NationStates Jolt Archive

Reformation Online!

20-02-2005, 15:01

Oh, Goddess above! These people are so funny!

Some highlights:
Nuclear Tsunamis- Weapons of Mass Destruction Revealed at Last!!! (
"Sixth explosion of hydrogen bomb took place in Indonesia on Dec. 26, 2004

On the day after CHRIST MASS, the Death's Head Jesuit General in the Vatican ordered the Pentagon to temporarily suspend the ecumenical movement and send a Christ MASS present to the Moslems in Indonesia. Traditionally Satan; I mean Santa, is supposed to arrive via AIR....This time he arrived by sea bringing DEATH and Destruction to hundreds of thousands of unbelievers.

The nuke or nukes were planted by the Pentagon Navy in the Sumatran Trench off the coast of Indonesia.

The TIMING of this event is the clue to Rome's involvement.

All the great Inquisitions of history began around CHRIST MASS time. Charlemagne, the unholy Roman Emperor was crowned on CHRIST MASS Day in the year 800. Soon after, terror came from the sea to the British Isles in the form of Viking longships.

All of the Vatican "holy" years or Jubilees began on Christ Mass Day.

The Soviet Union was officially dissolved by Jesuit Gorbechev on Christ Mass Day 1991."

The Spanish Inquisition in the U.S. (
"Believe it or not the Pentagon wants a Spanish Inquisition Pope. Their puppet President Bush has already nominated a Mexican for Attorney General. This will fit in perfectly with their plans to put the Bull of Borgia into effect in the U.S.

The Pentagon wants a Spanish Inquisition Pope!!

The Pentagon was founded by Rockefeller, Roosevelt, and J. Edgar Hoover. It is a HUGE fortress that totally dominates Washington DeCeit.

They look to the Jesuit General in Rome as their commanding officer.

They are determined that the next Pope will be a Spanish Inquisition Pope in order to put the Bull of Borgia into effect in the U.S.

"Electing" a Spanish Pope will be very, very expensive for the Pentagon. They will have to offer HUGH BRIBES to the College of Cardinals in order to overcome the centuries old opposition to the Spanish. With unlimited funds from the "Protestant" U.S. taxpayers and their expertise in fixing "elections" that should be no problem however."

Roosevelt and Hitler unmasked at last!! (
"President Roosevelt sent his old friend a Steinway grand piano!!

"Jede Woche bekam der Präsident durch Carter, der mich laufend besuchte, meine Radio-Kurzanalysen und Schlußfolgerungen ausgehändigt, die er, mit beiläufig geäußerten Kommentaren geistreich zugespitzt, durchflog. Gelegentlich - speziell, wenn ihn eine Passage amüsierte - erkundigte er sich auch nach meinem Wohlergehen und nach dem Gang der Dinge in Bush Hill. Als er zufällig erfuhr, daß draußen kein Instrument vorhanden war, gab er sofort Order, einen Konzertflügel von Steinway hinauszuschaffen. »For old times sake«, meinte er zu Carter, womit er auf die einstigen allmorgendlichen Stunden im New Yorker Harvard Club anspielte. Als das Instrument ein paar Tage später eintraf und mit Hilfe meiner Wachen aufgestellt wurde, meinte einer von ihnen, als wir allein waren: »I am afraid, I do not agree politically with our President, for I am am Republican. But I must say he is a good man and he has heart as big as a hotel.<<
Worauf ich ihm sogleich eines von Roosevelts ehemaligen Lieblingsstücken von anno Harvard Club vorspielte. Es war, wenn ich mich recht erinnere, »Annie Laurie«, ein berühmtes schottisches Lied mit dem Text von Robert Burns. (Übrigens eines von Winston Churchills favorite songs, zu dem ich ihn im April 1932 im Münchner Hotel Continental nach dem Souper im Musiksalon begleitete."( Zwischen Weißen und Braunem Haus), pp. 382-383).

There is no English translation of this book as the material presented is so damning to Führer Franklin!!"
Well then, why not just get a translator. Genius.

"The evil Twin Towers!!

The evil Twin Towers were demolished by explosives on Sept. 11, 2001.

Here we go again......The Rockefeller, Rothschild, Roosevelt cabal producing more fake terror to destroy what is left of the U.S. Constitution.

The evil Twin Towers were built by the 2 Rockefellers: David and Nelson.

This fake terror has all the hallmarks of a Nazi operation.

Immediately after the demolition of the evil Towers, George W. Bush, grandson of Prescott Bush, the rubber stamp President, gave the Pentagon the go-ahead to surround Russia with military bases.

They are DREAMING if they think they are going to restore the Papal States again. Like the stubborn Pharaoh of old they are fighting against God ALMIGHTY!"

I'm going to be reading this for days...
Suto ri
20-02-2005, 15:06
oh sh#t! you just revealed Micheal Moore's impecable sources... they're doomed now...
the Vatican Assassin squads are now probably on their way...
20-02-2005, 15:09
oh sh#t! you just revealed Micheal Moore's impecable sources... they're doomed now...
the Vatican Assassin squads are now probably on their way...
Quick! God's Love will protect you, but only if you have THE PASSWORD TO HEAVEN!!!
20-02-2005, 15:16
What have Luther and Calvin created?

20-02-2005, 15:18
What have Luther and Calvin created?

Well, Calvin's on all those bumper stickers with him pissing on things...
Oh wait, wrong Calvin.
Suto ri
20-02-2005, 15:22
Quick! God's Love will protect you, but only if you have THE PASSWORD TO HEAVEN!!!what!!! no I'm pissed that the sources will get whacked and not the fat... er big man himself.

besides... I already know the password and the secret handshake... :cool:
20-02-2005, 15:26
Catholics are secretly Muslim!! (
20-02-2005, 15:44
We know where Satan's Throne is!! Except this is nowhere near evidence... (
21-02-2005, 17:05
Fimble loving peoples
21-02-2005, 17:18
These guys rule.
21-02-2005, 17:30
All this serves to illustrate is that stupidity is no respector of either individuals or conspiracy theories. :rolleyes: