Least Important Thing You'll Ever Read -- Canadian Opinion on US Foreign Policy
23-02-2005, 17:30
Canadians think (http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=71e4ef82-7111-40fa-a6c3-7208b33f5225) that the US ought to stop promoting democracy. Well, who should? The United Nations? What a laugh.
Maybe Canada should do the promoting? Another joke. It must be pretty damn cold up there and the neurons in their brains have just stopped firing, eh?
Haken Rider
23-02-2005, 17:32
Yeah, what are those Cannucks thinking, USA promoting democracy... :rolleyes:
23-02-2005, 17:34
Canadians think (http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=71e4ef82-7111-40fa-a6c3-7208b33f5225) that the US ought to stop promoting democracy. Well, who should? The United Nations? What a laugh.
No one, silly. Democracy should promote itself, mainly by democratic nations setting the example. It's not the role of the US, or anyone else's, to forcefully impose democracy (an oxymoron), but to help create propitious global conditions.
23-02-2005, 17:36
Canadians think (http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=71e4ef82-7111-40fa-a6c3-7208b33f5225) that the US ought to stop promoting democracy. Well, who should? The United Nations? What a laugh.
Maybe Canada should do the promoting? Another joke. It must be pretty damn cold up there and the neurons in their brains have just stopped firing, eh?
Maybe Canada should stop telling the US what to do? What can they do about it? Nothing!
Bobs Own Pipe
23-02-2005, 17:39
Canadians think (http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=71e4ef82-7111-40fa-a6c3-7208b33f5225) that the US ought to stop promoting democracy. Well, who should? The United Nations? What a laugh.
If you really have the better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door.
Why does anyone need to 'promote' democracy? It's not a product, silly.
23-02-2005, 17:39
Doesn't anyone here understand the concept that forcing someone to be free is a contradiction in terms? And that imagining democracy may be "promoted", it can't be imposed by force? democracy is about right of peoples to dispose of themselves, not about invading countries and telling them what to do (and I thought it was obvious...)
Maybe Canada should stop telling the US what to do? What can they do about it? Nothing!
Maybe they should stop thinking as well? Or maybe you should start thinking?
23-02-2005, 17:43
No one, silly. Democracy should promote itself, mainly by democratic nations setting the example. It's not the role of the US, or anyone else's, to forcefully impose democracy (an oxymoron), but to help create propitious global conditions.
Forcefully impose democracy ?? Oxymoron is almost an understatement.
Simply that is called tyranny.
That is why America is not really a democracy but the people just think it is. It is a Democratic Republic. The people only vote for their leaders. And the democratic and republican national committees decide much of who the candidates are.
23-02-2005, 17:47
After one country invades another country what do you want them to do with the goverment? Make it a dictatorship? or leave the country how it is after its been pretty baddly beaten up?
23-02-2005, 17:49
Forcefully impose democracy ?? Oxymoron is almost an understatement.
Simply that is called tyranny.
That is why America is not really a democracy but the people just think it is. It is a Democratic Republic. The people only vote for their leaders. And the democratic and republican national committees decide much of who the candidates are.
You are right, it is a Democratic Republic. Why else do we have representative?
Maybe Canada should stop telling the US what to do? What can they do about it? Nothing!
maybe the US should stop telling the world what to do...
23-02-2005, 17:52
After one country invades another country what do you want them to do with the goverment? Make it a dictatorship? or leave the country how it is after its been pretty baddly beaten up?
Is anyone going to respond to this?
After one country invades another country what do you want them to do with the goverment? Make it a dictatorship? or leave the country how it is after its been pretty baddly beaten up?
well they could always try not invading in the first place?
23-02-2005, 17:54
After one country invades another country what do you want them to do with the goverment? Make it a dictatorship? or leave the country how it is after its been pretty baddly beaten up?
It's more that Bush is "trying to bring democracy to non-democratic nations" than the fact Iraq's been made into a democracy. Bush made the mess and so just making it a democracy is probably the best option now it's been made, it's just that it shouldn't have happened in the first place.
After one country invades another country what do you want them to do with the goverment?
Give full administration to the proper authorities (the UN) in the rebuilding process.
Make it a dictatorship?no
or leave the country how it is after its been pretty baddly beaten up?no
Bobs Own Pipe
23-02-2005, 17:56
Is anyone going to respond to this?
The people of the fertile crescent will never be free. The oil will see to that.
I think it is indeed a matter of concern for the US. When the nation that is closest to them economically and culturally starts criticising them... it shows that Bush has alienated nations that were once close allies to the US. First France and Germany, now Canada.
I think it is indeed a matter of concern for the US. When the nation that is closest to them economically and culturally starts criticising them... it shows that Bush has alienated nations that were once close allies to the US. First France and Germany, now Canada.
And the UK as well. The UK population is even more opposed to the american policy in Iraq than the french.
23-02-2005, 18:02
Maybe Canada should stop telling the US what to do
For once we agree, while Canada is at it, think maybe we could get the USA to do the same thing in other countries?
23-02-2005, 18:03
I'm mostly curious as to why the US thinks it has a lock on what a Democracy is when, in fact, the US is a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy.
Anyway, though, the problem is not with America promoting Democracy, but lies with America *forcing* a people to go against its own will. It's about a Christian walking into a 95% Muslim nation and imposing morals and ethics. It's about taking on a wimpy little despot based on piles and piles of lies instead of going into a country that is truly corrupt and vile, thus proving that this little adventure is for nothing more than resources - GWB couldn't give two shits about the Iraqi people.
I'm an American and I believe we have no right to police the world or impose our world view on anybody. Canada is correct and I applaud them.
Is there a name for a type of thread that disproves itself by its own existence?
23-02-2005, 18:07
Is there a name for a type of thread that disproves itself by its own existence?
Stupid ... pointless ... waste of space?
Portu Cale
23-02-2005, 18:17
Oh boy, Neo-cons just have this gift of being able to bury the world opinion on the US every time they open their mouths..
Reminder: Dismantle NATO.
23-02-2005, 18:26
I'm mostly curious as to why the US thinks it has a lock on what a Democracy is when, in fact, the US is a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy.
Anyway, though, the problem is not with America promoting Democracy, but lies with America *forcing* a people to go against its own will. It's about a Christian walking into a 95% Muslim nation and imposing morals and ethics. It's about taking on a wimpy little despot based on piles and piles of lies instead of going into a country that is truly corrupt and vile, thus proving that this little adventure is for nothing more than resources - GWB couldn't give two shits about the Iraqi people.
I'm an American and I believe we have no right to police the world or impose our world view on anybody. Canada is correct and I applaud them.
Great post and I agree!!
23-02-2005, 18:39
Give full administration to the proper authorities (the UN) in the rebuilding process.
Yes, we know how well the UN can administer contracts.
Republic of Texas
23-02-2005, 18:50
The US promoting democracy doesn't necissarily have to always be at the barrel of a gun, though that would be the two most recent examples.
Independent Homesteads
23-02-2005, 18:52
After one country invades another country what do you want them to do with the goverment? Make it a dictatorship? or leave the country how it is after its been pretty baddly beaten up?
or just not invade it in the first place.
Sumamba Buwhan
23-02-2005, 18:55
Yes, we know how well the UN can administer contracts.
couldn't do any worse than the US... *cough*Halliburton*cough* ahem, excuse me
or just not invade it in the first place.
at least two of us are thinking the same way
Sumamba Buwhan
23-02-2005, 19:03
at least two of us are thinking the same way
three of us I just didn't wanna repeat it since it was already said
The Mighty Khan
23-02-2005, 19:11
Canadians think (http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=71e4ef82-7111-40fa-a6c3-7208b33f5225) that the US ought to stop promoting democracy. Well, who should? The United Nations? What a laugh.
What canadians, and many other people around the world, think is that the US should stop invading other countries or using other means (ie. Funding terrorists or other rebels) to forcefully change their way of life to impose a puppet 'Democracy'. Promote democracy, yes, help people, like in China, who actively want to create their own from of democracy, yes, give others the benefit of experience, yes, but STOP INVADING! Bloodshed is not the only way to promote democracy. If america wants to help other countries in other ways, I think Canada would support that wholeheartedly. This is what we think, and we are far from the only ones, even in your own country. Stop living by the philosophy "My country, right or wrong,' and perhaps you will see what we are thinking.
Bill Mutz
23-02-2005, 19:12
Actually, what I think they meant was that they don't think the US government should go playing God in countries they know nothing about. This poll is rather deceptive, really, because the poll question is unfair. It's one of those political dirty tricks. Show me a poll that has a poll question I could give an answer to, and we'll discuss.
The Mighty Khan
23-02-2005, 19:14
After one country invades another country what do you want them to do with the goverment? Make it a dictatorship? or leave the country how it is after its been pretty baddly beaten up?
They could, oh, I don't know, NOT INVADE IN THE FIRST PLACE!
They could, oh, I don't know, NOT INVADE IN THE FIRST PLACE!
The Mighty Khan
23-02-2005, 19:23
Canadians think (http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=71e4ef82-7111-40fa-a6c3-7208b33f5225) that the US ought to stop promoting democracy. Well, who should? The United Nations? What a laugh.
By the way, this is an article in a canadian newspaper about a survey of canadians about an issue important to the whole world. By flaming our nation and complaining about our right to express our views to each other about your PROMOTING DEMOCRACY, you make yourself one of the biggest hipocrites I've ever heard of. THINK BEFORE YOU POST, jackass.
Republic of Texas
23-02-2005, 19:31
simmer down there
23-02-2005, 19:31
No one, silly. Democracy should promote itself, mainly by democratic nations setting the example. It's not the role of the US, or anyone else's, to forcefully impose democracy (an oxymoron), but to help create propitious global conditions.
You stated your point extremely well!! :)
23-02-2005, 19:36
Maybe Canada should stop telling the US what to do? What can they do about it? Nothing!
Going around the internet declaring your nation's supremacy must be fun.
Do you even see your hypocrisy? You Americans tell the world what to do 24/7.
Bobs Own Pipe
23-02-2005, 19:48
You know, maybe they've got a point. Why don't we Canadians just keep our mouths shut re: American foreign policy?
Maybe because we're foreigners. Duh. Maybe because, as a foreign power, we have a vested interest in the foreign policies of the so-called sole remaining superpower in the world.
Maybe we don't want to be part of your nation's stupid missile defence thingamabob. That's a chunk of America's foreign policy right there, one that we don't want to have anything to do with, but we're told by Ambassador Cellucci that we're already part of it.
Not that any of you American conservatives are ever going to bother noticing, but there's a damn good chance we'll be plunged into another election over this particular issue. Any Canadian political party that endorses joining the US on missile defence is committing a highly-visible act of political suicide. The current minority government would be insane to put this before the House of Commons - it's a virtual guarantee of a vote of non-confidence.
So thanks America - thanks for dictating what political issues our politicians and government must contend with. Your foreign policies are quite revealing, and I just made up my mind on this one - no, we won't shut up. Or go away.
Or maybe we would, if you'd leave us the Hell alone to develop our own society, without your damn interference.
23-02-2005, 19:53
Give full administration to the proper authorities (the UN) in the rebuilding process.
Leave it to the UN? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! They don't know what the hell they're doing.
East Canuck
23-02-2005, 19:53
Couple of points:
First, this survey was WORLDWIDE. Why blame Canada on something the population of the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italia, Mexico, South Korea agree on?
Hell 53% of AMERICANS answered the same as Canadians in the very same survey.
Maybe Canada should do the promoting? Another joke. It must be pretty damn cold up there and the neurons in their brains have just stopped firing, eh?
What is this nonsense if not flame-bait? State your opinion in a peacefull manner and maybe, just maybe, you'll get a discussion going. This kind of drivel serves nothing except antagonizing those you want to respond.
Once you've stopped attacking countries for the hell of it, we'll talk. In the meantime, *ignores*
23-02-2005, 19:54
For once we agree, while Canada is at it, think maybe we could get the USA to do the same thing in other countries?
When countries decide to stop mass killings of their own people, then maybe we won't be needed.
International Terrans
23-02-2005, 19:54
You know, this is the exact thing that's turning Canadians against the United States. I'm sitting here in my Canadian History, Identity and Culture class, and if I were to walk around and ask the students about the United States in the past few years, the chances of even one positive comment coming up are next to nothing.
You claim to be spreading democracy by telling others to shut up. Don't you just feel proud?
You claim to be building alliances, yet you alienate your allies. Don't you feel proud?
Telling your next door neighbour to "shut up" after sitting silent through year after year of American foreign policy abuses is just a tad rich, don't you think?
if Canada starts criticising you, you'd better pay close attention. We generally don't make a fuss about much, but this has gone too damn far. If Americans are assholes this much now, don't count on Canada supporting your imperialist campaigns any more.
23-02-2005, 19:55
Reminder: Dismantle NATO.
Why dismantle an organization that saved Bosnia and the Balkans?
I say dismantle the UN!
International Terrans
23-02-2005, 19:55
When countries decide to stop mass killings of their own people, then maybe we won't be needed.
There are something like 17,000 murders in the United States every year.
Does that mean that we have justification to invade the United States?
Just face it: you're hypocrites.
23-02-2005, 19:57
couldn't do any worse than the US... *cough*Halliburton*cough* ahem, excuse me
Who rebuilt Japan? The USA! Who brought Democracy to Japan (after the military Junta was taken care of) The USA!!
We have more experience than any other country.
23-02-2005, 20:00
Going around the internet declaring your nation's supremacy must be fun.
I do? Sorry dude. I know full well that we are not supreme. NO ONE is supreme to anyone.
Do you even see your hypocrisy? You Americans tell the world what to do 24/7.
I don't tell the world what to do 24/7!
Niccolo Medici
23-02-2005, 20:01
Canadians think (http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=71e4ef82-7111-40fa-a6c3-7208b33f5225) that the US ought to stop promoting democracy. Well, who should? The United Nations? What a laugh.
This is funny, especially if you've ever read the Daily Show's book "America: A citizen's guide to democracy inaction." All the little Canada segments from that book are remarkably similar to this.
What's curious about the article is that it starts of with a nice, strong premise; Canadians don't think the US should set itself up as the world liberator and democratizer...Then it talks about how, while Canadians really don't think US products are better, they are more expensive but Canadians still like to buy them ;).
Nothing like strong, hard-hitting journalism...even in Canada.
Sumamba Buwhan
23-02-2005, 20:01
Who rebuilt Japan? The USA! Who brought Democracy to Japan (after the military Junta was taken care of) The USA!!
We have more experience than any other country.
Who asked the USA to bomb millions of innocent people in Japan into oblivion in the first place? Noone? At least the Japanese were able to solely target military forces at pearl harbor but I guess they respect honor.
BTW I wass making a point that the USA is just as bad if not worse at managing contracts if you didnt notice. But maybe that was on purpose so that HAlliburton could get some money since Cheney is very close to the organization. Who knows. Certainly not you or I. But you can pretend to if you like.
And do you really beleive that innocent people dont get put tpo death by the US govt? Thers proof to the contrary. Havent you ever heard of innocents going to teh electric chair?
Sumamba Buwhan
23-02-2005, 20:02
I don't tell the world what to do 24/7!
Lame, are you so ignorant that you couldnt tell Swim was speaking of the US govt.?
International Terrans
23-02-2005, 20:03
Who rebuilt Japan? The USA! Who brought Democracy to Japan (after the military Junta was taken care of) The USA!!
We have more experience than any other country.
Except all your methods involve killing hundreds of thousands of people.
Yeah. If people want a cold-blooded killer to "liberate" them, they'll call the U.S.. Until then, leave it to Western Europe and Canada.
23-02-2005, 20:03
There are something like 17,000 murders in the United States every year.
It isn't government sanctioned. We arrest our murders and place them in Jail for life or in some cases, on death row.
Does that mean that we have justification to invade the United States?
Just face it: you're hypocrites.
Not in this case!
23-02-2005, 20:05
When countries decide to stop mass killings of their own people, then maybe we won't be needed.
When America stops killing mass people of other countries maybe the rest of the world will shut up too.
Free Garza
23-02-2005, 20:05
Give full administration to the proper authorities (the UN) in the rebuilding process.
Since when has the UN ever done anything but MISmanage the countries that it administers?
International Terrans
23-02-2005, 20:06
It isn't government sanctioned. We arrest our murders and place them in Jail for life or in some cases, on death row.
Aha! The death penalty! That's government sanctioned. Besides, that's like not saying that Darfur is a genocide, just because the government isn't stopping it.
Hmmm... yes.
Not in this case!
So basically... you're saying that the United States is hypocritical at other times. Wow. You just made your case SOOO much stronger.[/SARCASM]
23-02-2005, 20:07
Who asked the USA to bomb millions of innocent people in Japan into oblivion in the first place? Noone? At least the Japanese were able to solely target military forces at pearl harbor but I guess they respect honor.
Who asked that London be bombed? Who asked that London be bombed? Who asked that Berlin, Hamburg, etc etc etc be bombed? No one! Its war. Hitler started the bombing campaigns. The allies turned it around. Don't get me started on this because then you'll never shut me up. As for honor in bombing Pearl Harbor, IT WAS A SURPRISE ATTACK! A cowardly stroke. There was no declaration of war when they did it. Therefor, it WAS NOT honorable.
And do you really beleive that innocent people dont get put tpo death by the US govt? Thers proof to the contrary. Havent you ever heard of innocents going to teh electric chair?
Yes I have! That was also before DNA Testing!
Sumamba Buwhan
23-02-2005, 20:08
yup, maybe just maybe the US will have a chance to redeem its poor image around the world when the US works on its own problems first. If you think that the US is perfect then I can see why you woulsd blindly follow the US into war. But if you admit the US has problems, then you are a hypocrite to suggest that the US knows how to run the rest of the world better than anyone else.
Steph, you still have that stockpile of blindfolds that you dont need to send the Neo-cons?
23-02-2005, 20:08
Lame, are you so ignorant that you couldnt tell Swim was speaking of the US govt.?
Lame, he said "you americans"! Impling that all of us tell the world what to do.
23-02-2005, 20:09
When America stops killing mass people of other countries maybe the rest of the world will shut up too.
We're not! Maybe if the UN does its job properly, maybe the US doesn't have to send our military men and women in there to stop it.
International Terrans
23-02-2005, 20:11
Who asked that London be bombed? Who asked that London be bombed? Who asked that Berlin, Hamburg, etc etc etc be bombed? No one! Its war. Hitler started the bombing campaigns. The allies turned it around. Don't get me started on this because then you'll never shut me up. As for honor in bombing Pearl Harbor, IT WAS A SURPRISE ATTACK! A cowardly stroke. There was no declaration of war when they did it. Therefor, it WAS NOT honorable.
Hmm... a military action without a declaration of war... hmm... sounds a lot like Iraq to me? Bravo. Hypocrite. Your little action in Iraq was just as dishonourable as Pearl Harbour. And don't give me that line on "not informed". If you say that, you've never really studied the subject.
Sumamba Buwhan
23-02-2005, 20:11
Who asked that London be bombed? Who asked that London be bombed? Who asked that Berlin, Hamburg, etc etc etc be bombed? No one! Its war. Hitler started the bombing campaigns. The allies turned it around. Don't get me started on this because then you'll never shut me up. As for honor in bombing Pearl Harbor, IT WAS A SURPRISE ATTACK! A cowardly stroke. There was no declaration of war when they did it. Therefor, it WAS NOT honorable.
Yes I have! That was also before DNA Testing!
well there is proof that the US had deciphered the Japanese code and knew the attack was coming but didn't do anything to warn anyone (I'd look it up but I'm too lazy and gotta go in a minute). Disgraceful. Oh well maybe they just wanted an excuse to use their brand new nukular weapons on those Japs.
So do you believe that no innocents go to jail anaymore?
23-02-2005, 20:12
We're not!
I'm sorry but every human rights watch group on the planet would disagree with you.
23-02-2005, 20:12
Except all your methods involve killing hundreds of thousands of people.
You have no idea what a war is don't you? Innocents die in war. No matter how hard you try to prevent it, it happens.
WWII instigator. No precision weaponry
Asked by the South Vietnamese to keep the NOrth out. Precision guided bombs were just coming in and were inaccurate
Violated 17 UN Resolutions. Precision Guided bombs. No tech is perfect. Terrorists doing more damage to civilians than our bombs did.
Yeah. If people want a cold-blooded killer to "liberate" them, they'll call the U.S.. Until then, leave it to Western Europe and Canada.
We are not cold-blooded killers. If we were then we would just carpet bomb instead of using Precision guided, Laser Guided, GPS Guided ordance on military targets. As for leaving it to Canada, they have no military. Western Europe? Can't stomach it.
Republic of Texas
23-02-2005, 20:12
yup, maybe just maybe the US will have a chance to redeem its poor image around the world when the US works on its own problems first. If you think that the US is perfect then I can see why you woulsd blindly follow the US into war. But if you admit the US has problems, then you are a hypocrite to suggest that the US knows how to run the rest of the world better than anyone else.
I'm no fan of our current foreign policy but to suggest that in order to have a foreign policy we should be perfect domestically is absurd.
Republic of Texas
23-02-2005, 20:13
well there is proof that the US had deciphered the Japanese code and knew the attack was coming but didn't do anything to warn anyone (I'd look it up but I'm too lazy and gotta go in a minute). Disgraceful. Oh well maybe they just wanted an excuse to use their brand new nukular weapons on those Japs.
So do you believe that no innocents go to jail anaymore?
Because the US had nukes before the war? Oh wait.
23-02-2005, 20:14
Aha! The death penalty! That's government sanctioned. Besides, that's like not saying that Darfur is a genocide, just because the government isn't stopping it.
Darfur is Genocide! PERIOD! Darfur fits every definition of Genocide. What is the UN doing about it? Nothing.
Hmmm... yes.
So basically... you're saying that the United States is hypocritical at other times. Wow. You just made your case SOOO much stronger.[/SARCASM]
How did what I say make the US a hypocrit?
Sumamba Buwhan
23-02-2005, 20:14
I'm no fan of our current foreign policy but to suggest that in order to have a foreign policy we should be perfect domestically is absurd.
theres a difference between foreign policy and trying to bomb people into submission. well maybe not to the US
23-02-2005, 20:15
Hmm... a military action without a declaration of war... hmm... sounds a lot like Iraq to me? Bravo. Hypocrite. Your little action in Iraq was just as dishonourable as Pearl Harbour. And don't give me that line on "not informed". If you say that, you've never really studied the subject.
WRONG! We had an authorization of the use of Force done by Congress. Nice try.
As for not studying Pearl Harbor. I've studied the entire Pacific Campaign from the Negotiations to Tokyo Harbor.
Sumamba Buwhan
23-02-2005, 20:16
WRONG! We had an authorization of the use of Force done by Congress. Nice try.
As for not studying Pearl Harbor. I've studied the entire Pacific Campaign from the Negotiations to Tokyo Harbor.
and I'm sure that Japan had autorization by its govt for use of force. Whats the difference?
Republic of Texas
23-02-2005, 20:18
and I'm sure that Japan had autorization by its govt for use of force. Whats the difference?
Iraq was delivered an ultimatum, they knew shit was about to hit the fan.
23-02-2005, 20:18
and I'm sure that Japan had autorization by its govt for use of force. Whats the difference?
They were negotiating with the US for peace. The bombed us without notification of a Declaration of War. We gave Saddam time had the resolution that authorized force. When the time ran out, then we attacked.
Japan did no such thing.
International Terrans
23-02-2005, 20:19
You have no idea what a war is don't you? Innocents die in war. No matter how hard you try to prevent it, it happens.
If hundreds of thousands of people are dying, then you aren't exactly trying very hard, now are you?
WWII instigator. No precision weaponry
Wow. Blaming it on technology? You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
Asked by the South Vietnamese to keep the NOrth out. Precision guided bombs were just coming in and were inaccurate
Doesn't mean you had to accept. Besides, you continually toppled democratically elected governments in order to make the South immune to Communism.
Violated 17 UN Resolutions. Precision Guided bombs. No tech is perfect. Terrorists doing more damage to civilians than our bombs did.
Since when did you give anything about the UN? You just said to dismantle it. Double standard. Besides, seriously, blaming it on technology is just plain stupid.
Did it ever occur to you that those "terrorists" are just fighting to get rid of an occupying force - just like the American Revolution?
By fighting this war, you deny the same rights to others that you people campaigned so long and so hard to obtain.
We are not cold-blooded killers. If we were then we would just carpet bomb instead of using Precision guided, Laser Guided, GPS Guided ordance on military targets. As for leaving it to Canada, they have no military. Western Europe? Can't stomach it.
I'm sure the 80,000 members of the Canadian Forces would disagree with you. Man, you people are ignorant. Western Europe? I'm not a big fan of the Europeans, but I have to hand it to them, they know how to not kill people in droves for "democracy".
Or... did it ever occur that if the people truly wanted democracy, they'd try and obtain it for themselves? There was a rebellion in Iraq following the Gulf War, in which Bush I refused to help the rebels. Saddam's military slaughtered them. Seriously - get off your high horse.
Sumamba Buwhan
23-02-2005, 20:20
Also Iraq may have violated UN resolutions but so has Israel... why shouldnt we go bomb them? Because it's wrong thats why. Israel is more a threat to the US than Iraq was when we started our campaign against them.
Since the US is part of the UN, how can the UN do its job properly if the US wont follow thru on its commitment to abide by UN rules?
Sumamba Buwhan
23-02-2005, 20:22
They were negotiating with the US for peace. The bombed us without notification of a Declaration of War. We gave Saddam time had the resolution that authorized force. When the time ran out, then we attacked.
Japan did no such thing.
like I said the US knew it was coming.
As for Iraq... what did we give Saddam a chance to do again/. Disarm his WMDs? Oh yeah they didnt have any. The weapons inspectors said as much.
Republic of Texas
23-02-2005, 20:23
If hundreds of thousands of people are dying, then you aren't exactly trying very hard, now are you?
hundreds of thousands? where?
Bobs Own Pipe
23-02-2005, 20:23
Americans, on a subconscious level, don't like seeing other people living happy normal lives - they like seeing all the funny little brown-skinned people milling about like ants in the midst of ruin, rubble, and worse.
If they are travellers, they like it if their digs (the hotels) outshine the local towns, cities, etc. because it makes them feel good about themselves and their station in life. All the funny little brown-skinned people who live in barrios and tin shanties make Americans feel that they are better than those poor bastards.
And so it goes for the rest of the planet. By making sure there's chaos, mayhem and destruction in the streets of the cities they invade, the US keeps up a constant stream of video footage, showing just how awful things are in foreign countries - this in turn makes the average yobbo living in a trailerpark in America's heartland feel that much better about themselves, by contrasting the shit they live through with the living Hell being inflicted on those funny-looking non-Americans who talk in that unintelligible gibberish that it's funny to see them spoof on SNL.
It's funny 'cause it's happening to other people. But don't worry, they're not really 'people', after all. When they're being killed by remote drones, they're just video-game enemies. When they're rioting in the streets, they're just 'insurgents'. When they appear on television ads made by Christian missionary groups, they're just something else to ignore - still more people unwilling to pull themselves by their own bootstraps and get on with the business of being more American.
Aren't they funny?
Well, then you're obviously just an unpatriotic liberal dupe. Shame on you.
International Terrans
23-02-2005, 20:25
hundreds of thousands? where?
Key word: reported. Officials aren't everywhere to count the bodies, you know. The proposed figure I saw was 150,000.
Now if you'll excuse me, school is over in 3 minutes.
Republic of Texas
23-02-2005, 20:27
Key word: reported. Officials aren't everywhere to count the bodies, you know. The proposed figure I saw was 150,000.
Feel free to back that number up.
23-02-2005, 20:30
If hundreds of thousands of people are dying, then you aren't exactly trying very hard, now are you?
How many are we directly responsible for and how many are the terrorists responsible for? Big difference there.
Wow. Blaming it on technology? You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
No technology is perfect. Yes there is some human error but for the most part, its mechanical.
Doesn't mean you had to accept. Besides, you continually toppled democratically elected governments in order to make the South immune to Communism.
We accept because they asked. It is what we do. If you ask us for help, we will come. Welcome to the foundation of America. As for making the south immune to communism, which south are you refering too?
Since when did you give anything about the UN? You just said to dismantle it. Double standard. Besides, seriously, blaming it on technology is just plain stupid.
I don't give anything about the UN! I don't like it! PERIOD! It is worthless and it issues resolutions that have no hope to being backed up. Iraq is a prime example of it as is Syria, and North Korea. They don't do anything. Why should I support an organization that does nothing?
Did it ever occur to you that those "terrorists" are just fighting to get rid of an occupying force - just like the American Revolution?
Oh? Now your saying that our attacks on the British MILITARY were terrorists? Thanks for showing that your ignorance. Some probably were. Not everyone was. They were fighting to kick out the tyrant from Great Britain. Study it. Its facinating!
By fighting this war, you deny the same rights to others that you people campaigned so long and so hard to obtain.
How are we denying rights?
I'm sure the 80,000 members of the Canadian Forces would disagree with you. Man, you people are ignorant. Western Europe? I'm not a big fan of the Europeans, but I have to hand it to them, they know how to not kill people in droves for "democracy".
Canada can't do much militarily. I do have the greatest respect for them. I've met some when I was over at NORAD. My dad has done games with them. As for Western Europe, you could make acase against that. I won't because it won't solve anything.
Or... did it ever occur that if the people truly wanted democracy, they'd try and obtain it for themselves? There was a rebellion in Iraq following the Gulf War, in which Bush I refused to help the rebels. Saddam's military slaughtered them. Seriously - get off your high horse.
Did it ever occur to you that the only way to do that in a dictatorship is through a force of arms?
23-02-2005, 20:32
like I said the US knew it was coming.
We knew an attack was coming but not at Pearl Harbor. Besides, there was still no declaration of war.
As for Iraq... what did we give Saddam a chance to do again/. Disarm his WMDs? Oh yeah they didnt have any. The weapons inspectors said as much.
Then why were the sanctions still in place?
23-02-2005, 20:38
You have no idea what a war is don't you? Innocents die in war. No matter how hard you try to prevent it, it happens.
WWII instigator. No precision weaponry
Asked by the South Vietnamese to keep the NOrth out. Precision guided bombs were just coming in and were inaccurate
Violated 17 UN Resolutions. Precision Guided bombs. No tech is perfect. Terrorists doing more damage to civilians than our bombs did.
We are not cold-blooded killers. If we were then we would just carpet bomb instead of using Precision guided, Laser Guided, GPS Guided ordance on military targets. As for leaving it to Canada, they have no military. Western Europe? Can't stomach it.
Your a nut, the USA was asked by a US installed government to help out in nam, . :rolleyes:
New Genoa
23-02-2005, 20:43
Americans, on a subconscious level, don't like seeing other people living happy normal lives - they like seeing all the funny little brown-skinned people milling about like ants in the midst of ruin, rubble, and worse.
If they are travellers, they like it if their digs (the hotels) outshine the local towns, cities, etc. because it makes them feel good about themselves and their station in life. All the funny little brown-skinned people who live in barrios and tin shanties make Americans feel that they are better than those poor bastards.
And so it goes for the rest of the planet. By making sure there's chaos, mayhem and destruction in the streets of the cities they invade, the US keeps up a constant stream of video footage, showing just how awful things are in foreign countries - this in turn makes the average yobbo living in a trailerpark in America's heartland feel that much better about themselves, by contrasting the shit they live through with the living Hell being inflicted on those funny-looking non-Americans who talk in that unintelligible gibberish that it's funny to see them spoof on SNL.
It's funny 'cause it's happening to other people. But don't worry, they're not really 'people', after all. When they're being killed by remote drones, they're just video-game enemies. When they're rioting in the streets, they're just 'insurgents'. When they appear on television ads made by Christian missionary groups, they're just something else to ignore - still more people unwilling to pull themselves by their own bootstraps and get on with the business of being more American.
Aren't they funny?
Well, then you're obviously just an unpatriotic liberal dupe. Shame on you.
Perhaps you'd feel better spewing this over a toilet?
Bobs Own Pipe
23-02-2005, 20:47
Perhaps you'd feel better spewing this over a toilet?
Oh it felt mighty good coming up. And looking back, I feel terrific now.
Like a million bucks. Or a million sweat-shop labourers in SE Asia. One or the other. They cost about the same, right?
East Canuck
23-02-2005, 20:58
Violated 17 UN Resolutions. Precision Guided bombs. No tech is perfect. Terrorists doing more damage to civilians than our bombs did.
I'm sorry but that's a lie. They didn't violate 17 UN resolutions. And EVEN if they did, it was up to the UN security council to do something about it. All these resolutions said that the UN council was the only one to authorize further actions. Using these resolutions as justification for the invasion is twisting the facts.
East Canuck
23-02-2005, 21:00
Darfur is Genocide! PERIOD! Darfur fits every definition of Genocide. What is the UN doing about it? Nothing.
I agree, Darfur is a genocide. But the US objected on calling it a genocide in the UN when a call to stop it was put forth. Now, much later, they say the UN is doing nothing.
23-02-2005, 21:05
No technology is perfect. Yes there is some human error but for the most part, its mechanical.
In that case, had you known there would be some error, surely the US should have used some different method?
We accept because they asked. It is what we do. If you ask us for help, we will come. Welcome to the foundation of America. As for making the south immune to communism, which south are you refering too?
Iraq never asked for your help - Bush went to war because "they had WMDs" - not because anyone asked for help.
I don't give anything about the UN! I don't like it! PERIOD! It is worthless and it issues resolutions that have no hope to being backed up. Iraq is a prime example of it as is Syria, and North Korea. They don't do anything. Why should I support an organization that does nothing?
True - many resolutions have little hope of being carried out. However, you can say this about Christianity, no? It's MAIN morals (love your neighbour, love your mother and your father etc.) have even less hope of being carried out. Does that mean the world should consider Christiaity worthless and shouldn't bother with a religion in which many of the main moral rules are broken frequently? You will probably say no, as it provides moral guidelines for everyday life. The UN provides guidelines for countries. Similar principle. However, the NU won't enforce their guidelines with bloodshed, as they do not want to break their own rules - much as Christians will usually not kill someone because they don't love their neighbour.
Oh? Now your saying that our attacks on the British MILITARY were terrorists? Thanks for showing that your ignorance. Some probably were. Not everyone was. They were fighting to kick out the tyrant from Great Britain. Study it. Its facinating!
No. But in the American Revolution, you were fighting to kick out the occupying country - Britain. Have you noticed that the insurgents are fighting to keep out AMERICA? The occupying country?
Canada can't do much militarily. I do have the greatest respect for them. I've met some when I was over at NORAD. My dad has done games with them. As for Western Europe, you could make acase against that. I won't because it won't solve anything.
Yes, but the Canadian military aren't invloved in anything, so you don't know. How do you know how a car goes if all you see is a stationery, turned-off vehicle and never get a test-drive, or even watch one? You don't. To judge Canada's military, surely one must see them in action?
Did it ever occur to you that the only way to do that in a dictatorship is through a force of arms?
Says who? Just because it's not a democracy like America (actually America's a Constiutional Republic) doesn't mean it's evil or won't comply unless forced to. Dictators can be perfectly nice people, and although Saddam wasn't, how do you know that there wasn't another way other than force of arms?
New Genoa
23-02-2005, 21:14
Oh it felt mighty good coming up. And looking back, I feel terrific now.
Like a million bucks. Or a million sweat-shop labourers in SE Asia. One or the other. They cost about the same, right?
I don't have a million bucks. I don't run sweatshops nor do I advocate them as good. I don't know what the hell you're trying to say. That because sweatshops exist, I have orgasms thinking about their suffering?
You Forgot Poland
23-02-2005, 21:19
Key word: reported. Officials aren't everywhere to count the bodies, you know. The proposed figure I saw was 150,000.
Now if you'll excuse me, school is over in 3 minutes.
If I recall, that figure comes from the British medical journal The Lancet and it diverges from Iraqibodycount because it was determined by comparing pre-Gulf War II war death rates to the increase in death rates after GW II began.
Anyway, what I came into this thread for was to remind all the people who are getting their knickers wadded over Canadians butting in with an opinion about American foreign policy that certain elements in the U.S. are butting into Canadian politics in a much more overt way by writing letters to Canadian lawmakers to express their outrage about reefer legalization and same sex marriage. Somebody else post the linkeroos, cause I apparently can't be bothered.
Bobs Own Pipe
23-02-2005, 21:20
Wha? Who? Huh?
Republic of Texas
23-02-2005, 21:41
If I recall, that figure comes from the British medical journal The Lancet and it diverges from Iraqibodycount because it was determined by comparing pre-Gulf War II war death rates to the increase in death rates after GW II began.
Anyway, what I came into this thread for was to remind all the people who are getting their knickers wadded over Canadians butting in with an opinion about American foreign policy that certain elements in the U.S. are butting into Canadian politics in a much more overt way by writing letters to Canadian lawmakers to express their outrage about reefer legalization and same sex marriage. Somebody else post the linkeroos, cause I apparently can't be bothered.
Consider yourself lucky that Canadian lawmakers can ignore our religious right.
You Forgot Poland
23-02-2005, 21:49
Consider yourself lucky that Canadian lawmakers can ignore our religious right.
I would, but unfortunately I'm not Canadian and therefore my lawmakers can't.
Republic of Texas
23-02-2005, 21:56
Apologies for my apparently unfounded assumption.
23-02-2005, 21:56
I would, but unfortunately I'm not Canadian and therefore my lawmakers can't.
To the guy from texas, how are we lucky? Isnt our right to ignore what fruits in another country have to say?
Republic of Texas
23-02-2005, 21:57
I consider you lucky because my lawmakers do not ignore them, clear as mud?
You Forgot Poland
23-02-2005, 21:59
I consider you lucky because my lawmakers do not ignore them, clear as mud?
I gotcha.
Bobs Own Pipe
23-02-2005, 22:00
Well, what about getting your gov to stop with the business of trying to get us onboard for your missile defence plan? There's something Americans can do.
We don't want 'em, and now it's becoming the sort of political hot potato that can bring down governments.
Hands off our space!
23-02-2005, 22:05
I consider you lucky because my lawmakers do not ignore them, clear as mud?
Sure, muddy arguement but whatever :rolleyes:
Republic of Texas
23-02-2005, 22:08
That was more of a statement than an argument, really.
Just a couple of points:
1. This was a pollster taking a opinion poll and publishing it in the Canadian media. This is not Canada telling the US what to do. There are no government officials involved. There is no concerted effort by Canadian citizens to influence the US government.
2. The poll question was not included in the news release. We don't actually know what question the respondents were answering. We just know the pollsters interpretation of the results.
3. If you read more than the headline, you'll see that the poll was addressing economic topics. Is it really surprising that only 18% of Canadians thought that American products were better than Canadian products, and that only 20% would buy American if there was a Canadian product of equal price and quality?
This poll is about the opinion of ordinary Canadian citizens. The majority of us never supported the war in Iraq. If the question regarding the 'promotion of democracy' implied support for that war, the poll results are no surprize to anyone.
International Terrans
23-02-2005, 22:20
Yes, but the Canadian military aren't invloved in anything, so you don't know. How do you know how a car goes if all you see is a stationery, turned-off vehicle and never get a test-drive, or even watch one? You don't. To judge Canada's military, surely one must see them in action?
Actually, the Canadian Forces are currently deployed in Afghanistan - there's something like 1000 troops there right now, with another brigade coming in a few months. The Navy has ships in the Persian Gulf in Operation Apollo, helpin' the Yanks patrols the high seas. The Army is on a lot of peacekeeping missions, as well: my own father was deployed with the Canadian contingent on the UN mission in Rwanda as a C-130 pilot.
I really had no objection to going into Afghanistan, but did Iraq bomb the United States? Every shred of evidence not covertly fabricated by the Republican Party says no. They just took some made-up excuse (Weapons of Mass Destruction) to get revenge for Bush I and inflate oil prices.
Neo Cannen
23-02-2005, 22:22
Canadians think (http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=71e4ef82-7111-40fa-a6c3-7208b33f5225) that the US ought to stop promoting democracy. Well, who should? The United Nations? What a laugh.
Maybe Canada should do the promoting? Another joke. It must be pretty damn cold up there and the neurons in their brains have just stopped firing, eh?
The Canadian government is not stupid for having an opinion, despite what you think.
23-02-2005, 22:28
Doesn't anyone here understand the concept that forcing someone to be free is a contradiction in terms? And that imagining democracy may be "promoted", it can't be imposed by force? democracy is about right of peoples to dispose of themselves, not about invading countries and telling them what to do (and I thought it was obvious...)
How about when those people are beneath the hand of a brutal dictator and know not how to become free?
And when you free them... they celebrate by turning out in droves to vote, thus legitimizing your claim that they wanted to be free all along?
Were they just supposed to wait for Saddam to give them rights? Is that the liberal way?
International Terrans
23-02-2005, 22:34
How about when those people are beneath the hand of a brutal dictator and know not how to become free?
And when you free them... they celebrate by turning out in droves to vote, thus legitimizing your claim that they wanted to be free all along?
Were they just supposed to wait for Saddam to give them rights?
"Know not how to become free?" Are you insane!? That's the most retarded thing I've heard all day. Seriously. If by "free" you mean "Democracy with extra America-sauce shoved down their throats at gunpoint," then sure! If Saddam was just so brutal, then how come Bush I didn't topple him in '91 when the revolt began? Obviously they wanted to be free then... So why didn't you let them?
Ever heard about the anti-American parties "dropping out" from the race? Ever heard about voters practically berated into line? By forcing "freedom", you're just as hypocritical as Saddam was in forcing lack of "freedom".
By the way: your claim is just as illegitimate as it was over the Phillipines.
Give full administration to the proper authorities (the UN) in the rebuilding process.
So you are saying that the UN wouldn't attempt to make it a democratic nation? Besides, the US invaded Iraq, isn't it our job to rebuild the country and the government? The UN has more important things to do. (Ex: pushing the New World Order forward to destroy national sovereinty)
International Terrans
23-02-2005, 22:39
So you are saying that the UN wouldn't attempt to make it a democratic nation? Besides, the US invaded Iraq, isn't it our job to rebuild the country and the government? The UN has more important things to do. (Ex: pushing the New World Order forward to destroy national sovereinty)
Believe me, all national soverigenty did was create wars, patriotism, ignorance and lies. Then again, a world government would probably do the same thing - except then we'd be inflated with pride in the human race.
24-02-2005, 00:56
Canadians think (http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=71e4ef82-7111-40fa-a6c3-7208b33f5225) that the US ought to stop promoting democracy. Well, who should? The United Nations? What a laugh.
Maybe Canada should do the promoting? Another joke. It must be pretty damn cold up there and the neurons in their brains have just stopped firing, eh?
The answer is that NO ONE should forcefully impose democracy (as the USA does). There are other ways to run a country besides democracy, Bush doesn't seem to accept this.
At least the Canadian government is actually morally decent, ar least when compared to the US. But compared to the US Hati is decent.
24-02-2005, 01:00
I do? Sorry dude. I know full well that we are not supreme. NO ONE is supreme to anyone.
Claiming that only American opinion matters and Canadian opinion does not sounds pretty supremacist to me.
24-02-2005, 04:11
I agree, Darfur is a genocide. But the US objected on calling it a genocide in the UN when a call to stop it was put forth. Now, much later, they say the UN is doing nothing.
HAHAHA! Everyone in the US called it a Genocide. It was the UN that didn't call it a Genocide. I suggest you get your facts straight.
24-02-2005, 04:14
my own father was deployed with the Canadian contingent on the UN mission in Rwanda as a C-130 pilot.
My dad is a nav on the C-130s in the USAF :)
24-02-2005, 04:15
Claiming that only American opinion matters and Canadian opinion does not sounds pretty supremacist to me.
In the US, only the opinion of US Citizens matter to politicians.
24-02-2005, 04:20
Forcefully impose democracy ?? Oxymoron is almost an understatement.
Simply that is called tyranny.
That is why America is not really a democracy but the people just think it is. It is a Democratic Republic. The people only vote for their leaders. And the democratic and republican national committees decide much of who the candidates are.
Well, actually, the term "Democratic" doesn't apply. The classification "Republic" sums us up rather nicely. It still includes the voting for leaders, while Democratic is rather pretentious. I'd say the true Democracy doesn't work in an area with a large population anyways. But these political meanings have been lost over the years, so it doesn't really matter any more what you call them I suppose. After all, Joe Schmoe and the Canadians aren't going to know the difference between a Republic and a Parliamentary Democracy. Or be able to explain why England still has a Queen.
By the way, Canadians don't even have a military, do they? Or a gunship? or guns, for that matter? I wonder why...
Oh wait, it MAY be because they know if anyone attacks them the mean old USA will actually protect them to save its own investments.
So listen, when they stop using us as a barrier shield that lets them enjoy safety without spending money on military development, then MAYBE I'll actually give a flip about what they think we should do with our military.
East Canuck
24-02-2005, 14:40
HAHAHA! Everyone in the US called it a Genocide. It was the UN that didn't call it a Genocide. I suggest you get your facts straight.
The UN didn't call it genocide because a certain Colin Powell said that the US would never allow it. It's astounding how the memory remembers selectively.
24-02-2005, 14:55
In the US, only the opinion of US Citizens matter to politicians.
Perhaps you should qualify that even further. The only concerns for US politicians is the opinions of large corporations and some citizens.
24-02-2005, 16:22
In the US, only the opinion of US Citizens matter to politicians.
So why are you bothered then about a poll of domestic Canadian opinion posted on Canada.com? I mean - it's not as if they are presenting a petition to Congress based on the results, but the attitude seems to be that this is some form of "telling America what to do"?
Damn - but you're sounding a tad paranoid.... and insecure.
Although your businesses might be interested in the poll results that showed an erosion of preference for American products as that is something that has a direct impact for them.
24-02-2005, 16:55
The UN didn't call it genocide because a certain Colin Powell said that the US would never allow it. It's astounding how the memory remembers selectively.
Doubtful. He himself has called a Genocide too. France is the more likely candidate of not allowing it to be called a genocide.
24-02-2005, 16:56
Perhaps you should qualify that even further. The only concerns for US politicians is the opinions of large corporations and some citizens.
Nope! If a Politician wants to get re-elected, he has, theoretically, to listen to the people or the people will toss him out of office.
24-02-2005, 20:17
Well, actually, the term "Democratic" doesn't apply. The classification "Republic" sums us up rather nicely. It still includes the voting for leaders, while Democratic is rather pretentious. I'd say the true Democracy doesn't work in an area with a large population anyways. But these political meanings have been lost over the years, so it doesn't really matter any more what you call them I suppose. After all, Joe Schmoe and the Canadians aren't going to know the difference between a Republic and a Parliamentary Democracy. Or be able to explain why England still has a Queen.
By the way, Canadians don't even have a military, do they? Or a gunship? or guns, for that matter? I wonder why...
Oh wait, it MAY be because they know if anyone attacks them the mean old USA will actually protect them to save its own investments.
So listen, when they stop using us as a barrier shield that lets them enjoy safety without spending money on military development, then MAYBE I'll actually give a flip about what they think we should do with our military.
Hahaha you make me laugh.... We do have a military but not as big as yours...the difference is we use our military to clean the mess you do.Who do you think they call when the fighting is over and it`s time to restore peace.(except Iraq). Furthermore the only reason you would defend Canada is to protect your country from a Northern invasion witch is never gonna happen.
We don`t need your protection and we never asked for it.
And if you say that you liberated Iraq from a Dictator then why don`t you liberate all the other countries that have dictators because it`s your duty as you see it.
We will not send troops in Iraq
We will not participate in the Missile Sheild
We will legalize union between Gays
We will legalize Pot
Accept it!!!!!!!!
24-02-2005, 20:26
Hahaha you make me laugh.... We do have a military but not as big as yours...the difference is we use our military to clean the mess you do.Who do you think they call when the fighting is over and it`s time to restore peace.(except Iraq). Furthermore the only reason you would defend Canada is to protect your country from a Northern invasion witch is never gonna happen.
If we made a mess then why haven't you sent in the troops to clean it up yet? Oh yea that's right. There isn't enough money to do so. As far as I see it, we didn't call you into to clean up our "mess" in Grenada or Panama for that matter. So when did we call you in to clean up our mess when the shooting is over? We don't need Canada to watch over the US from a Northern Invasion! Why? We can see it coming for ourselves. Your right though that an Invasion from the North isn't going to happen because Canada doesn't have anything worthwhile.
We don`t need your protection and we never asked for it.
Fine. When Canada is invaded and they ask for help. I'm going to write Congress and tell them that they don't want or need our help. When your nation is taken over.... You wish that you said something different instead.
And if you say that you liberated Iraq from a Dictator then why don`t you liberate all the other countries that have dictators because it`s your duty as you see it.
We don't have the forces to topple them. What about the UN? Why haven't they stepped in to stop massive human rights abuses in China? Sudan? Bosnia? and others that I could name? Isn't that what the UN is supposed to do? Oh yea that's right! The UN is a debating society and not a world government. Stupid me.
We will not send troops in Iraq
We don't need them.
We will not participate in the Missile Sheild
There goes Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, Edmonton, Calgary, Montreal.
We will legalize union between Gays
That's a fight in Parliment.
We will legalize Pot
Which was dumb.
Accept it!!!!!!!!
I have too. I won't be going to Canada anytime soon so it really doesn't bother me.
Refused Party Program
24-02-2005, 20:29
Fine. When Canada is invaded and they ask for help. I'm going to write Congress and tell them that they don't want or need our help. When your nation is taken over.... You wish that you said something different instead.
You say that as if there were hundreds of armies just waiting for you [Corneliu] to declare this.
Besides, who would want to invade Canada? Angry rednecks?
24-02-2005, 20:52
You say that as if there were hundreds of armies just waiting for you [Corneliu] to declare this.
Besides, who would want to invade Canada? Angry rednecks?
I don't think anyone wants to invade Canada.
1) There's nothing there
2) The Weather Sucks
Those are about the 2 main reasons why Canada won't be invaded. However, since the are a part of NATO, if NATO goes to an all out war, Canada could be invaded just for being an ally. However, they have to have the capacity to invade someone.
New Fuglies
24-02-2005, 21:05
Canadians think (http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=71e4ef82-7111-40fa-a6c3-7208b33f5225) that the US ought to stop promoting democracy. Well, who should? The United Nations? What a laugh.
Maybe Canada should do the promoting? Another joke. It must be pretty damn cold up there and the neurons in their brains have just stopped firing, eh?
Actually, the US did much more to bolster monarchies and despots than democracy so the point is moot. ;)
24-02-2005, 21:12
Originally Posted by Corneliu
If we made a mess then why haven't you sent in the troops to clean it up yet? Oh yea that's right. There isn't enough money to do so. As far as I see it, we didn't call you into to clean up our "mess" in Grenada or Panama for that matter. So when did we call you in to clean up our mess when the shooting is over? We don't need Canada to watch over the US from a Northern Invasion! Why? We can see it coming for ourselves. Your right though that an Invasion from the North isn't going to happen because Canada doesn't have anything worthwhile.
Well we do have Petrol, Hydro electricity , a lot of ressources like wood, metals, water and lots of it ,witch you will need in the future and already need in certain states like California and Michigan. We sell you electricity cause you don`t have enough..we sell you wood cause you don`t have any we sell you aluminium cause you don`t have any and so on....
Fine. When Canada is invaded and they ask for help. I'm going to write Congress and tell them that they don't want or need our help. When your nation is taken over.... You wish that you said something different instead.
It will never be taken over cause you will come to our rescue to protect all our valuable ressources that you need so much.
We don't have the forces to topple them. What about the UN? Why haven't they stepped in to stop massive human rights abuses in China? Sudan? Bosnia? and others that I could name? Isn't that what the UN is supposed to do? Oh yea that's right! The UN is a debating society and not a world government. Stupid me.
We don't need them.
Then stop asking for it..cause just this week Bush ask for Canadian help in rebuilding Iraq
There goes Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec, Edmonton, Calgary, Montreal.Sure....we are not affraid like you.
And we think that putting weapons in space is just insane...and for what...The problem is that you are affraid of being attack and we are not!
That's a fight in Parliment. Yeah it is...but it will pass
Which was dumb. I say Why Not!!
Sorry about the last post but my computer is playing freegames on me...that the best I can do for now.
24-02-2005, 21:19
Would you like to post that normally so I can respond to it properly please?
East Canuck
24-02-2005, 21:37
Doubtful. He himself has called a Genocide too. France is the more likely candidate of not allowing it to be called a genocide.
Here's a link (http://www.genocidewatch.org/SudanAfricaActiononDarfur5august2004.htm) to essays written last august.
In the third essay, Mr. Powell is quoted as saying "We can find the right label for it later. We have to deal with it now."
So, although the Us has always said that what is happening is reprehensible, they were not willing to call it a genocide last August. It looks like they flip-flopped.
24-02-2005, 21:40
I don't think anyone wants to invade Canada.
1) There's nothing there
2) The Weather Sucks
Those are about the 2 main reasons why Canada won't be invaded. However, since the are a part of NATO, if NATO goes to an all out war, Canada could be invaded just for being an ally. However, they have to have the capacity to invade someone.
Yep... there's nothing here except for some of the largest reserves of oil, timber, fresh water, and a variety of minerals in the world....
Now the fact that we don't have the capacity to invade most other countries is actually something that we don't worry too much about. It's just not a hobby for us in the same way that it seems to be for some other people....
hey canada as far as im conscerned is better than america!hell if bush brings back the draft canada will be my new home! plus i love maple syrup and hockey. i feel canada is safe because they do very little that would get them in a war! i love you canada
24-02-2005, 22:19
It's more that Bush is "trying to bring democracy to non-democratic nations" than the fact Iraq's been made into a democracy. Bush made the mess and so just making it a democracy is probably the best option now it's been made, it's just that it shouldn't have happened in the first place.
You're right, we should have left Saddam alone. He was a kind, gentle despot.
i can't get enough of this.
24-02-2005, 23:40
Doesn't anyone here understand the concept that forcing someone to be free is a contradiction in terms? And that imagining democracy may be "promoted", it can't be imposed by force? democracy is about right of peoples to dispose of themselves, not about invading countries and telling them what to do (and I thought it was obvious...)
America succesfully imposed Democracy on Nazi Germany...
Before the attacks come - I agree you can't force someone to be free. You can however remove their oppressor.
24-02-2005, 23:41
hey canada as far as im conscerned is better than america!hell if bush brings back the draft canada will be my new home! plus i love maple syrup and hockey. i feel canada is safe because they do very little that would get them in a war! i love you canada
Acid rain is playing hell on the syrup, and the NHL is on strike.
Canada is currently returning deserters from the US and might well return draft dodgers.
24-02-2005, 23:45
Yep... there's nothing here except for some of the largest reserves of oil, timber, fresh water, and a variety of minerals in the world....
You forgot to mention enormous frozen tracts of emptiness, severe logistical challenges, and virtually no targets within a thousand kilometers of a border (other than the southern one).
I like how a lot of people enjoy saying that the US has no right to "police" the world
when it comes right down to it, we really don't have the "right."
We have the responsibility
We have the duty
France isnt gonna get dictators to stop killing their own people, be they kurds or whoever. They are too busy getting rich of the money from the oil for food program.
Germany is similar, but not as bad. Not as much corruption as high up, but they still arent gonna do anything
I used to think spain was going to, but after the March 11 train bombings, they've been wimps
The UN obviously cant do anything. Its a good organization as far as fighting aids or whatever, but they clearly arent going to do anything to prevent a genocide except for trade restrictions or a harsh letter
So why doesnt the US have the right to police the world
it really looks like someone has to do it, and we can, so should
24-02-2005, 23:53
Thats what gives us a perfect geographical defense situation.
It`s like Russia...and nobody never succesfully invaded Russia!!
We`re gonna make them freeze to death!!
25-02-2005, 00:51
It`s like Russia...and nobody never succesfully invaded Russia!!
Not 100% accurate! I'm going to let you look it up to see what I mean :D
We`re gonna make them freeze to death!!
That would happen unless they come prepared for the cold weather. Preparation is everything for a winter campaign.
International Terrans
25-02-2005, 01:00
Not 100% accurate! I'm going to let you look it up to see what I mean :D
I was making a list, but I could only recall the exact years on about 4 wars that Russia was involved in. I'm not bothering to find everything they did in the Napoleonic Wars. All I could think of was WWI, WWII, Russo-Turk and Crimean.
I don't think anybody really "invaded" Russia successfully. They've stayed for long periods, but all eventually left.
25-02-2005, 01:13
Doesn't anyone here understand the concept that forcing someone to be free is a contradiction in terms? And that imagining democracy may be "promoted", it can't be imposed by force? democracy is about right of peoples to dispose of themselves, not about invading countries and telling them what to do (and I thought it was obvious...)
Maybe you should use the word "allowing" someone to be free.
allowing someone to choose whether they want to be free or live under a tyrant.
Do you not understand the concept? seems clear to me.
25-02-2005, 01:17
maybe the US should stop telling the world what to do...
Maybe those in world that disagree with the American message can make themselves strong enough to oppose it..either that or contine whining.
Either stand up to the tuff guy in the schoolyard or cry to the teacher.
We all know the route Europe has taken.
Maybe those in world that disagree with the American message can make themselves strong enough to oppose it..either that or contine whining.
Either stand up to the tuff guy in the schoolyard or cry to the teacher.
But Paul Cellucci gets all whiny when we tell the Americans no. It's kinda embarrassing.
25-02-2005, 01:24
For once we agree, while Canada is at it, think maybe we could get the USA to do the same thing in other countries?
With enough economic or military or cultural might, you could do that. Otherwise your just some crybaby who finds it easier to make noise vs doing something.
So, either gain the military or cultural or economic might OR keeping eating corn flakes and bitching about Americans.
This game isnt new, its old..some say as old as when organisms first learned how to aspirate oxygen.
25-02-2005, 01:27
couldn't do any worse than the US... *cough*Halliburton*cough* ahem, excuse me
Why? your ignorance and stupidity is no escuse.
25-02-2005, 01:36
There are something like 17,000 murders in the United States every year.
Does that mean that we have justification to invade the United States?
Just face it: you're hypocrites.
1) I hope you recognize the differance between two people killing each other and the govt ordering the deaths os some random person
2)17,000(seems high) against 300,000,000 isnt alarming
3) aside from domestic abuse, the bulk of murders are 1 criminal killing another
4) 17,000 individuals killing each other is better than the millions that european leaders have killed. Unless you are going to argue that the American govt systematically and deliberately executed vast chunks of its population.
5) dumbass
25-02-2005, 01:37
Imagine if every country had nuclear weapons? Then what would Bush be doing? Bush is such a friggin hypocrit. Hes tellin everyone to dismantle their nuclear weapons while the U.S remains to have the most nuclear weapons. Now, North Korea decided not to listen to Bush's bullshit. Now, he is scared because he is losing his authority in the world.
25-02-2005, 01:45
I was making a list, but I could only recall the exact years on about 4 wars that Russia was involved in. I'm not bothering to find everything they did in the Napoleonic Wars. All I could think of was WWI, WWII, Russo-Turk and Crimean.
I don't think anybody really "invaded" Russia successfully. They've stayed for long periods, but all eventually left.
Try the Tatars. AKA Mongolians I believe.
25-02-2005, 01:46
Except all your methods involve killing hundreds of thousands of people.
Yeah. If people want a cold-blooded killer to "liberate" them, they'll call the U.S.. Until then, leave it to Western Europe and Canada.
This is sarcasm right? Your making a joke arent you? because you are either doing that or you are so incredibly stupid that you would compare the tens of millions that "western" Europeans have killed to what, the waco massacre, the few thousands maybe tens or hundrends of thousands in American aggression this decade?
Surely you arent thinking of Stalin who counted deaths in the TENS of MILLIONS or Hitler who was almost in that ballpark, or Bosnia/Herzgovia or Milosovic or any one of the dozens of completly crazed genocidal lunatics Europe has spawned.
I mean America has its killers, but we really could learn a thing or two from you guys. At least we mostly kill for money, I havent the slightest clue what sets you guys off.
I guess its cause we are a young country, but in time we can aspire to be as producive as you guys.
Fucking idiot
25-02-2005, 01:50
Western Europe? I'm not a big fan of the Europeans, but I have to hand it to them, they know how to not kill people in droves for "democracy".
No, they kill people in droves for other reasons, including (but not limited to) religious reasons (the Holocaust), political reasons (either of the World Wars AND the Holocaust), land grabbing (any number of wars over the years), etc. Can't say I recall many of the wars they started that involved promoting (or forcing, as the case may be) democracy.
Personally, I can see both sides of this issue, so I won't argue for either side. But at least attempt to refrain from ignorant comments regarding reasons people go to war.
In the end, there are truly only two causes for war: Religious fervor or perceived financial gain. The US obviously didn't go to war for religion.
25-02-2005, 01:50
When America stops killing mass people of other countries maybe the rest of the world will shut up too.
Uhm, its only toothless people like Canadians and Europeans who keep whining.
Doesnt really matter if you shut up or not.
The Nations that count keep doing what needs to be done(or at least gets out of the way).
Oh, and if I didnt make it clear, Canada doesnt count.
25-02-2005, 07:28
Fine. When Canada is invaded and they ask for help. I'm going to write Congress and tell them that they don't want or need our help. When your nation is taken over.... You wish that you said something different instead.
Who's going to invade Canada? The penguins and polar bears from the North Pole? The only countries touching Canadian border are all American.
We don't have the forces to topple them. What about the UN? Why haven't they stepped in to stop massive human rights abuses in China? Sudan? Bosnia? and others that I could name? Isn't that what the UN is supposed to do? Oh yea that's right! The UN is a debating society and not a world government. Stupid me.
The modern U.N. is rendered impotent by a lack of funding via unpaid dues and the political machinations of the Permanent Members of the Security Council... of which the United States is guilty on both counts.
I have too. I won't be going to Canada anytime soon so it really doesn't bother me.
I'm sure the Canucks will be weeping over this loss, once they get over the NHL Shutdown. :rolleyes:
Water Cove
25-02-2005, 10:09
You'd better listen to Canada! The last time they got mad at another country it was torn apart.
Seriously, Canada is much more gentle, calm, loyal and courageous than any country I've seen. They've stuck with Britain through thick and thin. They never rebelled, never asked for independence, where a dominant yet humble Commonwealth nation, fought the Second World War from the beginning to the end, acted bravely and professionally in Normandy and liberated my country.
And let's not forget despite their achievements in WWII they never saw themselves as the 'defenders of democracy'. People in Canada are all so much more rational. If only we could all be like Canada...
I would have mentioned Australia and New Zealand. But Australia re-elected a pro-Bush president. And, well, everyone forgets New Zealand. Does anybody even know where it is?
Canada rules!
25-02-2005, 10:19
You'd better listen to Canada! The last time they got mad at another country it was torn apart.
Seriously, Canada is much more gentle, calm, loyal and courageous than any country I've seen. They've stuck with Britain through thick and thin. They never rebelled, never asked for independence, where a dominant yet humble Commonwealth nation, fought the Second World War from the beginning to the end, acted bravely and professionally in Normandy and liberated my country.
And let's not forget despite their achievements in WWII they never saw themselves as the 'defenders of democracy'. People in Canada are all so much more rational. If only we could all be like Canada...
I would have mentioned Australia and New Zealand. But Australia re-elected a pro-Bush president. And, well, everyone forgets New Zealand. Does anybody even know where it is?
Canada rules!
WE are humbled by your kind words!!! :)