Where is the line between genius and insanity
29-03-2005, 10:57
after all they say it's a thin line, but where is the line? personaly i think it is at the point when your ideals are shattered either by your self or by others.. Thoughts??
Zucchini Heads
29-03-2005, 11:12
I believe the line is when one person is listening to anothers brilliant idea and disagreeing with it. The genius is creating this idea
I don't really know where the line is, but I'm pretty sure it's made of cheese.
New Fuglies
29-03-2005, 11:15
Insanity is how some people tend apply their genius... in a non-PC sorta way. :)
29-03-2005, 11:15
i dont know but im pretty sure i've crossed it
South Osettia
29-03-2005, 11:16
The line? It's right here:
Don't cross it now...damn.
Don't you think that cheese makes a good teapot?
When the knowledge of the genius has no (has no meaningful point, reason, purpose) application in real life.
29-03-2005, 11:21
i dont know but im pretty sure i've crossed it
what you now a genius???? :confused:
anyhoo if you can cross the line and go insane, can you cross back???
29-03-2005, 11:25
It's not a line, it's a cuboid.
Greedy Pig
29-03-2005, 12:06
I Don't know.
I would probably think it's the ability to explain their ideas that makes sense. Some might be considered crazy, but it could be their level of logic is just beyond us.
Studies on Idiot savants are also interesting.
29-03-2005, 12:11
The line? It's right here:
Don't cross it now...damn.
Don't you think that cheese makes a good teapot?
Nope to the left of me always out of reach!
29-03-2005, 12:18
poll added.... cause i want to
Greedy Pig
29-03-2005, 12:20
You gotta add another
"I'm no genius, and I'm not insane either"
29-03-2005, 12:43
NAh Poll should have Im an Insane Genius!!!
Lunatic Goofballs
29-03-2005, 12:45
The line? *points* Back there somewhere. I think I passed it right around the time I deliberately rode my bike off a cliff.
29-03-2005, 12:47
:rolleyes: every one's a critic :rolleyes:
29-03-2005, 12:54
It's not a line, it's a cuboid.
For YOU maybe! In reality, of course, it's a tessarect comprised of Möbius strips.
Glinde Nessroe
29-03-2005, 13:01
I've always been creative but lately I've just got insane and people don't understand why I write or perform things unless there post modern obsessors.
Legless Pirates
29-03-2005, 13:03
I smuggle insanity over the border.
See u Jimmy
29-03-2005, 13:16
It's not walking the line thats the problem, It's keeping the tea warm while doing it.
29-03-2005, 13:24
after all they say it's a thin line, but where is the line? personaly i think it is at the point when your ideals are shattered either by your self or by others.. Thoughts??
Genius: "We tested your wacky Hypothesis, and you're getting the Nobel Prize because it worked!"
Insanity: "We tested it, we tested it again... and again. After the thousandth time, it still doesn't work, yet you keep insisting it does."
The line between "Genius" and "Insanity" is whether or not it works. Pure and simple, if the results can be replicated by others using the same process, then it works. If the results can't, but the researcher insists that they do, then the researcher is either lying, or crazy.
IF he sincerely believes in it, then, he's nuts.
A Genius takes the road less-travelled, and comes up with results that can be duplicated, that are useful/brilliant, a Nutjob takes the road less travelled, and his results only work for him.
Einsteinian Big-Heads
29-03-2005, 13:33
I define the word genius.
29-03-2005, 13:35
Genius: "We tested your wacky Hypothesis, and you're getting the Nobel Prize because it worked!"
Insanity: "We tested it, we tested it again... and again. After the thousandth time, it still doesn't work, yet you keep insisting it does."
The line between "Genius" and "Insanity" is whether or not it works. Pure and simple, if the results can be replicated by others using the same process, then it works. If the results can't, but the researcher insists that they do, then the researcher is either lying, or crazy.
IF he sincerely believes in it, then, he's nuts.
A Genius takes the road less-travelled, and comes up with results that can be duplicated, that are useful/brilliant, a Nutjob takes the road less travelled, and his results only work for him.
barvo a post that does not feature cheese or tea, and even more it attempts to answer the question..... here have a :fluffle:
Insanity and genius are the same thing. Only people who judge you are