NationStates Jolt Archive

Which is the best mob movie?

Demented Hamsters
20-03-2005, 18:42
I just watched "Goodfellas" again tonight and it got me wondering - which mob movie do you prefer:

Personally I go for Goodfellas, because I like the pace and script. The direction and cinematography stand-out as well. And Ray Liotta's fantastic in it (easily his best part ever), especially the final bits where he's strung out on Coke. The frenetic paranoia is so true to life.

What are you're views?
20-03-2005, 18:46
Goodfellas because the Godfather is just so boring. Theres no action, nothing to keep you interested in the film.
Jake 4
20-03-2005, 18:47
goodfellas all da way
20-03-2005, 18:47
I voted for The Godfather but, I really liked Scarface the best. Casino was rather good, too.
20-03-2005, 18:49
Goodfellas is great. Lot more realistic also.
Great cast in both of them :)
20-03-2005, 19:06
For seriousness, the Godfather. But Analyze This/That is good
20-03-2005, 19:08
While I realize that Goodfellas may be more like what thse mob is like in more recent times, there is a you must admit a certain class to The Godfather, it shows the traditions of that life well. Besides I love the music and I read all the Godfather books. At least two neighborhoods my family lived in when I was little were mob controlled. Once I saw the Godfather of North Beach. He was a small dapper man in a pin-strip suit, with beautiful white hair, he had a cane, and very good shoes. He broke up an ugly domestic dispute downstairs. A woman was beating up on her husband, she'd thrown a hot iron at him and could have killed him. The Godfather took the husband someplace safe and had a long talk with the wife about this not being a good way to handle her problems with her husband. He struck me as a rather civilized man. He was small even for an Italian, but you got a feeling he was definately not to be trifled with!
The Godfather gives the outsider a look inside the lives of such people and the books are beautifully written.
The movie sticks fairly close to them.
21-03-2005, 19:00
Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill
21-03-2005, 19:05
personally, I prefer goodfellas, although my gran really loves the Godfather. I find Goodfellas a lot more unsettling.
21-03-2005, 19:17
Scarface should be on that list...

"In America, first you make the money, then you get the power then you get the wiiiimmen!"
"Say hello to my lilttle frreend!"


But of the 2 in the poll I say Godfather.
Jester III
21-03-2005, 19:28
Once upon a time in America and Little Cesar for a classic.
21-03-2005, 19:28
Miller's Crossing is not in the list. Thus;

Miller's Crossing.
21-03-2005, 19:29
Since it has to be one on the list, I choose Godfather.
You Forgot Poland
21-03-2005, 19:31
Miller's Crossing is a very good movie, but it's a patchwork of reference to other gangster flicks/Hammett stories. I have a hard time giving the "best" title to anything so derivative, so: "Whole Nine Yards" it is.

Just kidding. Godfather all the way.
Unified Sith
21-03-2005, 20:41
The Godfather, ahh that film had plot, it shows that the mob world isn’t just about killing, that there is thought and planning behind it all, but the Godfather is for an older age and was based around an older class of Don, but overall the Godfather just rocked. The music was better, the cinematography, everything, I even have the box set. :>