Sharks- The Terrorists of the Sea
Soviet Narco State
20-03-2005, 20:36
So another Australian was devoured by one of these evil beasts yesterday, and the sissy Australian government does nothing, planning to forgo the effort of hunting this monster down. Now I am a pretty environmentally conscious guy, I think eating meat is somewhat barbaric, but these sharks must go. After Jaws does anybody swimming more than a few feet from the shore in the ocean, not worry just a little about becoming a snack for one of these glutonous sea monsters?
IF we are to spend billions of year on maintaining the world's naval powers, why not put them to good use in eradicating Humanity's greatest ocean bound threat, the shark? This could bring humans closer together in defeating a common foe. North Korean and South Koreans, Jew and Arab together we could hunt this terrible beasts. We could even train dolphins, our long time sea going allies to help our cause, equipping them with spear tips on their noses. Nor would we have to rid the ocean of all sharks, Nurse sharks which only eat plankton and other law abiding sharks could be spared.
So why not? Why should humans along with all the creatures who dwell
in the sea like seals, sea turtles and other good animals be held hostage to these horrible creatures. We have eradicated thousands of species before, why not get rid of one who actually deserves it?
So why not, why should humans along with all the creatures who dwell
in the sea like seals, sea turtles and other good animals be held hostage to these horrible creatures. We have eradicated thousands of species before, why not get rid of one who actually deserves it?
1. Because they're an important part of the eco-system.
2. Because they're frikken cool when you put laser beams on their heads and because we should probably be grateful those few who are stupid enough to be eaten by one were "taken care of".
So another Australian was devoured by one of these evil beasts yesterday, and the sissy Australian government does nothing, planning to forgo the effort of hunting this monster down. Now I am a pretty environmentally conscious guy, I think eating meat is somewhat barbaric, but these sharks must go. After Jaws does anybody swimming more than a few feet from the shore in the ocean, not worry just a little about becoming a snack for one of these glutonous sea monsters?
IF we are to spend billions of year on maintaining the world's naval powers, why not put them to good use in eradicating Humanity's greatest ocean bound threat, the shark? This could bring humans closer together in defeating a common foe? North Korean and South Koreans, Jew and Arab together we could hunt this terrible beasts. We could even train dolphins, our long time sea going allies to help our cause, equipping them with spear tips on their noses. Nor would we have to rid the ocean of all sharks, Nurse sharks which only eat plankton and other law abiding sharks could be spared.
So why not, why should humans along with all the creatures who dwell
in the sea like seals, sea turtles and other good animals be held hostage to these horrible creatures. We have eradicated thousands of species before, why not get rid of one who actually deserves it?because the Ecology is a finely balanced platform... kill off the sharks and the species that rely on the sharks for population control will grow uncontrolled. It would be easier to just ban humans from swimming/surfing. what purpose does that serve, other than feeding the sharks.
Soviet Narco State
20-03-2005, 20:48
because the Ecology is a finely balanced platform... kill off the sharks and the species that rely on the sharks for population control will grow uncontrolled. It would be easier to just ban humans from swimming/surfing. what purpose does that serve, other than feeding the sharks.
You have clearly been brainwashed by pro shark proppaganda. "Finely banlance ecosystem"? The oceans have been severly depleted of many species of fish, thanks mostly to our over fishing but still... Getting rid of the shark would allow them to come back and would protect endangered species that we all love like sea turtles. It would also mean more food for the whales the "phillosophers of the sea".
Sharks could be kept in Aquariums for the viewing pleasure of humans or kept in evil villian's lairs for desposing of pesky MI-5 agents.
Fun (although probably biased because it was from a sealife centre employee) fact: Every year, more people are killed by hamsters than by sharks.
Yes, those lovable little fluffballs are some of the most deadly creatures in the world. And they are sold over the counter as gifts for children by sadistic communist/environmentalist/homosexual (delete as applicable) shopkeepers to tear the throats out of our Aryan, Christian, right-thinking innocent babies. But we will not fall for another NWO plot as we did before! We must slay these hamsters wherever they can be found! Burn them! Trample them underfoot! They are inferior to the Master Race!
The Arch Wobbly
20-03-2005, 20:54
We must slay these hamsters wherever they can be found! Burn them! Trample them underfoot! They are inferior to the Master Race!
My pet loves hamsters!
Granted, she's a big ol' snake, but still.
Soviet Narco State
20-03-2005, 20:57
Fun (although probably biased because it was from a sealife centre employee) fact: Every year, more people are killed by hamsters than by sharks.
Yes, those lovable little fluffballs are some of the most deadly creatures in the world. And they are sold over the counter as gifts for children by sadistic communist/environmentalist/homosexual (delete as applicable) shopkeepers to tear the throats out of our Aryan, Christian, right-thinking innocent babies. But we will not fall for another NWO plot as we did before! We must slay these hamsters wherever they can be found! Burn them! Trample them underfoot! They are inferior to the Master Race!
How do hamsters kill people?! Is it just you know they get stuck up in your anus and die there? Or do they gnaw you to death in your sleep? That is alarming, although like you mentioned, probably nothing more than Pro Shark anti Hamster propraganda.
20-03-2005, 20:58
Fun (although probably biased because it was from a sealife centre employee) fact: Every year, more people are killed by hamsters than by sharks.
The Arch Wobbly
20-03-2005, 21:02
How do hamsters kill people?!
They could bite your neck or something I guess.
20-03-2005, 21:02
I think I heard somewhere once that more people are killed each year by coconuts falling on their heads than by shark attacks.
Don't be ridiculous. You might as well say we should wipe out dogs, because sometimes they attack us. And cats. And, lions and tigers have probably killed humans at some point, so we should probably get rid of them... :rolleyes:
How do hamsters kill people?! Is it just you know they get stuck up in your anus and die there? Or do they gnaw you to death in your sleep? That is alarming, although like you mentioned, probably nothing more than Pro Shark anti Hamster propraganda.
20-03-2005, 21:08
Not to be a basher, but this is a pretty pointless argument. Sharks are a natural animal in the world, they're there to, yes, keep other fish 'in check'. Now, if the shark was genetically created then you'd have an argument. Also, the reason Sharks attack humans is because we look like there favorite food, the seal, when we swim. Humans are very bony for a sharks taste, the Great White Shark will bite into you, realize you're not a seal, and swim away. What's ironic about that though, is the Great White shark is less harmful then other, smaller sharks.
How do hamsters kill people?! Is it just you know they get stuck up in your anus and die there? Or do they gnaw you to death in your sleep? That is alarming, although like you mentioned, probably nothing more than Pro Shark anti Hamster propraganda.
I'm pretty sure he was just saying that to say that sharks are next to nill harmful, just like saying 'More people die from being hit by a car than in airplanes'
Well, there's my 2 cents.
Don't be ridiculous. You might as well say we should wipe out dogs, because sometimes they attack us. And cats. And, lions and tigers have probably killed humans at some point, so we should probably get rid of them... :rolleyes:
Hey, while we're at it, let's kill pollution and humans! ;)
Soviet Narco State
20-03-2005, 21:12
Wow according to what I just learned from the internet from some unverifiable source the Soviet Union had killer dolphins trained to hunt down those sneaky american frogmen, if only they could be retrained to hunt the shark we would be set!
20-03-2005, 21:13
Sharks are terrorists eh? Well then I propse we monitor each and every one of them. Killer dolphins, no one would see that coming.
20-03-2005, 21:14
if you think about it
almost everything has harmed a human at one point in time
so why not just destroy everything that we know
and even then
people will die because they're retarded and try to eat sand or something :headbang:
20-03-2005, 21:17
Wow according to what I just learned from the internet from some unverifiable source the Soviet Union had killer dolphins trained to hunt down those sneaky american frogmen, if only they could be retrained to hunt the shark we would be set!
Actually, some dolphins (bottle nosed I think) kill sharks.. That's one small <swim> for men, and one, giant <stroke> for mankind
On second thoughts, we know how to deal with terrorist sharks in Britain! Put 'em under house arrest without trial! Now, where would one find a Muslim shark...
Soviet Narco State
20-03-2005, 21:46
Put 'em under house arrest without trial! Now, where would one find a Muslim shark...
Swimming towards Mecca on a Hajj?
20-03-2005, 21:57
We must take over the South African Coast, thats where they congrigate.
Bodies Without Organs
20-03-2005, 22:00
Lets face it guys, the sharks were here first, if anyone is a terrorist in this scenario then it's us late coming upstart simians.
20-03-2005, 22:04
So another Australian was devoured by one of these evil beasts yesterday, and the sissy Australian government does nothing, planning to forgo the effort of hunting this monster down. Now I am a pretty environmentally conscious guy, I think eating meat is somewhat barbaric, but these sharks must go. After Jaws does anybody swimming more than a few feet from the shore in the ocean, not worry just a little about becoming a snack for one of these glutonous sea monsters?
IF we are to spend billions of year on maintaining the world's naval powers, why not put them to good use in eradicating Humanity's greatest ocean bound threat, the shark? This could bring humans closer together in defeating a common foe? North Korean and South Koreans, Jew and Arab together we could hunt this terrible beasts. We could even train dolphins, our long time sea going allies to help our cause, equipping them with spear tips on their noses. Nor would we have to rid the ocean of all sharks, Nurse sharks which only eat plankton and other law abiding sharks could be spared.
So why not, why should humans along with all the creatures who dwell
in the sea like seals, sea turtles and other good animals be held hostage to these horrible creatures. We have eradicated thousands of species before, why not get rid of one who actually deserves it?
If sharks were sentient, they'd say more than that about us. We kill 100 million sharks each year. They kill about 10 humans a year, out of about 100 shark attacks a year.
How many sharks are there in the oceans? Millions. Seeing as, on average, there are about 100 attacks a year, it's hardly representative. It's like saying that because <insert valid figure here> people/innoncent whales/etc. are homicidally murdered each year, humans are evil and should all be culled, except for die-hard pacifists.
Anyway, in many cases it's the peoples' faults. Look at the website.
A week earlier, a shark killed a 38-year-old diver spear fishing on the Great Barrier Reef off northeast Australia.
What an idiot. "I know, let's spear and then carry around with me fish, which will be bleeding from the wounds. Because evidently sharks never eat fish and would never be attracted by blood!" It's like going up to a convicted mentally unstable mass-murderer and shouting "Ha-ha-ha! You're a moron! Come and get me if j00 think you're t0()ghz0rz, l4m3r!11! Nah-nah-na-nah-nah!" If you splash about violently, then you look like a very large wounded fish. If you wear glittery or colourful swimsuits etc. you look like a large colourful fish with shiny scales. If people are going to dive in heavily shark-infested waters, then they should think before getting in.
At the Sinai peninsula, there are loads of sharks - the highest density of different shark species in the world, I think. This includes Great Whites (but they're a bit more rare), Hammerheads, Tiger Sharks and Oceanic Whitetips - so basically most of the dangerous ones except for the bull shark. In the last 100 years, there have been 2 - yes, 2 recorded shark attacks in the Egyptian Red Sea. "glutonous sea monsters"? Yeah, right.
Jaws is not accurate, it has given sharks a bad name. Because although you do get these nasty attacks, you get nasty attacks from any creature, many marine species attack more than 100 people a year. But sharks just happen to be well known. People don't think of that. They're not our greatest ocean-bound threat - they're not even other marine species' greatest marine threat! In 1997 a killer whale sow and calf were seen butchering a GREAT WHITE.
If you seriously think that sharks are really dangerous, are "the terrorists of the sea", and go around eating people all the time, you're wrong. I'll bring up the figure again - on average, 100 reported attacks, only 10 reported fatalities a year. Think about it, and then perhaps you'll realise that everything you've just said is wrong.
Soviet Narco State
20-03-2005, 22:05
Lets face it guys, the sharks were here first, if anyone is a terrorist in this scenario then it's us late coming upstart simians.
Well what do you think REALLY happened to the dinosaurs? A comet crashed into the earth sending up dust blocking out the sun? Sounds a little Star Trekish if you ask me. More likely those poor lumbering brutes got too fat to support their own wieght on land and moved into the water, never suspecting the toothy menace lurking below the surface.
Bodies Without Organs
20-03-2005, 22:25
Well what do you think REALLY happened to the dinosaurs? A comet crashed into the earth sending up dust blocking out the sun? Sounds a little Star Trekish if you ask me. More likely those poor lumbering brutes got too fat to support their own wieght on land and moved into the water, never suspecting the toothy menace lurking below the surface.
Dinasuars? Pah! More johnny-come-latelies.
The sharks have owned the oceans for about 400 million years, that's about 150 million years before the dinosaurs raised their ugly heads.
well on your basis we should eradicate bees,elephants, and cows, because they kill more people than sharks do, oh yeah we should ban toilets too because you are 15 times more likely to be killed by a toilet than a shark... i mean if your basis is to eradicate a whole genome because they may kill 10 people every year, we should start off with these more dangerous foes first.... :mp5:
Bodies Without Organs
20-03-2005, 22:43
well on your basis we should eradicate bees,elephants, and cows, because they kill more people than sharks do, oh yeah we should ban toilets too because you are 15 times more likely to be killed by a toilet than a shark... i mean if your basis is to eradicate a whole genome because they may kill 10 people every year, we should start off with these more dangerous foes first.... :mp5:
Humans make top of the list, I would guess, possibly just eked out of that prime position by some viruses or micro-organisms.
Soviet Narco State
20-03-2005, 22:50
well on your basis we should eradicate bees,elephants, and cows, because they kill more people than sharks do, oh yeah we should ban toilets too because you are 15 times more likely to be killed by a toilet than a shark... i mean if your basis is to eradicate a whole genome because they may kill 10 people every year, we should start off with these more dangerous foes first.... :mp5:
Elephants, along with most mamals are nobel thoughtful creatures, capable of emotions and introspection while sharks are unthinking coldblooded killers which do nothing but eat as much as possible to perpetuate their wretched race and lack redeeming qualities. Bees are necessary for pollination of plants so we shouldn't get rid of them. Toliets save hundreds of millions of lives, now that we all don't die from rampant diseases casued by dumping our sewage into the streets.
The shark body counts are gross under exagerations anyway not taking into acount all the unreported deaths along the coasts of underdeveloped regions like Africa and India, or those unfortuanate enought to be eaten by freshwater hunting bull sharks.
The Tribes Of Longton
20-03-2005, 22:55
Terrorist sharks? Don't worry, I bet Sharky and George are already on the case.
See? (
Terrorist sharks? Don't worry, I bet Sharky and George are already on the case.
See? (
sharky and george, crime busters of the see
Actually, sharks don't eat people. They don't like our taste. The reason that sharks attack people is that they can't see well and sometimes mistake human swimmers for seals or schools of fish.
20-03-2005, 23:45
As one of the few sharks on this forum, I am outraged. I think you humans are just jealous that you aren't on top the food chain like you think you are. Us sharks have been around for hundreds of millions of years. Then you cocky noobs come along and act like you own the planet? I don't think so small fry. Your opposable thumbs don't make you special. You should feel lucky that we only eat 10 of you a year. You are bad for our hearts anyways.
- Shark out.
The Tribes Of Longton
20-03-2005, 23:46
21-03-2005, 04:31
Elephants, along with most mamals are nobel thoughtful creatures, capable of emotions and introspection while sharks are unthinking coldblooded killers which do nothing but eat as much as possible to perpetuate their wretched race and lack redeeming qualities. Bees are necessary for pollination of plants so we shouldn't get rid of them. Toliets save hundreds of millions of lives, now that we all don't die from rampant diseases casued by dumping our sewage into the streets.
That's preposterous! Even us humans have those basic instincts, elephants and bees have those instincts. Humans don't show off the need to breed or to eat because we have reason and shame. Elephants, all they do is try and survive by breeding and eating, bees, why do they pollinate? For their offspring so their species can survive. Toliets.. well.. inanimate objects need lovin too! :p
Soviet Narco State
21-03-2005, 04:35
That's preposterous! Even us humans have those basic instincts, elephants and bees have those instincts. Humans don't show off the need to breed or to eat because we have reason and shame. Elephants, all they do is try and survive by breeding and eating, bees, why do they pollinate? For their offspring so their species can survive. Toliets.. well.. inanimate objects need lovin too! :p
I can't figure out what you are trying to say but I take it that you are with all those other jerks opposing my glorious crusade against the boneless terrors from the deep? Will no one stand with me against the evil from below?
Patra Caesar
21-03-2005, 04:41
The sea is one of the last refuges for large animals. Never before in the history of this planet has life been so small and harmless. Yes, I know we have lions, tigers, elephants and hippos, but what I said is still true, life is small at the moment.
Sharks are often villified and killed, out of fear, or just to lop off their top fin for soup. This usually leaves the shark to die slowly by drowning as quite often it is returned minus only one fin.
Sharks eat people, I know, but more Australians die every year from vending machine accidents (like my brother who broke his arm trying to get his food out of one that fell on him :rolleyes: ).
So protect the shark. Only hunt down the sharks that have killed.
21-03-2005, 04:45
I can't figure out what you are trying to say but I take it that you are with all those other jerks opposing my glorious crusade against the boneless terrors from the deep? Will no one stand with me against the evil from below?
Meh, I would, but then they'd probably kill me in the greatest irony ever
Soviet Narco State
21-03-2005, 04:51
Meh, I would, but then they'd probably kill me in the greatest irony ever
It would be quite cliche. Your mangled body would make irresitable bait though. Would you have any objections to your corpse being stuffed with plastic explosives and used to blow up an unsuspecting great white?
21-03-2005, 04:56
Humans eat so much more shark than sharks eat people that they're just trying to even it up a bit.
Tuesday Heights
21-03-2005, 04:57
Why should humans along with all the creatures who dwell in the sea like seals, sea turtles and other good animals be held hostage to these horrible creatures. We have eradicated thousands of species before, why not get rid of one who actually deserves it?
It's a thought process like that leads to genocide; animals don't know better, people do.
21-03-2005, 05:06
Elephants, along with most mamals are nobel thoughtful creatures, capable of emotions and introspection while sharks are unthinking coldblooded killers which do nothing but eat as much as possible to perpetuate their wretched race and lack redeeming qualities. Bees are necessary for pollination of plants so we shouldn't get rid of them. Toliets save hundreds of millions of lives, now that we all don't die from rampant diseases casued by dumping our sewage into the streets.
The shark body counts are gross under exagerations anyway not taking into acount all the unreported deaths along the coasts of underdeveloped regions like Africa and India, or those unfortuanate enought to be eaten by freshwater hunting bull sharks.
Yup, sharks don't do much besides eat and have sex. But the same can be said for most any species.;) "Unthinking killers?" Please. You could say the same thing about any meat-eating animal.
As for lacking redeeming qualities, well, that's a matter of taste, isn't it?;) Personally, I think sharks are beautiful and awe-inspiring creatures. My favorite animal, in fact.:D And most sharks aren't dangerous to humans - there are over 400 species, and most are smaller than we are. And the largest sharks eat only plankton.
And yes, they are important to the ecosystem. Kill all the sharks (which we're rapidly doing anyway) and you kill top marine predators, and seriously mess up the ocean's balance. And it wouldn't be like your fantasy of overfished species coming back - humans are the ones responsible for endangered sea turtles and fish, not sharks. They've managed to survive hundreds of millions of years without eating up everyone else in the sea. It's us messing up the balance, not them.
As for your unreported shark deaths, yup, there probably are a few. But look at the statistics. Shark-related deaths have been going up, but not because they're getting more aggressive. It's because we're getting better data. In any case, backing up your ten deaths a year with "there are more, trust me, you just can't prove it!" is a pretty poor argument. "Gross under exagerations" (sic)? I doubt there are that many unreported deaths. After all, death by shark isn't going to be much higher, on average, in underdeveloped costal areas than on developed coasts.
And I can't believe you seriously brought Jaws into the discussion. :p Look, sharks don't do that, okay? They do not like how humans taste. They are not "man-eaters." They may take a bite, thinking you're a seal or something, and unfortunately that bite often kills. But they won't take a second bite. And they do not develop a "taste for humans" or try to get revenge. When we go swimming, we're in their territory. And when we go surfing, we look like their favorite food. It's not their fault they can't tell the difference.
I'm not saying it's not a tragedy when someone is killed by a shark. But ten deaths a year is just nothing near a reason to go on a shark killing spree. They may seem more dangerous than mundane things like bees or cars. But it's just not true. And just because you can't appreciate their uniqueness and beauty doesn't mean others don't.
Bodies Without Organs
21-03-2005, 05:52
It's a thought process like that leads to genocide; animals don't know better, people do.
Given that human beings do actually attempt and commit genocide, saying that 'people know better' isn't as much of a self-evidently true statement as first appears.
Tuesday Heights
21-03-2005, 06:11
Given that human beings do actually attempt and commit genocide, saying that 'people know better' isn't as much of a self-evidently true statement as first appears.
Definitely true... it's not a full-proof analogy, unfortunately, but it should be.
21-03-2005, 06:39
I hate the ocean, becasue of sharks and other crap in them. I'm oceanophobic. Never going swimming in the sea because of thise incidents.
21-03-2005, 06:48
Get out of my sea you bloody Sharks damn how dare you have a right to eat meat go and eat algae dammit!
21-03-2005, 06:50
Get out of my sea you bloody Sharks damn how dare you have a right to eat meat go and eat algae dammit!
They are carnivors. They can't eat algae.
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 06:59
It seems as if these forums are populated by PETA lovers! They think they can protect the sharks!
Well, I'll see ab00t that...
*jumps into a submarine armed with 4 miniguns, 20 torpedoes, and Bill Cosby*
"Bring us down, First Mate Cosby!"
"Aye aye, sir!"
*dives deeeeeeeep into the ocean*
"Cap'n, it seems that we have spotted a shark! Well I'll be!"
"Good eye, First Mate Cosby! OPEN FIRE!"
21-03-2005, 07:00
It seems as if these forums are populated by PETA lovers! They think they can protect the sharks!
Well, I'll see ab00t that...
*jumps into a submarine armed with 4 miniguns, 20 torpedoes, and Bill Cosby*
"Bring us down, First Mate Cosby!"
"Aye aye, sir!"
*dives deeeeeeeep into the ocean*
"Cap'n, it seems that we have spotted a shark! Well I'll be!"
"Good eye, First Mate Cosby! OPEN FIRE!"
Yay. All human killing animlas can die. long live cats.
Findecano Calaelen
21-03-2005, 07:02
Humans eat so much more shark than sharks eat people that they're just trying to even it up a bit.
good point, im going to defect to the sharks side. Down with humans
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 07:03
good point, im going to defect to the sharks side. Down with humans
I know what will make you think twice about "changing sides".
Bill Cosby COMMANDS you to stay!
Soviet Narco State
21-03-2005, 07:08
They are carnivors. They can't eat algae.
But they can eat lead.
Findecano Calaelen
21-03-2005, 07:08
I know what will make you think twice about "changing sides".
Bill Cosby COMMANDS you to stay!
*bites Bill Cosby*
now if it was Gary Coleman I might think about it
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 07:13
*bites Bill Cosby*
now if it was Gary Coleman I might think about it
"Come, Second Mate Coleman!"
Gary Coleman COMMANDS you to return to the anti-shark side!
21-03-2005, 07:15
Submit, or suffer...
Findecano Calaelen
21-03-2005, 07:19
"Come, Second Mate Coleman!"
Gary Coleman COMMANDS you to return to the anti-shark side!
:D "What choo talking about" :D
bah Gary commands YOU to join the sharks side. Humans are so tasty.
not like that you sickos
Soviet Narco State
21-03-2005, 07:22
:D "What choo talking about" :D
bah Gary commands YOU to join the sharks side. Humans are so tasty.
not like that you sickos
Damn you Gary, the only reason the sharks haven't eaten you yet is there ain't no meat on your midget bones! Hang your tiny head in shame, shark lover!
They are carnivors. They can't eat algae.
Not entiirely true. There is a shark that eats algae. A freaking huge shark at that.
The whale shark is the largest and mose intimidating shark in the world but it isn't capible of eating people or anything else much larger than plankton and macroalge.
21-03-2005, 07:24
Not entiirely true. There is a shark that eats algae. A freaking huge shark at that.
The whale shark is the largest and mose intimidating shark in the world but it isn't capible of eating people or anything else much larger than plankton and macroalge.
But that shark as characteristics of a whale. Its throat can't fit a 50cent piece.
But yes, I submit to my error.
Findecano Calaelen
21-03-2005, 07:25
Damn you Gary, the only reason the sharks haven't eaten you yet is there ain't no meat on your midget bones! Hang your tiny head in shame, shark lover!
Oi, dont make Gary bite you, you do realise his mouth is at a dangerous height.
Chocolate is Yummier
21-03-2005, 10:10
So another Australian was devoured by one of these evil beasts yesterday, and the sissy Australian government does nothing, planning to forgo the effort of hunting this monster down. Now I am a pretty environmentally conscious guy, I think eating meat is somewhat barbaric, but these sharks must go. After Jaws does anybody swimming more than a few feet from the shore in the ocean, not worry just a little about becoming a snack for one of these glutonous sea monsters?
IF we are to spend billions of year on maintaining the world's naval powers, why not put them to good use in eradicating Humanity's greatest ocean bound threat, the shark? This could bring humans closer together in defeating a common foe. North Korean and South Koreans, Jew and Arab together we could hunt this terrible beasts. We could even train dolphins, our long time sea going allies to help our cause, equipping them with spear tips on their noses. Nor would we have to rid the ocean of all sharks, Nurse sharks which only eat plankton and other law abiding sharks could be spared.
So why not? Why should humans along with all the creatures who dwell
in the sea like seals, sea turtles and other good animals be held hostage to these horrible creatures. We have eradicated thousands of species before, why not get rid of one who actually deserves it?
Ahh yes, the sissy Australian government...
That attack in Adelaide (Where i live) put me off the beach for ages, and the guy wasn't just bitten in half he was eaten.
Grusome :eek:
Greedy Pig
21-03-2005, 10:36
The chinese have been fighting this evil threat for generations. It's about time you Australians join the war!! :D
MmMmm Sharkfin soup... :p
Anyway, I heard the chances of getting killed by a shark is very slim. And some 60 shark attack cases per year worldwide(?). It's very rare that a shark attacks a person btw. And in most cases, they think your a seal, their natural food.
Volvo Villa Vovve
21-03-2005, 14:22
So another Australian was devoured by one of these evil beasts yesterday, and the sissy Australian government does nothing, planning to forgo the effort of hunting this monster down. Now I am a pretty environmentally conscious guy, I think eating meat is somewhat barbaric, but these sharks must go. After Jaws does anybody swimming more than a few feet from the shore in the ocean, not worry just a little about becoming a snack for one of these glutonous sea monsters?
IF we are to spend billions of year on maintaining the world's naval powers, why not put them to good use in eradicating Humanity's greatest ocean bound threat, the shark? This could bring humans closer together in defeating a common foe. North Korean and South Koreans, Jew and Arab together we could hunt this terrible beasts. We could even train dolphins, our long time sea going allies to help our cause, equipping them with spear tips on their noses. Nor would we have to rid the ocean of all sharks, Nurse sharks which only eat plankton and other law abiding sharks could be spared.
So why not? Why should humans along with all the creatures who dwell
in the sea like seals, sea turtles and other good animals be held hostage to these horrible creatures. We have eradicated thousands of species before, why not get rid of one who actually deserves it?
Well one very easy question why not: The shark don't kill many people maybee just one/three people a year in the world or something. (or atleast it is a low number) Will for exampel drinkdriving on boats kills atleast hundreds of the people worldwide. So stronger enforcment of alchohol control would be mutch better thing. Or just think of pirates, yes they still exist but use machinguns and fast boat therer are mutch bigger threat to people. Or if you want to spend alot of money to saves it can be much smarter to spend them on saving people in poor countrires from aids.
Findecano Calaelen
21-03-2005, 14:39
Ahh yes, the sissy Australian government...
That attack in Adelaide (Where i live) put me off the beach for ages, and the guy wasn't just bitten in half he was eaten.
Grusome :eek:
your in Adelaide??
Daistallia 2104
21-03-2005, 15:10
How do hamsters kill people?! Is it just you know they get stuck up in your anus and die there? Or do they gnaw you to death in your sleep? That is alarming, although like you mentioned, probably nothing more than Pro Shark anti Hamster propraganda.
Here's how:
Man dies after pet hamster bites him
Saitama, Japan, Sep. 28 (UPI) -- A man died from asthma after being bitten several times by his pet hamster in a city north of Tokyo, the Mainichi Shimbun reported Tuesday.
The man, who was in his 40s, suffered from an allergic disease called anaphylaxis after the hamster's saliva entered his body, setting off asthmatic symptoms.
Even before being admitted to the hospital, his heart and lungs had stopped functioning. He died shortly afterwards.
The incident occurred in February at the Saitama Red Cross Hospital in Saitama prefecture, the paper said.
Anaphylaxis is an allergic disease that occurs when protein or other foreign substances enter the body multiple times and the immunity system becomes oversensitive. The disease quickly paralyzes circulatory organs or respiratory organs.
An autopsy found the man had a sharp allergic reaction to protein contained in the hamster's saliva.
Even though 17 cases of anaphylaxis caused by pets have been reported in Japan since 1995, it is quite rare that such an allergic disease causes death.
(Lions and tigers and poison hamsters, Oh My!)
Great Scotia
21-03-2005, 15:52
You have clearly been brainwashed by pro shark proppaganda.
heh heheh heh. This is a joke, right?
Whispering Legs
21-03-2005, 15:55
why not? Why should humans along with all the creatures who dwell in the sea like seals, sea turtles and other good animals be held hostage to these horrible creatures. We have eradicated thousands of species before, why not get rid of one who actually deserves it?
If it turns out to be a mistake (eliminating sharks), then can you put them back?
I didn't think so.
21-03-2005, 15:58
If it turns out to be a mistake (eliminating sharks), then can you put them back?
I didn't think so.
Meh, it doesn't bother pro death penilty people. I do enjoy a good feed of shark 'n 'tatties, with watties tom sauce and a glass of L&P. (Sorry, that wouldn't have made sense if you're not from NZ)
21-03-2005, 15:58
more humans kill humans each year then sharks let's eliminate all humans!!!
Whispering Legs
21-03-2005, 15:59
Meh, it doesn't bother pro death penilty people. I do enjoy a good feed of shark 'n 'tatties, with watties tom sauce and a glass of L&P. (Sorry, that wouldn't have made sense if you're not from NZ)
No, really I have an idea of what you're talking about. Although with the general availability of prawns in NZ, I'm not sure I'd be eating shark.
21-03-2005, 16:09
Meh, it doesn't bother pro death penilty people. I do enjoy a good feed of shark 'n 'tatties, with watties tom sauce and a glass of L&P. (Sorry, that wouldn't have made sense if you're not from NZ)
I love eating shark. After salmon it's the best
21-03-2005, 16:12
I love eating shark. After salmon it's the best
All the fish and chip shop's basic fish is generally shark.
21-03-2005, 16:12
All the fish and chip shop's basic fish is generally shark.
What? Not all fish are shark.
21-03-2005, 16:16
What? Not all fish are shark.
No, but when you go in and order your fish and a scoop of chips, the fish you're getting is most probably shark.
21-03-2005, 16:17
No, but when you go in and order your fish and a scoop of chips, the fish you're getting is most probably shark.? No necessarily. If you oder salmon, they'll giv e you salmon, not shark
21-03-2005, 16:22
? No necessarily. If you oder salmon, they'll giv e you salmon, not shark
Your local chip shop sells salmon? I think mine sells deep fried Hoki as well as fish, but salmon? Do crabsticks count?
21-03-2005, 16:23
Your local chip shop sells salmon? I think mine sells deep fried Hoki as well as fish, but salmon? Do crabsticks count?
What is a 'chip shop'?
21-03-2005, 16:26
What is a 'chip shop'?
Seeing as I'm about to go to bed, I'll stop pretending that everywhere has Fish and Chip takeaways (F&c/chip shops) that are exactly the same as the ones in NZ. Every town or suburb has at least 2.
21-03-2005, 16:27
Seeing as I'm about to go to bed, I'll stop pretending that everywhere has Fish and Chip takeaways (F&c/chip shops) that are exactly the same as the ones in NZ. Every town or suburb has at least 2.
Ummm...Ok. I don't think my neighborhood has one.
21-03-2005, 16:50
You have clearly been brainwashed by pro shark proppaganda. "Finely banlance ecosystem"? The oceans have been severly depleted of many species of fish, thanks mostly to our over fishing but still... Getting rid of the shark would allow them to come back and would protect endangered species that we all love like sea turtles. It would also mean more food for the whales the "phillosophers of the sea".
My god, people like you DO exist! I thought everybody enjoyed education, these days... Clearly I was wrong...
1) Getting rid of the shark would NOT allow certain species of fish to come back. The foremost factor of shoal-fish implosion is fishing. Why is that? Because it kills adolescent fish before they are able to mate. Thus reducing shoals beneath their "critical mass" to procreate. For instance: certain birds (like, say, the sparrow) need a group of at least 15 sparrows to have a positive birthrate - some die of old age, some get eaten, some are run over by cars, get into all kinds of trouble with pesky teenage kids with bbguns, etc. The same goes for fish - their groups need to be of sufficient size in order to have a positive birthrate.
2) If fishing standards diminish, so does the shark. This is clearly visible from the number of sharks that still remain today. Their numbers have lessened, because their prey has lessened as well. Not the other way round. In effect, this would mean that killing of sharks would not increase the numbers of edible fish, at least not in the long term.
3) "endangered species we all love"? The endangered species-list is not in effect for our pleasure or aesthetic appreciation, you nitwit. It is designed to, indeed, protect certain ecosystems by making sure severely diminished cornerstones of said ecosystems continue to exist. And, fyi, certain species of shark are on that list - mainly because a great deal of people think and thought like you do.
4) Most whales don't eat fish. Only orca's (killer-whales) eat fish. Dolfins also eat fish. Bet you don't wanna kill the dolfins, do you? Because "we all love them".
I really can't fathom the fact that you actually believe the things you said. I actually don't understand it... Makes me lose all hope for humankind, it does...
Whispering Legs
21-03-2005, 17:06
It would seem obvious to me, that since the fish and chips shops have done in the cod and the haddock in a few short decades, that we could solve the whole shark problem by going down to the local chip shop and washing down some lunch with a few pints.
Then we'll be forced to eat squid.
21-03-2005, 17:09
It would seem obvious to me, that since the fish and chips shops have done in the cod and the haddock in a few short decades, that we could solve the whole shark problem by going down to the local chip shop and washing down some lunch with a few pints.
Although it actually sounds logical, I fear Mr. Spock ain't gonna agree on that :)
And, in effect, half a continent already eats shark-parts on a regular basis.
21-03-2005, 17:12
Stop killing whales.
My god, people like you DO exist! I thought everybody enjoyed education, these days... Clearly I was wrong...
1) Getting rid of the shark would NOT allow certain species of fish to come back. The foremost factor of shoal-fish implosion is fishing. Why is that? Because it kills adolescent fish before they are able to mate. Thus reducing shoals beneath their "critical mass" to procreate. For instance: certain birds (like, say, the sparrow) need a group of at least 15 sparrows to have a positive birthrate - some die of old age, some get eaten, some are run over by cars, get into all kinds of trouble with pesky teenage kids with bbguns, etc. The same goes for fish - their groups need to be of sufficient size in order to have a positive birthrate.
2) If fishing standards diminish, so does the shark. This is clearly visible from the number of sharks that still remain today. Their numbers have lessened, because their prey has lessened as well. Not the other way round. In effect, this would mean that killing of sharks would not increase the numbers of edible fish, at least not in the long term.
3) "endangered species we all love"? The endangered species-list is not in effect for our pleasure or aesthetic appreciation, you nitwit. It is designed to, indeed, protect certain ecosystems by making sure severely diminished cornerstones of said ecosystems continue to exist. And, fyi, certain species of shark are on that list - mainly because a great deal of people think and thought like you do.
4) Most whales don't eat fish. Only orca's (killer-whales) eat fish. Dolfins also eat fish. Bet you don't wanna kill the dolfins, do you? Because "we all love them".
I really can't fathom the fact that you actually believe the things you said. I actually don't understand it... Makes me lose all hope for humankind, it does...
I find it pretty amazing how someone could try a serious discussion here when the initial post was obviously not serious... :rolleyes: :D
21-03-2005, 17:36
I find it pretty amazing how someone could try a serious discussion here when the initial post was obviously not serious... :rolleyes: :D
'tis the law of NS
Soviet Narco State
21-03-2005, 17:38
more humans kill humans each year then sharks let's eliminate all humans!!!
We can't kill the humans, humans are the world's biggest killer of the shark. The only humans which must be eliminated are the treacherous Oceanographers with their vile lies about how sharks normally don't eat people and how they "only" eat 10 people a year. Go order some tasty shark fin soup.
21-03-2005, 17:41
We can't kill the humans, humans are the world's biggest killer of the shark. The only humans which must be eliminated are the treacherous Oceanographers with their vile lies about how sharks normally don't eat people and how they "only" eat 10 people a year. Go order some tasty shark fin soup.
Let me get my plate.
Soviet Narco State
21-03-2005, 17:53
I find it pretty amazing how someone could try a serious discussion here when the initial post was obviously not serious... :rolleyes: :D
Jokes are funnier when nobody gets them. Like that Saturday Night Live episode where Arnold Swartzanegger became Governor of California that they kept rerunning it over again until it people stopped laughing and people thought he was actually governor. That was funny.
21-03-2005, 17:54
So another Australian was devoured by one of these evil beasts yesterday, and the sissy Australian government does nothing, planning to forgo the effort of hunting this monster down. Now I am a pretty environmentally conscious guy, I think eating meat is somewhat barbaric, but these sharks must go. After Jaws does anybody swimming more than a few feet from the shore in the ocean, not worry just a little about becoming a snack for one of these glutonous sea monsters?
IF we are to spend billions of year on maintaining the world's naval powers, why not put them to good use in eradicating Humanity's greatest ocean bound threat, the shark? This could bring humans closer together in defeating a common foe. North Korean and South Koreans, Jew and Arab together we could hunt this terrible beasts. We could even train dolphins, our long time sea going allies to help our cause, equipping them with spear tips on their noses. Nor would we have to rid the ocean of all sharks, Nurse sharks which only eat plankton and other law abiding sharks could be spared.
So why not? Why should humans along with all the creatures who dwell
in the sea like seals, sea turtles and other good animals be held hostage to these horrible creatures. We have eradicated thousands of species before, why not get rid of one who actually deserves it?
Keep in mind that humans are the cause of their own demise in most cases. We are land animals, and thus, we do not swim streamlined like a dolphin or fish, and so it creates a lot of splash and sound. Not only that we do that by accident, but most of the time we do it on PURPOSE.. yelling and screaming and splashing eachother. Did you know what by beaches, out from a few yards from where the people are, there will be fish there just sitting there watching us because they are curious about our dying animal noises? Sharks are attracted as well, and when we flail about looking like a dying animal (and sharks, being opportunistic feeders) yeah they may attack. But did you also know they in general, we taste pretty gross to sharks because sharks prefer meat that has a lot of fat and oil.. like the other sea creatures (which have either blubber or oil).
To get rid of sharks just because a handful of people die a year is flat out retarded. Not only will it create spikes in some species, but it will also deplete food for some animals as well, including your friendly neighborhood orca. Every organism has something that eats it, and humans are not excluded. I don't even understand why you care... WE are the ones destroying everything we see, not the sharks.
21-03-2005, 17:55
Jokes are funnier when nobody gets them. Like that Saturday Night Live episode where Arnold Swartzanegger became Governor of California that they kept rerunning it over again until it people stopped laughing and people thought he was actually governor. That was funny.
I love SNL
21-03-2005, 17:56
So it was a joke then? I'll leave up my post for the fun facts. Lol
Soviet Narco State
21-03-2005, 18:02
So it was a joke then?
No I was talking about Jokes in general. This is deadly serious you human hating Ichthyophille!
21-03-2005, 18:20
No I was talking about Jokes in general. This is deadly serious you human hating Ichthyophille!
Yes it is.
21-03-2005, 19:05
I find it pretty amazing how someone could try a serious discussion here when the initial post was obviously not serious... :rolleyes: :D
My bad, then - I thought it WAS a serious post. You wouldn't believe how many comments with the same 'feel' as the initial post I need to answer/dismiss in my personal and professional life each day. So maybe, it's an overhauled instinctive reaction on my part.
Then again, I'm new to this kind of gig. So, as to be in concurrence with the ruling culture: tally-ho and down with the jerries! That OK? :cool:
21-03-2005, 19:09
I thought it was serious.
22-03-2005, 02:38
People took this thread seriously...? That's a worry.
Soviet Narco State
22-03-2005, 02:40
People took this thread seriously...? That's a worry.
Thank you for resuscitating this lunacy. This thread has a future as bright as the sun.
22-03-2005, 02:49
Thank you for resuscitating this lunacy. This thread has a future as bright as the sun.
When I came on I searched my name and went through all the threads I replied to before I went to bed to see if anyone said anything interesting, like I always do.
The Lightning Star
22-03-2005, 03:03
This is very serious, komrades! Sharks are eating our brethren right now!
Come, First Mate Cosby! We have work to do!
*jumps into Submarine and swims to the area in the ocean with the highest density of sharks.*
Ok, Second Mate Coleman, press the button.
*Gary Coleman presses button*
*entire ocean explodes*
*all sharks dead*
*97% of everything else dead too*
*earth blows up*
*Que Uber!*
*J/K. I never thought this was serious!*
Soviet Narco State
22-03-2005, 03:05
This is very serious, komrades! Sharks are eating our brethren right now!
Come, First Mate Cosby! We have work to do!
*jumps into Submarine and swims to the area in the ocean with the highest density of sharks.*
Ok, Second Mate Coleman, press the button.
*Gary Coleman presses button*
*entire ocean explodes*
*all sharks dead*
*97% of everything else dead too*
*earth blows up*
*Que Uber!*
*J/K. I never thought this was serious!*
I wouldn't want to meet one of those creatures in the 3% who survived. They are probably radioactive, and fighting mad that we blew up their ocean. Yellow alert lieutenant Cosby!
22-03-2005, 03:10
Full speed ahead Mr. Boatswain, full speed ahead
Full speed ahead it is, Sgt.
Cut the cable, drop the cable
Aye, Sir, aye
Captain, captain!