Too many artists!
I have just been ready to sit down, about to eat popcorn and watch 18 hours of mind-melting Simpsons, when some idiot (I don't know who) taped over the first 3 hours about some crazy dolt singing her freakin' lungs out until her eyes pop out and her skin is as red as fire! That's when I had enough! I mean, there are way too many artists out there! Last time, I was was gonna to watch, for the ninth time, family guy when it was cancelled so some stupid crackpot seven year old could sing for one whole hour. No commercials too. I don't get it! There are way too many artists nowadays. There should be some law that limits them to such an extreme or something! Crazy idiots and their ripoffs. If I wanted to enjoy hearing someone sing, then I'll just listen to my girlfriend sing in the shower. At least I'll have some laughs...
06-03-2005, 21:16
There are way too many artists nowadays. There should be some law that limits them to such an extreme or something! Crazy idiots and their ripoffs. If I wanted to enjoy hearing someone sing, then I'll just listen to my girlfriend sing in the shower. At least I'll have some laughs...
Who peed in your cornflakes this morning? The wonders of TV, radio and other forms of media, is that you can turn them off, put them away, don't look, don't read, don't listen.
Yeah, I get pissed if people tape over my stuff, or if my fave show is cancelled for something I don't want to see, but on the one hand, there are a lot of people who choose entertainment as a career, and obviously, there is a demand or they wouldn't be on TV.
On the other hand, there are those who really do have a gift (even if you don't appreciate it), and it would be a waste to ignore it. There are a lot of singers out there, whose work I really don't like. But, I am not the only person in this world, and obviously, their work is pleasing to others.
To each his own. With Tivo, Satellite, Cable, DVDs and VHS, there must be something else for you to watch besides things you dislike.
Actually, I have antenna and dial-up and my computer is 733mHz. so there is no way i could watch a video on the internet, nor is there anytinhg i could watch on tv besides that.
the only thing i can do is go here, and well, as you have seen, is not my best outlet for anger
06-03-2005, 21:28
Yes. There should be fewer artists. That way nobody would be there drawing Family Guy and Simpsons. :rolleyes:
Pure Metal
06-03-2005, 21:30
i would agree that there are a massive number of unoriginal, samey music artists out in pop at the moment. there's loads of em and they all sound the same, all cashing in (well the record labels are, not the artists of course) on whatever the latest musical trend or fad is.
you should listen to metal - always new & original music out, still following trends but the trends in metal tend to last longer and each new artist has their own distinctive take on whatever the new trend may be. unoriginality is shunned. plus, there are so many different styles out there (its tough to find two bands who sound similar at all imo) you can really get into something and keep delving into the lesser-known layers of still good bands; and then when your musical tastes move on there's always a style to grab your interests. that, plus the artists write their own songs, play their own instruments and stick around (in general) for longer than a year or two, producing more than one or two hit singles and an album. the music is also, imo, the most technically impressive (hard to play, pushing the instruments and sound further and harder) than any other genre of music other than classical and jazz. other types of music are technically impressive of course (not pop ;) ) but metal is just so hard to play and, to be good, takes real dedication.
people can listen to what the hell they like - i'm not gonna force my opinion down anybody's throat, but i am gonna recommend metal cos it rocks :D
I think you should talk to the person who did it. This issue will not be recieved well by NSers.
I'm not trying to get anyone's attention or anything, I was just in a bad 'mood' if you can call it that, and I needed to vent it off someway. I don't care where this goes. Let it die...
But thanks for the tip on metal though. I'll what I think...