Who gives a F*ck about Terri Schiavo
01-04-2005, 05:20
I certainly dont. With all the problems of this country why should we turn our attention to this incident. Its happened before, why choose to get angry about it now. Well if this has taught america anything its this: don't be bellemic!
The Macabees
01-04-2005, 05:25
01-04-2005, 05:25
It raises issues, but to be honest, someone else's family tradgedy holds little interest to me. Glad its over.
I certainly dont. With all the problems of this country why should we turn our attention to this incident. Its happened before, why choose to get angry about it now. Well if this has taught america anything its this: don't be bellemic!
Hmm... her husband and her parents certainly do.
The president pretends to.
Half the country (read: Jesusland) has been made to want that she lives by way of propaganda, and the other half has been made to agree with Michael. Not to mention how much of the rest of the world got dragged in because it was so overly publicized.
The only people who SHOULD be concerned with this whole thing are the woman's parents, her husband, and their lawyers, dammit. Not that it matters now.
Now, stop talking about it. She's dead. It's over.
01-04-2005, 05:34
Death to the sensationalist media!!!!!
Lunatic Goofballs
01-04-2005, 05:36
Death to the sensationalist media!!!!!
Film at 11. :)
Oh ya, I forgot to gloat over her death. Yay.
Hmm... her husband and her parents certainly do.
The president pretends to.
Half the country (read: Jesusland) has been made to want that she lives by way of propaganda, and the other half has been made to agree with Michael.
Wrong. A whopping 70% of America was for her being euthanized, and that's from a Gallup poll! Looks like the "do unto others..." actually got into their puny little heads for this occasion.
Wrong. A whopping 70% of America was for her being euthanized, and that's from a Gallup poll! Looks like the "do unto others..." actually got into their puny little heads for this occasion.
Wow, really? Well, that restored a bit of my faith in the United States. If only they had done the same thing during the election...
New Genoa
01-04-2005, 05:51
I don't understand why you have to pick a side on this issue or overly support Michael OR her parents.
Evil Arch Conservative
01-04-2005, 05:54
I don't understand why you have to pick a side on this issue or overly support Michael OR her parents.
Because if you support Michael you support Congress not being about to take a shit on state courts when ever they please.
New Genoa
01-04-2005, 06:08
Well, can't it be reasonable to say that her parents' hearts may be in the right place, Mike MAY be scum, and that her parents should realize that the best thing to do would be to let her go?
I don't know, I really don't care anymore...
01-04-2005, 06:29
What I don't like is the way the media has focused so much on this that a lot of people have forgotten real issues and problems.
Also, the onyl politicians who care are those who want to have their political agendas supported by voters. The republicans are living entirely on the overly moralistic christians. And therefore want to make sure they know that republicans are christian. Except when it comes to things like deciding on important issues. Then they're rich greedy bastards serving the world to the wealthy corporations on a silver platter.
01-04-2005, 06:33
Because if you support Michael you support Congress not being about to take a shit on state courts when ever they please.
That issue was decided in 1937. I am pleased to report that congress can in fact take its shit wherever and whenever it wants.
New Granada
01-04-2005, 06:42
I certainly dont. With all the problems of this country why should we turn our attention to this incident. Its happened before, why choose to get angry about it now. Well if this has taught america anything its this: don't be bellemic!
COMMON SENSE!!!!???????
This is AMERICA and you can just shut your god-damned mouth...
01-04-2005, 06:56
I don't. I'm a Pennsylvanian. This has nothing to do with me. But I sure as hell hope my federal legislature gets involved in my personal life soon too! I love it when people who've never seen or met me begin legislating my life in every way, shape and form! Hurray for the Father Knows Best state!
I was going to make a thread like this. Only I realized it would contribute to the hoopla. Hurray for irony!
It still matters, because this whole matter has exposed a serious abuse of power on the part of Congress.
01-04-2005, 07:02
I'm just pissed that those vulture like monsters in the xtian right used this poor woman's body as an opportunity to push their agenda. Filthy, filthy hypocrits.
The news media were worse by my count. They automatically followed the xtian line talking about Terry suffering from dehydration and starvation before death. 1: a vegetable can't suffer and 2: that's an argument for euthanasia!!
The hypocritical xtian right used this opportunity to paint the Democrats as cruel. Cruel! By reframing the debate from a person's right to die and states rights to one of the suffering of a woman in a persistant vegetative state.
Makes me sick. And it's not over, the poor woman's corpse is going to be used zombie-like as an emblem by the xtian right forever.
01-04-2005, 07:04
I don't. I'm a Pennsylvanian. This has nothing to do with me. But I sure as hell hope my federal legislature gets involved in my personal life soon too! I love it when people who've never seen or met me begin legislating my life in every way, shape and form! Hurray for the Father Knows Best state!
I was going to make a thread like this. Only I realized it would contribute to the hoopla. Hurray for irony!
It still matters, because this whole matter has exposed a serious abuse of power on the part of Congress.
So you're saying we should repeal the civil rights acts. (Or at least declare them ultra vires).
01-04-2005, 08:39
So you're saying we should repeal the civil rights acts. (Or at least declare them ultra vires).Hm... looking at my post, I don't think I did. Maybe a Mod slipped that in for April Fools? In fact, I don't think I've ever uttered or written anything to that effect before!
01-04-2005, 09:19
Now that she's dead, how many of the extremely insane and insensitive Fundies are going to propose keeping her corpse in a freezer for public display Lenin Style?