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Who plays Rome: Total War

17-03-2005, 01:43
Who here plays rome total war? Its a really cool game. What is your favorite faction, and which one have you earned? Ive earned Germany, Gaul, Greece, Selucids, Egypt, and Carthage so far, on my current campaign (Julii) i almost have Britain under control , only need one more city
17-03-2005, 01:48
I play Medeival Total War, but never bought Rome.
17-03-2005, 01:48
one of my favourite ever games.

Carthage are easily my favourite side. Competant enough infantry, cavalry that dominate, and war elephants. what more could you ask for? Seleucia is the most powerful side, unbalanced, if you ask me.
cataphracts, phalanxes, legions, chariots and elephants.... owch. only drawback they have is their starting position.
17-03-2005, 01:52
They need to make a Total War with gunpowder units, that would be a good game. :)
17-03-2005, 01:53
Carthage is ok, i dont like their infantry much, Selucids i think have too many neighbors, Egypt, Greece, Pontus, Parthia, Armenia, eventually Numidia and Scythia, i end up fighting too many of them to manage
17-03-2005, 01:54
They need to make a Total War with gunpowder units, that would be a good game. :)

do a google search on "imperial glory"

That should be what you're looking for.
Pure Metal
17-03-2005, 01:56
i thought Medieval was way better than Rome, largely cos the new one took so long to get into a decent, fun game. that, plus i'm more of a casual gamer nowadays (compared to when i used to play Medieval). bah
17-03-2005, 01:56
Carthage is ok, i dont like their infantry much, Selucids i think have too many neighbors, Egypt, Greece, Pontus, Parthia, Armenia, eventually Numidia and Scythia, i end up fighting too many of them to manage

The key to winning with Carthage is not to bother with infantry in the early game. Don't touch it with a barge pole. Just get long shield cavalry as soon as possible. They make light work of all the other early units nearby. When you get poeni infantry and sacred band, then carthage becomes a more powerful balanced force. mercenery armies as well. Carthage relied heavily on its mercs to fight against Rome.
The Parthians
17-03-2005, 01:56

J/k, but I do think Parthia is the best side to play.
17-03-2005, 01:57
The Selucids are my favs, its like Carthage^100, they get better elephants, scythed chariots, phalanxes and (eventualy) legionaries. It took me about ten years to take over most of the Middle East and part of Greece.
Of course, it can be quite tragic when your favorite generals die. Good 'ol Quintus...slaughtering his way through Gaul. Pacified those damn barbarians straight to Hades ;)
Then he went to Greece and made the mistake of going into Athens, which didnt have any sanitation and was a city of about 10,000 at the time.
He got plauge and died at 56.
Bloody dirty Greeks.
17-03-2005, 01:58
They need to make a Total War with gunpowder units, that would be a good game. :)
takes away too much of the hand to hand aspect, and makes seiges easier
17-03-2005, 01:59
Parthia? Yeah, they're a unique side. I just hate their starting position most of all. it's so poor and spread out. Cavalry archer domination though.
17-03-2005, 02:01
Parthia gave me some trouble as the Selucids...mostly because theyre on the other side of the Black Sea and its a bugger to get there.
Of course, most of my conquest was due to my wonderful diplomats bribing the leaders family and then recruiting 1,000,000,000 mercinaries and taking their cities :P
Egypt was a pain as well, quite good military.
17-03-2005, 02:03
The Selucids are my favs, its like Carthage^100, they get better elephants, scythed chariots, phalanxes and (eventualy) legionaries. It took me about ten years to take over most of the Middle East and part of Greece.
Of course, it can be quite tragic when your favorite generals die. Good 'ol Quintus...slaughtering his way through Gaul. Pacified those damn barbarians straight to Hades ;)
Then he went to Greece and made the mistake of going into Athens, which didnt have any sanitation and was a city of about 10,000 at the time.
He got plauge and died at 56.
Bloody dirty Greeks.

Amulius Brutus: greatest general ever. You get him right at the beginning of the brutii campaign. then you get too protective of him.

And what you said about Seleucids... that's why they suck. TOO powerful. Carthage does it just right.
Pacified those barbarians to hades.... I like your style! I'm never to friendly to the gauls.
17-03-2005, 02:04
The Selucids are my favs, its like Carthage^100, they get better elephants, scythed chariots, phalanxes and (eventualy) legionaries. It took me about ten years to take over most of the Middle East and part of Greece.
Of course, it can be quite tragic when your favorite generals die. Good 'ol Quintus...slaughtering his way through Gaul. Pacified those damn barbarians straight to Hades ;)
Then he went to Greece and made the mistake of going into Athens, which didnt have any sanitation and was a city of about 10,000 at the time.
He got plauge and died at 56.
Bloody dirty Greeks.
My generals usually stay at the biggest cities they can find.

My worst disaster was as Scipii, i was making a big huge army to go into Egypt, and a volcano went off at capua, 5 generals, including my leader, all gone
17-03-2005, 02:08
Amulius Brutus: greatest general ever. You get him right at the beginning of the brutii campaign. then you get too protective of him.

And what you said about Seleucids... that's why they suck. TOO powerful. Carthage does it just right.
Pacified those barbarians to hades.... I like your style! I'm never to friendly to the gauls.

If im Julii, I let the barbarians fight each other, and if germany gains the upper hand, i take care of them and let the gauls and brits fight. then move in for the kill. After i finish them , Macedonia, Thrace, and Scythia feel my wrath, i leave spain to the scipii
The Parthians
17-03-2005, 02:12
Parthia? Yeah, they're a unique side. I just hate their starting position most of all. it's so poor and spread out. Cavalry archer domination though.

I play the Rome Total Realism mod, so the Parthians have more room to expand since the map is extended east to India.
17-03-2005, 02:14
I play the Rome Total Realism mod, so the Parthians have more room to expand since the map is extended east to India.
where do you get that?
when i fought parthia, i wiped them out as far as i could tell, but they had Cyprus (edited) somehow, and i gave up chasing them
17-03-2005, 02:16
Amulius Brutus: greatest general ever. You get him right at the beginning of the brutii campaign. then you get too protective of him.

And what you said about Seleucids... that's why they suck. TOO powerful. Carthage does it just right.
Pacified those barbarians to hades.... I like your style! I'm never to friendly to the gauls.
I just use whoevers handy to take people out. Of course, I also like to adopt the occasional idiot and put them in charge of some backwater with a few troops in it, just to keep order a bit.
Every once and a while though you get the guy who wins EVERY time you push the 'autobattle' button, including the time that he went up against the screaming hordes with, say, two units of Hastati and half a unit of exhausted archers.

Thats also why I LIKE the Selucids, I never said I was good a strategy games :P
Anyway, I am physicaly incapable of setting the difficulty to 'easy', it makes me feel bad, so I compensate by picking the uber-side :)
Of course, you can make the Selucids significantly weaker by simply not using elephants, which I dont, unless sombody is giving me trouble, in which case ten units of armoured war elephants with trebs usualy take care of them.
Not exactly something you would see in The Art of War, but it works :)

But yes, RTW could use some tweaking on its animal units, IE: Dogs, which can run through infantry in a manner similar to that of elephants, especialy from the rear or in a melee.
New Genoa
17-03-2005, 02:17
I'll play it again when the Europa Barbarorum and Middle Earth mods come out.
New Genoa
17-03-2005, 02:17
where do you get that?
when i fought parthia, i wiped them out as far as i could tell, but they had Cyprus (edited) somehow, and i gave up chasing them
17-03-2005, 02:20
i only use dogs if im rome and the senate gives them to me, to expensive and they just die. I prefer cavalry. at least one unit that can cantabrian circle should be in every army, if you are attacked, put them or the general as far away, and just run around, even if they wipe out everyone else, you still win
The Parthians
17-03-2005, 02:20
where do you get that?
when i fought parthia, i wiped them out as far as i could tell, but they had Cyprus (edited) somehow, and i gave up chasing them
17-03-2005, 02:30
Yeah, I play as the Greeks most often but enjoy playing as mostly every faction in the game, I find Carthage one of the more challenging sides as their infantry is pretty poor to start out with, but as time goes on and you get more competant generals and more upgrades they become very strong.

Playing Rome Total Realism at the moment, tis very good. :D
17-03-2005, 02:34
Yeah, I play as the Greeks most often but enjoy playing as mostly every faction in the game, I find Carthage one of the more challenging sides as their infantry is pretty poor to start out with, but as time goes on and you get more competant generals and more upgrades they become very strong.

Playing Rome Total Realism at the moment, tis very good. :D

I like greece, but whenever you get to Scythia, even woth other groups (Brutii, Julii), it gets hard to expand upward, and when you go east, theres the Selucids, which are you with elephants and chariots, not fun
17-03-2005, 02:37
I got bored with empire-building long ago with Rome, so nowadays I just set up the most ultimate versus battles.

One time I put one squad of Spartan Hoplites against a horde of armoured elephants.

The Spartans kicked their ass.
17-03-2005, 02:41
Yeah, I play as the Greeks most often but enjoy playing as mostly every faction in the game, I find Carthage one of the more challenging sides as their infantry is pretty poor to start out with, but as time goes on and you get more competant generals and more upgrades they become very strong.

Playing Rome Total Realism at the moment, tis very good. :D

The greeks are another favourite faction of mine, just because I like hoplite battles. I don't agree with anyone who says hoplite tactics are unsophisticated. It requires a lot of finesse to do it right and not get completely swarmed. Only problem is that the Rome engine doesn't work hoplites perfectly yet. Still, I can hope it'll be fixed in the patch.
17-03-2005, 02:41
have you tried an 8-way seige battle, that could cause some serious havoc
17-03-2005, 02:43
have you tried an 8-way seige battle, that could cause some serious havoc

My compy can't handle them at the moment.
poor auxillius.

My powerhouse couldn't handle it either, because it's the powerhouse of two years ago. But auxillius is pushing three here. It can't handle anything larger than two players.
17-03-2005, 02:45
if i make them huge, it gets hard to handle, but i dont think it could handle an 8 way, especially 20 units a side, it would die
17-03-2005, 03:08
Bleh, love the game, but have awful luck with it. In one turn, I captured both the English and Numidian capitals. Then the next turn they both rebel with 900 guys and a new faction heir. D'oh.
17-03-2005, 03:26
Bleh, love the game, but have awful luck with it. In one turn, I captured both the English and Numidian capitals. Then the next turn they both rebel with 900 guys and a new faction heir. D'oh.
England is a tricky bugger, since its an island with three testy cities, ireland is like that too, numidia i have mixed luck dealing with
17-03-2005, 03:36
England is a tricky bugger, since its an island with three testy cities, ireland is like that too, numidia i have mixed luck dealing with

England is more trouble than it's worth to deal with. Chances are there's some easily available islands like palma or sardinia... I'd only take out England if they were really powerful, and I couldn't afford to leave them in the flanks.

Though generally I do have a few Carthaginian armies in London, just so that I have it, hehehe.
17-03-2005, 03:43
England is more trouble than it's worth to deal with. Chances are there's some easily available islands like palma or sardinia... I'd only take out England if they were really powerful, and I couldn't afford to leave them in the flanks.

Though generally I do have a few Carthaginian armies in London, just so that I have it, hehehe.
right now im doing it to see how far i can expand without it collapsing, it hasnt been that bad, im in the high 20's for number of provinces
17-03-2005, 03:47
right now im doing it to see how far i can expand without it collapsing, it hasnt been that bad, im in the high 20's for number of provinces

I had to format my good pc when I had nearly finished it as Carthage... 47 provinces... 3 away from winning. Gah, I'm annoyed now.
17-03-2005, 03:51
ive never got that close, i get into the thirties and half the provinces go to revolt, leaving me fighting the rebels to my back and (insert group here) to the front
17-03-2005, 04:01
ive never got that close, i get into the thirties and half the provinces go to revolt, leaving me fighting the rebels to my back and (insert group here) to the front

You really need to make sure you always have good temples, and a strong trading economy. Walls might help a bit, but I don't know, and I doubt it.
garrisons as well are really important. Sometimes its good to recruit vast amounts of cheap rubbish just to control the population a bit. When they get to 26-30,000, they become harder to control, and more prone to plague. But recruiting a few thousand as town watch helps a lot.
The Lightning Star
17-03-2005, 04:05
I love that game ^^

My Opinion on sides:

The Romans: Fairly balanced and easy to play as, but the senate is a pain in the ass!

Carthage: If you don't take Sicily within the first five turns, you are screwed. The Scipii will be at your door in a matter of seconds. Best strategy: Use Carthages Uber-money making ability to become really rich. Then send in about 200 soldiers with a family member. However, as you travel through foreign lands, buy Mercenaries. Lots of Mercenaries. I conquered all of Rome that way ^^.

Seleucids: Probably the best faction. They have every kind of unit, they are the only nation that can easily beat the Egyptians, they are moderatly rich, and all their neighbors are easily beaten. You cant go wrong with Seleucia.

Britons: Probably the best Barbarian team(unless you have the Rome: Total Realism mods O_o). Your armies just roll over all the other Barbarians. The Gauls? I could beat 'em with me eyes closed. The Germans? Don't make me laugh. The Spanish? HA!

Scythains/Sarmatians: Do j00 like cavalry? Then this is the faction for you! They have the best, cheapest, and most cavalry of any other faction. You just run over your enemies. Who needs to fight with swords? Such sharp and pointy things, if you as me. Flattening enemies is much more effective.

Pontus: Probably the best of the little factions(Armenia, Thrace, Dacia, etc). They have good units, good generals, O.K. cities, and a great starting location. If you raise an army soon enough(and take care of those dastardly Armenians) Anatolia is yours. The Seleucids pose a problem when you reach the south part of the peninsula, but usually they haven't built up that much there. If the Thracians try to invade the peninsula, drive them out. Fast.

OOC: BTW- Some factions that I put(I.E. Pontus) are only available to you if you have an "All FActions" mod or "Rome: Total Realism".
17-03-2005, 04:05
peasants are fun, a giant army of pesants defending a city, with a couple random units for real power, if you autobattle itd give you a good chance of winning
The Bankers Union
17-03-2005, 04:07
I play Rome Total War-very good game, of of the best strategy games I've played. I think that Total War series is at its apex with this game-I love all the Romans, I like the Germans, and the Greeks are aswome too (specially their phallanx).
17-03-2005, 04:10
I play Rome Total War-very good game, of of the best strategy games I've played. I think that Total War series is at its apex with this game-I love all the Romans, I like the Germans, and the Greeks are aswome too (specially their phallanx).
greece is fun, im not the biggest barbarian fan
17-03-2005, 04:11
Peasants are great.
Some of my favorite random battles from MTW were full-peasant army vrs. full Hasashim army.
Thats the MTW equivalent of full-peasant army vrs. full Arcani army.
Naturaly the mesly 20 guy Arcani shred the 200 units of peasants ever time. Its still funny :)
The Lightning Star
17-03-2005, 04:12
greece is fun, im not the biggest barbarian fan

Greek's aren't that great. The Carthaginian Sacred Band are the best Phalanx, and the Macedonians are more balanced.

Barbarians aren't that great. The Britons are fun, and the Spanish are as well, but alot of other Barbarians just...suck.
17-03-2005, 04:14
I love that game ^^

My Opinion on sides:

The Romans: Fairly balanced and easy to play as, but the senate is a pain in the ass!

They've also got the most boring units in the game, though. Hastati? yaaaawn.

Carthage: If you don't take Sicily within the first five turns, you are screwed. The Scipii will be at your door in a matter of seconds. Best strategy: Use Carthages Uber-money making ability to become really rich. Then send in about 200 soldiers with a family member. However, as you travel through foreign lands, buy Mercenaries. Lots of Mercenaries. I conquered all of Rome that way ^^.

The real mans faction, and you know it. But I agree with you on sicily. Keeping Sardinia is a bonus too, but unlikely.

Seleucids: Probably the best faction. They have every kind of unit, they are the only nation that can easily beat the Egyptians, they are moderatly rich, and all their neighbors are easily beaten. You cant go wrong with Seleucia.


Britons: Probably the best Barbarian team(unless you have the Rome: Total Realism mods O_o). Your armies just roll over all the other Barbarians. The Gauls? I could beat 'em with me eyes closed. The Germans? Don't make me laugh. The Spanish? HA!

The British are the best because they're the British, really. They don't lose to the French, Germans or Spanish. But their chariots take a bit of getting used to, in my opinion. Head hurlers are fun though. On the whole, I don't really like the barbarian factions.

Scythains/Sarmatians: Do j00 like cavalry? Then this is the faction for you! They have the best, cheapest, and most cavalry of any other faction. You just run over your enemies. Who needs to fight with swords? Such sharp and pointy things, if you as me. Flattening enemies is much more effective.

What about Parthia? They're fairly cavalry dependent, though admittedly not quite as much as Scythia is. I've yet to really play as Parthia though.

Pontus: Probably the best of the little factions(Armenia, Thrace, Dacia, etc). They have good units, good generals, O.K. cities, and a great starting location. If you raise an army soon enough(and take care of those dastardly Armenians) Anatolia is yours. The Seleucids pose a problem when you reach the south part of the peninsula, but usually they haven't built up that much there. If the Thracians try to invade the peninsula, drive them out. Fast.

I only just downloaded an all-factions patch, so I don't know how good pontus is. I knocked them out the road fairly easily every time I go against them though.

OOC: BTW- Some factions that I put(I.E. Pontus) are only available to you if you have an "All FActions" mod or "Rome: Total Realism".

I put what I thought in the bold writing between your comments. too lazy to divide it properly.
The Lightning Star
17-03-2005, 04:16
I put what I thought in the bold writing between your comments. too lazy to divide it properly.

Oh, BTW, I think Carthage is a "real-mans" Faction as well. It takes a balance of skill, tactics, diplomacy, economic policy, and sometimes just beating the shit out of your opponents to win as them. They are the funnest faction, really.
The Lightning Star
17-03-2005, 04:18
Oh, and while it's easy to beat Pontus, if you play as them, and you have enough skill, you can easily hold your own against the Seleucids, the Parthians, and the Macedonians. Just don't let the Armenians take you by surprise.
Irrational Stupidity
17-03-2005, 04:27
Ahh... I love this game. I had some of the most interesting Generals myself. Firstly, I started playing as the Julii, which was pretty easy to begin with. I started marching though Gaul, up and into Briton, made a temporary alliance with the Germans, so I could get a Joint Attack on the last Gaul city, and finally stomped into spain.

My best General was Decius Julius, also known as Decius the Handsome, Decius the Brave, and Decius the Mighty. He had maxed out influence and command, took over half of Gaul and almost all of briton, when he eventually died in the Seige of Londinium, struck down when his calvary were attacked by the Warlords Chariots.

Ahh, those were some good times. I did the most unlikely things, too. Like, I used Carthage's light calvary to route a huge Greek army of nothing but Phalaxes[?] and later did the same against a joint Roman-Greek attack. Now, I'm playing as the Britons, and am owning the Julii. Except, now I'm out of money.
17-03-2005, 04:35
i actually prefer the barbarian factions but they get anoying late game when you cities get all bloated ive only ver got total domination with gaul,germans and parthia (by the wy parthia is extremly cavalry dependent as all their infantry sucks) i did manage to win with greeks ounce but my empire was on the verge of faling apart
17-03-2005, 04:42
Medieval was far better than Rome. Just seemed more polished and deep. Plus, I'm pissed off that I paid $50 just for more eyecandy.
17-03-2005, 06:21
I've encountered an easy, if disturbing way to keep rebellion in check. All that you need to do is realise that a city is on the edge of revolt, then move all your troops out so the rebellion is bloodless. Once it revolts, immediately lay seige to the town, smash your way in and mass-excecute everyone. The population is drastically reduced, but you still have all those high-population buildings, which means money will pour in and the people won't be strong enough to even think about revolt for years.

Doing this, I was able to keep my empire in check and conquer EVERY SINGLE PROVINCE IN THE GAME!
17-03-2005, 06:30
I went to and got the sweetest cheats for the entire series.
17-03-2005, 08:25
I've encountered an easy, if disturbing way to keep rebellion in check. All that you need to do is realise that a city is on the edge of revolt, then move all your troops out so the rebellion is bloodless. Once it revolts, immediately lay seige to the town, smash your way in and mass-excecute everyone. The population is drastically reduced, but you still have all those high-population buildings, which means money will pour in and the people won't be strong enough to even think about revolt for years.

Doing this, I was able to keep my empire in check and conquer EVERY SINGLE PROVINCE IN THE GAME!
Enslaving works as well, good way to build up your other cities, if you need to.
17-03-2005, 08:49
They need to make a Total War with gunpowder units, that would be a good game. :)

Shogun: Total War had gun powder units...two types in fact...
17-03-2005, 08:54
Shogun: Total War had gun powder units...two types in fact...

Indeed, my favorite multi-player army was a small points game used No-Dachi, Cavalry and the better gun unit. Never lost any game using that set up.
The Lightning Star
17-03-2005, 13:04
Medieval was far better than Rome. Just seemed more polished and deep. Plus, I'm pissed off that I paid $50 just for more eyecandy.

I think you're wrong there.

Rome has many things better than Medieval:

1. The Medieval Ages sucked. The Classical age pwnz!

2. The graphics in M:TW sucked. Even for the time area, they sucked.

3. The gameplay in M:TW wasn't that great. Battles weren't as, y'know, big and inclusive.

4. The Sieges in M:TW are childs play compared to the ones in R:TW.
The Lightning Star
17-03-2005, 13:07
Indeed, my favorite multi-player army was a small points game used No-Dachi, Cavalry and the better gun unit. Never lost any game using that set up.


I find Archers to be much more reliable.

MY favorite setup-

Warrior Monks, heavy Cavalry, and Archers.
17-03-2005, 13:14
Rome Total War ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I play the Julii, and Brutii, and sometimes the MACEDONIANS. BUT the Game is so great, taking the best of strategy and giving it good graphics!
17-03-2005, 13:31
Indeed, my favorite multi-player army was a small points game used No-Dachi, Cavalry and the better gun unit. Never lost any game using that set up.

I never got to play it at multi player...but there is nothing better than getting the computers whole army attacking your front of infantry then charging all you cavalry into his rear units after you have out flanked him :D
17-03-2005, 18:13
MTW had two (technically four) kinds of gunpowder units. Handgunners and Aquibusiers (sp?). They had a pavise varient as well (guys with a big shield for arrows).
Basicaly they were less accurate, more damaging, crossbows with a smoke effect.
MTW also had tons of cannons and suchlike. Bombards were my favorite (Giant cannons with basicaly a mini-fortress on the front)
17-03-2005, 18:31
I feel sorry for anyone who paid for it. I got it for free (I love friends!). :p

Anyways I am now playing as the Scipii in v1.2 and frankly, the artificial intelligence is a bit of a joke, but I love the game nonetheless.

Favorite faction: Egypt because they start off in a great strategic position with wonders :). And their variation in troops is perfect: they have great infantry in awesome spearmen, they have decent archers, which the Carthaginians without modding the shit out of the game seem to be lacking, and I absolutely adore their fast moving cavalry.

I play the game as it is without mods that make nations like Carthage unstoppable. I have been thinking about downloading Rome Total Realism, but since I have a pirated copy I do not want to mess up and lose my game entirely.
The Lightning Star
17-03-2005, 19:10
I feel sorry for anyone who paid for it. I got it for free (I love friends!). :p

Anyways I am now playing as the Scipii in v1.2 and frankly, the artificial intelligence is a bit of a joke, but I love the game nonetheless.

Favorite faction: Egypt because they start off in a great strategic position with wonders :). And their variation in troops is perfect: they have great infantry in awesome spearmen, they have decent archers, which the Carthaginians without modding the shit out of the game seem to be lacking, and I absolutely adore their fast moving cavalry.

I play the game as it is without mods that make nations like Carthage unstoppable. I have been thinking about downloading Rome Total Realism, but since I have a pirated copy I do not want to mess up and lose my game entirely.

Whattaya mean?

As Carthage with00t mods, I still conquered all of the Roman Factions, the Numidians, and large tracts of Spain.
17-03-2005, 19:21
I like the Julii, because their troops are good, and they have easy land acess to the easily crushed nations. the powerful civilizations are far away, exept for the greeks and macidonians