NationStates Jolt Archive

Fellow British People - CHAVS?!?!?!

06-03-2005, 00:29
Why do you guys call them Chavs?!

THEY ARE CHARVERS!!!! I'm from the North East and considering I have to live and put up with these wastes of skin everyday, I think I'd know?!

Why do you guys in the South call them Chavs?


*Arrogant attitude is of a joking nature*
Lunatic Goofballs
06-03-2005, 00:30
I call them- WHO?!?
06-03-2005, 00:37
Is this in anyway like the different pronunciations for the term "you all"?

In the South, it's usually "Y'all". On the West Coast, it can be "You Guys", "You All" or for some Rural parts, "Y'all" as well. On the East Coast, I've heard "Yous", along with all of the West Coast variations (except for "Y'all"), and "You Guys" can be changed to "Y'Guys". Now, there's a very special place in Southwestern Pennsylvania that has its very own version.


Yes, "Yinz", or "Y'inz", depending where you are in the region. It's derived from Polish, German, Slavik, and Italian accents (among others!). It's used in sentences such as: "Yinz wanna go dahntahn (downtown) 'n pick up some Ahrn (Iron) City 'n Jumbo (Bologna) 'innat (and something)?"

Quirky, strange, and somehow warm and "friendly". Useless information, I know that. But it's still information!

Information, damnit!
I V Stalin
06-03-2005, 00:39
Why do you guys call them Chavs?!

THEY ARE CHARVERS!!!! I'm from the North East and considering I have to live and put up with these wastes of skin everyday, I think I'd know?!

Why do you guys in the South call them Chavs?


*Arrogant attitude is of a joking nature*

Why can't you just call them what they are, like I do - w*nkers.
06-03-2005, 00:39
when u are swearing across a street you dont say go have sexual intercourse with your mother, charver!! you say go have sexual intercourse with your mother CHAV because its easier to say!!!

and down south we call them townies, most of the time.

edit: i don't actually swear like that it just seems nicer for the forum
06-03-2005, 00:40
Im from near oxford and round there they're known as either

or Chavs
E Blackadder
06-03-2005, 00:40
i call them scum
chav (Counsil House And Violence)

please dont get me started on chavs,charvers,townies,fuckwitts...whatever

just brings out my angry side
06-03-2005, 00:41
Heh, I see that it's a bit different from the "You Guys" thing. But it's still the same principle.
06-03-2005, 00:41
Idiots.....thats what i call them.
06-03-2005, 00:46
We used to call them townies, to distinguish them from us, the "grungers". Now i tend to call them "yobs", or (derisively)"the youth of today".
06-03-2005, 00:46
chav (Counsil House And Violence)

ha! yea where does chav actually come from?
06-03-2005, 00:47
Somebody else who calls them charvers!
06-03-2005, 00:47
I call them- WHO?!?
I call them "dinner".
06-03-2005, 00:49
I quite like the term "Fuckwit".
The Mindset
06-03-2005, 00:50
Well, actually, the original Chav evolved in Scotland in the 1960's, and it's a relatively recent export down south. The original Chav was in fact called a Ned.
Cambridge Major
06-03-2005, 01:20
I read somewhere, I think on the Guardian website, that the term was coined by the, ahem, ladies of Cheltenham Ladies College to describe the more undesirable locals: CHeltenham AVerage. But that may be so much nonsense.
06-03-2005, 01:22
Ever since I can remember, everyone up here has called them Charvers - I never even heard the term Chav until I heard someone refer to some twat as a Chav - it was some guy from London being interviewed on some documentary.

To me they will always be charvers...or wankers...or lunch...or fuckwits...morons...

In fact, the best description for them:


Most of them these days are like 12 and they go round smoking shit. I was stopped in Durham bust station by a group of like 5 mini-charvers...

Let's just say I lowered the number of charvers in the world.

But I have got an ingenious plan to rid this scum from England.

All CHARVERS or CHAVS favourite thigns are cigerettes and alcohol. SO we simply inform them that the legal minimum age for drinking in some parts of france are actually 5 years old and ciggerettes are cheaper in France.

Result: All CHAVS/CHARVERS move to France, and we are rid of them

What ya think?
New Granada
06-03-2005, 01:23
Is this in anyway like the different pronunciations for the term "you all"?

In the South, it's usually "Y'all". On the West Coast, it can be "You Guys", "You All" or for some Rural parts, "Y'all" as well. On the East Coast, I've heard "Yous", along with all of the West Coast variations (except for "Y'all"), and "You Guys" can be changed to "Y'Guys". Now, there's a very special place in Southwestern Pennsylvania that has its very own version.


Yes, "Yinz", or "Y'inz", depending where you are in the region. It's derived from Polish, German, Slavik, and Italian accents (among others!). It's used in sentences such as: "Yinz wanna go dahntahn (downtown) 'n pick up some Ahrn (Iron) City 'n Jumbo (Bologna) 'innat (and something)?"

Quirky, strange, and somehow warm and "friendly". Useless information, I know that. But it's still information!

Information, damnit!

"y'all" isnt acceptable english in any setting or context except mockery.
"you all" is barely correct english in its own right, "all of you" being preferred.

'y'ins' is a contraction of "you ones" which isnt correct english.
Cambridge Major
06-03-2005, 01:25
Ever since I can remember, everyone up here has called them Charvers - I never even heard the term Chav until I heard someone refer to some twat as a Chav - it was some guy from London being interviewed on some documentary.

To me they will always be charvers...or wankers...or lunch...or fuckwits...morons...

In fact, the best description for them:


Most of them these days are like 12 and they go round smoking shit. I was stopped in Durham bust station by a group of like 5 mini-charvers...

Let's just say I lowered the number of charvers in the world.

But I have got an ingenious plan to rid this scum from England.

All CHARVERS or CHAVS favourite thigns are cigerettes and alcohol. SO we simply inform them that the legal minimum age for drinking in some parts of france are actually 5 years old and ciggerettes are cheaper in France.

Result: All CHAVS/CHARVERS move to France, and we are rid of them

What ya think?

Durham bus station is a disgrace, isn't it? It is as if all the litter in Durham is magnetically attracted to that one spot.
06-03-2005, 01:27
"y'all" isnt acceptable english in any setting or context except mockery.
"you all" is barely correct english in its own right, "all of you" being preferred.

'y'ins' is a contraction of "you ones" which isnt correct english.

Exactly, which is why it's such an odd situation.
06-03-2005, 01:32
Durham bus station is a shit tip, and considering I come from Stanley, that's saying something when a guy who lives in a crappy town like mine thinks Durham bus station is a bad place!

There aren't that many charvers in Stanley these days. They usually bugger off to Metor, Newcastle or Durham.
06-03-2005, 01:37
Mate, they're bogans.
06-03-2005, 01:38
"y'all" isnt acceptable english in any setting or context except mockery.
"you all" is barely correct english in its own right, "all of you" being preferred.

'y'ins' is a contraction of "you ones" which isnt correct english.

Nobody ever said it was correct english.

I may say "y'all" in informal conversation, but never use it in one my lab reports. You're trying (at least you're appearing to) to make it sound like those are acceptable substitutions across the board for standard English. That simply isn't the case.

Edit: For your information, I do believe that "Mate" is a nonstandard form of address in the english language.
06-03-2005, 01:38
Exactly, which is why it's such an odd situation.

Youse is what people say in Aus.
Engineering chaos
06-03-2005, 01:42
I've known them as chavs and I'm from the northwest so I'm not sure where you got charvers from, I've never heard of it :confused:

Chav AKA pike, townie, scally (sort of), twat, prick, drunken **** who is shouting abuse at you, fuckwit, tosser......the list is endless
06-03-2005, 01:46
CHARvers? wtf???

06-03-2005, 01:59
we call them spides

id never heard the words chav or townie before i started using the net

oh, and we say "yous" you "you all"
06-03-2005, 03:27
Cheltnham....Chelthnam...Cheltnam...whatever Ladies College is alcoholics paradise.....

Um...I've heard townies, but I generally just say 'the idiots hanging around the station.' Or 'plonkers' but that's more affectionate...