A Modern Love Story - Schiavos and High Drama
New Granada
28-03-2005, 00:59
The entire ordeal of the Schiavo family and Terry Schiavo's parents almosts begs to be put into drama, it is a moving story of a husband's undying love for his brain-dead wife.
Drama perhaps on Shakespeare's level but with particular themes unique to the modern world.
It is moving that even after 15 years of fighting, Mr. Schiavo still fights to honor the wishes of his wife and to let her rest in peace.
Mr Schiavo has made many enemies in his fight to honor his wife's wishes, for her parents have done everything they can and summoned up the forces of the wacky religious right, with its strong allies in the conservative government to impede what he intends.
People even tried to pay Mr Schiavo off, and he rejected a public offer of one million dollars to give up his fight.
Mr Schiavo and his new family will live one million dollars poorer than they might otherwise have. That means college for the kids and retirement will not be as easy as they might hope. It means fewer vacations and no luxury cars.
It means that Michael Schiavo can sleep at night and die one day knowing that he had done everything humanly possible to respect the wishes of his wife, that he had weathered a storm of slander and of detractors and resisted the temptation of bribes.
Michael Schiavo did not sell his wife out, he did not cave to terrible pressures. His future wife is a lucky woman to have found a man with such dedication, integrity and character.
They should make a movie about this... and HOLLYWOODIZE TO THE MAX!
The Cat-Tribe
28-03-2005, 01:33
From another thread ...
Oh fuckmonkey....you don't have any idea what you have done.
I know it doesn't really apply here, as you know what you've done, New Granda -- and I applaud you for it. :)
But, if the nutters were stirred up before ....
Which made me think of Kervoskia's statement. (Which makes me giggle insanely. :D )
New Genoa
28-03-2005, 01:49
The Schiavo Story: How One family's privacy was utterly destroyed.
28-03-2005, 01:59
They should make a movie about this... and HOLLYWOODIZE TO THE MAX!
Terry Schiavo had infiltrated the iranian terrorist base, and got ahold of their plans to plant a bomb in the white house.
knowing that she could not leave the base alive, she swallowed the plans, and they will only be made available after she gets back to america.
however, now that the iranians know she's there, they decide to test a horrible new drug on her, that turns her brain to jelly.
when they release her, Mr. schiavo know that their only chance to see the plans is to let her die and cremate her, thus releasing the plans (which were in a heat resistant capsule... or something...)
however, terry's parents have been replaced with russian spys, and are doing their best to delay the cremation to after the attack, thus ensuring an end to democracy forever!
Nova Roma
28-03-2005, 02:02
All the while... Osama bin Laden cackles with evil laughter in the background!
New Granada
28-03-2005, 07:18
All the while... Osama bin Laden cackles with evil laughter in the background!
To hear some of the people Mr. Schiavo is as bad as osama bin laden.
28-03-2005, 07:21
"A Right to Kill: The Michael Schiavo Story"
how about
"I just remembered..."
"Disposing of the evidence" a Lifetime original.
New Granada
28-03-2005, 07:22
"A Right to Kill: The Michael Schiavo Story"
how about
"I just remembered..."
"Disposing of the evidence" a Lifetime original.
The evidence of his war crimes in yugoslavia, or the evidence of how he shot ronald reagan?
28-03-2005, 07:26
The evidence of his war crimes in yugoslavia, or the evidence of how he shot ronald reagan?
How about the evidence of all the abuse he heaped on her, leading to her stroke? How about the evidence of the needle marks that would appear on her body after he would stop to see her in private?
After all, he has demanded her body be cremated immediately after her death, without an autopsy. Something to hide?
28-03-2005, 07:27
"Disposing of the evidence" a Lifetime original.
To quote Family Guy:
Lifetime. Television for Idiots.
28-03-2005, 07:29
How about the evidence of all the abuse he heaped on her, leading to her stroke? How about the evidence of the needle marks that would appear on her body after he would stop to see her in private?
After all, he has demanded her body be cremated immediately after her death, without an autopsy. Something to hide?
How about the evidence of you just making shit up?
New Granada
28-03-2005, 07:30
How about the evidence of you just making shit up?
The Anti Schiavo Squad was dispatched by the Lie Brigade. Just a heads up.
28-03-2005, 07:32
How about the evidence of you just making shit up?
Ah, the typical lefty answer...when cornered by facts, distort the issue by using foul language and loud words. Point, set, match.
And the facts are there, if you want to bother yourself out of your pro-murder position.
28-03-2005, 07:35
Ah, the typical lefty answer...when cornered by facts, distort the issue by using foul language and loud words. Point, set, match.
And the facts are there, if you want to bother yourself out of your pro-murder position.
Yo. You made an assertion. You have to back it up. Otherwise, I am free to say you are just making shit up.
I'm also not a "lefty". I'm a moderate.
New Sancrosanctia
28-03-2005, 07:36
How about the evidence of you just making shit up?
woooooooo! aw shnap! i know he di'int!
New Granada
28-03-2005, 07:37
Ah, the typical lefty answer...when cornered by facts, distort the issue by using foul language and loud words. Point, set, match.
And the facts are there, if you want to bother yourself out of your pro-murder position.
Yes, the facts are there.
Facts like "Mrs. Schiavo is in an incurable, permanent vegatative state"
and "Mrs schiavo's brain is gone and replaced by spinal fluid"
and "Mr schiavo was loved by his wife's parents until they wanted money from the malrpractice settlement and he wouldnt give any to them"
and "The evidence that Mrs. Schiavo would not have wanted to be kept in a brain dead permanent vegitative state indefinitely is overwhelming"
and "mrs schiavo's parents expected a judge to believe that shortly before having her feeding tube removed, she said "I want to live"
Those pesky facts get in the way of lunatic arguments based on the unshakable premise that "no matter what, michael schiavo is evil and terry schiavo would be just fine if he didnt murder her."
Its still easter for 23 minutes, so for Christ's sake be reasonable.
New Sancrosanctia
28-03-2005, 07:37
Yo. You made an assertion. You have to back it up. Otherwise, I am free to say you are just making shit up.
I'm also not a "lefty". I'm a moderate.
moderate is still a good mile to the left of loon.
28-03-2005, 07:40
moderate is still a good mile to the left of loon.
Of course, it probably doesn't help that I've decided to use the real definition of "moderate", not the one used in the U.S. When Clinton is called a liberal, you know that the U.S. has become very right-wing.
New Sancrosanctia
28-03-2005, 07:41
Of course, it probably doesn't help that I've decided to use the real definition of "moderate", not the one used in the U.S. When Clinton is called a liberal, you know that the U.S. has become very right-wing.
you don't have to tell me. I live here.
28-03-2005, 07:42
you don't have to tell me. I live here.
So do I.
New Sancrosanctia
28-03-2005, 07:46
So do I.
bully for you, friend. the point is, everyone needs to shut up, and take a deep breath. and stop rehashing the same tired arguments again and again. It's truly illustrative that this is maybe a 3 week old issue, if that, and the two main points are already tired and rehashed.
New Granada
28-03-2005, 07:50
The entire ordeal of the Schiavo family and Terry Schiavo's parents almosts begs to be put into drama, it is a moving story of a husband's undying love for his brain-dead wife.
Drama perhaps on Shakespeare's level but with particular themes unique to the modern world.
It is moving that even after 15 years of fighting, Mr. Schiavo still fights to honor the wishes of his wife and to let her rest in peace.
Mr Schiavo has made many enemies in his fight to honor his wife's wishes, for her parents have done everything they can and summoned up the forces of the wacky religious right, with its strong allies in the conservative government to impede what he intends.
People even tried to pay Mr Schiavo off, and he rejected a public offer of one million dollars to give up his fight.
Mr Schiavo and his new family will live one million dollars poorer than they might otherwise have. That means college for the kids and retirement will not be as easy as they might hope. It means fewer vacations and no luxury cars.
It means that Michael Schiavo can sleep at night and die one day knowing that he had done everything humanly possible to respect the wishes of his wife, that he had weathered a storm of slander and of detractors and resisted the temptation of bribes.
Michael Schiavo did not sell his wife out, he did not cave to terrible pressures. His future wife is a lucky woman to have found a man with such dedication, integrity and character.
All the same, the praises of michael schiavo and his tragic romance need to be sung and this situation needs to be seen as the classic drama that it is.
If this had been a play instead of a media scandal it would have won somone the Pulizter Prize.