Orthodox Jews explain yourselves!
04-03-2005, 05:46
Well its simple explain your beliefs. ;)
04-03-2005, 05:48
Well its simple explain your beliefs. ;)
Heh ... how so? Which aspect?
I mean ... if you want a blanket discussion, be prepared for a long damn read.
04-03-2005, 05:57
Heh ... how so? Which aspect?
I mean ... if you want a blanket discussion, be prepared for a long damn read.
Well aint you Muslim(Sorry bout the spelling my brains arggh today) formally Jew?
Basically i read something in the paper about Orthodox Jews not being allowed TV Cellphones(capable of TXT PXT Internet etc)and Radio(to some extent).
Well anyone who claims to be an Orthodox Jew isnt being entirely truthful now are they? ;)
04-03-2005, 05:59
Well aint you Muslim(Sorry bout the spelling my brains arggh today) formally Jew?
"Formerly", you mean?
04-03-2005, 06:05
Well aint you Muslim(Sorry bout the spelling my brains arggh today) formally Jew?
You can't be "formerly" Jew ... I was born a Jew. I don't practice Judaism, but I did attend Yeshiva and grew up in the synagogue. I think I know somethin' about the Orthodox.
Basically i read something in the paper about Orthodox Jews not being allowed TV Cellphones(capable of TXT PXT Internet etc)and Radio(to some extent). Well anyone who claims to be an Orthodox Jew isnt being entirely truthful now are they? ;)
*chuckle* They're not Amish! Joseph Liberman is an Orthodox Jew. I'm pretty sure he's got a cell phone and internet access. :D
The word "orthodox" was given to traditional Judaism by the reform movement, as an attempt to denigrate Torah true Judaism. "Orthodox" Judaism, started over 3,300 years ago, when the Jewish Nation gathered at Mount Sinai to receive the Torah, the Jewish Laws. Several million Israelites heard the Word of G-d, and were commanded to keep G-d's Commandments.
The Jewish Law received at Mount Sinai was passed from generation to generation throughout the centuries, until the present day and age, when the Jewish Nation is coming back home to the land that G-d, the Creator of the universe, gave to His Chosen People. Indeed, the Jewish People are now coming back home to the Promised Land, the Land of Israel. The Jewish People survived 2,000 years of exile because they kept the Jewish Laws as given in the Torah.
Most of the Jews in the world see themselves as Orthodox Jews, even if they do not keep the Laws of Shabbat and Kashrut 100% as they should, they are still normal traditional Jews. Most of them fast on Yom Kippur, and all of them circumcize their sons, simply because it's written in the Torah. So why don't they observe the entire Torah Laws? Not one Jew in the world can observe all of the Laws in the Torah. Some Laws can only be performed in Israel, some Laws cannot be performed at all. Some Laws are too hard for some people, and some people are not aware of all the Laws. But still, they are all equally Orthodox Jews. This is an accepted fact of life: Not all Orthodox Jews, are religious Jews. And no Orthodox Jew is perfect.
04-03-2005, 07:13
I believe something like 85% of Israelis are not religious at all, only 15% would consider themselves Orthodox, and within that 15% about 3% are ultra-Orthodox. The weirdness is that "jewish" refers both to a religion and a nationality. You can be a jewish catholic. So when someone says they are Jewish you really don't know anything about what religion they are. And all over Israel people regularly order "white steak" which is a euphemism for pork. People go to Synagogue or Temple or whatever, and then go out for white steak. Hard to call that "orthodox".
04-03-2005, 10:20
"Formerly", you mean?
Thats the one unless he was awell dressed Jew and then it could be the same. :p
04-03-2005, 10:23
I believe something like 85% of Israelis are not religious at all, only 15% would consider themselves Orthodox, and within that 15% about 3% are ultra-Orthodox. The weirdness is that "jewish" refers both to a religion and a nationality. You can be a jewish catholic. So when someone says they are Jewish you really don't know anything about what religion they are. And all over Israel people regularly order "white steak" which is a euphemism for pork. People go to Synagogue or Temple or whatever, and then go out for white steak. Hard to call that "orthodox".
Exactly i was going to say this.
Heres something interesting
In WWII British soldiers captured by the Hun were offered a chance to join a British SS Brigade they only got like 200(or something) but the guy who organised the british german relations was actually jewish in the sence that his grandmother was a Jew but his religeon would have been probably Anglican or Nordic Gods so he wasnt a JEw but was of Jewish decent. ;)
04-03-2005, 10:25
You can't be "formerly" Jew ... I was born a Jew. I don't practice Judaism, but I did attend Yeshiva and grew up in the synagogue. I think I know somethin' about the Orthodox.
*chuckle* They're not Amish! Joseph Liberman is an Orthodox Jew. I'm pretty sure he's got a cell phone and internet access. :D
The word "orthodox" was given to traditional Judaism by the reform movement, as an attempt to denigrate Torah true Judaism. "Orthodox" Judaism, started over 3,300 years ago, when the Jewish Nation gathered at Mount Sinai to receive the Torah, the Jewish Laws. Several million Israelites heard the Word of G-d, and were commanded to keep G-d's Commandments.
The Jewish Law received at Mount Sinai was passed from generation to generation throughout the centuries, until the present day and age, when the Jewish Nation is coming back home to the land that G-d, the Creator of the universe, gave to His Chosen People. Indeed, the Jewish People are now coming back home to the Promised Land, the Land of Israel. The Jewish People survived 2,000 years of exile because they kept the Jewish Laws as given in the Torah.
Most of the Jews in the world see themselves as Orthodox Jews, even if they do not keep the Laws of Shabbat and Kashrut 100% as they should, they are still normal traditional Jews. Most of them fast on Yom Kippur, and all of them circumcize their sons, simply because it's written in the Torah. So why don't they observe the entire Torah Laws? Not one Jew in the world can observe all of the Laws in the Torah. Some Laws can only be performed in Israel, some Laws cannot be performed at all. Some Laws are too hard for some people, and some people are not aware of all the Laws. But still, they are all equally Orthodox Jews. This is an accepted fact of life: Not all Orthodox Jews, are religious Jews. And no Orthodox Jew is perfect.
Jew religeon and Jew decent can be and are 2 different things.So you can be Formerly Jew or Jewish.
04-03-2005, 10:50
Yes one good example is the bannishing of women during that time. ;)
But in seriousness im not suggesting to be a good Jew you must throw aay your phones.
Its just that an Orthodox Jewish Sect/organisation said the Internet is Evil.
So if they atre telling the truth anyone who claims to be Orthodox cant defend themselves because they shouldnt be here. ;)
Just another one of my social studies. ;)
Torching Witches
04-03-2005, 11:28
Jew religeon and Jew decent can be and are 2 different things.So you can be Formerly Jew or Jewish.
I used to live with a Jew. He was quite decent.
04-03-2005, 11:42
I have always wonder about the orthodox side of the religion, I spent a couple of years in Isreal and I could never get a nut shell of the orthodox side of life
04-03-2005, 12:09
I used to live with a Jew. He was quite decent.
What did you do kill him? :eek:
04-03-2005, 12:10
I used to live with a Jew. He was quite decent.
The real question is, if you lived with Jeb Bush, would he think you had been a decent Jew?