What Will The World Be Like In 20 Years?
This is just one of those speculative posts, I have no clue myself, but I'm curious as to what other people believe.
What kind of situation would you guess the planet Earth will be involved in 20 years from now? What will the economic landscape be like? How will the balance of power have changed? Will The Rapture come? (Yeah right)
Of course there are always numerous factors that nobody can take into account (9/11 was pretty much one that came out of the left field), but who says this has to be accurate? Take a crack at it anyway.
22-02-2005, 11:56
My only predictions would be
1) The European nations continue their slow decline
2) China replaces the US as the major power in the world
3) The US refuses to recognize that China has taken over and we start to behave like France.
But far to much can happen in 20 years. Just look at movies like 2010 and the rest of things made in the 70s and 80s. No one dared imagine the cold war would end. Who knows what could happen in the next 20 years that would change our outlook on what could happen.
Fimble loving peoples
22-02-2005, 11:59
In 20 years?
The world will be mine.
22-02-2005, 12:02
My prediction would be:
1.) The United States continue their economic decline while building up massive weapon arsenals, until - like the former Soviet Union - they reach a point of bankruptcy, at which they will have to either dissolve to form a new nation (or be annexed by Canada) or invade other sovereign nations for their resources. The former event could also be a rebellion/civil war.
2.) If the former occurs, China will replace the United States as the dominating power, and perhaps ally with Korea or Japan, and possibly Europe.
3.) If the latter occurs, Earth is going down in a nuclear winter.
4. ) Of course, this all assumes that the point of bankruptcy will be reached before the US have messed up the climate so badly that Earth becomes uninhabitable.
Either way, the US is pretty much screwed. If we're lucky, they don't take the world down with them.
22-02-2005, 12:05
Getting severely worried at the impending lack of oil... :(
and the conflicts caused by it... :(
and the crappy atmosphere :(
22-02-2005, 12:07
My predictions:
1) There will be another Great Depression, and Europe and the US will become politically and economically insignificant.
2) Post-collapse Europe will be largely influenced/controlled by Russia (no new SovietUnion, but not too far off).
3) The Middle East will have been devastated in a nuclear war.
4) China will replace the US as the world's dominating economic power.
:( Any happy predictions out there?
22-02-2005, 12:14
:( Any happy predictions out there?
The environment won't be too badly damaged. Global warming will occur (and is occuring), but it won't be as bad as predicted. Instead, there will be more farmable land in Canada and Siberia.
Oh, and there will be no massive overpopulation. Instead, most countries will eventually struggle with having over-aged populations.
Fimble loving peoples
22-02-2005, 12:19
:( Any happy predictions out there?
Yes. I'm quite nice. So when i rule everyone will be happy and frolic.
What happens to the people who don't like the idea of a dictatorship?
Fimble loving peoples
22-02-2005, 12:28
What happens to the people who don't like the idea of a dictatorship?
They will be brutally removed.
In a nice way ofcourse.
22-02-2005, 12:42
Interesting thing that almost everyone thinks that China will be the next super-power. I think (or more, hope) that the US-nuclear policy will end in a UN's new START-plan to enforce global disarmament, maybe with more sanctions against violators than a mean look... Same would be nice for environmental issues (eg. Kyoto-protocoll), but (sadly) most unlikely.
22-02-2005, 12:45
The mighty Venusians will take over the earth. It is inevitable. Hail our heat-resistant masters, Hail
22-02-2005, 12:51
Interesting thing that almost everyone thinks that China will be the next super-power. I think (or more, hope) that the US-nuclear policy will end in a UN's new START-plan to enforce global disarmament, maybe with more sanctions against violators than a mean look... Same would be nice for environmental issues (eg. Kyoto-protocoll), but (sadly) most unlikely.
Interesting idea. But honestly, i fear that the UN will have the same fate as the League of Nations. Still, that could mean there will be a more efficient successor some day, so it's not totally unlikely.
22-02-2005, 12:54
My prediction would be:
1.) The United States continue their economic decline while building up massive weapon arsenals, until - like the former Soviet Union - they reach a point of bankruptcy, at which they will have to either dissolve to form a new nation (or be annexed by Canada) or invade other sovereign nations for their resources. The former event could also be a rebellion/civil war.
The Soviet Union spent so much on military/sports/space that it spent itself into bankruptcy and ignored its other things. The US has not even begun anything approaching that, indeed our Military budget has gone *down* from where it was in the past and makes up nowhere near large enough our Federal spending, or our GDP, to *ever* cause the kind of situation your describing. Frankly that statement just reeks of ignorance over the current situation, let alone the future.
2.) If the former occurs, China will replace the United States as the dominating power, and perhaps ally with Korea or Japan, and possibly Europe.
That will happen anyway. If you're talking about China potentially allying with Japan.. ahahaha China and Japan hate each other. And very little is likely to change that.
3.) If the latter occurs, Earth is going down in a nuclear winter.
Not likely. No one wants to wage any kind of nuclear war.
4. ) Of course, this all assumes that the point of bankruptcy will be reached before the US have messed up the climate so badly that Earth becomes uninhabitable.
The US isn't even the worst polluter out there. Nor is it at all even *possible* for us to fuck over our climate enough in 20 years to make the world uninhabitable.
Either way, the US is pretty much screwed. If we're lucky, they don't take the world down with them.
The US isn't screwed, it will simply be relegated to 2nd best, aka the position Europe is in now. Europe will be relegated to 3rd, 4th or 5th position in the coming future with places like Brazil, South America in general, India and China knocking it down a few notches.
Basically, I hope your post was sarcasm. Because if it was anything else it was just so mis-infored it was horrible. I thought Germany had good schools....
22-02-2005, 13:05
The US has not even begun anything approaching that, indeed our Military budget has gone *down* from where it was in the past and makes up nowhere near large enough our Federal spending, or our GDP, to *ever* cause the kind of situation your describing. Frankly that statement just reeks of ignorance over the current situation, let alone the future.
I think you are ignoring the fact that the US has the highest debt in the history of mankind. And with the US's spending on military still increasing, it's likely that this will get even worse in the next years. :(
As i said earlier, i think we're approaching the next Great Depression.
The Imperial Navy
22-02-2005, 13:05
:mad: In 20 years, the world will be mine... then my reign of fear shall begin.
22-02-2005, 13:06
:mad: In 20 years, the world will be mine... then my reign of fear shall begin.
Sweet, you'll be able to lend me a few bucks then?
The Imperial Navy
22-02-2005, 13:08
Sweet, you'll be able to lend me a few bucks then?
Got change for a hundred?
22-02-2005, 13:41
Got change for a hundred?
Nah the hundred will do.
The Imperial Navy
22-02-2005, 13:42
Nah the hundred will do.
Then I can't lend you any money. Sorry. ;)
22-02-2005, 13:43
Then I can't lend you any money. Sorry. ;)
Gutted. Well, back to the gutter for me then.
The State of It
22-02-2005, 13:49
1. The US's position as Unipolar power will crumble because:
2. Asia will spring forth China and India. Huge populations, fast growing economies, never ending man power and technology.
3. The shift of the focus of world influence will switch from the US and Europe to Asia, if there is not war.
4. The EU will grow stronger, although the danger of it folding through too much bickering could happen.
5. The UN either will continue to be an ineffectual mess when it comes to stopping wars, famine, genocide and unipolar powers declaring wars, or it will become the world's police, declaring that it is the law. I see the former continuing, the US does not like being challenged to being the world's (corrupt) police.
6. Russia will grow strong again, and will try to persuade certain EU members to come back into it's influence, resulting in frictions with EU, who may have alliance with China, who have an alliance with Russia. Who China sides with is key, but I say Europe. India may declare neutral, but may side with China.
7. America declares neutrality as it watches it's influence fade and replaced by four powers: EU, Russia, China, India.
8. India becomes a key player, perhaps moreso than China.
9. The Middle East is in turmoil. Israel, noticing the US's decline, looks for new allies. They come in the form of India, who have no love of muslims because of the rivalry with Pakistan. China, a rival of India, sides with Syria and Egypt, and Russia sides with Iran. The EU and US head talks.
10.The Saudis are toppled from within, either a military figure takes other or Al-Qaeda does. The US may try to intervene as a last throw of the power dice.
11. Pakistan continues as a military dictatorship, or Al-Qaeda takes over, forming alliance with Arabia.
12. Japan becomes nuclear and more miltarilised. It's economy grows, only stunted by China's presence.
13. North Korea, with the agreement of the US who provide air cover, is invaded by China and annexed.
North Korea crumbles, and agrees to unite with South Korea. A united Korea alarms China, as the economy, though stunted by North Korea's bad economy, grows.
14. Australia seeks the EU or the US's protection from China.
22-02-2005, 13:58
Whoa Whoa whoa people!!! Why all the negative predictions? In 20 years, Bush will have been out of office for 16 years! We have reason to be happy!
... so long as we ditch the whole imperialism thing
The State of It
22-02-2005, 14:05
A train of thought (PNAC) does not end with one man. There is whole gaggle of them who think this way, and it has to be certain that they already have disciples, young, bland faced and bland thinking men and women who hang on to their every word.
The only hope is that they never achieve power long enough, although I would say they would beat this hazard of disruption by becoming members of both Democrats and Republicans, achieving influence in both parties, and always haveing influence on The White House.
22-02-2005, 14:12
1. China will hit a period of stagflation. This will occur due to a combination of factors, including
a) no longer being an aid recipient
b) having to unpeg the Yuan from the dollar, thus setting off inflation
c) After an inital round of shopping, Chinese citizens start carrying debt.
d) The lack of raw materials at a cheap price will halt industry.
On the upside, China will have mostly completed it's "long-road" strategy towards Democratization.
2. Iran will have suffered a counter-revolution and will be a republic, albeit not likely a pro-western one.
3. White Russia (Belarus) will merge with Russia.
4. Ukraine joins NATO, much to Poland's relief and Russia's angst.
5. Western Europe & the Euro will be ground down by the preponderance of the welfare state; Germany especially will feel the pain of having too many pensioners and not enough workers.
6. The US will still be debating Social Security reform, while Medicare implodes.
7. The US and Mexico will set up a real border.
8. India will go through an outsourcing nightmare, as companies flee for Kenya or Nigeria.
9. There will be a major South American conflict in Columbia/Venezuela.
10. AIDS will continue to decimate southern and central Africa.
11. In second and first world nations, alternative energy will finally be having it's day, and new, fourth generation hybrid cars will be the norm, not the exception.
22-02-2005, 14:18
My prediction would be:
1.) The United States continue their economic decline while building up massive weapon arsenals, until - like the former Soviet Union - they reach a point of bankruptcy, at which they will have to either dissolve to form a new nation (or be annexed by Canada) or invade other sovereign nations for their resources. The former event could also be a rebellion/civil war.
2.) If the former occurs, China will replace the United States as the dominating power, and perhaps ally with Korea or Japan, and possibly Europe.
3.) If the latter occurs, Earth is going down in a nuclear winter.
4. ) Of course, this all assumes that the point of bankruptcy will be reached before the US have messed up the climate so badly that Earth becomes uninhabitable.
Either way, the US is pretty much screwed. If we're lucky, they don't take the world down with them.
We'll have to see what happens then if China and Japan are allies as they have great tensions between them now. This can very well be like the Coldwar, though.
22-02-2005, 14:22
... so long as we ditch the whole imperialism thing
hmm... doubt it. America is an empire. Empires do not let go of power until it's true fall. So if anything, I expect that empire to fall in the late 21st - maybe beginning 22nd.
22-02-2005, 14:24
Whoa Whoa whoa people!!! Why all the negative predictions? In 20 years, Bush will have been out of office for 16 years! We have reason to be happy!
... so long as we ditch the whole imperialism thing
Um... what imperialism thing?
Imperialism by definition requires the taking of territory. The US has not done this in armed conflict since the Spanish-American War. I don't see any new stars on the US flag.
The State of It
22-02-2005, 14:28
Um... what imperialism thing?
Imperialism by definition requires the taking of territory. The US has not done this in armed conflict since the Spanish-American War. I don't see any new stars on the US flag.
LOL Afghanistan, Iraq ring a bell?
22-02-2005, 14:33
LOL Afghanistan, Iraq ring a bell?
That's not imperialistic. In the military sense, it was an invasion to be turned to their rule afterwards. Imperialsism is installing the invading nation's system into that territory. Now, if you speak of American influence, then I'd say yes - America is very imperialistic about economies, markets, and systematic values. Most people don't believe that though ;)
22-02-2005, 14:34
LOL Afghanistan, Iraq ring a bell?
Funny, I don't see 51st and 52nd states on the flag, nor do I see a US general running the nation. Tell me: is Japan a US state? The US has a proven track record of *not* annexing lands they fight in, throughout the 20th century.
Is the US interventionist? Yes. Is it imperialist? No.
22-02-2005, 14:37
Funny, I don't see 51st and 52nd states on the flag, nor do I see a US general running the nation. Tell me: is Japan a US state? The US has a proven track record of *not* annexing lands they fight in, throughout the 20th century.
Is the US interventionist? Yes. Is it imperialist? No.
I must say though, there are colonies the US owns which have no representation as "stars" in the American flag. I don't think that should be used as an example of the US not being imperialist.
22-02-2005, 14:38
I think it'll still be round, and still about 70% water on the surface.
The people on the world, now, that's a different story altogether.
The State of It
22-02-2005, 14:38
Funny, I don't see 51st and 52nd states on the flag, nor do I see a US general running the nation. Tell me: is Japan a US state? The US has a proven track record of *not* annexing lands they fight in, throughout the 20th century.
Is the US interventionist? Yes. Is it imperialist? No.
Don't look to flags for proof of imperialism occuring, look at actions.
Japan is now based on the US Style of society, so in essence, it is has been influenced by US influence, a US State? No. US influenced? Yes.
Try not to derail the topic guys ;)
The State of It
22-02-2005, 14:39
That's not imperialistic. In the military sense, it was an invasion to be turned to their rule afterwards. Imperialsism is installing the invading nation's system into that territory. Now, if you speak of American influence, then I'd say yes - America is very imperialistic about economies, markets, and systematic values. Most people don't believe that though ;)
America says it wants to install what it sees as 'democracy' in Iraq.
Enough said.
ill be 39
its quite possible that one of my parents will be dead, if not both
i will have no grandparents left
i fully expect to have lost several friends by then
thats if im not already dead
22-02-2005, 14:40
America says it wants to install what it sees as 'democracy' in Iraq.
Enough said.
So my point is proven.
The State of It
22-02-2005, 14:41
Try not to derail the topic guys ;)
Sorry. :)
The State of It
22-02-2005, 14:43
So my point is proven.
22-02-2005, 14:45
As to how America drills or forces its values down other nations when they have the chance. It helps them create pro-American markets. I don't see why any nation would give this up had they the opportunity.
The State of It
22-02-2005, 14:48
As to how America drills or forces its values down other nations when they have the chance. It helps them create pro-American markets. I don't see why any nation would give this up had they the opportunity.
American values are not neccesarily the best values.
The Romans did the same.
Imperialism all the way, and no, imperialist nations don't tend to give this sort of 'oppurtunity' up.
22-02-2005, 14:49
I must say though, there are colonies the US owns which have no representation as "stars" in the American flag. I don't think that should be used as an example of the US not being imperialist.
All US colonies have a non-voting representative in the House of Representatives. Further, they all have papers filed to be US territories, and vote on statehood on a regular basis, most famously Puerto Rico.
My example cites that the US does not engage in wars to gain territory, (or, rather, has not in the entire 20th & 21st centuries) and I stand by that claim.
22-02-2005, 14:52
All US colonies have a non-voting representative in the House of Representatives. Further, they all have papers filed to be US territories, and vote on statehood on a regular basis, most famously Puerto Rico.
My example cites that the US does not engage in wars to gain territory, (or, rather, has not in the entire 20th & 21st centuries) and I stand by that claim.
How can you say that of the 21st century!?!
22-02-2005, 14:57
Don't look to flags for proof of imperialism occuring, look at actions.
Japan is now based on the US Style of society, so in essence, it is has been influenced by US influence, a US State? No. US influenced? Yes.
Certainly. But that's not imperialism, that's cultural drift.
I can say likewise for other nations effecting the US.
Take Japan's effect on the US: fifty years ago, no one ate sushi, or would dream of buying Japanese cars, radios or televisions (cheap junk!). Adults didn't read comics/anime even twenty years ago, much less watch cartoons, unless it was with their kids. Martial arts in the 50s? Niche subculture, about as popular as RC cars or boats. I won't even get started on video games.
These days, the US mostly looks towards Japan, not France or England for the Next Big Thing.
I'm sorry if this is going off topic.
I'm sorry if this is going off topic.
That's ok, if you want to chat/rant about the true/false notions of American Imperialism, just start your own thread. :)
22-02-2005, 15:13
How can you say that of the 21st century!?!
So far, in the entire 21st century to date, the US has laid exactly zero land claims.
22-02-2005, 17:24
In the year 2025: -
India and China (and eastern European countries) will be the new economic powerhouses. Their education programmes and cheap labour will lead them into producing the majority of consumer goods around the world.
After the USA finally ratified the Kyoto protocol in 2007 major steps were taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The devastation of the Amazonian rain forests was completely halted in 2010, and new regrowth was started.
Even so it is still far too early to know if the greenhouse effect is on the start of a runaway process.
The first female US president starts her second term. Pres. Jessica Simpson has enforced gun controls. Now citizens must apply for a gun license. Automatics and semi-automatics can only be owned by gun-clubs where they are safely stored. Rifles and shotguns are allowed for hunting under license.
Pres. Jessica Simpson also started a state run network station based on the BBC. High quality programming and accurate news programs without advertisements set a high standard for the other network channels, whose output gradually improves.
Gun crime reduces, US citizens gradually feel safer in their own country and feel less of a need to go around bullying the rest of the world.
In the US, taxes levied on fast food and cigarettes was increased in 2011, in 2018 a free basic national health system was introduced.
Global advertising of recycling, using locally grown, organic, seasonal produce has improved the environment and reduced the amount of enerygy required to produce and transport food around the world.
Wind farms and solar power have taken over as the largest contributors to the electricity supply.
The combined hydrogen-electric engine is in most vehicles which has cleaned up the atmosphere considerably. Far fewer cases of asthma, eczema and smog.
I will have finally found a lasting relationship!
22-02-2005, 17:52
Or, In the year 2025: -
India, China, powerhouses still...
The USA still puts the economy before the welfare of the planet.
The Amazonian rainforest has all but been converted into farmland, producing cattle for the American fast food markets. The number of species now extinct is incalculable.
The greenhouse effect has started a runaway chain reaction. The north polar ice mass has been melting, iceburgs cause a strain on all shipping. The sea level has risen a metre in the last 20 years, causing extensive flooding around the world.
With the additional atmospheric water vapour there are far more rainy cloudy days in the north. Hurricanes are more prominent. El Nino has become an annual event.
The mass exodus of 2016 of US Democrats has left a wholly republican United States. The democrats were welcomed by Europe, Australia and Asia.
President George Z Bush has started his second term as president. He and the previous president George V Bush were cloned from George W Bush who was hailed as the most righteous US president ever (God Bless Him).
Almost every home now owns a gun, gun deaths are 40,000 per annum. A state of paranoia now seems endemic in the country. US Americans rarely ventura out of their own country.
The quality of network television has spiralled into a decline of reality TV programs and quiz shows. Major filmaking and television talent left with the mass exodus, so there are now no new American TV shows of merit.
Jessica Simpson died under mysterious circumstances in 2014 after running for the senator of New York.
The oil industry is still the dominant source of fuel in the world. All new power sources have failed (mysteriously) to become efficient enough to compete with the internal combustion engine.
G.M. crops are endemic, all food is now genetically modified to some degree since it's very difficult to control pollen and bacteria. As a result human and animal health has suffered, allergies are on the rise. People are suffering from hormonal problems and whole species are becoming impotent.
I've still not found a lasting relationship!
22-02-2005, 18:18
Um... what imperialism thing?
Imperialism by definition requires the taking of territory. The US has not done this in armed conflict since the Spanish-American War. I don't see any new stars on the US flag.
America's strategy is "imperialism-lite".
PS, I think your predicitons are the most accurate so far!
22-02-2005, 18:46
America's strategy is "imperialism-lite".
PS, I think your predicitons are the most accurate so far!
I think of it more as the logical outcome of being the largest economy half a century, coupled with the advantage of being an English-language nation: 4 of the top 10 economies are English language, which gives a built-in market for movies, books, TV, et al. Coupled with Spanish (most US shows are simulcast), US culture is readily accessible to half the planet.
Thanks! Given how the thread turned on the "anti/imperial subject, I'm not sure anyone had read 'em. :)
Personal responsibilit
22-02-2005, 18:51
I'm betting the world is not going to be a vary nice place in 20 years. Between economic turmoil, natural disasters , social degradation, international wars and civil wars, I'm expecting progressive decline. Have we ever had to major earthquakes before in such close succession? I'd say the earth isn't very happy right now.
22-02-2005, 18:57
Well we can all do our bit.
If everyone just bought one organic food type per week the world would be that little bit better. Or bought local produce.
Recycle, use low energy bulbs etc. Nothing radical but if everyone did it we'd use a lot less energy/fuel/coal/oil.
22-02-2005, 19:05
I'm betting the world is not going to be a vary nice place in 20 years. Between economic turmoil, natural disasters , social degradation, international wars and civil wars, I'm expecting progressive decline. Have we ever had to major earthquakes before in such close succession? I'd say the earth isn't very happy right now.
IMHO, the planet has always been about this screwed up. Pick a decade, you'll find things then are about the same as now.
Actually, yes. Earthquakes are not uncommon. Check this out:
And also note the 1994-96 stats under "Number of Earthquakes Worldwide for 1990 - 1999" (chart 4).
We will hit 'Peak Oil' latest by 2015 and then the world economy will slide into perpetual depression until renewable energy sources take over. Thats assuming renewable energy can feasibly produce the amount of energy we get from fossil fuels, which many experts doubt.
Sanctus Peregrinus
23-02-2005, 12:49
Funny, I don't see 51st and 52nd states on the flag, nor do I see a US general running the nation. Tell me: is Japan a US state? The US has a proven track record of *not* annexing lands they fight in, throughout the 20th century.
Is the US interventionist? Yes. Is it imperialist? No.
Don't be shocked if PR becomes the next state, there are talks of them approving the vote to become a state.
The Plutonian Empire
23-02-2005, 13:07
I hear that there may be a new ice age in 20 years.
w00t! :D
23-02-2005, 13:46
Don't be shocked if PR becomes the next state, there are talks of them approving the vote to become a state.
After 100 years of Territoryhood, I think they'd have made a decision by now.
BTW, I favor PR statehood, as it would totally change the PR-US relationship for the better. That or PR can go independent (not sure how *that* would work... it's a small island).
Personally, I'd like to see PR, Guam and Samoa join the US as states. Maybe also an "Oceania" state of the Virgin Islands, Mariana, Wake, etc.
If memory serves, you need 60,000 people for a statehood vote.
And of course, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland... ;)
Haken Rider
23-02-2005, 14:16
20 isn't so much. I don't think China will have replaced the USA as a superpower by then. The EU will have little or no progress made and Pokémon shall return for one last, swift commercial strike.
Emperor Salamander VII
23-02-2005, 15:37
I thought I'd shift away from the whole "What will happen to the US?" deal...
I'll have to dig thru my magazines to find the article but I'm sure I read somewhere that in about 2025 (so 20 years time which is perfect for this post) the rate of technological advance is supposed to outstrip the ability for that new technology to reach the market and/or be implemented.
Some kinda big meltdown effect...
Of course that put down disclaimers saying that it'd only happen if technology continued at the current pace of the day and that it was unlikely to "keep up the pace" but I'm pretty sure it hasn't slowed down at all.
Actually it'd be really cool to go thru all my Commodore computer magazines circa 1985 to see if anyone was making long term predictions back then that reached to about now.
Anyone want me to go drag them outta their box and check?
Oh and for anyone worrying about the impending implosion of our environment with a string of massive catastrophies... don't.
Or at least don't worry that we're causing them somehow. Earth has gone thru several periods of climatic upheaval, we're just relatively lucky that there haven't been any truly big ones in recent (recorded) history.
This is just one of those speculative posts, I have no clue myself, but I'm curious as to what other people believe.
What kind of situation would you guess the planet Earth will be involved in 20 years from now? What will the economic landscape be like? How will the balance of power have changed? Will The Rapture come? (Yeah right)
Of course there are always numerous factors that nobody can take into account (9/11 was pretty much one that came out of the left field), but who says this has to be accurate? Take a crack at it anyway.
The world will either be very, very dead or under control by the Illuminati Communist Lesbians.
I just hope we don't go through a "sixth extinction", on a par with the second one, in which the oxygen content of the atmosphere dropped dramatically and 80% of all lifeforms on earth died.
23-02-2005, 16:04
The ANC will be toppled in South Africa and all the non-Afrikaner, non-Boer, will be driven out by a resurgent Afrikaner based political party/paramilitary movement, probably great distances north, into the Congo and Somalia.
South Africa will ultimately annex Namibia, Rhodesia, Botswana, Mozambique, Kenya, Tanzania, Lesotho, Swaziland, Angola, Zambia, Malawi, and perhaps a few others.
Mass exoduses of whites fleeing the US and Europe will fuel this massive South African expansion movement.
China and India will become super powers, but will pale in comparison to the Boer South Africa.
The USA will slide into decline as whites become less than 30% of the population, with most packing up and leaving for South Africa or possibly Argentina.
Russia will eventually invade Central Europe, being crushed by a joint alliance of a resurgent Germany and South Africa.