NationStates Jolt Archive

Man Invents Device To Block TVs from showing Fox News. Receives Death Threats.

27-03-2005, 05:43

I just had to share this little tidbit. Enjoy and Discuss.
27-03-2005, 05:45

27-03-2005, 05:46
This is pretty cool. It gives people the ability to really block something they don't want. What's the controversy anyway? I'm sure the threateners wouldn't be anywhere near as vocal if the so called "liberal network CNN" was blacokable.
27-03-2005, 05:47
This is pretty cool. It gives people the ability to really block something they don't want. What's the controversy anyway? I'm sure the threateners wouldn't be anywhere near as vocal if the so called "liberal network CNN" was blacokable.

You're damn right it wouldn't. Wanna know why? Racists and KKK members aren't Left Wing.
27-03-2005, 05:47
As a courtesy...the whole article:

Man Sells Device That Blocks Fox News

Associated Press Writer

It's not that Sam Kimery objects to the views expressed on Fox News. The creator of the "Fox Blocker" contends the channel is not news at all. Kimery figures he's sold about 100 of the little silver bits of metal that screw into the back of most televisions, allowing people to filter Fox News from their sets, since its August debut.

The Tulsa, Okla., resident also has received thousands of e-mails, both angry and complimentary - as well as a few death threats.

"Apparently the making of terroristic threats against those who don't share your views is a high art form among a certain core audience," said Kimery, 45.

Formerly a registered Republican, even a precinct captain, Kimery became an independent in the 1990s when he said the state party stopped taking input from its everyday members.


Kimery now contends Fox News' top-level management dictates a conservative journalistic bias, that inaccuracies are never retracted, and what winds up on the air is more opinion than news. "I might as well be reading tabloids out of the grocery store," he says. "Anything to get a rise out of the viewer and to reinforce certain retrograde notions."

A Fox spokeswoman at the station's New York headquarters said the channel's ratings speak for themselves. For the first three months of this year, Fox has been averaging 1.62 million viewers in prime-time, compared with CNN's 805,000, according to Nielsen Media Research.

Kimery's motives go deeper than preventing people from watching the channel, which he acknowledges can be done without the Blocker. But he likens his device to burning a draft card, a tangible example of disagreement.

And he's taking this message to the network's advertisers. After buying the $8.95 device online, would-be blockers are shown a letter that they can send to advertisers via the Fox Blocker site.

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"The point is not to block the channel or block free speech but to raise awareness," said Kimery, who works in the tech industry.

Kimery doesn't use the device himself; his remote is programmed to only a half-dozen channels. Plus he occasionally feels the need to tune into Fox News for something "especially heinous."

Business could pick up since the blocker was alluded to in a recent episode of the ABC drama "Boston Legal." The show's original script mentioned Fox News, but ABC had the references removed.

The boisterous conversations on Fox News may be why the station is so popular, said Matthew Felling, media director for the Center for Media and Public Affairs, a nonprofit, nonpartisan media watchdog group. And despite a perception that Fox leans to the right, Felling said, that doesn't mean people who lean left should tune out.

"It's tough to engage in an argument when you're not participating in it," Felling said. "It's just one more layer in the wall that the right and the left are building in between each other."


On the Net:

Fox Blocker:

Fox News:
27-03-2005, 05:47
Is it suitable for Portable TV's????
27-03-2005, 05:49
i'm almost tempted to ask:

has anyone been cought breaking into people's houses and installing them?
27-03-2005, 05:50
I'd get it. Fox used to be alright early on, but now its getting just plain sensationalist. Isn't Alan Colmes the only Democrat on any of their programs?
27-03-2005, 05:52
I really like the last bit:

The boisterous conversations on Fox News may be why the station is so popular, said Matthew Felling, media director for the Center for Media and Public Affairs, a nonprofit, nonpartisan media watchdog group. And despite a perception that Fox leans to the right, Felling said, that doesn't mean people who lean left should tune out.:

"It's tough to engage in an argument when you're not participating in it," Felling said. "It's just one more layer in the wall that the right and the left are building in between each other."
27-03-2005, 05:52
I'd get it. Fox used to be alright early on, but now its getting just plain sensationalist. Isn't Alan Colmes the only Democrat on any of their programs?

Pretty much. Too bad he's a pussy.
27-03-2005, 05:52
I'd get it. Fox used to be alright early on, but now its getting just plain sensationalist. Isn't Alan Colmes the only Democrat on any of their programs?

He's one of the very, very few. Fuck, he might be the only one.
27-03-2005, 05:53
Pretty much. Too bad he's a pussy.

Yeah, Fox uses him as a tool for their own personal enjoyment. I don't think they'd like to have somebody like me on their station... In fact, I know they wouldn't.
27-03-2005, 05:54
Pretty much. Too bad he's a pussy.

He was good during the 2000 election. Now I think he's afraid for his position. His book is a lot tougher than the show.
27-03-2005, 05:56
You're damn right it wouldn't. Wanna know why? Racists and KKK members aren't Left Wing.
They're not "right-wing" either, technically. But "Act-up" and "Earth Now" along with a plethora of other sorts of violence-prone organizations aren't really "left-wing" either, even though the left often gets saddled with them. Guess that just means there are nut-jobs at all points along the spectrum, eh? :)
Los Banditos
27-03-2005, 05:57
You're damn right it wouldn't. Wanna know why? Racists and KKK members aren't Left Wing.
Right. There are no racist people on the liberal side of politics. Excuse me while I go to the other room to laugh.
27-03-2005, 05:57
He was good during the 2000 election. Now I think he's afraid for his position. His book is a lot tougher than the show.

Al Franken is a bit sympathetic as well as harsh on Colmes in his book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them".

What is the title of Colmes' book?
27-03-2005, 05:59
You're damn right it wouldn't. Wanna know why? Racists and KKK members aren't Left Wing.
I have two words to counter that:

Robert Byrd

The Liberal Demonrat from West Virginia is racist to the core, and a former KKK Grand Kleagle (think Grand Poobah, same thing).

As for other Left Wing racists:
Jesse Jackson
Al Sharpton
Julian Bond

need more?
Los Banditos
27-03-2005, 05:59
They're not "right-wing" either, technically. But "Act-up" and "Earth Now" along with a plethora of other sorts of violence-prone organizations aren't really "left-wing" either, even though the left often gets saddled with them. Guess that just means there are nut-jobs at all points along the spectrum, eh? :)
Well said. I do not understand why people think racism is only a southern or republican thing.
27-03-2005, 06:01
It's called "Red, White and Liberal: How Left Is Right & Right Is Wrong". I'd give it a 3 out of five or so. Not bad, but not great either. Franken's books always have something funny in them, and I read them when I can. James Carville is interesting, and his books are, well classic Carville.
27-03-2005, 06:02
Well said. I do not understand why people think racism is only a southern or republican thing.
They've been brainwashed into thinking that way. The smart ones will eventually get over it. The stupid ones will continue to label everyone with whom they disagree "racist."
27-03-2005, 06:03
I have two words to counter that:

Robert Byrd

The Liberal Demonrat from West Virginia is racist to the core, and a former KKK Grand Kleagle (think Grand Poobah, same thing).

As for other Left Wing racists:
Jesse Jackson
Al Sharpton
Julian Bond

need more?

Well, to be honest, the democrats aren't exactly left wing. Both parties are clearly on the right side of the spectrum.

You are right, however. Racism can occur on either side.

(P.S. what did Jackson, Bond and Sharpton do to be racists?)
27-03-2005, 06:08
I have two words to counter that:

Robert Byrd

The Liberal Demonrat from West Virginia is racist to the core, and a former KKK Grand Kleagle (think Grand Poobah, same thing).

As for other Left Wing racists:
Jesse Jackson
Al Sharpton
Julian Bond

need more?

Another minute, another edit. He said it was a childhood mistake (though that's a fucking big mistake if you ask me), and hasn't been involved in the Klan since the 1950's.

And lemme get this straight: Those three are "racists" because they want equal rights? If they were racists, they wouldn't have supported Bill Clinton. The way I see it is that you, sir, are the racist. Not them.
27-03-2005, 06:09
The funny thing is, you don't need a device to avoid watching a specific channel, since you already have fact, most modern TVs have more than one! They're called the "tune up or down button", and in most modern TV's you can edit channels out of the lineup.

Death threats are idiotic, just as idiotic as watching Leftist racists accuse the Right of being racist.
27-03-2005, 06:10
Well, to be honest, the democrats aren't exactly left wing. Both parties are clearly on the right side of the spectrum.

You are right, however. Racism can occur on either side.

(P.S. what did Jackson, Bond and Sharpton do to be racists?)
Have you ever bothered to inform yourself about Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Julian Bond's utterly racist statements? Ask any Jew...for starters.
27-03-2005, 06:11
(P.S. what did Jackson, Bond and Sharpton do to be racists?)

I'm not sure about Sharpton or Bond, but know that Jesse Jackson has a habit of shaking down corporations for cash under the name of diversity, and threatening a boycott if they don't comply (very rarely does any occur). Actually, in 2000 (was that the year?), he was able to secure a Budweiser brewery for his sons through this process, despite their lack of beverage experience. So I guess you can say he has manipulated the races to his own advantage, which could be construed as racism.
27-03-2005, 06:11
The funny thing is, you don't need a device to avoid watching a specific channel, since you already have fact, most modern TVs have more than one! They're called the "tune up or down button", and in most modern TV's you can edit channels out of the lineup.

Death threats are idiotic, just as idiotic as watching Leftist racists accuse the Right of being racist.

I find it funny that you subliminally labeled me a "racist".
27-03-2005, 06:12
Alright, Wikipedia had it. Byrd's definately a racist jerkoff.

And lemme get this straight: Those three are "racists" because they want equal rights? If they were racists, they wouldn't have supported Bill Clinton. The way I see it is that you, sir, are the racist. Not them.
Now spend some more time on Wikipedia, reading about Julian Bond, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton's racist statements...there might still be hope for you, that you finally recognize those three as the racist a-holes they are.
27-03-2005, 06:12
The funny thing is, you don't need a device to avoid watching a specific channel, since you already have fact, most modern TVs have more than one! They're called the "tune up or down button", and in most modern TV's you can edit channels out of the lineup.

Death threats are idiotic, just as idiotic as watching Leftist racists accuse the Right of being racist.

1) Would people stop calling each other racist, please? We are teetering on Godwin's Law here.

2) The guy who made them says it's a statement, like burning a draft card. It's all in the article.

Also (from the FoxBlocker site):

With every order placed, will send an e-mail in your name to the TOP 10 advertisers at FOX News letting them know that yet another subscriber has opted out of FOX News. With a little luck and a lot of volume, we can shut the FOX up!
New Foxxinnia
27-03-2005, 06:17
So, this guy is charging people so they can't watch a channel they don't watch? That is sad. So very, very sad.
27-03-2005, 06:18
Have you ever bothered to inform yourself about Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Julian Bond's utterly racist statements? Ask any Jew...for starters.

Yes I did. That's why I asked you to enlighten me you blockhead.

I take it from your post it was essentially antisemitism. The use of antisemitism always seems to come from nowhere for me. I always expect more obvious biological racism rather than intangible spiritual bigotry.
Niccolo Medici
27-03-2005, 06:21
I wonder how many people buy them, and never install them? Like a protest vote, "Fox Blocker" is more style than substance.

You can simply block the channel on anything resembling a modern TV, or remove it from the line up of channels you recieve. Of course, that wouldn't cost you ten bucks for the honor of pissing off your political rivals.
Glinde Nessroe
27-03-2005, 06:22
What a fantastic little device!
27-03-2005, 06:22
Yes I did. That's why I asked you to enlighten me you blockhead.

I take it from your post it was essentially antisemitism. The use of antisemitism always seems to come from nowhere for me. I always expect more obvious biological racism rather than intangible spiritual bigotry.

Anti-Semitism has become the Swiss Army Knife of Cop Outs in this modern age.
27-03-2005, 06:29
The whole Anheuser Busch ordeal was quite slimy, but that doesn't make Mr. Jackson a racist.

I have yet to dig up anything bad on Julian Bond. So far, your argument against him remains false.

So, him filing lawsuits against Jewish people for doing some rather seedy things makes him racist? Having a special ambulance pick up a barely-injured Jewish man whilst leaving a very badly-injured black kid for dead doesn't seem very good to me. And another Jewish man raising rent on a black tenant to force him to move out of the building just so he could expand his business isn't good, either. Would Al Sharpton have done the same things if these two men weren't Jewish? Of course.
27-03-2005, 06:32
Yes I did. That's why I asked you to enlighten me you blockhead.

I take it from your post it was essentially antisemitism. The use of antisemitism always seems to come from nowhere for me. I always expect more obvious biological racism rather than intangible spiritual bigotry.

It wasn't antisemitism of any sort. It's genuine protest against the mistreatment of black people by two men who happened to be Jewish. Along with that, the manipulation and control of the Diamond business in that neighborhood in Manhattan (forgot the name).
27-03-2005, 06:33
The whole Anheuser Busch ordeal was quite slimy, but that doesn't make Mr. Jackson a racist.

Not so much racist as racial opportunist I guess.
27-03-2005, 06:35
Not so much racist as racial opportunist I guess.

Correct. There's a difference, you know.

And there's a difference between being antisemitic and protesting Jewish businessmen who engage in very seedy activities.
Armed Bookworms
27-03-2005, 06:37
Another minute, another edit. He said it was a childhood mistake (though that's a fucking big mistake if you ask me), and hasn't been involved in the Klan since the 1950's.

And lemme get this straight: Those three are "racists" because they want equal rights? If they were racists, they wouldn't have supported Bill Clinton.
I haven't heard anythinbg exactly on Bond or Sharpton that was too fishy, but I do know that Jackson directly manipulates his constituents and blackmails various corporations into forking over money to keep him from siccing his resources on them and crying wolf. Not racist perhaps, but a quite despicable peice of work.

As for your Kleagle, he has been caught lying on quite a few occasions about his past and has continued to let his opinion on the subject slip through the cracks in his facade.

Hasn't been involved my ass.
27-03-2005, 06:40
I haven't heard anythinbg exactly on Bond or Sharpton that was too fishy, but I do know that Jackson directly manipulates his constituents and blackmails various corporations into forking over money to keep him from siccing his resources on them and crying wolf. Not racist perhaps, but a quite despicable peice of work.

As for your Kleagle, he has been caught lying on quite a few occasions about his past and has continued to let his opinion on the subject slip through the cracks in his facade.

Hasn't been involved my ass.

I was just writing down what the Wikipedia article said about him. Now I know for sure that this man is a piece of shit. Thanks for the links, man.
27-03-2005, 07:06
I find it funny that you subliminally labeled me a "racist".
If the shoe fits...but I wasn't referring to you, since I don't know you. You, on the other hand, without knowing me or the content of my character called me a racist, and nothing subliminal about it. Pretty bold statement, ignorant as it is.
27-03-2005, 07:07
So, this guy is charging people so they can't watch a channel they don't watch? That is sad. So very, very sad.
What's even sadder, Libs are paying for this! What was it about a fool and his money???
27-03-2005, 07:09
Yes I did. That's why I asked you to enlighten me you blockhead.

I take it from your post it was essentially antisemitism. The use of antisemitism always seems to come from nowhere for me. I always expect more obvious biological racism rather than intangible spiritual bigotry.
Whatever, kiddo. If you don't think those 3 "gentlemen" are racist after informing yourself about them, then you're beyond hope. Stay ignorant.
27-03-2005, 07:21
Whatever, kiddo. If you don't think those 3 "gentlemen" are racist after informing yourself about them, then you're beyond hope. Stay ignorant.

Still full of yourself, I see.

What Jesse Jackson did wasn't racist. It was exploiting his race for his own personal betterment.

I've yet to find anything seedy about Julian Bond, so that's still up in the air.

And what Al Sharpton did was hardly racist. I still cannot see how you think it is.
27-03-2005, 07:23
Still full of yourself, I see.

What Jesse Jackson did wasn't racist. It was exploiting his race for his own personal betterment.

I've yet to find anything seedy about Julian Bond, so that's still up in the air.

And what Al Sharpton did was hardly racist. I still cannot see how you think it is.
Like I said, if you'd rather remain ignorant, it's none of my business.
27-03-2005, 07:37
OH, I want one! It shows that not everything coming out of Oklahoma is crap.

They're not "right-wing" either, technically. But "Act-up" and "Earth Now" along with a plethora of other sorts of violence-prone organizations aren't really "left-wing" either, even though the left often gets saddled with them. Guess that just means there are nut-jobs at all points along the spectrum, eh? :)

While I have many of the same views Act-up and Earth First have, I don't agree with their methods. I can sympathize with their frustration, but as long as people that disagree with me don't bomb my house, it seems only fair I return the favor.
27-03-2005, 07:38
So, reading about them is remaining ignorant? Pffff.
Los Banditos
27-03-2005, 07:40
OH, I want one! It shows that not everything coming out of Oklahoma is crap.
No, but they are still dirty Okies... ;)
27-03-2005, 07:54
No, but they are still dirty Okies... ;)

No shit. Happily, I'm a Texan. :D

Let me start by saying that this is not a jab against all conservatives and Republicans. While I may disagree with them, most of the ones I've met on this forum are good people.
But in RL the vast majority of backward rednecks, bigots and misogynists, as well as all the white power nuts, are conservative and/or Republican. I know most of the reasons liberals will give me for this, so could I please have some insight from the other side. Why are these nuts attracted to the right? Many Republicans find these views offensive, so why do they feel so at home in the party?
27-03-2005, 08:17
Whatever, kiddo. If you don't think those 3 "gentlemen" are racist after informing yourself about them, then you're beyond hope. Stay ignorant.

Maybe you should re-read my posts. I didn't say I didn't think they were racists nor did I put them on some pedestal. I had no opinion. I asked you for information. Don't be an asshole.
27-03-2005, 14:06

I just had to share this little tidbit. Enjoy and Discuss.
i don't get why anybody would send death threats over something like this.

"Oh, so you don't like the same TV shows as I do? And you think people should be able to choose NOT to watch a channel that I personally enjoy? I'LL KILL YOU!!! YOU'RE A DEAD MAN!!!"

i don't get it. though i suppose a person who is crazy enough to rely on Faux News for their information is also crazy enough to threaten death for people who advocate letting individuals choose what is on their television.
Down System
27-03-2005, 14:31
*feels rather shifty walking into forum as is liable to be labled a racist for breathing*
Eternal Green Rain
27-03-2005, 14:58
This is pretty cool. It gives people the ability to really block something they don't want. What's the controversy anyway? I'm sure the threateners wouldn't be anywhere near as vocal if the so called "liberal network CNN" was blacokable.
It seems to be from the look of it a simple band stop filter. If so then it would be quite realistic to stop CNN or carrtoon network or whatever. You could even have a series of them blocking all the news channels if you liked.
I'm not familiar with the US TV system but that thing looks standard off the shelf rather than made to measure. If you want to sell CNN blockers find out its frequency and bandwidth and buy a filter. Hell, you could even sell them if there's a market. They probably retail at about half what he sells for. A nice little earner!
28-03-2005, 02:51
this is the best device ever invented. Study after study has proven conclusively that Foxnews spin will literally rot your brain.Everyone in America who ever had an Iraqi war misconception all had their minds raped by foxnews liars
28-03-2005, 02:53
all had their minds raped by foxnews liars

Fox news didn't just mindrape me with the Iraq War. I still walk funny....
28-03-2005, 02:54
Or, given that all TVs that were made in the last 6 or so years include something called the V-chip, you can block out Foxnews with that which is included in your television! Yay!
28-03-2005, 02:56
Or, given that all TVs that were made in the last 6 or so years include something called the V-chip, you can block out Foxnews with that which is included in your television! Yay!

Yeah, but having a device specifically designed for the purpose is probably more likely used for the political/personal statement it makes than just blocking it. That's what I'd use it for.
Great Beer and Food
28-03-2005, 03:12

I just had to share this little tidbit. Enjoy and Discuss.

What do you want to bet that the people who sent this guy death threats also call themselves good Christians......
28-03-2005, 03:14
What do you want to bet that the people who sent this guy death threats also call themselves good Christians......

To those people, charity is only for those who agree with them, so I wouldn't be surprised.
28-03-2005, 03:16
Fox news didn't just mindrape me with the Iraq War. I still walk funny....
your right--they are addicted to lying about just about everything
28-03-2005, 04:16

I just had to share this little tidbit. Enjoy and Discuss.
Man, is this guy, and all his customers, are fucking losers. Hide your head in the sand, Saddam appeasing losers.

28-03-2005, 04:36
Man, is this guy, and all his customers, are fucking losers. Hide your head in the sand, Saddam appeasing losers.

the real losers are the fools who think Saddam had anything at all to do with the iraq war :p
28-03-2005, 04:41
Yeah, but having a device specifically designed for the purpose is probably more likely used for the political/personal statement it makes than just blocking it. That's what I'd use it for.
But, it's not like it's a public statement. It's hidden behind the TV, and you're making an equal statement by just using the V-Chip.
28-03-2005, 04:49
Uh, maybe there's some stuff I don't know about American televisions, but last time I checked, it wasn't exactly an Orwellian situation of the TV always being on, never being mutable, changeable, or possible to be turned off.

I kinda thought you could, you know... change the channel?
28-03-2005, 05:05
True, But, it's not like it's a public statement. It's hidden behind the TV, and you're making an equal statement by just using the V-Chip.

True, it isn't visible. It's probably more of a mental statement, knowing you took a stand or something like that. I'd probably just change the channel instead.
28-03-2005, 06:53
Uh, maybe there's some stuff I don't know about American televisions, but last time I checked, it wasn't exactly an Orwellian situation of the TV always being on, never being mutable, changeable, or possible to be turned off.

I kinda thought you could, you know... change the channel?
if you hit the mute button it doesnt really go on mute--it just talks to us subliminally which is even more dangerous
28-03-2005, 07:05
the real losers are the fools who think Saddam had anything at all to do with the iraq war :p
Now that's what I call irony.

No, wait...Skapedroe's comment is what I call IGNORANT.
28-03-2005, 07:06
if you hit the mute button it doesnt really go on mute--it just talks to us subliminally which is even more dangerous
YOU! Tin-foil hat! NOW!!!
28-03-2005, 07:09
Now that's what I call irony.

No, wait...Skapedroe's comment is what I call IGNORANT.

I think he meant to say '9/11' not 'iraq war'.
28-03-2005, 07:10
I think he meant to say '9/11' not 'iraq war'.
It's still ignorant.