cheap personal bigotry and the role it plays in maintaining cultural antagonisms and bashing the rights of gays to be recognised as first class citizens. Sentimental, hypocritical crap which I could go so far as to call inexcusible.
Go atheistr, you know it makes sense.
I would want the country to be a theocracy. At least I wouldn't be a hypocrite. Surely, if I were a Christian I would regard it as one of my chief responsibilities to ensure that nobody deviates from religious texts nobody denies God or Christ. That's right, anyone who supports a capitalist democracy can't truely call themselves Christians, such an individualistic system contravenes the very principles of Christianity, those being a charitable approach to society, strict moral adherence and the rejection of secularism, idolatory and alternative religious doctrines. Religion today has been reduced to nothing but a facade with which to mask cheap personal bigotry and the role it plays in maintaining cultural antagonisms and bashing the rights of gays to be recognised as first class citizens. Sentimental, hypocritical crap which I could go so far as to call inexcusible.
Go atheistr, you know it makes sense.
If i was atheist I would make a anarchy and since there is no afterlife or laws it doesnt matter if i kill someone or steal. Go to semolia
Go Catholicism it makes more sense
Drunk commies reborn
02-04-2005, 00:25
If I were human I'd be very ashamed.
If i was atheist I would make a anarchy and since there is no afterlife or laws it doesnt matter if i kill someone or steal. Go to semolia
Go Catholicism it makes more sense
If I spelt that bad I'd make a semolia and go to it.
Go to Somalia, it makes more sense, sorta.
On a more serious note, in every religion the essence of it should not be how closely you adhere to its written tenets but about how they are an expression of your spirituality. If you don't feel any spiritual connection to the rituals involved in a religion, why practice those rituals? You can still have a good connection by agreeing with and practicing many of the rituals involved in said religion, yet not follow each individual one. It's not hypocrisy to hold to your own beleifs rather than compromise them to follow what someone else says you should do.
If i was atheist I would make a anarchy and since there is no afterlife or laws it doesnt matter if i kill someone or steal. Go to semolia
Go Catholicism it makes more sense
If you were an atheist, odds are you'd be a secular humanist or something similar, and wouldn't do that because it would be against what you think is wrong, not what a millenia old book thinks is wrong.
PS. Somalia is not an anarchist society :rolleyes: .
02-04-2005, 00:43
Being an atheist doesn't mean you have no moral code. It means you don't believe in gods/higher beings.
02-04-2005, 01:42
I think freedom of religion is a good idea, despite my pity for those who are religious. However, I still think freedom from is more important than freedom of religion. People should be allowed to practice religion, and for that matter express their political opinions in whichever way they choose. Racism, homophobia, sexism and cripple-baiting should be exceptions because it's simply not fair on the victims, who are in no way responsible for their sitatus, such as being black, gay, female or disabled, but otherwise do or say whatever the Hell you like, I don't care.
The Island of Rose
02-04-2005, 01:44
If Bush was a Christian he would slash the defense budget and put that money into education.
I'm serious.