Blue States joining Canada?
OOC: If this has already been done, then forgive me, but, meh
In my earlier United States of Canada thread, some people suggested the blue states join Canada. I hope to use this as a topic for discussing. For? Against? Don't care? Just talk about it.
I believe they should. Why?
1. The Red States would probably be glad to get rid of the godless liberals they despise so much. They're free to create their own theocracy if they like.
2. The Blue States, and Canada, would greatly benefit from each other- Canada, because of the Blue States' economy, and the Blue States, because Canada is an established and respected liberal democracy. Plus, the two groups tend to think alike.
28-02-2005, 22:39
Considering the fact that the American blue states have a larger pop and economy than Canada, I don't think they would be joining Canada. It would be the other way around. (I mean honestly, that's like saying Ma And Pa's Local Trinkets is going to buyout Megamart.)
Furthermore as someone pointed out in the other threads, the population disparity would rapidly overwhelm Canadian voters. This would occur with or without the "red states"
Also worth mentioning is the fact that if you break down states by counties you find alot of "red" as well.
San Texario
28-02-2005, 22:41
No, I think that we blue states (I speak being from Mass.) should try to improve the Red States. Spread the truth against the Catholic right wingers smothering the truth with their bullsh*t! (I'm going to get some flak from that...)
Drunk commies
28-02-2005, 22:43
No. I'm a liberal. I live in a blue state. I don't agree with the current administration, but I dont' want to leave the USA. I love my country. The error of electing bush and a republican majority to both houses can be corrected through elections.
28-02-2005, 22:43
To San Texario:
I may be wrong, but most red states tend to be more protestant, I.E. spreading "truth" against the Catholics wouldn't do much.
Unless of course you're implying that Christian == Catholic, in which case you're sadly off your rocker.
28-02-2005, 22:56
No, I think that we blue states (I speak being from Mass.) should try to improve the Red States. Spread the truth against the Catholic right wingers smothering the truth with their bullsh*t! (I'm going to get some flak from that...)
The Red states tend to be more Protestant, not Catholic.
28-02-2005, 23:05
I'm libertarian (NOT liberal), I live in a blue state however - I really don't want the Blue states to join Canada...
(the following is just a joke)
The nice thing is that, if all the liberals went North, I'd have that many less political opponents - I'd then only have to concentrate on convincing the conservatives to become libertarian! :D
Well, since the states cannot legally secede from the union, no. This is quite possibly the stupidest idea I've ever heard. (Nothing against Canadians, they're nice people and everything)
Wino Alley
28-02-2005, 23:10
As unrealistic as this idea is - I'd support joining Canada because it would enormously increase Canada's economic status, putting it on par with America and shifting the balance of political might in the world in favor of a more just, and benign power.
28-02-2005, 23:11
"Should the Blue States join Canada?"
Yes. And good riddance! :D
International Terrans
28-02-2005, 23:11
No, I think that we blue states (I speak being from Mass.) should try to improve the Red States. Spread the truth against the Catholic right wingers smothering the truth with their bullsh*t! (I'm going to get some flak from that...)
Since when the hell are Catholics right wing? I'm a Roman Catholic and about as left wing as its possible to get while still retaining my religion - see the signature for my Political Compass score.
If opposing the Iraq War is either A, right wing, or B, "bullsh*t" (as if starring out the vowel makes it any less offensive ::roll:: ), then you're fully justified in saying that. The right wing isn't made up of Catholics - it's Protestants. Besides, Catholics are a distinct minority within the Red States.
No, as a Canadian I feel that the Blue States would still be far to the right of us, and would overwhelm us with sheer population. It'd be bad for us. If they wanted to secede and form a country that'd be associated with Canada, but not part of the same country, then that'd be cool.
Drunk commies
28-02-2005, 23:12
"Should the Blue States join Canada?"
Yes. And good riddance! :D
Sorry pal, you're stuck with us.
International Terrans
28-02-2005, 23:14
"Should the Blue States join Canada?"
Yes. And good riddance! :D
Don't dump your garbage on the poor bastards to the north. We're just trying to survive.
28-02-2005, 23:15
Sorry pal, you're stuck with us.
Damn! :headbang:
28-02-2005, 23:16
Don't dump your garbage on the poor bastards to the north. We're just trying to survive.
LOL! Well, take all these left-wing nutjobs then! You can use them for firewood or something. :D
International Terrans
28-02-2005, 23:19
LOL! Well, take all these left-wing nutjobs then! You can use them for firewood or something. :D
Novel idea. At least it would lower heating costs... and we could always tell them that they're saving trees! :D
Sorry pal, you're stuck with us.
For a long time too. Although the blue states control most of the fresh water, so we could dehydrate the red states. Illinois rocks.
28-02-2005, 23:24
i'm all for joining canada, except can we seperate chicago from the rest of illinois? because most of illinois is actually republican, but chicagos population makes it a blue state.
i'm all for joining canada, except can we seperate chicago from the rest of illinois? because most of illinois is actually republican, but chicagos population makes it a blue state.
Sure. But wait until I move there, OK? I hate to say it, but I live in a red county.
Evil Woody Thoughts
28-02-2005, 23:43
Yes, so I may break the bonds of being born in the wrong country.
I was born in an L.A. suburb. If the blue states joined Canada, I would be back in L.A. claiming my citizenship in the United States of Canada in an instant. The red states can keep boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh. :D
If that scheme fails, my permanant domicile is in the City of Chicago, though I go to college in MO. So I have a backup plan :D