The Greatest Threat
09-03-2005, 22:26
In line with my deep and abiding interest in world politics, I'm curious who exactly poses the greatest threat to the United States in the next hundred years. The Chinesse, perhaps? Russia? Terrorists?
Please share your opinions.
09-03-2005, 22:28
The Russians and Chinese, of course.
Canada: weez gonna Mad Cow their ass.
Seriously...the greatest threat comes from within...
09-03-2005, 22:31
How about itself?
09-03-2005, 22:31
Within where i wonder. well..i think the greatest threat to the world today comes with the faioling health of pope john paul II. I truly beleive a NWO will come from his successor.
09-03-2005, 22:34
Experienced Lawyers
09-03-2005, 22:35
How about itself?
Blast! I meant to include that in the poll!
09-03-2005, 22:35
Here are my sources:
1.New Lies for Old by Anatoliy Golitsyn
2.The Perestroika Deception by Anatoliy Golitsyn
3.Through the Eyes of the Enemy by Stanislav Lunev
4.The China Threat by Bill Gertz
5.Year of the Rat: How Bill Clinton Compromised U.S. Security for Chinese Cash by Edward Timperlake and William Triplett
6.Red Dragon Rising: China's Military Threat to America by Edward Timperlake
7.China's Trojan Horses by Roger Canfield
8.Red Cocaine by Dr. Joseph Douglass, Jr.
09-03-2005, 22:38
Blast! I meant to include that in the poll!
I think America will go the way of Rome, collapsing under its own immensity, until it is done in from the inside by its own decadence and sense of invincibility.
09-03-2005, 22:38
Russia and China are not only the greatest threat to us, but to the whole world.
09-03-2005, 22:39
Personally, I think the Chinese are the greatest potential threat. They don't particularly like America, they have a massive population, are industrializing rapidly, and have a history of infiltrating American intelligence networks.
09-03-2005, 22:40
I think America will go the way of Rome, collapsing under its own immensity, until it is done in from the inside by its own decadence and sense of invincibility.
That seems to be the pattern with the major powers. First Greece, than Rome. You could even argue that the British only lost their Empire because they were willing to give it away. (well, and the war of Independence)
09-03-2005, 22:42
In line with my deep and abiding interest in world politics, I'm curious who exactly poses the greatest threat to the United States in the next hundred years. The Chinesse, perhaps? Russia? Terrorists?
Please share your opinions.
Unless I totally miss my guess, the US is too far ahead for any other nation now on the horizon to catch up unless they are assisted by some natural disaster.
09-03-2005, 22:44
Unless I totally miss my guess, the US is too far ahead for any other nation now on the horizon to catch up unless they are assisted by some natural disaster.
But look at how history has changed in the last hundred years- you don't think a massive shift could happen?
the alleged imperialism of the United States is much different from the Romans and British, so I dont think that our immensity will be our downfall. Political divisiveness mainly, but i dont think the United States will collapse in the next hundred years, or even the next 200. i tihnk outside threats are much greater, and that China is obviously the greatest of these, altough if North Korea is getting more nukes, they might be more dangerous because they will actually use them. However, the real danger would come from China even in that situation, because a US counterattack would initiate a Chinese counterattack, so im still gonna go with China.
Soviet Narco State
09-03-2005, 22:46
Incompetent leaders.
Russia,those damn ruskies! :p
09-03-2005, 22:48
The greatest threat to America comes from within. Those who want unregulated capitalism, theocracy or a police state.
09-03-2005, 22:48
As some people already said, the threat comes from within.
Just my opinion, as an European...
09-03-2005, 22:51
I'm actually a little surprised to see how little support Iran is getting. But maybe they're viewed as only a short-term threat?
Purple Journos
09-03-2005, 22:52
The greatest threat to America comes from within. Those who want unregulated capitalism, theocracy or a police state.
I agree George Bush is the world's greatest threat...and my source (i only need one to make my point)
American Dream Global Nightmare -Merryl Wynn-Davies and Ziauddin Sardar - the only book you need to read
09-03-2005, 22:53
The Greatest Threat to the US is the US.
The way they spread their "version" of anti-terrorism and the outbreak of violence that follows, are the seeds that will sow the future problems of the USA.
Beyond that, the short-sighted economic policies that the current "President" and the Administration are putting through the Congress are going to put a real strain on the economy of the future generations of Americans. They will be paying for the mistakes for many years to come.
09-03-2005, 22:53
I'm actually a little surprised to see how little support Iran is getting. But maybe they're viewed as only a short-term threat?
They are indeed a threat, but not the main one. Russia and China are the terrorists' and dictators' ring-leaders. If they were out of the picture, all the other threats would wither on the vine.
The US is its own greatest danger.
And the greatest danger for the rest of the world.
Spamosaurus Rex
09-03-2005, 22:55
I think some catastropy will happen eg the yellow stone eruption (that will take most of the U.S out) and China will take America's place....then the war start's just like that time traveller said would happen (someone tell his name all I remember is the tit in his name)
The US is its own greatest danger.
And the greatest danger for the rest of the world.
My thoughts exactly.
The US is its own greatest danger.
And the greatest danger for the rest of the world.
I'm gonna have to disagree strongly.
America, for all its shortcomings, is nowhere near the threat that China, Russia, and their buddies North Korea and Iran are.
09-03-2005, 22:59
And the greatest danger for the rest of the world.
Never heard of Russia? Or China?
An archy
09-03-2005, 22:59
Civil war, without a doubt is the greatest threat to America. It will take a couple more generations to develope but in the future there will be no U.S.A., just the Red States of America and the Blue States of America.
Anarchists of the world unite!
Whinging Trancers
09-03-2005, 22:59
Americas greatest threat comes from within, it comes down to the way it treats the rest of the world and that it is living and growing on borrowed money on a scale that's never been seen before.
It continues and will continue to antagonise more and more of the world whilst borrowing more and more, seemingly without realising that debts get called in sooner or later and that people don't forget being sh@t upon.
No doubt it will continue to feel invincible for some time yet, but then it will really get its wake up call, 9/11 wasn't it, that was an alarm clock which it treated like an annoying snooze function, rather than paying heed and learning from it. When that real wake up call comes, I expect it will be far too late for the USA.
09-03-2005, 23:01
America's biggest threat is lack of oil. As the most oil dependent nation on Earth, any sudden cut in oil supplies from politically unstable regions (e.g Middle-East) would have a potentially devestating effect on the U.S economy (along with the rest of the world, but the thread is about America).
you just have to see the efects of the '73 Arab-Israeli conflict to see the possible results
09-03-2005, 23:01
[NOTE: IM NOT BASHING AMERICA OR AMERICANS, JUST THE US GOVERNMENT AND ITS POLICY] America has invaded 1/2 the countries on earth(Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Yugoslavia, only Iraq being succesfull and Korea being in an stand of for the past 50 years) , pissed off countless other countries(germany, france, russia, and any one else who didn't like their war plans for iraq, Canada and Mexico with NAFTA), and lets not get into the fact that they are the most extremist nation on earth (Bush constantly evoking the name of god as his reason for invasion and any thing else) this is starting to look like the Crusades all over again, no wonder islam is pissed (still not a reaoson to kill civilians though), They also go where they please trying to "help" nations that don't want s**t, so its just a matter of time before Bush declares a holy war on the world and that will ultimately bring about the end of america. :mad: :headbang: :confused: :( :headbang: :headbang: :mad: :headbang: :headbang:
South Osettia
09-03-2005, 23:02
The USA's biggest threat?
It's blatantly Liechtenstein.
09-03-2005, 23:03
The USA's biggest threat?
It's blatantly Liechtenstein.
Although Luxemburg and the islands of St. Pierre and Micquelin can't be far behind.
09-03-2005, 23:04
I would say "Me but they just don't know it yet" but that would get me an FBI I'll say China :)
09-03-2005, 23:05
The USA's biggest threat?
It's blatantly Liechtenstein.
I can see it coming, the war to end all wars!
09-03-2005, 23:05
But what do you really mean by "threat" ?
Ok, some "rogue" states have nukes. But what is the chance they use it against US, knowing there will be a retaliation ?
Ok, China will probably become the new economical lung of the planet, so what ?
The main problem I think, is your current prez.
09-03-2005, 23:06
I would say "Me but they just don't know it yet" but that would get me an FBI I'll say China :)
I get the feeling that Mr. Negreponte is going to be paying you a visit.
Civil war, without a doubt is the greatest threat to America. It will take a couple more generations to develope but in the future there will be no U.S.A., just the Red States of America and the Blue States of America.
Alas that every state has concentrations of both Republicans and Democrats. Get beyond the cheeky "Jesusland/United States of Canada" maps.
09-03-2005, 23:06
Other: Republicans, if they keep up what they've been doing.
09-03-2005, 23:07
But what do you really mean by "threat" ?
Ok, some "rogue" states have nukes. But what is the chance they use it against US, knowing there will be a retaliation ?
Ok, China will probably become the new economical lung of the planet, so what ?
The main problem I think, is your current prez.
Note: I'm Canadian , not American.
The greatest threat to the current order of things (the US as the worlds only superpower, with the ability to invade anything that doesn't have nukes or good buddies with nukes.)
Whinging Trancers
09-03-2005, 23:13
I would say "Me but they just don't know it yet" but that would get me an FBI I'll say China :)
Sounds cool! I used to have a genuine FBI cap and jacket that my dad brought back after lecturing to them, but I never got a file. What do we have to say then?
09-03-2005, 23:15
Note: I'm Canadian , not American.
I didn't intend to offend anyone...
09-03-2005, 23:17
I didn't intend to offend anyone...
No offense taken.
Eternal Dragon DPRK
09-03-2005, 23:18
Actually I think WW3 will erupt in the next 100 years......America creating it of course....
I have a feeling it may be sooner then later.....
09-03-2005, 23:22
Sounds cool! I used to have a genuine FBI cap and jacket that my dad brought back after lecturing to them, but I never got a file. What do we have to say then?
Lol, I could have so much fun with that cap and jacket, going around to people's houses and telling them they must evacuate the area and so fourth.
Solitary Hermits
09-03-2005, 23:24
The most serious threat to the US in the next hundred years?
The religious, 'moral' extremists that heavily influence the Republican party.
Way more dangerous than anything outside the US.
09-03-2005, 23:24
I get the feeling that Mr. Negreponte is going to be paying you a visit.
Pardon my ignorance but who is that?
An archy
09-03-2005, 23:25
Alas that every state has concentrations of both Republicans and Democrats. Get beyond the cheeky "Jesusland/United States of Canada" maps.
This is true, however, red state democrats and blue state republicans, I hypothecize, will become increasingly dissatisfied with their states' governments. This will cause liberals to move to blue states and conservatives to red states. After the war, almost all the remaining red state liberals and blue state conservatives will move to states of their own political persuasion. This also means that it will probably take significantly longer than a couple generations for the political tensions in America to escalate to civil war as I originally said.
Anarchists of the world unite!
09-03-2005, 23:26
Lol, I could have so much fun with that cap and jacket, going around to people's houses and telling them they must evacuate the area and so fourth.
Amber alert! Amber alert! Leave the area immediately! Those terrorist haters-of-freedom are coming, and they don't like us because we don't hate, we love!
Sorry. I actually have great respect for the work of the FBI, and really most police agencies. Four cops got killed in Alberta last week, for no good reason whatsoever, while they were busting a grow-op. The men and women who make up the police often don't get the respect they deserve.
In line with my deep and abiding interest in world politics, I'mI'm curious who exactly poses the greatest threat to the United States in the next hundred yearsThe Chinesse, perhaps? Russia? Terrorists?
Please share your opinions.
The next hundred years? In that case, we have to totally rethink everything. Will it every really come down to war? I think not. We really have to think outside the box on this and try to think abstactly. How could you shut a complete nation down in the next 100 years? You guessed it, on a computer. Wars will no longer be fought on a open battle field. If yu can shut down a nations, drinking water, grocery stores, electricity, ect..... you have them by the balls! Think about it everything will be electronical. The governmant will be able to tell who you are, where you bought your clothes, and what you had for lunch. They are allready putting barcodes in some people that is simply injected into your arm threw a neddle! IT WILL BE A ELECTRONIC WARFARE! THIS IS WHY WE NEED TO FEAR JAPANESSE AND CHINNESE,they are well ahead of us (electronically speaking)
Make good trade relations with them and make them an ally no matter what the cost!
Take a walk down the streets of hong kong if you think this is all bullshit.
We need to rethink everything here!
09-03-2005, 23:26
Pardon my ignorance but who is that?
The new head of the combined U.S. intelligence servicces.
09-03-2005, 23:41
Amber alert! Amber alert! Leave the area immediately! Those terrorist haters-of-freedom are coming, and they don't like us because we don't hate, we love!
Hahahaha, that is awesome. I bow down to that.
Sorry. I actually have great respect for the work of the FBI, and really most police agencies. Four cops got killed in Alberta last week, for no good reason whatsoever, while they were busting a grow-op. The men and women who make up the police often don't get the respect they deserve.
I agree, to do the job they do, to put your lives at risk like that for the greater good. Anyone in that line of work certainly has my respect.
09-03-2005, 23:47
The new head of the combined U.S. intelligence servicces.
Hmmm, I'll keep my eyes peeled and my alluminium baseball bat unsheathed.
09-03-2005, 23:58
Mr Bush.
Organized religion and capitalism are by far the greatest threats to the US.
10-03-2005, 00:27
Organized religion and capitalism are by far the greatest threats to the US.
How is capitalism a threat to the USA?
Capitalism is a threat to any society. It's inherently wrong.
I voted that natural disaster is the greatest threat to US stability, and world stability as a whole.
The world got its first glimpse in a very long time of a natural disaster devastating enough to affect many countries. Scientists have always warned about natural disasters, but since the Indian Ocean Quake, they have begun to look even more gravely at such matters, especially concerning a certain volcanic chain located in Wyoming, USA.
The BBC will soon be releasing a docu-drama called Supereruption. A super-eruption is a volcanic eruption that causes devastation on a global scale. The last one was about 74,000 years ago in Sumatra. DNA shows that this super-eruption nearly wiped out the entire human race, leaving only about 10,000 survivors total.
Yellowstone National Park is the setting of this fictional story. Yellowstone explodes, killing over 100,000 people and engulfing 3/4s of the US in ash and volcanic rock. The eruption is followed by a volcanic winter.
Geologists say that this story is not far from the facts at all--- and they predict that it'll happen soon.
The chance of a super-eruption happening is about 7 times more likely than an asteroid hitting the earth's surface. A super-eruption would be cause just as much damage as an asteroid with a 1.6 KM radius hitting the earth's surface. A volcanic winter would be just as bad as a nuclear winter. Globally, temperature would decrease by 5-10 degress celsius, and global agriculture would be completely devasted. Starvation and blizzards would engulf most of the world.
The US Government agency known as FEMA admitted that it had no contingency plan if a super-eruption were to take place. They also admitted that they should plan one soon. A super-eruption would make Pompeii, Mt. Saint Helens, and the Indian Ocean Earthquake look like a ride on a merry-go-round. FEMA said that their constingency plan would closely mimic that of the plan in case of a nuclear war.
So, yeah, that's my imput.... Humans can control nuclear weapons, but they can't control mother nature.
10-03-2005, 00:47
Capitalism is a threat to any society. It's inherently wrong.
What's wrong about it?
Purple Journos
10-03-2005, 21:18
sorry if I'm treading on your toes Olwe....
We have the greatest gift...consciousness....we are conscious beings who have the capacity to think and feel....why should it matter what car we drive or how much money we can earn in order to get bigger and better things than those around us....human greed is the disease thats going to kill this planet....we rape and pillage this beautiful world.....we pollute its land and seas.....and money and possesions get in the way of our essential humanity and why we are think and to feel....not to own a bigger telly