NationStates Jolt Archive

Time again for Favourite Quotes

28-03-2005, 02:09
Quotes taken out of context are the best kind. One of my favourite quotes of all time occurred right here on the NationStates boards.

You know that scientology isn't science, right? -Drunk commies

Another, from a good friend:

I didn't reply right away but I can't keep it in any longer. -Brad DeFruiter.
28-03-2005, 02:25
"You're taking everything I say out of context." - My friend, when debating religion...

"You're all rude vile pigs, do you know what that means? F*ck off." - Elton John
New Granada
28-03-2005, 02:28
Life may not be exactly pleasant, but it is at least not dull. Heave yourself into Hell today, and you may miss, tomorrow or next day, another Scopes trial, or another War to End War, or perchance a rich and buxom widow with all her first husband's clothes. I advocate hanging on as long as possible.
HL Mencken
28-03-2005, 02:37
"For seven and a half years I've worked alongside President Reagan. We've had triumphs. Made some mistakes. We've had some sex ... uh... setbacks."

- George Bush Snr.
28-03-2005, 02:38
that parrot/parody quote by Jesussaves/Drunk Commies that used to be in my sig always made me laugh
28-03-2005, 02:39
that parrot/parody quote by Jesussaves/Drunk Commies that used to be in my sig always made me laugh
Um, can you elaborate? Elaboration is always good in these ambiguous circumstances.

(Note: it doesn't have to be factual elaboration.)
28-03-2005, 02:41
" I'm going to need you to come in tomorrow... so if you could be here around 9, that would be great."

I don't know what i'd do at work without Office Space.
28-03-2005, 02:43
"If you don't believe me, get a duck and try it." A friend, and I'll let you wonder wtf the context was.

"Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear." Thomas Jefferson
28-03-2005, 02:46
Um, can you elaborate? Elaboration is always good in these ambiguous circumstances.

(Note: it doesn't have to be factual elaboration.)

don't take jesussaves seriously, he's just a parody

i don't care what you think, you can't even spell 'parrot' right

and i guess my favorite quotes (one from here, one from somewhere else) are in my sig
28-03-2005, 02:46
A friend, and I'll let you wonder wtf the context was.

Obviously it was centered on duck raising, what else could it be?
28-03-2005, 02:47
Ahh... the wisdom of somebody.
28-03-2005, 02:55
and i guess my favorite quotes (one from here, one from somewhere else) are in my sig
Oddly doesn't do much for us not having the sigs turned on. Talk about extra effort!
Von Witzleben
28-03-2005, 02:58
My people and I have come to an agreement which satisfied us both. They are to say what they please, and I am to do what I please.

The greatest and noblest pleasure which men can have in this world is to discover new truths; and the next is to shake off old prejudices.
~Frederick the Great
New Granada
28-03-2005, 03:09
The ones in my sig I like, I also used to have a nice one by urantiaii.

Somone has another fine urantiaii one, it is, if I recall correctly:

"just because an amendment is in the constitution doesnt make it constitutional"

That was his contention in a very long thread, that amendments can be ruled unconstitutional.

By the supreme court.
28-03-2005, 03:12
Oddly doesn't do much for us not having the sigs turned on. Talk about extra effort!

in science, when the theories do not fit the facts, the theories are discarded.
in religion, when the theories do not fit the facts, the facts are discarded

facts, pffft. facts are meaningless. you could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true.

happy? :p
28-03-2005, 03:18
happy? :p
Very :)
28-03-2005, 03:20
happy? :p
Well, happy that you posted quotes... and out of context, too!... but I do disagree with this one:
in science, when the theories do not fit the facts, the theories are discarded.
in religion, when the theories do not fit the facts, the facts are discarded
Go me!
Glinde Nessroe
28-03-2005, 03:24
Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.--Oscar Wilde
Cannot think of a name
28-03-2005, 03:30
I've been doing a lot of work recently on a Lenny Bruce related project, so I'm loaded up on his quotes...
Take away the right to say "fuck" and you take away the right to say "fuck the government.
It's the suppression of the word that gives it the power, the violence, the viciousness.

A lot of people say to me, 'Why did you kill Christ?' I dunno... it was one of those parties that got out of hand, you know?

...since they condone capital punishment , I want them to stop bitching about Jesus getting nailed up.

If Jesus had been killed twenty years ago, Catholic school children would be wearing little electric chairs around their necks instead of crosses.

A knowledge of syphilis is not an instruction to get it.

and one that people will interperate all kinds of ways-
Liberals can understand everything except people who don't understand them.
28-03-2005, 03:37
A knowledge of syphilis is not an instruction to get it.
Von Witzleben
28-03-2005, 03:40
If Elvis was still alive today. He would be dead by now.
28-03-2005, 03:45
"I'm an atheist and I thank God for it." -- George Bernard Shaw

"The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason." -- Benjamin Franklin

"The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs." -- Karl Marx

"Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners." -- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
New British Glory
28-03-2005, 03:48
"Facts are the foundations for the sky scrapers of interpretation" - Me

"It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness" T Pratchett
28-03-2005, 03:52
"Facts are the foundations for the sky scrapers of interpretation" - Me
Whoa! Brave move, quoting yourself out of context.
Von Witzleben
28-03-2005, 03:53
There is a baby boomer generation getting ready to retire. I'm pretty aware of that. I am one.
-- Dubya is a baby boomer generation, Louisville, Kentucky, Mar. 10, 2005

The United States and the U.S. stand together in support of the Iraqi people and the new Iraqi government, which will soon come into action.
-- Dubya redefines the coalition present in Iraq, Brussels, Belgium, Feb. 22, 2005
28-03-2005, 03:55
There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience. -French proverb

A man said to the universe: "Sir I exist!"
"However," replied the universe, "The fact has not created in me a sense of obligation." - Stephen Crane, writer (1871-1900)
28-03-2005, 03:57
"Facts are the foundations for the sky scrapers of interpretation" - Me

Since we are quoting ourselves...

"The freer one believes one is, the more easily one is controlled." - me

and a Two Stupid Dogs quote for the greatness and randomness
"The sea is full of hamsters... I just hope they can swim."

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." - Woody Allen
Viking Yak Herders
28-03-2005, 04:13
poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese,
-J.K Chesterton

woman:Winston! You're Drunk!
Mr. Churchill: And you're ugly, but in the morning, I'll be sober.

A clarinet trio is the second most fun thing three people can do together
-my philosophy
Viking Yak Herders
28-03-2005, 04:17
A clarinet trio is the second most fun thing three people can do together
-my philosophy

of course, the first most fun thing that three people can do together is curling ;)
28-03-2005, 04:22
I loved all those Lenny Bruce. Especially, "Take away the right to say 'fuck' and you take away the right to say 'fuck the government'."

28-03-2005, 04:27
Another good one!

"If you're not going to kill me, I have things to do." -some broad on some show.
28-03-2005, 04:30
of course, the first most fun thing that three people can do together is curling ;)

so thats what they call it these days ;)
28-03-2005, 04:31
And which Presdient said these?

"My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing will begin in five minutes."

"No matter what time it is, wake me, even if it's in the middle of a Cabinet meeting. "

"But there are advantages to being elected President. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret."

"Facts are stubborn things."

"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidise it "

"I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself. "

"No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth! "

"The taxpayer - that's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination. "

Ahh, Reagan's a ceritifable gold mine.
28-03-2005, 04:33
And which Presdient said these?
Um, some U.S. guy? But hey, if he's a favourite of yours, he fits right in.
28-03-2005, 04:35
And which Presdient said these?

"My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing will begin in five minutes."

"No matter what time it is, wake me, even if it's in the middle of a Cabinet meeting. "

"But there are advantages to being elected President. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret."

"Facts are stubborn things."

"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidise it "

"I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself. "

"No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth! "

"The taxpayer - that's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination. "

Ahh, Reagan's a ceritifable gold mine.

"I think I cut my mouth." – Regan to secret service agent, after being shot.
Patra Caesar
28-03-2005, 04:49
I'm going to quote myself from last mellenia, way back when I was in school. I don't get to reminice about these times much, so this is nice for me.:)

Andrew is trying to turn everyone against me!
No, he was just trying to turn but got stuck in the doorway.

Hey! At least I have a girlfriend
Yes, we all know Clarissa the dairy cow reject...

Good times!:D
28-03-2005, 05:03
just remembered one on my history teacher's wall:

"It will be a great day for america when the schools get all the money they need and the air force has to hold a bake sale to build a bomber"
28-03-2005, 05:07
just remembered one on my history teacher's wall:

"It will be a great day for america when the schools get all the money they need and the air force has to hold a bake sale to build a bomber"

That would be a rather bad day. Seeing as School get all the money they need, they simply need to spend it properly, meanwhile the day our Air Force needs a bake sale to build a Bomber is the day America ceases to be an independent nation.
28-03-2005, 05:10
That would be a rather bad day. Seeing as School get all the money they need, they simply need to spend it properly, meanwhile the day our Air Force needs a bake sale to build a Bomber is the day America ceases to be an independent nation.
But, hey! It's a favourite quote of somebody, so that counts.
28-03-2005, 05:13
That would be a rather bad day. Seeing as School get all the money they need, they simply need to spend it properly, meanwhile the day our Air Force needs a bake sale to build a Bomber is the day America ceases to be an independent nation.

it would be the day that we realize that educating our children is more important that killing someone else's.

it would be the day when we see that there are better ways to solve our problems than by violence.

and no, they do not recieve adequate funding.
Armed Bookworms
28-03-2005, 06:06
it would be the day that we realize that educating our children is more important that killing someone else's.

and no, they do not recieve adequate funding.
Some do not, many do. That and you're supposed correlation that more money = better schools is rather laughable given that D.C. public schools are some of the best funded schools in the nation and yet they are also some of the worst schools in the nation.

It is the fundamental theory of all the more recent American law...that the average citizen is half-witted, and hence not to be trusted to either his own devices or his own thoughts.

If the average man is made in God's image, then a man such as Beethoven or Aristotle is plainly superior to God, and so God may be jealous of him, and eager to see his superiority perish with his bodily frame. All animal breeders know how difficult it is to maintain a fine strain. The universe seems to be in a conspiracy to encourage the endless reproduction of peasants and Socialists, but a subtle and mysterious opposition stands eternally against the reproduction of philosophers.

Creator - A comedian whose audience is afraid to laugh.

Puritanism - The haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy.

I believe it is better to tell the truth than to lie. I believe that it is better to be free than to be a slave. And I believe that it is better to know than to be ignorant. -H. L. Mencken

And of course, the quotations in my sig:

A grapefruit is nothing but an orange that saw a chance and took it.

"We're about to witness an inverse relationship between the number of stab wounds I inflict on you and the number of answers you start giving me."
~~The Black Mage

"Well, at least I shall die as I have lived. Completely surrounded by morons."
~~The Black Mage

"Pardon my capitalism."

"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats." -- H.L. Mencken
28-03-2005, 06:33
Out of context?
"A kick to the nuts makes Deaglan a happy boy." -Deaglan
"If there's a book burning, I'll be there." -A friend of mine
Here's one of my favorites, made me laugh many times.
"There are no such things as friends in this world, only people you use to get ahead." -My roommate. It's funny because he's an asshole, and making fun of him gives me joy.
The Cat-Tribe
28-03-2005, 06:36
Forgive me, but I was just reading a site with Jon Stewart quotes.

"I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land." -- Jon Stewart

"If the events of September 11, 2001, have proven anything, it's that the terrorists can attack us, but they can't take away what makes us American - our freedom, our liberty, our civil rights. No, only Attorney General John Ashcroft can do that." -- Jon Stewart

"McVeigh's lawyer got him the death penalty, which, quite frankly, I could have done." -- Jon Stewart

"Sheep are not considered the most intelligent animals but British scientist say humans may have underestimated the woolly creatures. In fact, the British scientific community is even suggesting that the animals might even be 'Irish-smart.'" -- Jon Stewart

"Why can't they have gay people in the army? Personally, I think they are just afraid of a thousand guys with M16s going, 'Who'd you call a faggot?'" --
Jon Stewart

"It is right now 10:04 on the East Coast. We are here at Prelude to a Recount. We are seeing record turnout across the nation on this election day, certainly a momentous occasion. The closest election that we have seen in ... about 4 years quite frankly. It's pretty much the same thing as last time. ... Except this time the world is watching, and, quite frankly, in Iraq tonight they're going, you invaded us to bring us this?" --Jon Stewart

"They said I wasn't being funny. And I said to them, 'I know that, but tomorrow I will go back to being funny, and your show will still blow.'" --Jon Stewart, on his sniping match with Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala on "Crossfire"

"You know what's interesting, though? You're as big a dick on your show as you are on any show." --Jon Stewart, bitchslapping Tucker Carlson during an interview on CNN's "Crossfire"

“Please explain to me why John Kerry sounds more dickish telling the truth than Bush sounds when he's lying. How is that possible?" --Jon Stewart

"Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had a press conference at the Pentagon. If you listen to him speak, it really makes you wonder what the f**k he's thinking. [Shows clip of Rumsfeld threatening to hold Syria and Iran accountable for hostile acts against the U.S.] Do you see what he just did there? We're in the middle of a war, and he's starting another war. We're already fighting Iraq and he's like, 'Syria, you want a piece?' ...There is nothing like a cantankerous old man who takes a hey-you-kids-get-off-my-lawn approach to foreign policy. The guy's literally just like drunk swinging a broken bottle at people. 'Hey Netherlands, you looking at me?'" --Jon Stewart

And from my sig:

"Children are dying. That's a succinct summary of humankind.
Who needs tomes and volumes of history? Children are dying. The injustices of the world hide in those words."
- Steven Erickson, Deadhouse Gates

"AA goes against everything that I believe to be good and pure in this world." - Karen, Will and Grace
28-03-2005, 07:16
"There is nothing frightening about an eternal dreamless sleep. Surely it is better than eternal torment in Hell and eternal boredom in Heaven." Isaac Asimov

"You can’t hug with nuclear arms." Family Guy
28-03-2005, 09:29
Well, someone had to get Family Guy on here, fair 'nuff.
There's a bunch of Simpsons and Futuramas i love ...
"Without constant reassurance, it will die. It's sexually attracted to fire ..."
-Simpsons on the Screamapillar (context)
"Bender, are you jacking on in there?" - Futurama (Hell is other robots)
and of course "What about what?" - Futurama (Parasites Lost)
I don't feel like going on forever with them though, many here know their greatness. So instead i offer two others ...

"Never underestimate the power of failure." - Russell Johnsen

"You can talk as slow or fast as you want; i'll still ignore you at the same speed." - me
28-03-2005, 10:20
Sire Coeur Est Creole!
28-03-2005, 10:45
"Never underestimate the power of failure." - Russell Johnsen
Hey... wasn't he The Professor on Gilligan's Island?
28-03-2005, 11:19
"No Marge trying is the first step to failure!"

"They thnk if you cut open the skull of a typical Negro you will find the genitals of a woman;open my skull and you will find the three-cornered hat of a General!"-Toussaint Louverture
28-03-2005, 11:19
Hey... wasn't he The Professor on Gilligan's Island?
I think he would want me to say ...
"I've glared menacingly at quite a few people for that ... for less than that!"
-attribution, not quote of Russell Johnsen (note: SEN of john (sin?) not SON)
He gets that a lot. I don't think he ever got to lather up Dawn Wells, though.
Not the same feller.
28-03-2005, 15:23
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the war room
-US President in Dr. Strangelove

Mein Fuehrer! I can walk!
-Dr. Strangelove
28-03-2005, 15:38

I am not a crook!
28-03-2005, 16:16
Bill Clinton:

"I did not have sex with that woman!"

"There are 'super-kids;' kids who thrive in spite of anything thrown at them in their young lives. I believe this is true because I have seen people build cathedrals from the stones others throw at them."
Whispering Legs
28-03-2005, 16:46
"...and if the bayonet becomes stuck, you can always free the weapon by firing it."
- unnamed drill sergeant
28-03-2005, 16:46
Not the same feller.
I know ;). But the quote fit so well.
Gorsley Gardens
28-03-2005, 17:17
''Everything will be okay in the end; if it's not okay, then it's not the end''
28-03-2005, 17:36
" Better to aim for the sky and hit the fence - than to aim for the fence and hit the dirt. "
28-03-2005, 17:47
"Number one: fuck you. Number two: fuck you. And number three:....what were we talking about?" -My buddy Dave at a party

"Only in America can a young, talented black boy grow up to be a crazy white woman." -David Broadfoot

"Canada, please do us a favour. One night, while we're sleeping, invade us." -Louis Black, to the audience at Just For Laughs in Montreal

"When you're on extascy in a ice-fishing hut with three other guys that out-weigh you by about 200 ilbs each, you're going to be the bitch." -Canadian comedian whose name I cannot remember

"Ironically, humans are the most inhumane animals on earth." -Me

"What the human race needs is a good case of extinction." -Me
Occidio Multus
28-03-2005, 20:00
peechland has a quote in her sig that i made that still makes me laugh.

"yeah. i need a feminist hanging around me like i need a scalpel in my panties"

hahahahhaha. and i have so many quotes in my sig about me , NOT because i am in love with me, but because i hope they explain some of my posts. i got sick of TG's from people asking me if i was serious, or telling me to fuck off, or that i hurt their feelings. i think, perhaps, a person will read the sig, and "get it".
28-03-2005, 20:10
A witty saying proves nothing.

28-03-2005, 20:19
"Thank God I'm an atheist." — Luis Buñuel
28-03-2005, 20:22
"He hoped and prayed that there was not an afterlife. then he realized that there was a contradiction there, and merely hoped that there was not an afterlife" -Douglas Adams
28-03-2005, 20:25
"It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness" T Pratchett

"Sometimes its better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness"
T Pratchett
28-03-2005, 21:02
Some quotes from someone on a forum I'm on:

I don't believe in science.

People rely too much on science. Like, how can they possibly know how a baby develops inside a womb?!

Here are some other ones:

The placenta? That's the bit that provides nutrition to the faeces, isn't it? (rather than fetus)

I'm a duck, for goodness sak-...No, no, I mean NOT a duck. Yeah. Not a duck.

I don't care. You can't even spell parrot.

There's far more evidence for Christianity than Evolution!

Bush's ancestors directed a giant laser beam through the earth's core.

Ford is obviously trying to change this age-old Hebrew prophecy, and claim the automobile industry for themselves! You must rally the people! To the top of Mount Sinai! We shall stop them yet! ARMAGEDDON HAS BEGUN!!!!! (

Grrrr...the Big Bad Red Army is going to conquer you and your little dog Toto too!

Come on boys, your French pronunciation's terrible! (pronounced pro-nOW-nciation)

:p I've got more...
29-03-2005, 12:21
Now why name your baby John? Every Tom, Dick or Harry is named John!
Einsteinian Big-Heads
29-03-2005, 13:32
Have more than thou showest,
Speak less than thou knowest.


Lord what FOOLS these mortals be...
Anarchic Conceptions
29-03-2005, 13:34
Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum
Legless Pirates
29-03-2005, 13:36
"Society just found it's penis"
29-03-2005, 20:38
If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we
don't believe in it at all. -Noam Chomsky, linguistics professor and
political activist (1928- )
The Tribes Of Longton
29-03-2005, 20:41
"You're taking everything I say out of context." - My friend, when debating religion...

"You're all rude vile pigs, do you know what that means? F*ck off." - Elton John
What is your friend's name? I need an answer, damnit!
31-03-2005, 10:45
What is your friend's name? I need an answer, damnit!

His name be Roland.

"We have destroyed 2 tanks, fighter planes, 2 helicopters and their shovels - We have driven them back."

"We have retaken the airport. There are NO Americans there. I will take you there and show you. IN ONE HOUR!"

"I speak better English than this villain Bush."

"Lying is forbidden in Iraq. President Saddam Hussein will tolerate nothing but truthfulness as he is a man of great honor and integrity. Everyone is encouraged to speak freely of the truths evidenced in their eyes and hearts."
31-03-2005, 10:49

ALRIGHT! Whatever happened to that guy, anyway? He kicked ass!!
31-03-2005, 10:56
ALRIGHT! Whatever happened to that guy, anyway? He kicked ass!!

After the Americans set him free he moved to Saudi Arabia and lives there with his family. Last I heard he's writing a book.
Militant Feministia
31-03-2005, 11:29
Truly, if there is any evil in this world, it lies in the heart of mankind.
-- Edward D. Morrison

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
-- Benjamin Franklin

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-- Benjamin Franklin

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
-- Albert Einstein

I am not bound to please thee with my answers.
-- William Shakespeare

I think it would be a good idea.
-- Mahatma Gandhi, when asked what he thought of Western Civilization

A man's place is under his woman!
-- Me!
The State of It
31-03-2005, 12:01
"The worst tyranny of all is the tyranny over people who do not realise it, for they will not resist, and will only submit to their government commiting evil for the believed greater good." - Me.

"There is no sweeter smell in the air than that of revolution, and there is no fouler smell in the air than that of tyranny." -Me.

"I care not about and for snobs, but perhaps that makes me one also." - Me

"Drop your weapons or I'll kill you with my deadly jellybaby." -Dr Who (Tom Baker)

"There never was a good war, or a bad peace." - Benjamin Franklin

"The whole world would be Christian if it were not for the fact that Christians are so unlike their Christ." - Muhatma Ghandi

"I shall hear in heaven." - Reputedly Beethoven's last words.

"I stumbled out of bed and got ready for the struggle." - Leonard Cohen

"I laugh in the face of fear, and I tweak the nose of terror!" - Edmund Blackadder II (Rowan Atkinson)
31-03-2005, 12:20
Gone is the blinding glow in his hands — gone, too, is the illusion of purity and beauty! In it's place all that remains is mind-numbing, spine-chilling reality!
-Dave Sims
Anarchic Conceptions
31-03-2005, 13:06
After the Americans set him free he moved to Saudi Arabia and lives there with his family. Last I heard he's writing a book.

I thought he was now a pundit on TV and living in the UAE.

And to keep the thread on topic:

"Whoever puts their hand upon me to govern me is a usurper, a tyrant and I declare them my enemy." - John Lilburne

"It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong." - Voltaire

"Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen." - Frederich Nietzsche

"The only defensible war is a war of defense." - G.K. Chesterton