Natural Discomfort
I'm doing a study for class on people with discomfort in their appearances. It's a natural thing that most people find some imperfection about themselves so if you could take a moment to fill this out and post it, it would be helpful. Please be serious...
Have as anyone ever criticised some part of your body?
Do you have some part of your body that you feel uncomfortable with?
Do you have some part of your body that you feel comfortable with that other people within your sex don't?
Do you think it's normal human behaviour to feel imperfect or is it just fear of being intolerated in society?
Merci Beaucoup!
Name: Lizzie
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Have as anyone ever criticised some part of your body? Been criticised when I had short hair..
Do you have some part of your body that you feel uncomfortable with?
My rear. I don't know why, I just don't like it.
Do you have some part of your body that you feel comfortable with that other people within your sex don't? My calves.
Do you think it's normal human behaviour to feel imperfect or is it just fear of being intolerated in society? I think it's that people think that they won't be accepted unless their appearance is perfect.
The Imperial Navy
24-03-2005, 15:12
Name: Carl Adam "TIN" Marshall.
Age: 19 (20 in July)
Gender: Male
Have as anyone ever criticised some part of your body? My hair, my face, my nose, my size (Not any more though i'm tall now), my ass.
Do you have some part of your body that you feel uncomfortable with?My nose.
Do you have some part of your body that you feel comfortable with that other people within your sex don't?
Do you think it's normal human behaviour to feel imperfect or is it just fear of being intolerated in society? A little of both I believe.
Not Legless Pirates
24-03-2005, 15:13
Name: Paul
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Have as anyone ever criticised some part of your body? Yes, me getting chubby
Do you have some part of your body that you feel uncomfortable with? No
Do you have some part of your body that you feel comfortable with that other people within your sex don't? No
Do you think it's normal human behaviour to feel imperfect or is it just fear of being intolerated in society? The fear thingy
Name: Allie
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Have as anyone ever criticised some part of your body? I'm always being made fun of about my height. I'm really short.
Do you have some part of your body that you feel uncomfortable with? My face.
Do you have some part of your body that you feel comfortable with that other people within your sex don't? My boobs.
Do you think it's normal human behaviour to feel imperfect or is it just fear of being intolerated in society? I think it's a little of both. It would be hard to answer since we do not live in a society without media. As long as you see images, you are going to naturally be affected by them.
The Chocolate Goddess
24-03-2005, 16:40
Name: Marie Josée
Age: *coughthirtyfourcough*
Gender: female
Have as anyone ever criticised some part of your body? Not to me, no (out of fear... ;) )
Do you have some part of your body that you feel uncomfortable with? No
Do you have some part of your body that you feel comfortable with that other people within your sex don't? No
Do you think it's normal human behaviour to feel imperfect or is it just fear of being intolerated in society? ... fear of what other people think...
24-03-2005, 17:01
Name: Stephanie
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Have as anyone ever criticised some part of your body? Yes, my hair and my height(everybody thinks I'm too tall).
Do you have some part of your body that you feel uncomfortable with? My face
Do you have some part of your body that you feel comfortable with that other people within your sex don't? Not that I can think of.
Do you think it's normal human behaviour to feel imperfect or is it just fear of being intolerated in society? It depends on the person. Some people want to be perfect so everybody will like them. Then there are others, like me, who don't care at all about society, but have a drive to become pperfect or as close to as possible. The last one tends to happen to an extreme, and I bet it's a symptom of some personality disorder or something.
25-03-2005, 16:18
Name: Helen
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Have as anyone ever criticised some part of your body? Not really (when I was in grade school some kid said I was fat.)
Do you have some part of your body that you feel uncomfortable with?
I could stand to lose some weight
Do you have some part of your body that you feel comfortable with that other people within your sex don't? can't think of any
Do you think it's normal human behaviour to feel imperfect or is it just fear of being intolerated in society? I don't think it's normal, I think it is something created by the media...or actually any society that clothes themselves. If you think about it, it makes sense. If you're walking around nearly naked (or completely naked) you really can't look at the human body in the same way as a culture in which bodies are hidden. I think its normal human behaviour to find beauty in something, but not to feel imperfect about your body.
Name: (Withheld so Washington cannot track me)
Age: Teens
Gender: Male
Have as anyone ever criticised some part of your body? Puffy cheeks from when I was on prednizone (but most of those guys were assholes so it didn't bother me).
Do you have some part of your body that you feel uncomfortable with? I got a bit of a "beer belly".
Do you have some part of your body that you feel comfortable with that other people within your sex don't? Not really...
Do you think it's normal human behaviour to feel imperfect or is it just fear of being intolerated in society? It is normal to feel imperfect in ones body. However, fear of intolerance is mostly unfounded. Most people are rather self-absorbed in their appearance, overly-concerned about how they look. While to society, that person looks perfectly fine.
Brownies R Yummy
25-03-2005, 16:39
Name: Kevin
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Have as anyone ever criticised some part of your body? Some people jokingly crticize my not that noticable man boobs.
Do you have some part of your body that you feel uncomfortable with? my chest, still working on the 6 pack.
Do you have some part of your body that you feel comfortable with that other people within your sex don't?
not really. I mean I guess my face, which I find just ok ,but my boyfriends and girlfriends have said it's really cute lol.
Do you think it's normal human behaviour to feel imperfect or is it just fear of being intolerated in society? It's just how we see our selves and the story we made up about ourselves. Everyone is imperfect.
Name: Ilkka
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Have as anyone ever criticised some part of your body? Yes
Do you have some part of your body that you feel uncomfortable with?
Do you have some part of your body that you feel comfortable with that other people within your sex don't? Don't know?
Do you think it's normal human behaviour to feel imperfect or is it just fear of being intolerated in society? It is normal in small amount...
[QUOTE=Jamil]I'm doing a study for class on people with discomfort in their appearances. It's a natural thing that most people find some imperfection about themselves so if you could take a moment to fill this out and post it, it would be helpful. Please be serious...
Name: Chris
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Have as anyone ever criticised some part of your body? Yes. My hair, my posture, skin (acne), height, too skinny, etc, etc.
Do you have some part of your body that you feel uncomfortable with?
My posture. But especially my skin.
Do you have some part of your body that you feel comfortable with that other people within your sex don't?
Not...really. What are people of my sex supposed to feel comfortable with anyway?
Do you think it's normal human behaviour to feel imperfect or is it just fear of being intolerated in society?
I don't think its normal to feel naturally self-conscious, and is probably a product of society.