17-03-2005, 03:06
Death and Folly II
There is this awesome RP im a member of that is based on WWII in it you choose a nation and you direct the future of that nation through history. You do not follow historical timelines. You can build alliances and declare war and whatever else you want (within the rules). The game is freaking awesome and tons and tons of fun. Anyone with any sort of interest in role-plays should try this out.
.All technology must have already been existant for your nation if you wish to use it in the role play. It is to say, you cannot equip yourself with self invented weaponry. If you wish to aquire the ordnance of another nation must be able to do so in character through martial or diplomatic means - not through out of character convention. Any failure to do so will result in a penalty, most likely an ignore until you are able to comply with this regulation.
2.Your population is based of real life 1939-1945 populations, not NationStates populations, and thus you will role play with these populations. Resources you use must be real life resources and to aquire other resources you must do so in charactar, through martial or diplomatic channels.
5.No declaring the actions of the enemy. You only control your men, not theirs. You should post movement, then attack, and let them tell what their people do.
6.No ignoring. Ignoring leads to rather bad RPing, and to lost role plays, meaning that this game will be full of ignore fests and will die in an augmenting fashion. Nations which attempt to ignore will be told by the moderators of the game that ignoring is an established illegality, and will be forced to RP on. Failure to listen to the mods will result in increasing the warning rate by 5%.
7.There is no flaming allowed. Flaming also results in horrible RPing, and ruins the world war experience. Flaming includes cussing out other players, increasingly whining, posting just OOC messages, and the such. I think we all have a pretty clear idea of what flaming is. OOC and IC in the same post is ok, and OOC for good reasons, such as explinations is perfect. Should a nation flame they rist having their warning rate augmented at a rate of 10% per flame, by the moderators.
8.Should your warning rate reach to 100%, for the first time, your account will be suspended for five days. Should you hit 100%, for the second time, your account will be deleted, and you will be banned from World at War. Should you directly insult the moderators or the administrators you will be directly banned and deleted. Should you make personal insults about race or religion you will also automatically hit 100%.
9.Signatures are to remain banner types. ONLY 400 x 100 signatures. Anything else will be deleted, and a "sig police" banner will replace it.
you start out with no military. and you can use any weapons used in WW2 ( no A-bomb or Jets. i mean acctually used.
Check the list of registered members before registering as one. Also when you register go into list of nations and say you were recruited on the NS forum. by Ephlain.
Here is the link
Awesome Role-Play! (http://secondworldwar.proboards36.com/index.cgi)
There is this awesome RP im a member of that is based on WWII in it you choose a nation and you direct the future of that nation through history. You do not follow historical timelines. You can build alliances and declare war and whatever else you want (within the rules). The game is freaking awesome and tons and tons of fun. Anyone with any sort of interest in role-plays should try this out.
.All technology must have already been existant for your nation if you wish to use it in the role play. It is to say, you cannot equip yourself with self invented weaponry. If you wish to aquire the ordnance of another nation must be able to do so in character through martial or diplomatic means - not through out of character convention. Any failure to do so will result in a penalty, most likely an ignore until you are able to comply with this regulation.
2.Your population is based of real life 1939-1945 populations, not NationStates populations, and thus you will role play with these populations. Resources you use must be real life resources and to aquire other resources you must do so in charactar, through martial or diplomatic channels.
5.No declaring the actions of the enemy. You only control your men, not theirs. You should post movement, then attack, and let them tell what their people do.
6.No ignoring. Ignoring leads to rather bad RPing, and to lost role plays, meaning that this game will be full of ignore fests and will die in an augmenting fashion. Nations which attempt to ignore will be told by the moderators of the game that ignoring is an established illegality, and will be forced to RP on. Failure to listen to the mods will result in increasing the warning rate by 5%.
7.There is no flaming allowed. Flaming also results in horrible RPing, and ruins the world war experience. Flaming includes cussing out other players, increasingly whining, posting just OOC messages, and the such. I think we all have a pretty clear idea of what flaming is. OOC and IC in the same post is ok, and OOC for good reasons, such as explinations is perfect. Should a nation flame they rist having their warning rate augmented at a rate of 10% per flame, by the moderators.
8.Should your warning rate reach to 100%, for the first time, your account will be suspended for five days. Should you hit 100%, for the second time, your account will be deleted, and you will be banned from World at War. Should you directly insult the moderators or the administrators you will be directly banned and deleted. Should you make personal insults about race or religion you will also automatically hit 100%.
9.Signatures are to remain banner types. ONLY 400 x 100 signatures. Anything else will be deleted, and a "sig police" banner will replace it.
you start out with no military. and you can use any weapons used in WW2 ( no A-bomb or Jets. i mean acctually used.
Check the list of registered members before registering as one. Also when you register go into list of nations and say you were recruited on the NS forum. by Ephlain.
Here is the link
Awesome Role-Play! (http://secondworldwar.proboards36.com/index.cgi)