NationStates Jolt Archive

Is the Right Moving into position to stage a comeback

02-03-2005, 21:32
Well me, I’m an avid news reader partially because I’m often placed in situations where I have jack all else to do bar read the news on , frankly I swear by it brilliant stuff, I’m also a bit of a socialist and although I’m only 17 I long for the days like the 1930 and 1950 when being that actually meant something voicing my beliefs in the U.K at least would get cheers or police calls, now just vague apathy as I’m instantly painted as a communist or a conspiracy theorist told I’m wrong and the subject is changed/ or I’m ignored. Frustrating to say the least.

Now I’m going to give a few references for the rest of my point to make sense i suggest you read them. (not the piece one about house arrests but the best i could find after 5 mins.)

Not trying to seem anti American(some of the founding fathers a great inspiration to me) their I’ve just had a society meeting in my collage which pretty much was not unlike a 'brain washing' session akin to the second article. These really really freak me out, people call me paranoid but to me it looks as if right wing elements in both our governments are starting to move into worrying positions in our governments, lets face it Blair is a shite socialist once he stops sprouting about education and old labour is slowly being purged from 'new' labour. I think Blair said something last Wednesday about the freedom from attack was more important that freedom from arrest (something along those lines, ill actually look it up if this discussion starts going) To which on that have your say section on the BBC was greeted with
"well if you have nothing to hide, what are you worrying about."
Christ have these people read 1984, frankly you shouldn’t even have a shoe in politics until you have. Suddenly house arrests is ok because terrorists who are around every street corner and under ever street post could strike at any minute. Bloody hell, this really is doublethink, it may work on Americans who have never really tasted terrorism before (yeah I know mcvaye and stuff I’m talking about organised partisan groups a la the IRA) for the best part of the last 100 years the IRA in one form or another has turned northern island into the Palestine of Britain and for most the 70 and 80 monthly bomb strikes could be expected on the mainland its self, we tried all this back then it just made them more determined, and then suddenly the IRA stops and people blank it out instantly. Then we go on criticising Burma Zimbabwe and the like for house arrest, but now its ok.
Doublethink doublethink doublethink... that’s all it is. Dose no one else see this yet.
I’m really worried i know a stage is going to come frighten soon and most certainly when I am going to need to fight this not just for my own beliefs but the hundreds of generations before me who staved this off for so long only for it to sneak in the back door.

Honestly truly is no one else worried? Am I really alone?
(bit incoherent I’m a bit tired sorry)
Whispering Legs
02-03-2005, 21:37
Shut up and drink your gin ration.
02-03-2005, 21:39
victory gin actually, its doubleplusgood.
well ive got some air now feeling a bit better, but am i right i really feel that my generation prehaps becuase we know no real better has been lulled into a kind of infinity complex, that things will allways be the way they are not to great not too good. there wont be and more great struggels just the odd far away conflict, so whats the point on being involved in politics if nothing ever is going to change.
02-03-2005, 21:49
Originally posted by Scouserlande
Well me, I’m an avid news reader partially because I’m often placed in situations where I have jack all else to do bar read the news on , frankly I swear by it brilliant stuff, I’m also a bit of a socialist and although I’m only 17 I long for the days like the 1930 and 1950 when being that actually meant something voicing my beliefs in the U.K at least would get cheers or police calls, now just vague apathy as I’m instantly painted as a communist or a conspiracy theorist told I’m wrong and the subject is changed/ or I’m ignored. Frustrating to say the least.

Now I’m going to give a few references for the rest of my point to make sense i suggest you read them. (not the piece one about house arrests but the best i could find after 5 mins.)

Not trying to seem anti American(some of the founding fathers a great inspiration to me) their I’ve just had a society meeting in my collage which pretty much was not unlike a 'brain washing' session akin to the second article. These really really freak me out, people call me paranoid but to me it looks as if right wing elements in both our governments are starting to move into worrying positions in our governments, lets face it Blair is a shite socialist once he stops sprouting about education and old labour is slowly being purged from 'new' labour. I think Blair said something last Wednesday about the freedom from attack was more important that freedom from arrest (something along those lines, ill actually look it up if this discussion starts going) To which on that have your say section on the BBC was greeted with
"well if you have nothing to hide, what are you worrying about."
Christ have these people read 1984, frankly you shouldn’t even have a shoe in politics until you have. Suddenly house arrests is ok because terrorists who are around every street corner and under ever street post could strike at any minute. Bloody hell, this really is doublethink, it may work on Americans who have never really tasted terrorism before (yeah I know mcvaye and stuff I’m talking about organised partisan groups a la the IRA) for the best part of the last 100 years the IRA in one form or another has turned northern island into the Palestine of Britain and for most the 70 and 80 monthly bomb strikes could be expected on the mainland its self, we tried all this back then it just made them more determined, and then suddenly the IRA stops and people blank it out instantly. Then we go on criticising Burma Zimbabwe and the like for house arrest, but now its ok.
Doublethink doublethink doublethink... that’s all it is. Dose no one else see this yet.
I’m really worried i know a stage is going to come frighten soon and most certainly when I am going to need to fight this not just for my own beliefs but the hundreds of generations before me who staved this off for so long only for it to sneak in the back door.

Honestly truly is no one else worried? Am I really alone?
(bit incoherent I’m a bit tired sorry)

Wow, i'm glad i don't know you.
Niccolo Medici
03-03-2005, 00:28
No, not really alone. But as you can see from some of the posts before mine, its still a dispirited minority of people who are worried. There's an awful lot of people who aren't sorry to see the political "left" on the wane and the increasing misuses of government power by the political "right".

Look at the comedy scene in the US, Jon Stewart is perhaps the most famous example of a worried participant in political discourse.

Don't know what else to say really...
03-03-2005, 00:34
*stuffs a pack of victory cigarettes at Scouser*

Silence, smoke your victory cigarettes...whoops.

*tobacco falls out of cigarette*
03-03-2005, 00:48
There's really not all that much we *can* do to be fair... It's easier to just laugh it off....
03-03-2005, 00:54
We already live in a police state, my friend. Say the wrong words, you get fined. Speed cameras are everywhere, and they'll do you just for doing 31mph -- indeed, our local mayor was done for that, even though it was 1am at the time. Caused uproar, it did. CCTV is all over the place, and the prospect of compusory ID cards (which you have to pay for, as is typical of the labour government) is just the tip of the iceberg. I see no difference between 'house arrest' and 'street arrest', myself.
It will never become as extreme as you probably think, though, or at least, they won't tell you if it does. They'll just create a few more laws to keep you on your toes and distract you...
Whispering Legs
03-03-2005, 01:00
Not to mention the huge number of surveillance cameras in London, or Washington, D.C. Everywhere. 24/7.

We are at war with Eastasia!
03-03-2005, 01:20
Here’s an idea: if you are making a serious post take the time to make sure you use correct spelling and punctuation. In fact, to avoid looking like a complete ass, make sure your grammar is correct. To do so doesn’t even require thinking; just type your posts in word and copy and paste.

Your post has some good points but, over all, you fail to realize how the “indoctrination” in the second post is the same “indoctrination” that happens in all other places of learning.
03-03-2005, 01:22
i agree with you poster, tony blair isn't really a socialist at all. he's someone who will do *anything* to get into power. right wing people are managing to get into high positions too. the problem is *i think* that we live in an oligarchy to some extent. people don't get into their positions through merit but rather because they are more charismatic than others and people voted for them. some obviously the governemnt makes mistakes and leaves room for other charismatic, i.e right wing people, to get votes.
03-03-2005, 01:23
i agree with you poster, tony blair isn't really a socialist at all. he's someone who will do *anything* to get into power. right wing people are managing to get into high positions too. the problem is *i think* that we live in an oligarchy to some extent. people don't get into their positions through merit but rather because they are more charismatic than others and people voted for them. some obviously the governemnt makes mistakes and leaves room for other charismatic, i.e right wing people, to get votes.

no socialist has ever gotten a position on merit, always they rely on their party to appoint them, unlike conservatives, who do REAL work in businesses and don't need stinkin' government jobs.