NationStates Jolt Archive

Time for new guy to take his beating

Mortimus the 1st
08-03-2005, 16:11
OK, here I go.

It is killing me to watch these threads and see the US get trounced for being so bad.

I will agree that the current administration is well.......words cant describe it well.

But it seems many of you think that all Americans are piss beer drinking, ten gallon hat wearing, gun carrying, fast food consuming, illiterates bent on world domination.

There are many in this country that fit that bill; but there are almost as many (looking at results of last election) that dont.

Those that dont are fighting the good fight to bring some common sense to the wackos that Love GW.

Can you show us just a little love :)
08-03-2005, 16:15
Dont take it personal Mort...I used to get worked up about it too, because some people make it sound like all Americans are bad when in fact, its our government they have a prob with. Well welcome to our world is what I say! We arent too thrilled with it either, but it doesnt mean that I'm a bad person because I live in a country whose leader you dont approve of. Thats just silly. So no worries friend. Develope a thick skin and dont take it personal. Welcome to NS by the way :)
08-03-2005, 16:17
Dont take it personal Mort...I used to get worked up about it too, because some people make it sound like all Americans are bad when in fact, its our government they have a prob with. Well welcome to our world is what I say! We arent too thrilled with it either, but it doesnt mean that I'm a bad person because I live in a country whose leader you dont approve of. Thats just silly. So no worries friend. Develope a thick skin and dont take it personal. Welcome to NS by the way :)
Yup this is not a place to be if you dislike having your views questioned :fluffle:
08-03-2005, 16:18
Bush isn;t the antichrist or anything, he just isn;t the caliber he could be...he has surrpunded himself with neocons (cabinet). I think he alone would be an ok prez, but his cabinet holds too much weight with him, and they have their own agenda.
08-03-2005, 16:19
Dont take it personal Mort...I used to get worked up about it too, because some people make it sound like all Americans are bad when in fact, its our government they have a prob with. Well welcome to our world is what I say! We arent too thrilled with it either, but it doesnt mean that I'm a bad person because I live in a country whose leader you dont approve of. Thats just silly. So no worries friend. Develope a thick skin and dont take it personal. Welcome to NS by the way :)

Well Peechland has to be good caus apparently she rocks someones pants ( :D
Mortimus the 1st
08-03-2005, 16:20
Oh, I love having my views questioned, I just hate being lumped in to a group and labled something I am not just because I am an American.

So far I love the forums here.
08-03-2005, 16:21
Well Peechland has to be good caus apparently she rocks someones pants ( :D
I think I got to save that one :p
08-03-2005, 16:22
Omg Teh Horror!!!
08-03-2005, 16:22
Oh, I love having my views questioned, I just hate being lumped in to a group and labled something I am not just because I am an American.

So far I love the forums here.
Yeah steriotyping sucks but it happens ... and I have to fight from doing it myself. So many people even the "open minded" ones are guilty of it
08-03-2005, 16:24
The america bashing bandwagon is an easy trend to jump on especially with some of the questionable policies made by the current administration. So people vent stereotypes onto americans coupled with the fact that theres flamers, trolls and parodies on both sides, especially on the religious threads which in peoples minds this translates as what themajority of the country.
Well thas my take on it
Mortimus the 1st
08-03-2005, 16:28
Well folks, it is time for me to put on my hat, strap on my gun belt and head out to Mc Donalds for some lunch.

Back in a bit
08-03-2005, 16:30
Well Peechland has to be good caus apparently she rocks someones pants ( :D

Indeed Kel....indeed ;)
08-03-2005, 16:32
Indeed Kel....indeed ;)

Yeah, LP has all the luck! ;) :D
Whinging Trancers
08-03-2005, 16:58
OK, here I go.

It is killing me to watch these threads and see the US get trounced for being so bad.

I will agree that the current administration is well.......words cant describe it well.

I agree about your current administration, but then the leader of my country (Tony Bliar) is as bad, if not worse in my eyes, he's intelligient enough to know better!

But it seems many of you think that all Americans are piss beer drinking, ten gallon hat wearing, gun carrying, fast food consuming, illiterates bent on world domination.

There are many in this country that fit that bill; but there are almost as many (looking at results of last election) that dont.

Those that dont are fighting the good fight to bring some common sense to the wackos that Love GW.

Can you show us just a little love :)

I know from first hand experience that you're not all illiterates bent upon world domination, but then I reserve the right to tell the ones who are that they probably can't even spell it. ;)

Believe me when I say that many of us are very glad that you're still fighting the good fight and trying to educate the far-right, right now we'd be a hell of a lot further up sh@t creek if you weren't.

We've got enough love for all of our friends, the whole world in fact. :D
Whispering Legs
08-03-2005, 17:12
But it seems many of you think that all Americans are piss beer drinking, ten gallon hat wearing, gun carrying, fast food consuming, illiterates bent on world domination.

The US is bent on world domination, regardless of who is in office. More or less. Any examination of our military spending and policies could tell you that. Especially the types of technology we spend money on.

You may not like Bush, but I doubt that we'll elect anyone with a substantially different foreign policy any time soon.

I am rather fond of German and Belgian beer.

I do not own a ten gallon hat.

I do carry a European-made pistol (Europeans make a lot of money on the pistol market here - and go out of their way to market them). It's a SIG Mauser M2 in 45 ACP. Specifically made for the concealed carry market of civilians in the US. I carry it all the time, and it is never out of arm's reach.

We know for a fact that crime in my jurisdiction dropped double-digits because of the concealed and open carry of firearms, while in Montgomery County, Maryland (equally affluent), violent crime rose substantially over the same period (70 percent increase in armed robbery in one year), because they forbid the carry of firearms.

Felons that I see tell me that it's easier to rob in Montgomery County, and potentially fatal in Fairfax County. So they go to Montgomery County now.

One of the nice things about America is that if you don't like the way one place is run, there is sure to be someplace you will like. One of the grave misconceptions that Europeans have about the US is that "it is all alike". We have a more varied distribution of ethnic, religious, and racial groups than any single European country. If I want to carry a gun, I only have to live in one of 33 states. If I want to live in a place that forbids the carry of guns, I can live in another state.

Want more nature? More urban sprawl? Or less? Colder weather? Tropical? Move to the US.

Just stop saying we're all alike, because we're not.

I don't like fast food. I prefer a good Korean place, or a good Japanese-run sushi bar. Or, I like a good steak. Short of that, I don't like European food - I'm not someone who likes sausage, or potatoes, or the fancier "stuff in a puddle" that passes for haut cuisine these days in Europe.

Oh, and I'm not fat, by any stretch of the imagination. I'm 44 years old, weigh 175 pounds, and am 5'10" in height. I can run eleven miles at a pace of 6 minutes 15 seconds per mile - while carrying 45 pounds of sand on my back in a backpack. I doubt that the majority of the posters on this forum could do that - and I do it several times a week.