NationStates Jolt Archive

Anyone played Final Fantasy VII? The parallels between Shinra and Bush are scary

28-02-2005, 20:58
The title says it all. For those of you who have played FFVII, are not the Bush Administration and the Shinra Corporation frighteningly similar?
Lesser ChatterBox
28-02-2005, 21:05
So are you saying that Bush will be overthrown by a polygonal, 7-foot sword wielding, Materia-wielding vigilante--who has hair like he just stuck a fork in a toaster?

28-02-2005, 22:30
Though they can be compared to an extent, Shin-Ra Co. and Bush are certainly not parallels.
Niccolo Medici
28-02-2005, 22:40
Bush is Shinra? I don't see it. If you're suggesting that Bush is leading the US into an age where a single multinational corperation is both the government and the sole distributer of products. I might see some vauge argument that could be made; that he's heading the nation down that road or something...

Another possible argument is that, just like Shinra, Bush's cabinet is made up of a combination of overzealous, destructive lackeys who are concerned more for their own power than the fate of the very world they are destorying with it. That all the talent and power they have amassed goes into their own pet projects an little else...

Or perhaps you are saying that the Bush legacy, like the Shira legacy, will ultimately turn on all of humanity, trying to end the world in some perverted attempt to attain god's power. That the terrorists closely resemble the actions of Sephiroth (sp); in that they are confused, semi-relgious former warriors who have become dangerous people who lash out at the entire world because of their own tragic past.

But really, its kind of a stretch. So many flaws in the arguments.
Gay Ninjas
28-02-2005, 22:45
From an ecological point of view... I can see the resemblance.

(*coughcough*Kyoto treaty*coughcough*)

However, I haven't finished the game yet, so I can't really say much else.