Keep it two Party?
The Republican Rulers
29-03-2005, 00:24
IN America the most predominant political parties are the Democrats and the Republicans, should there be more parties as in Iraq or is 2 enough. also, subjectively, which is right? left or right?
Niccolo Medici
29-03-2005, 00:46
IN America the most predominant political parties are the Democrats and the Republicans, should there be more parties as in Iraq or is 2 enough. also, subjectively, which is right? left or right?
Political parties theoretically exist as a collective body of politicians and their constituents, to advance the party's platform on issues and stances. If Iraqis can find a mere two parties to effectively represent their needs and wishes, more power to them.
Since there are three widely recognized political/social entities within Iraq; Sunni's Shi'ites, and Kurds, I would assume 3 is the absolute minimum for anything resembling accurate representation for the people.
Otherwise, there will be massive exculsions or unfair compramises forced on Iraqis, as they attempt to take their issues and stances to a body that has its own agenda.
29-03-2005, 00:50
Heck NO to the two-party system. The Libertarian Party really needs to become a major party, not to mention some of the other parties in America...
29-03-2005, 00:51
Heck NO to the two-party system. The Libertarian Party really needs to become a major party, not to mention some of the other parties in America...
Right on brother!
By the it me or do is there a case of gds here?
29-03-2005, 00:52
Right on brother!
By the it me or do is there a case of gds here?
Yea, there is a case of it
a centralist party could be a good thing too, at least in america it would make a lot more sence.
I think the government that will be set up in Iraq will be its own blend of things. Religious viewpoints will play a large part in it, mainly because thats the way the people see things. I would think for every major school of thought there will be a party, though that in itself could be a bad thing too, because it will still be the warring parties at odds with each other.
I think it will be a slow process, and I think it will be a good thing to keep it from going too fast. Moving fast and hitting a bump equals big mess. Moving at a controlled pace, hitting a bump equals a much smoother transition.
29-03-2005, 00:54
well we used to have a multi party system but the opposition parties are now just fighting to be the Offical Opposition, people don't really want Blair or the Labour party but there's no other viable option
29-03-2005, 08:50
I'm in favor of mulitple parties so long as it doesn't handicap Congress by keeping anyone from getting a majority vote for anything. That happened in the Weimar Republic in Germany during the '20's with disasterous consequences.
Otherwise, I would love more parties.
The Lagonia States
29-03-2005, 17:16
In a winner-take-all system, there will always be two major partys, no more or less.