NationStates Jolt Archive

About immigration..

01-04-2005, 13:26
What do you expect from immigrants coming to your country?

What do you consider unacceptable?

What do you consider acceptable?
Pure Metal
01-04-2005, 13:33
nothing but coming through official channels and learning the language.

btw, this seems a good a time as any to spout out some figures i heard quoted on newsnight a month ago (or so). a mori poll (in the UK) asked the public what percent of the world's immigrants they thought came to the UK. the average answer was 26% of the world's immigrants. the real figure is just less than 3%. this is why immigration is such a hot topic and 'big issue' - the public are misinformed and certain politicians seize the opportunity to make a song & dance out of nothing.
personally, i don't think we have an immigration problem at all.
01-04-2005, 13:35
I go from what I see, not whats reported really. Especially dealing with my state.
01-04-2005, 13:36
A 'problem' would suggest something our government is ill-equipped to deal with. They are ill-equipped to deal with immigrants, thus they are a problem.

I would expect immigrants to respect the laws and customs of the country they are coming to, and not thrust their own laws and customs upon the country, as they do frequently. I would also expect them not to come here for a free meal ticket at my expense, but rather to work for their money as everyone else does.

When I go to a foreign country, I abide by their laws and customs. I don't complain, I apologise if I fail to follow one I didn't know about. I make an effort to learn a few phrases even if I'm not there for a long time. I expect no less from people visiting my own country, for however long they intend to stay.
01-04-2005, 13:38
damn right theirs no problem. i dont have a problem with guys coming over here for any reason, because if i were in their position id want to do the same. anyone who doesnt want to share our nations wealth is just being damn selfish.
01-04-2005, 13:45
damn right theirs no problem. i dont have a problem with guys coming over here for any reason, because if i were in their position id want to do the same. anyone who doesnt want to share our nations wealth is just being damn selfish.

You realise of course that nations become wealthy because of greed and selfishness, don't you?
01-04-2005, 13:46
The major problem in the UK is that immigrants want to work but under british law they are not allowed to work and must live off the state for about 6 months, or however long it takes for the home office to decide whether or not we are going to allow them to stay. The UK is seriously short in professions such as Nurses, Dentists, teachers etc etc, and yet we outlaw these people working.
01-04-2005, 13:49
When they bring themselves to whatever country (in this case, Canada), they should learn one of the two official languages, come here legitimently, and NOT bring any cultural baggage (ie: leave the conflict back home).
01-04-2005, 13:52
Numero Uno.. language.. the immigrant should learn the language. The country shouldn't be held responsible for there lack of learning it. If it was up to me they wouldn't even get in the country unless they passed a language test.

Oh.. thats unfair..


Pass it after you are living within the country so we don't have to spend American tax payers dollars on changing and adding to everthing so you will understand that road sign.. or that debit/credit choice amongst many many things that will have to be changed and are, to contribute to that.

It's just not right.

"Uno Dos Tres Quatro Sinqo? Ses Nuocho? Noeve? or some thing... My reason of having a hardness towards spanish is because spanish speakers are catered to in the US.. almost everything is being changed for them to be able to read and understand it. Our schools are being formed to that shit.. this is america not mexico. I dont care what happened back in 1802.. this is an english speaking country period.. You should learn it. Also many of the mexicans know the language .. but they play like they don't. I'm sorry .. but their ass shouldn't be here."
01-04-2005, 13:55
The major problem in the UK is that immigrants want to work but under british law they are not allowed to work and must live off the state for about 6 months, or however long it takes for the home office to decide whether or not we are going to allow them to stay. The UK is seriously short in professions such as Nurses, Dentists, teachers etc etc, and yet we outlaw these people working.

thats sucks