NationStates Jolt Archive

A really cool visual

23-03-2005, 02:54
OK, I need to tell someone what I just saw and ya'll are it.

I live near an airforce base in Arkansas. It's cold (50 F. or less) and rainy/cloudy as I write this. Anyway, I steppted outside to have a =====#~~ and heard the jets (F/A 18's or something close to that I believe) taking off across the street and looked over at the sound - TOO COOL!!!

Its dark, but I saw a plane's sillohete against the sky with a bright blue flame coming out the rear and then - this is the cool part - it broke the sound barrier! the sudden "boom" and the donut shaped ring of vapor around the plane in the sky was awesome! Damn I wish I had had a camera to videotape it! It was one of the most awesome things I've ever seen.

OK, yeah, "big deal" some of you will say, I don't care. The stunning picture was all I needed - I'll never forget it. The visual and the sound are too impressed on my mind. Maybe you had to be there, but I was and it was awesome!