NationStates Jolt Archive

I can't hear you: Clean out your ears

Patra Caesar
23-02-2005, 01:53
Normally, ears canals are self-cleaning and should not need cleaning with any devices or cotton-tipped applicators. Cleaning the ear can cause problems by pushing the ear wax deeper into the ear canal and against the eardrum. However, sometimes wax can accumulate excessively, resulting in a blocked ear canal.

My ear canals are blocked and I have tried many thing to clean them out, so what do you do? So far I've tried cotton buds, warm water (which is still in my ears making it worse as I can hear even less now) and peroxide (it hisses and bubbles in your ear). Any suggestions as to how I should clean my ears out?
23-02-2005, 01:55
Normally, ears canals are self-cleaning and should not need cleaning with any devices or cotton-tipped applicators. Cleaning the ear can cause problems by pushing the ear wax deeper into the ear canal and against the eardrum. However, sometimes wax can accumulate excessively, resulting in a blocked ear canal.

My ear canals are blocked and I have tried many thing to clean them out, so what do you do? So far I've tried cotton buds, warm water (which is still in my ears making it worse as I can hear even less now) and peroxide (it hisses and bubbles in your ear). Any suggestions as to how I should clean my ears out?

LOL i had this same problem!

Go to a pharmacy and buy a ear cleaning kit. ITs basically a turkey looking baster, which blasts water into your ears. It cleans out the ear wax.

I had this HUGE chunk of ear wax this size of a bloody small plum come out of my ear.. :(
Yevon Reincarnate
23-02-2005, 01:57

My suggestion, call a doctor and ask them. You'd probably not need an apointment for something like that, but I dunno. Ask someone medically educated. Or use a website. The internet never lies!
Yevon Reincarnate
23-02-2005, 01:58
I had this HUGE chunk of ear wax this size of a bloody small plum come out of my ear.. :(
23-02-2005, 01:59
A doctor can remove it easily enough - they have the right tools for the job.

It's easier if you use one of the products from the pharmacy to soften the wax for a couple of days first, particularly if you have irritated the skin by using applicators to prod around for a while. It gives it all time to reduce any swelling and to make flushing the wax out easier.
Patra Caesar
23-02-2005, 01:59
LOL i had this same problem!

Go to a pharmacy and buy a ear cleaning kit. ITs basically a turkey looking baster, which blasts water into your ears. It cleans out the ear wax.

I had this HUGE chunk of ear wax this size of a bloody small plum come out of my ear.. :(

Argh! I don't want anything that size coming out of my ears! Thanks for the advice anyways, is this turkey blaster/ear cleaning kit look like a huge syringe? I remember as a kid the doctor once used something like that to clean out my ears and I got altitude sickness. I think he called it an ear syringe...
Patra Caesar
23-02-2005, 02:02
I think the reason my ears are so bad is because its so noisy here. I live on a main road (Cars, trucks, bikes, idiot drivers), next to a hospital (ambulances, sirens, helicopters), under a flight path, between two public venues (football stadium with drunks, parklands with fireworks) and on top of three rail lines.
23-02-2005, 02:07
Argh! I don't want anything that size coming out of my ears! Thanks for the advice anyways, is this turkey blaster/ear cleaning kit look like a huge syringe? I remember as a kid the doctor once used something like that to clean out my ears and I got altitude sickness. I think he called it an ear syringe...

yup exactly, worked great lol
Penguins of Doom
23-02-2005, 02:07
I've had that happen...went to the doctor and they basically shot water in my ear and it flushed it all out.
23-02-2005, 02:16
Thanks for the advice anyways, is this turkey blaster/ear cleaning kit look like a huge syringe? I remember as a kid the doctor once used something like that to clean out my ears and I got altitude sickness. I think he called it an ear syringe...

That's the one. Small tip - if you do it at home, use warm water. Cold water is likely to cause temporary disorientation.

(the things you learn living with a doctor...)
23-02-2005, 02:42
Call your doctor and set up an appt. to have your ear canal "irrigated" with an ear curette (which will normally use either warm water or a wax dissolving substance). By going to the doctor they can actually check to make sure that its just a wax impaction and not something more serious :).
Patra Caesar
23-02-2005, 02:47
That's the one. Small tip - if you do it at home, use warm water. Cold water is likely to cause temporary disorientation.

(the things you learn living with a doctor...)

I thought the disorientation would have less to do with the temprature and more to do with the flux of air pressure against your ears...
23-02-2005, 02:48
I have that problem. I have narrow ear canals and they get blocked up easily. My suggestion is that you should first go to the pharmacy and buy some ear drops. They offer some relief, but if the wax is packed in too tight it might not work. If it doesn't make an appointment with your doctor to get your ears syringed (It's a jet of water). While you're waiting for the appointment, put cooking oil (Olive oil works best apparantly) in you ears twice a day to loosen the wax up. When the ears are clean, make sure you carry on putting oil in your ears once a week. This will help keep the wax moist and make it less likely to clog up again.

Also, as was said above it would be best to go the doctors anyway. I went and they said I had an infection in one ear. So they prescribed me some antibiotic eardrops to get rid of it.
23-02-2005, 02:54
I thought the disorientation would have less to do with the temprature and more to do with the flux of air pressure against your ears...

I believe cold water constricts the blood vessels, and that throws off the balance mechanism. Don't quote me though - I may have gotten the physiology behind it wrong.
Nation of Fortune
23-02-2005, 02:54
I've had this problem several times, I usually do several rinses with Peroxide, followed by a rinse or two with water.
Patra Caesar
23-02-2005, 02:57
I've had this problem several times, I usually do several rinses with Peroxide, followed by a rinse or two with water.

Tried peroxide, its a no-go. To the doctors it is, I guess.
Nation of Fortune
23-02-2005, 03:05
Tried peroxide, its a no-go. To the doctors it is, I guess.
did you do several rinses, Cause when I did the first time it did nothing, it took like 5 applications of letting it sit for 4-5 minutes. and I did the other rinses for good measure

EDIT, I'm only letting you know this cause I'm just trying to save you some money, but whatever you feel more comfortable with.
23-02-2005, 03:18
My ear canals are blocked and I have tried many thing to clean them out, so what do you do? So far I've tried cotton buds, warm water (which is still in my ears making it worse as I can hear even less now) and peroxide (it hisses and bubbles in your ear). Any suggestions as to how I should clean my ears out?

For some strange reason, my ears produce a lot of wax. More than is needed.

A doctor told me I would probably be deaf by 30 if I didn't take care to avoid loud noises and kept my ears clean, clean, clean.

Well, one war and 12 years of playing with very loud bands on-stage later, I have lost 100% of my hearing in 1 ear and 20% in the other. (Yes, if you ever meet me in person, talk to my left side and, even then, I still may say, "What?" more than you'd care for). It's one of my reasons for learning American Sign Language and helping my kids to learn it.

However, to clean my ears, I use this stuff called "Swimmer's Ear". It's an eardum safe solution that you put in the ears, wait a few seconds, then drain it out.


That's all.
23-02-2005, 03:20
Tried peroxide, its a no-go. To the doctors it is, I guess.

Before spending money on a doctor visit, ask your Pharmacist/Chemist. They are very knowledgable about such things and their consultation is free.
Patra Caesar
23-02-2005, 03:22
Before spending money on a doctor visit, ask your Pharmacist/Chemist. They are very knowledgable about such things and their consultation is free.

In Australia you go and see the doctor for free... ;)
23-02-2005, 03:25
In Australia you go and see the doctor for free... ;)

Aha! Well then ... never mind. :D I often forget that some of ya'll live in a Free Healthcare paradise. I can't wait for the US to catch up with all of the other industrialized nations.
23-02-2005, 03:29
what war were you in Keru?
(if you dont mind me asking)
Emperor Salamander VII
23-02-2005, 03:45
I've used ear candles with a great deal of success, they really get the wax out.

There are a couple of different brands out... I can't remember the names but you want the ones that are fairly narrow and straight, avoid the ones with a tapered end as they are less effective.

You'll sit (or most likely lie) on your side feeling kinda stupid with this hollow candle sitting in your ear but they really do work to get out the wax. I've heard (don't take this as a medical opinion) that flushing your ear with water can cause damage if done incorrectly.

Most chemists carry them on the counter... if you can't see them then just ask.
23-02-2005, 04:02
Well this is a new kind of thread.

Go to the Dr...dont treat yourself. You could rupture your eardrum. :eek:
23-02-2005, 04:33
It's all about the ear candles.

Just make sure you have help.