NationStates Jolt Archive


01-04-2005, 21:33
I recently made a post on another thread about America becoming a theocracy

Can anyone verify this? It came in my April 1rst edition of Salon Daily Newsletter so I'm a bit skeptical but it seems plausable, and if its true, would validate my claims
Armed Bookworms
01-04-2005, 21:41
Um, it's a good thing you didn't live in the US anytime before about 1965. Cause it was much more of a 'christian' country then. The difference is that now it's mainly only the evangelicals saying it.
01-04-2005, 21:43
Um, it's a good thing you didn't live in the US anytime before about 1965. Cause it was much more of a 'christian' country then. The difference is that now it's mainly only the evangelicals saying it.

Of course.

But until we have de facto seperation of church and state, I'm gonna be paranoid
Drunk commies reborn
01-04-2005, 21:56
I've heard that churches that get "faith based initiative funds" for job training can now turn people away for training based on their faith. Yay for theocracy.
Fascist Squirrels
01-04-2005, 22:06
The Bush administration has been bringing down the Constitution, bit by bit, and de-separation of church and state seems to be next on the agenda. We're already starting to cross that line with the gay marriage battle.