Who is the rightful owner of Tok Island?
Whispering Legs
15-03-2005, 03:54
Who is the rightful owner of Tok Island?
wait for it...
15-03-2005, 04:01
I am.
Give it back.
A link might be helpful for those who are quite ignorant of this extremely important island.
I.e. WTF is Tok Island?
15-03-2005, 04:20
I think they should have a thumb war over it
15-03-2005, 04:24
No, competitive eating match!
15-03-2005, 04:26
Sumo wrestling maybe?
Alien Born
15-03-2005, 04:29
It is apparently a rather unloved rock.
Linky (http://www.425dxn.org/dc3mf/tokdo.html)
A link might be helpful for those who are quite ignorant of this extremely important island.
I.e. WTF is Tok Island?
Now that made me laugh!!
oh and since I have no love for NK
15-03-2005, 04:35
Well.. let them fight over it. Not our problem. It's a bunch of rocks with fish around it.. if it escalates to where they blow each other up for it, then how funny. :D
Who is the rightful owner of Tok Island?
wait for it...
What the fuck? It's being disputed between Japan and SOUTH Korea, not NORTH Korea.
Of course it belongs to South Korea --- They mapped it many centuries ago, they named it, and they should hold the rights to it.
However, this thread is pointless, because for some reason you put "North Korea" in the poll. I'll say it again: What. The. Fuck?
German Kingdoms
15-03-2005, 04:44
Let them play King of the Hill for it!
North Korea, South Korea, their is only one Korea because the division between the two was the illigitimate act of occupying imperialist powers. And Tok Island is part of Korea, obviously. Both Koreas claim it but only one Japan claims it. Two claims beat one. :fluffle: