NationStates Jolt Archive

Sleep is a waste

Teh Cameron Clan
28-03-2005, 23:44
first off i have a vague recalection of making a similar thread but due to alce of sleep i can no longer think straight. sleep is the largest time waster of all it takes up most of your day ! just think how much time you could spend/waste on other things if i didnt have to sleep I most certainly wouldnt i would play world of warcraft 24 7 ^_^ :P
28-03-2005, 23:47
I just like being around other people. If it was up to me, I'd probably sleep six hours a night. I don't like sleep... Not a bit.

Though I do get some very awkward entertainment during my period of rest...
28-03-2005, 23:48
Sleep is for the weak,

and the dead.
28-03-2005, 23:48
Agreed! It's 1:50 am and i have to be up at 7:00am tomorrow.
But I won't waste my time sleeping, it's poin....

Sorry, I forgotted my point (tired).
28-03-2005, 23:48
yeah...sleeping sucks. Only if i don't sleep i don't function.

i don't need as much sleep now i'm older - when i was in my teens i could sleep the clock round and then some :)

lack of sleep don't do much for your spelling either ;)
Teh Cameron Clan
28-03-2005, 23:49
Sleep is for the weak,

and the dead.
just as i always say...
"sleep is for the weak"
"Ill sleep when im dead!!" :p
28-03-2005, 23:50
I've had 4 hours sleep since thursday night :(
28-03-2005, 23:52
just as i always say...
"sleep is for the weak"
"Ill sleep when im dead!!" :p
"I'll live while I'm alive and sleep when I'm dead"

cookie and :fluffle: for whoever gets the band first
28-03-2005, 23:52
Bon Jovi!
28-03-2005, 23:54
Maybe it's because I don't play World of Warcraft, but the 6-8 hours of sleep I get a night are usually the best 6-8 hours of my day.
28-03-2005, 23:55
Bon Jovi!

*give's cookie and :fluffle: *
28-03-2005, 23:57
Well, my zombieesque friends, I know that if I didnt sleep I wouldnt look half as sexy as I do. :D Not sleeping would be like being rough in the morning 24/7! Although, if your going to spend all your time playing WoW, I guess that dosn't matter..
29-03-2005, 00:37
well i think drinking helps, speaking of which

*looks in drinks draw*

Teh Cameron Clan
29-03-2005, 00:45
Maybe it's because I don't play World of Warcraft, but the 6-8 hours of sleep I get a night are usually the best 6-8 hours of my day.

yea i stayed on for 5 hrs last nite missing out on sleep just to be rejected >.<
29-03-2005, 01:31
I just like being around other people. If it was up to me, I'd probably sleep six hours a night. I don't like sleep... Not a bit.

Though I do get some very awkward entertainment during my period of rest...
Why 'if it was up to [you]'? It's easy enough not to sleep, heck I spent a month on 3hrs a night.
The Doors Corporation
29-03-2005, 02:04
dude I totally see what you are saying. Sleep is stupid and a waste of time, if I had it my way, my computer would be in my room where I could play world of warcraft all the time. oh and look at porn. but yeah I play on the Hyjal server
29-03-2005, 02:07
Why 'if it was up to [you]'? It's easy enough not to sleep, heck I spent a month on 3hrs a night.

It's not up to me because my slimeball of a dad forces me to sleep (though I end up staring at the ceiling for almost two hours before I pass out from boredom). Even though we don't go anywhere. Even though there's no real reason to get up early. Even though there's nothing to do besides what I'm doing right now.
29-03-2005, 02:31
i love sleep, in fact i think i could go for 1 now. nitey nite
05-11-2009, 22:07
Hate sleep...

And yes, this is an immense gravedig due to the evil OMAC overlords removing the mod's powers...
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
06-11-2009, 00:33
It isn't so much that sleep is for the weak, as it is that, sleep is the weakness.