Michael Jackson guilty?
Marrakech II
30-03-2005, 06:33
Well I know most of you heard about Mr Jacksons problem. So you guys think he is guilty or innocent?
German Kingdoms
30-03-2005, 06:35
30-03-2005, 06:35
Well I know most of you heard about Mr Jacksons problem. So you guys think he is guilty or innocent?
He's guilty of being bad
without hearing all of the evidence... I got to say innocent.
Adrian Barbeau-Bot
30-03-2005, 06:39
click me, because im a link (http://cagle.slate.msn.com/news/MichaelJacksonTrial/images2/beeler.gif)
much better. and not edited. (http://www.defamer.com/hollywood/neverland-welcome-logo.jpg)
Imperial Dark Rome
30-03-2005, 06:40
The Satanic point of view over all court cases are: "Guilty until proven innocent".
Posted by the Satanic Priest, Lord Medivh
Occidio Multus
30-03-2005, 06:40
he is guilty.i dont care- but he is proving to be a pathological liar. he told jesse jackson that the fall that made him late for court gashed open his forehead and chin. didnt happen. i will try to find a link, if anyone demands one. but he is a freak. i hope he kills himself.
Marrakech II
30-03-2005, 06:41
The Satanic point of view over all court cases are: "Guilty until proven innocent".
Posted by the Satanic Priest, Lord Medivh
I wouldnt expect anything less from you. ;)
Adrian Barbeau-Bot
30-03-2005, 06:41
he is guilty.i dont care- but he is proving to be a pathological liar. he told jesse jackson that the fall that made him late for court gashed open his forehead and chin. didnt happen. i will try to find a link, if anyone demands one. but he is a freak. i hope he kills himself.
why hello. violent as ever, i see.
Pepe Dominguez
30-03-2005, 06:44
without hearing all of the evidence... I got to say innocent.
Naturally he's innocent until the jury says otherwise.. but based on the information we have via transcripts, I'm going with guilty.
30-03-2005, 06:45
Marrakech II
30-03-2005, 06:45
click me, because im a link (http://cagle.slate.msn.com/news/MichaelJacksonTrial/images2/beeler.gif)
much better. and not edited. (http://www.defamer.com/hollywood/neverland-welcome-logo.jpg)
nice 1000th post, congrats
30-03-2005, 06:47
I really don't care.
Either way, he is innocent until proven guilty and like every human being on mother nature's green earth, deserves a fair trial and the right to die process, regardless of the charge.
Marrakech II
30-03-2005, 06:47
That is almost believable.
Adrian Barbeau-Bot
30-03-2005, 06:49
nice 1000th post, congrats
i'll be damned, i didnt even notice.
finally, im offically a pimp.
The Cat-Tribe
30-03-2005, 06:52
Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
He's definitely creepy.
But not a single one of you has seen or heard all the evidence. Hell, his defense hasn't even started yet.
The American habit of making up its mind about guilt or innocence based on a few press reports and Jay Leno jokes has got to stop. It undermines our system of justice.
30-03-2005, 06:53
That is almost believable.
The Cat-Tribe
30-03-2005, 06:55
I really don't care.
Either way, he is innocent until proven guilty and like every human being on mother nature's green earth, deserves a fair trial and the right to die process, regardless of the charge.
30-03-2005, 06:56
He's guilty of being bad
Im BAd Im BAd you know it
You are not a lone
The kid is not my son!
Comeon lyrics like these and hes not guilty?
Id have to say even if he is guilty he should be set free and the parents put in Prison!
They are obviously Incompetent!
30-03-2005, 07:04
well ive got a light skinned friend looks like micheal jackson got a dark skinned friend look like micheal jackson
and he likes little boys
30-03-2005, 07:11
what happened to the other topic of this?
anyway, i'll repost the quote:
Only in America can young black boy grow up to be a deranged white woman
Down System
30-03-2005, 08:17
Well whether he's guilty or not, he'll be dead in the next 12 months. There's no way he can survive this trial. Nobody would.
Greater Yubari
30-03-2005, 08:22
Who cares, I don't really care about him. He was ok, before he started his demented plastic surgeon trips. Nowadays? I couldn't care less.
30-03-2005, 08:34
The problem with mass media is it is always biased. They also promote people to a state where they are almost living gods to some people. No matter what the verdict, there will always be the die hard lameasses who claim its a conspiracy that he either got off, or was found guilty. Plus hes a celebrity so he wont spend any time in prison, or if he does it will be almost none.
If it were up to me, I would just drop him on some remote island hellhole with about 100 other celebrities who I particularily hate, and an atom bomb.
And not everyone deserves access to human rights, some people should be immediately dragged to a public square and shot with a 6 cent bullet. Other still should be simply put into forced exile somewhere where they cannot be seen, heard, smelled, or cared about.
Who cares, I don't really care about him. He was ok, before he started his demented plastic surgeon trips. Nowadays? I couldn't care less.
Same. It's so sad though.
May he be remembered by how he was before he flew off the handle.
30-03-2005, 08:39
Undoubtedly and undeniably guilty. There is way too smoke smoke here for there not to be a fire. Sorry. If I were accused of child molestation, I'd fight it to my last dollar and my last dying breath. As would just about anyone accused of such a morally despicable act. Look at the past history. Settling out of civil court for child molestation accusations not once, not twice, but FIVE times? And THEN going ahead on and continuing with the same behavior that got him put under the spotlight to begin with? (That is having young boys sleep over at the Neverland ranch.) He asked for this kind of scrutiny, and now he has it. Oh yes. This is indeed one twisted little cookie. Oh, the things you see when you don't have a gun....... :sniper:
Still deserves a fair trial, though. (But being who he is, he probably won't get one. How do you get a jury of your peers if you're Michael Jackson?)
What irritates me a little in this is that his environment probably let him do whatever he wanted for many years.
In consequence, how can you expect this very unworldly man with no grasp on reality to have morals like normal people ?
If no one ever told him that this or that is wrong, how should this freak on his little paradise island even know ?
I pity him and I think he really believes he did nothing wrong and everybody is against him. He just can not understand how he could do what he wanted all those years and now all of a sudden that has changed.
Really sad.
The people around him are definately as guilty as he is.
Marrakech II
30-03-2005, 14:15
he is guilty.i dont care- but he is proving to be a pathological liar. he told jesse jackson that the fall that made him late for court gashed open his forehead and chin. didnt happen. i will try to find a link, if anyone demands one. but he is a freak. i hope he kills himself.
You must be one of the most extreme NSers out there :p
...Or maybe you're just cranky? :D
30-03-2005, 14:30
I am leaning slightly towards not guilty on the molestation charges because the evidence and testimony the prosecution has presented has proven to be extremely weak and has been easily dismantled by the defense.
On the administering an intoxicating agent charge I am leaning heavily towards not guilty due to clear inconsistencies in the prosecution over something as obvious as the color of the wine he was allegedly given (the difference between white and red wine is very obvious), and because of yesterdays testimony.
On the false imprisonment charges I am still undecided. It seems to me like they were in fact falsely imprisoned, but I have not yet heard anything convincing that shows Michael Jackson was responsible and it wasnt a decision made by his people trying to look out for their own interests.
Carnivorous Lickers
30-03-2005, 14:34
I really don't care.
Either way, he is innocent until proven guilty and like every human being on mother nature's green earth, deserves a fair trial and the right to die process, regardless of the charge.
Actually-he is innocent until proven guilty like every other human IN THE UNITED STATES. This isnt a worldwide right.
He should get a fair trial before he is hung.
And the kid's parents who used a child as bait for profit should be sentenced to hard labor somewhere.
Carnivorous Lickers
30-03-2005, 14:36
Well whether he's guilty or not, he'll be dead in the next 12 months. There's no way he can survive this trial. Nobody would.
And at that time we will find that he has left his vast fortune to a chimpanzee that will waste it all on cigarettes
30-03-2005, 14:39
Well I know most of you heard about Mr Jacksons problem. So you guys think he is guilty or innocent?
I can't really say one way or the other, since I wasn't there. But all evidence points to the fact that he is most certainly a freak, although admittedly, that in itself doesn't make him guilty of a crime. At the very least, the man needs serious psychiatric help, as do any parents idiotic enough to let someone like him anywhere near their children unsupervised.
Demented Hamsters
30-03-2005, 15:45
You do wonder as to his mental state. The way he is playacting, with feigned illnesses every other day, then skipping into Court the next. I can't see how that's going to go down well with the jury, if he is trying for the sympathy vote. It seems too blatant and obvious.
Regardless of the outcome, I think he will be finished after this. Apparently he owes hundreds of millions, and is a spendaholic. He really can't control himself in all facets of his life, which makes him such a tragic figure.
The fact that this hasn't been given as much coverage as the OJ Simpson trial is interesting. Is it because of the nature of the alleged crimes, or because Jackson has become such a strange non-human, famous for his weirdness, that most people tend to just think they wouldn't be surprised about anything he did.
Whispering Legs
30-03-2005, 16:43
Either he ends up in prison, and gets raped there, or he ends up as a homeless freak pushing a shopping cart.
30-03-2005, 16:47
Well...all the evidence is circumstantial...and none of the stories line up for more than 20 minutes at a time....i personally think he is eccentric but not a child molester. Citing the recent acquittal of Robert Blake, in which the evidence was purely circumstatial, i believe he will walk.
Carnivorous Lickers
30-03-2005, 17:19
Whatever happens, he will continue to make a mockery of the court. Appearing late, leaving early. Dressed in pajamas one day a clown suit the next. I wonder when he'll try to enter the court room with a pet? Is the guy holding the umbrella considered a pet?
30-03-2005, 17:25
noone can tell if hes guilty or innocent by looking at him, cuz hes a freak but i personaly think hes guilty, besides, if u saw the daily show, ud know hes guilty, MICHAEL IF UR GUILTY KEEP WALKING oh man, wait till this gets out. :)