02-03-2005, 12:38
First off, a disclaimer.
This thread is not about WMD's. It's about fillibusters and judicial appointees. Sorry to mislead anyone, but I'll expalin the nuclear option and why it's called that shortly.
Second, this post will be slightly long. Many NS'ers are young or non-American so I'm going to explain some things in depth that some readers will already be aware of. Please bear with me. You might actually learn something, at the very least it might help you understand that fillibuster issue that your nation will eventually deal with.
Without going too deep the US government is comprised of three parts, the executive, legislative and judicial branches. The president and his cabinet comprise the executive, the two houses of congress the legislative and the federal court system and the supreme court the judicial. The President is the chief executive and his powers are similar to the CEO of any large corporation. He's in charge, sort of, limited by the charter that founded things (in this case the constitution). Congress introduces and passes laws, sounds simplistic, but that also includes any spending by the government and declarations of war, and approval of appointed offices. Which segways nicely to the judicial branch, appointed judges who sit for indefinate terms and who interpret and rule on laws and the constitution. My little rant concerns all three.
Federal judges and especially the supreme court justices are supposed to act as a stabilizing force. They sit indefinately, without needing reelection they are supposed to be beyond corruption, beholden to none but their concious and the constitution. They are appointed by the president but need confirmation by the senate. One of the little checks and balances that our system is full of that keeps tyranny at bay and protects the minority. That's always been important in America, protecting the minority. We've seen what happens in countries that don't. A slim majority drasticly alters the government to keep itself in power and before you know it, there goes democracy. But back to judges.
Since the senate must confirm all judicial appointees one of the ways the minority party can block someone percieved as too extreme, catering to partizan politics or just undesireable is the fillibuster. Simply put they continue to discuss the nomination and never vote for confirmation. This is possible because it takes a 2/3 approval to call for a vote. If over 1/3 of the senate says we're not done discussing it and continue to talk, they can effectively block the appointment of a judge. Now note that it takes a significant portion of the senate to accomplish this, over 1/3, so minor objections and small political parties can't bring the senate to a halt. It takes a major representation and a serious objection. This keeps the party on top from padding the bench with appointees that might allow that drastic alteration we spoke of earlier and forces judges to be moderate to be approved.
The republicans used this tactic to their advantges consistantly when Clinton was in office and the Democrats controlled the senate. Now that the balance has once again shifted, the Dems are doing the same. Judges are important, they linger beyond elected terms and having the right or wrong person on the bench can help or hinder your parties political agenda for years and even effect future elections. Both parties know this and are not going to let the other guys slip someone through that is gonna alter things too much.
But the nuclear option has been thrown around recently, seems the republicans don't want to settle for moderate appointees, they want to seize on their slim majority and get judges that will back their agenda on the bench at all costs. Even if that means going nuclear.
The nuclear option is so named because it will in effect "blow up" the senate.
It will change the rules, literally. Those tried and trusted checks and balances that have protected and served this great nation so well will be swept out the door. You see it only takes a simple majority of the senate to change it's own rules.
So that's what's being discussed, changing the rules, taking away the filibuster option. In effect giving the majority party carte blanche on judicial appointees.
I for one am appalled. I see any attempt to use this option as the beginning of the end for the US. Our government will topple over a precipice that I fear we will never recover from without another civil war if we start down that slope. The checks and balances that protect us from ourselves must remain intact.
If you suffered through this entire post, congratulate yourself and let me know what you think.
This thread is not about WMD's. It's about fillibusters and judicial appointees. Sorry to mislead anyone, but I'll expalin the nuclear option and why it's called that shortly.
Second, this post will be slightly long. Many NS'ers are young or non-American so I'm going to explain some things in depth that some readers will already be aware of. Please bear with me. You might actually learn something, at the very least it might help you understand that fillibuster issue that your nation will eventually deal with.
Without going too deep the US government is comprised of three parts, the executive, legislative and judicial branches. The president and his cabinet comprise the executive, the two houses of congress the legislative and the federal court system and the supreme court the judicial. The President is the chief executive and his powers are similar to the CEO of any large corporation. He's in charge, sort of, limited by the charter that founded things (in this case the constitution). Congress introduces and passes laws, sounds simplistic, but that also includes any spending by the government and declarations of war, and approval of appointed offices. Which segways nicely to the judicial branch, appointed judges who sit for indefinate terms and who interpret and rule on laws and the constitution. My little rant concerns all three.
Federal judges and especially the supreme court justices are supposed to act as a stabilizing force. They sit indefinately, without needing reelection they are supposed to be beyond corruption, beholden to none but their concious and the constitution. They are appointed by the president but need confirmation by the senate. One of the little checks and balances that our system is full of that keeps tyranny at bay and protects the minority. That's always been important in America, protecting the minority. We've seen what happens in countries that don't. A slim majority drasticly alters the government to keep itself in power and before you know it, there goes democracy. But back to judges.
Since the senate must confirm all judicial appointees one of the ways the minority party can block someone percieved as too extreme, catering to partizan politics or just undesireable is the fillibuster. Simply put they continue to discuss the nomination and never vote for confirmation. This is possible because it takes a 2/3 approval to call for a vote. If over 1/3 of the senate says we're not done discussing it and continue to talk, they can effectively block the appointment of a judge. Now note that it takes a significant portion of the senate to accomplish this, over 1/3, so minor objections and small political parties can't bring the senate to a halt. It takes a major representation and a serious objection. This keeps the party on top from padding the bench with appointees that might allow that drastic alteration we spoke of earlier and forces judges to be moderate to be approved.
The republicans used this tactic to their advantges consistantly when Clinton was in office and the Democrats controlled the senate. Now that the balance has once again shifted, the Dems are doing the same. Judges are important, they linger beyond elected terms and having the right or wrong person on the bench can help or hinder your parties political agenda for years and even effect future elections. Both parties know this and are not going to let the other guys slip someone through that is gonna alter things too much.
But the nuclear option has been thrown around recently, seems the republicans don't want to settle for moderate appointees, they want to seize on their slim majority and get judges that will back their agenda on the bench at all costs. Even if that means going nuclear.
The nuclear option is so named because it will in effect "blow up" the senate.
It will change the rules, literally. Those tried and trusted checks and balances that have protected and served this great nation so well will be swept out the door. You see it only takes a simple majority of the senate to change it's own rules.
So that's what's being discussed, changing the rules, taking away the filibuster option. In effect giving the majority party carte blanche on judicial appointees.
I for one am appalled. I see any attempt to use this option as the beginning of the end for the US. Our government will topple over a precipice that I fear we will never recover from without another civil war if we start down that slope. The checks and balances that protect us from ourselves must remain intact.
If you suffered through this entire post, congratulate yourself and let me know what you think.