Which Dream Theater album should I get?
I bought Dream Theater's Train of Thought awhile ago and I have to say that it's one of the best albums I've ever heard. Because of this, I want to get some more Dream Theater, but I don't know which album to get next. Advice would be appreciated.
Poll in a sec.
Ancient Valyria
06-03-2005, 23:10
I bought Dream Theater's Train of Thought awhile ago and I have to say that it's one of the best albums I've ever heard. Because of this, I want to get some more Dream Theater, but I don't know which album to get next. Advice would be appreciated.
Poll in a sec.First get Images & Words, it's their most accessible album and IMHO one of their best. I haven't heard all of their other albums yet (only Six Degrees ... and Once in a Livetime. And ToT but you allready have that one ;) ) so I can't give you much more advice. All of them are good, though :p
My personal favorite album is Awake, followed by Images & Words and Six Degrees of Inner Turbulance.
The only thing I don't like about Dream Theater is that at times, they're too good. That is, they'll be more focused on musical wizardry and "Look at me look at how freakin good I am!" than on actually making music that most people can listen to. They don't go overboard too often though. Awake doesn't have much or any of that, which is why I prefer it.
Ancient Valyria
06-03-2005, 23:14
I'm going to see them live this summer, BTW. Does anyone know what setlist I might expect? I do have one of their (many) live albums, but it's from 1998, so...
06-03-2005, 23:14
Ok well I have them all and trust me either Scenes From a Memory or Images And Words is their best, but my favorite is A Change of Seasons. I think it's their best song and the rest of the album is a bunch of cover medlies :sniper:
I V Stalin
06-03-2005, 23:14
Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence is their best album (imho), though they're all damn good. Be warned though, you're not going to find it cheap. Well, you might - I got it for less than a tenner. Though Images & Words is probably the best one to get into DT with, after Train of Thought.
06-03-2005, 23:15
I said Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence. Six Degrees and Images and Words are about tied for me, but Six Degrees seems closer to the style of Train of Thought, so I voted Six Degrees.
06-03-2005, 23:15
Every time they play it's a different set so no one knows. By the way they're AMAZING in concert. :sniper:
06-03-2005, 23:17
HAH! Six Degrees is one of their worst not to say it's bad, but it is closer to Train of Thought because that's really when they started to sell out. Not totally but they did a little. :sniper:
Luther of Constantine
06-03-2005, 23:20
Scenes from a Memory is my favorite because the music varies so much and it has a wonderful inner story. Images and Words is my second favorite but I voted Scenes.
Viva la Dream Theater
06-03-2005, 23:27
Change of Seasons Yaya
Ancient Valyria
06-03-2005, 23:33
just get them all ;)
(starting with Images.. :p )
06-03-2005, 23:49
:sniper: 6 degrees isn't their best so unless you want all the albums don't get it. Images or Scenes is their best. Awake is amazing too. Most don't like Change of Seasons because it's mostly covers but the first song on it isn't and I believe it's their best. When Dream and Day Unite is pretty crappy it doesn't have the same singer and its a little glam rocky. Through her eyes is a single not an album. Falling into Infinity half of the songs are great and the other half suck.
06-03-2005, 23:52
all of the above.
and don't spend your money.
kerrazy-torrents is a good site since lokitorrent and suprnova went down...