What we need is minarchy
17-03-2005, 00:12
We don't need a monarchy, aristocracy, a patriarchy or a matriarchy - Minarchy!!!
New Genoa
17-03-2005, 00:13
Minarchiality r00ls
Ninja Zombie Dinosaurs
17-03-2005, 00:14
I'm afraid I have to report my aristarchy (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=aristarchy) of your minarchy proposal. :D
Legless Pirates
17-03-2005, 00:16
The miners rule? o_O
17-03-2005, 00:18
The miners rule? o_O
Minarchy - from mini- (little), and kratia- (rule).
Little rule.
Anarchic Conceptions
17-03-2005, 00:20
Minarchy - from mini- (little), and kratia- (rule).
Little rule.
Proposed as an alternative to the term "limited-government Libertarian" by Samuel Edward Konkin I think.
Gran Cienaga
17-03-2005, 00:23
I'd rather have American constitutional government, it's probably a little larger than minarchits gov't but it works just as well
Legless Pirates
17-03-2005, 00:24
Minarchy - from mini- (little), and kratia- (rule).
Little rule.
Oh really? :rolleyes:
Lunatic Goofballs
17-03-2005, 00:24
What about a malarchy? :)
Oh boy....let the parody threads commence....
Legless Pirates
17-03-2005, 00:32
Anarchic Conceptions
17-03-2005, 00:34
17-03-2005, 00:36
Minarchy - from mini- (little), and kratia- (rule).
Little rule.
It's official. I'm going to stage a coup d'etat and make you President, whether you like it or not. Get ready for it. ;)