Hats off to single parents!
With all the appreciation threads going around, I thought this would be a good addition. It isn't meant to to take away from other parents, I just have to say, as hard as it is for two adults to raise children, I honetly don't know how all the single parents out there do it and stay sane! So hooray for you... (most) of you are doing a great job, even though you are often maligned for being single or divorced. I figure, since you're the one who stuck around and took up the responsibility of raising your kids, you deserve a little more credit!
If I could pass around free babysitting, I would.... ;)
Wow, no one has something good (or negative, because I'm sure it'll come) to say about single parents? I'm shocked!
Pepe Dominguez
28-02-2005, 04:54
Wow, no one has something good (or negative, because I'm sure it'll come) to say about single parents? I'm shocked!
Certainly those who make the best of a disadvantageous situation with high spirits deserve credit, and in some cases admiration.
Dostanuot Loj
28-02-2005, 04:55
My mom's a single parent. But so is my dad, considering I moved back and forth between them (Of my own free will).
Of course, neither of them are sane I bet.
Certainly those who make the best of a disadvantageous situation with high spirits deserve credit, and in some cases admiration.
MuchÃsimas gracias, Pepito, por tu opinión:)
My mom's a single parent. But so is my dad, considering I moved back and forth between them (Of my own free will).
Of course, neither of them are sane I bet.
Ah, well, sanity is relative!