NationStates Jolt Archive

Nation vs. Class vs. Race?

01-04-2005, 10:57
I am not a Marxist, nor am I a racist...I just wanted to know if people identify most with their nationality, their class or their race. Whether or not they think that people around the world should be grouped together by class rather than nation? or Race? It's an interesting hypothetical question. Are nations the natural way of doing things anyway? I mean I've put 3 alternative suggestions up but say another if you like.
Legless Pirates
01-04-2005, 10:57
01-04-2005, 10:58
Choo-Choo Bear
01-04-2005, 11:22
Hmm... I'm not really for any segregation of humans.
Grouping by class never works...
Grouping by class is unfair and stupid...
Grouping by nation is the system now, and has just resulted in wars and blame games.

How about education? I'd vote for education. The educated are the world powers, and anybody can become an educated person no matter where they come from.
That would be good...
01-04-2005, 11:31
Hmm... I'm not really for any segregation of humans.
Grouping by class never works...
Grouping by class is unfair and stupid...
Grouping by nation is the system now, and has just resulted in wars and blame games.

How about education? I'd vote for education. The educated are the world powers, and anybody can become an educated person no matter where they come from.
That would be good...

Unless they're stupid.
Legless Pirates
01-04-2005, 11:32
Unless they're stupid.
Stupid people shouldn't be world leaders
01-04-2005, 11:34
Too late.... :(
01-04-2005, 11:37
Too late.... :(

Bush anyone? Blair anyone? Chirac anyone?
01-04-2005, 11:38
I won't say any names but there are more than those three...
01-04-2005, 11:42
01-04-2005, 11:51
01-04-2005, 11:54
I believe that class is the only true division between people.
01-04-2005, 12:01
Good Question.. I thought I had a quickie answer.. til I thought about it. hmmm.. Race was my first choice.. then nation.. but really Class (money) is what seperates most. What should be the main ? Good hearted vs bad hearted. But there is no set way to determine that factor.
01-04-2005, 12:58
I honestly couldn't care less about race, and I only care about nation when some crazy redneck starts flaming Europe again. Class is probably the option I care most about, but I honestly don't think about it much.
01-04-2005, 13:02
I am not a Marxist, nor am I a racist...I just wanted to know if people identify most with their nationality, their class or their race. Whether or not they think that people around the world should be grouped together by class rather than nation? or Race? It's an interesting hypothetical question. Are nations the natural way of doing things anyway? I mean I've put 3 alternative suggestions up but say another if you like.
i seem to identify the quickest with people who share my interests, specifically with is such a big part of my life, and if i meet somebody else who has that in common with me then we've already got a huge link to help us bond. i don't know what that counts as on your poll. maybe "class"?

i tend not to identify with many of my countrymen, nor is ethnicity a good indicator of how well i will get along with a person. so i guess that means it's "class" by default :).
01-04-2005, 15:23
Daistallia 2104
01-04-2005, 17:08
Race = politicised fiction
Class and nation can be transcended

Other posibilities include religion and culture
Greyenivol Colony
01-04-2005, 17:19
i voted other. specifically, ideology.
i think the best way to group people would be whether they are loyal to your cause.
01-04-2005, 17:21
How should people be grouped together on a global scale?

By level of Education !!!
01-04-2005, 17:33
If you HAVE to place people in buckets, then to me the least offensive category would be nationality.

dividing by race leads to racism (nay, is racism)

dividing by class leads to a class or caste system

so i'll choose nationalism, i guess. hehe
Alien Born
01-04-2005, 17:37
Culture. This is a combination of tradition, language, religion, social norms.
It is not class nor race nor nationality.
Ice Hockey Players
01-04-2005, 17:44
i voted other. specifically, ideology.
i think the best way to group people would be whether they are loyal to your cause.

Ideology is not a half-bad way to group people, but there's a lot of variation within each nation. If we grouped people by ideology, there would be too many categories to count because there are so many divisions and so many divisions within those divisions.

Although if people divided nations by ideology, it would be nice to have all the Christian fundies out of our hair...of course, then they get together and start talking about war against the non-believers, so maybe it's not too good.
01-04-2005, 17:45
As Immanuel Kant said, having the world divided into various free and independent nations (republics are preferable) will allow for a situation where the natural barriers (languages, customs, etc.) can be recognized.
01-04-2005, 18:50