I'm ill.
Woke up this moring with a sore back and a harrable cough. Just been sick and got a high tempreture. God, I feel awful...
Crazy girl
16-03-2005, 16:42
stay in bed, and eat chickensoup ;)
Legless Pirates
16-03-2005, 16:43
Don't read forums. They're bad for you
Don't read forums. They're bad for you
well it's ether that, The Buget, or Maisy Mouse...
16-03-2005, 16:50
well it's ether that, The Buget, or Maisy Mouse...
and you poor baby :fluffle: :fluffle: hope you feel better soon
The Imperial Navy
16-03-2005, 16:50
Do somthing to take your mind off it. Watch a movie, look at amusing sites... do somthing.
and you poor baby :fluffle: :fluffle: hope you feel better soon
:fluffle: you back Tink, Thanks. Maisys off now, some other crap is one, we only get two channels up here... and the videos broken. :fluffle:
Demented Hamsters
16-03-2005, 16:57
Woke up this moring with a sore back and a harrable cough. Just been sick and got a high tempreture. God, I feel awful...
I feel your pain. I've been feeling lousy all week. I just can't seem to shake this cold.
Blehhh. :mad:
I'm going to eat icecream smothered with Baileys.
Whispering Legs
16-03-2005, 16:57
Woke up this moring with a sore back and a harrable cough. Just been sick and got a high tempreture. God, I feel awful...
No, you've just been reading my posts... :fluffle:
Parents say the best way to cute yourself of the cold/flu is plenty of liquids and lots of sleep..... That is a lie!
They made it up as an excuse to get the day off of you and what better way then making you sleep all day, and what are you doing when your not sleeping? Your going to the bathroom every 10 minutes.
The best way is to run around the house, play on the computer and eat lots of sugar...ignore the medicine and try to stay awake all night. If you must drink, a Carbonated Sugary beverage will suffice.
If they say Chicken soup, try and get KFC instead. Nothing says healthy like deep fried genetically modified chicken. =D
Pure Metal
16-03-2005, 17:03
get better soon man :)
16-03-2005, 17:09
I sympathize. I hope you get better soon.
16-03-2005, 17:18
Yay for carbonated sugary beverages! Oh, and get well soon.
16-03-2005, 17:30
Woke up this moring with a sore back and a harrable cough. Just been sick and got a high tempreture. God, I feel awful...
Oh. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, Aust. Sending healing vibes your way in hopes that you'll feel 100% soon! Take care and rest.
So...how's our favorit l'il Austie doing today??
The State of It
17-03-2005, 16:23
Woke up this moring with a sore back and a harrable cough. Just been sick and got a high tempreture. God, I feel awful...
Boo hoo!