NationStates Jolt Archive

Expand the UN?

Soviet Narco State
01-04-2005, 07:57
There has been a buzz about expanding the Security Council lately. The two countries discussed most often to get permanent most have been Japan and Germany, which along with US pretty much pay for the UN. Other countries that I have heard mentioned for seats include:

Latin America: Brazil.

Africa: Nigeria or South Africa

Middle East: Egypt

Asia: India

There is currently a massive unofficial campaign to keep Japan of the Security council by China. The Pakistanis also really don't want India on.

I think letting Germany on is stupid, since there are already 3 European countries. I think Egypt is the only realistic choice for the Middle East/Muslim world with a third of the world's Arabs. Nigeria shouldn't get a seat because they are too much of a mess. South Africa should get the seat for black Africa. Brazil is the obvious choice for Latin America because of its massive size, although I think Argentina might be a good choice since it is a Spanish speaking country and has the most modern economy.
Patra Caesar
01-04-2005, 08:03
Reaplce the European countries' seats on the security counsel with an EU chair? I would like to see Australian on the security counsel, but I'm biased and it won't happen.
01-04-2005, 08:06
The security council is fine the way it is.

(Well except for France, Russia and China, but I can't see anything being done about that).

Frankly though, the whole UN is a bit of a waste.

Edit: And looking at the post above, I agree, Aus. would be a great choice if there are going to be extra seats.
Soviet Narco State
01-04-2005, 08:07
Reaplce the European countries' seats on the security counsel with an EU chair? I would like to see Australian on the security counsel, but I'm biased and it won't happen.
The problem is you really can't get countries off the Security Council once you get them on. I really doubt Britain and France would give up their vote for a EU vote.

Australia would be really just another European power in my opinion and it would be the third white, english speaking country. I like Australia but some more divirsity would be better.
01-04-2005, 08:25
I have a better idea:


You want to know why the UN is a fantastic failure, the security council and the members ability to veto anything; and the fact that NO ONE has to follow recommendations made by the general assembly, only the security council can force the UN to do something. Therefore, the general assembly is a huge waste, and the members of the Security council not only have economic and political control of the world, they have the "just and free" United Nations as pawns to help fuck us all over some more.
01-04-2005, 08:34
i recon they should get rid of the permenant members. there should be a whole new lot each time, however it changes. also, the ones in at the moment are only a result of WWII. maybe they should have equal representation from each continent.
01-04-2005, 08:54
i recon they should get rid of the permenant members. there should be a whole new lot each time, however it changes. also, the ones in at the moment are only a result of WWII. maybe they should have equal representation from each continent.

And what purpose would that achieve? You do realize that the permanent members are pretty much(with a couple of exceptions) the only countries that can do anything in the world.

It is why the general body is worthless. A bunch of butt fuck countries vote to do something, but the only way to get it done is if the larger countries agree. If the larger countries dont agree, what are the worthless countries gonna do? Pass another resolution?

The UN is NOT a world govt.

The general assembly gives equal weight to countries like Ghana as it does to countries like France, Germany, China and the US. This is just stupid. Why would China do something just because worthless countries like Ghana or Nigeria tell it to?

For that matter, wy should pathetic piss poor countries with no economy and no military have an equal voice? What makes their vote equal? Why should larger(population) and more economically advanced countries with larger and more effectivee militaries even consider their opinions?

Why should the delegation from Haiti have the same say as the delegation from India? They represent less people, less military and economic might. Why do you think they should have the same say?
Soviet Narco State
01-04-2005, 09:06
That pretty much sums up the reason there is a need for a Security Council. It should be noted that other countries do get to serve on the Security council on a temporary basis, but they don't get the veto of the permanent 5, so countries like Ghana can feel important.
Secular Europe
01-04-2005, 11:18
There has been a buzz about expanding the Security Council lately. The two countries discussed most often to get permanent most have been Japan and Germany, which along with US pretty much pay for the UN. Other countries that I have heard mentioned for seats include:

Latin America: Brazil.

Africa: Nigeria or South Africa

Middle East: Egypt

Asia: India

There is currently a massive unofficial campaign to keep Japan of the Security council by China. The Pakistanis also really don't want India on.

I think letting Germany on is stupid, since there are already 3 European countries. I think Egypt is the only realistic choice for the Middle East/Muslim world with a third of the world's Arabs. Nigeria shouldn't get a seat because they are too much of a mess. South Africa should get the seat for black Africa. Brazil is the obvious choice for Latin America because of its massive size, although I think Argentina might be a good choice since it is a Spanish speaking country and has the most modern economy.

I know the British govt unofficially support Brazil as a candidate for permanent membership of the Security Council. Not entirely clear on the reason why they support Brazil and not India or Japan or an African Nation, but there you go.

I would support a single EU seat instead of separate UK/France. Would imagine this is actually possible since the EU is about to adopt a Common Foreign and Security system and the UK, whose Nukes are due for renewal, is considering not replacing them (as one of a number of options, and this is only a rumour i heard [not so the Brazil bit, I must point out])
01-04-2005, 22:23
Expand the UN - what the hell?!?!?!
Sorry but I really get nervous when I hear of the increased centralization of government power, including the UN.