What if...
Humanity never came up with the concept of "god"?
Seriously, what if no one anywhere ever thought that there might be something else to this world?
"something else" would still be invented to fill the god gap. there are simply too many humans who need to have quick and easy answers, and too many humans without the character to be moral unless there is an other-worldly incentive added to the pot.
superstition was, and is, an inevitable part of human development. unfortunately, we are currently at a point in history where it is viewed as an acceptable final stage in human development, though i personally think God-belief should be a brief stopover in a human life (much like belief in Santa or monsters in the closet).
20-02-2005, 15:10
Humanity never came up with the concept of "god"?
Seriously, what if no one anywhere ever thought that there might be something else to this world?
Having a belief in the existence of God, I'm also going to suppose, here, that God chose not to rectify that situation. Whether or not someone believes that God exists is independent of whether or not God actually exists.
So, just to brainstorm, here....
It's possible that belief systems might form that proclaim that people have souls and something of the person survives death. Some might believe that they wander the Earth, or are reborn, or wander off and build an afterlife for themselves. There's not much limit to human imagination.
Humans, being the fickle creatures that we are, will still find causes to twist to evil purposes. If we don't have creeds to fight over, then we can fight (and in fact have fought) over ideologies. "Democracy vs. Communism" comes to mind.
That's all that comes to mind, at the moment.
--The Democratic States of Cogitation
"Think about it for a moment."
though i personally think God-belief should be a brief stopover in a human life (much like belief in Santa or monsters in the closet).
But the existence of monsters in the closet has been proven! Look! See? (http://www.pixar.com/featurefilms/inc/) :D
/me snickers.
--The Jovial States of Cogitation
"Laugh about it for a moment."
NationStates Self-Proclaimed Court Jester
I would think that a god wouldn't want people to be out preachig various stories about it. I mean, look at what happens in religious clashes everywhere. This isn't pleasant and makes life very unpleasant.
What would happen if everyone lived as though this was the only life they had though? Do you think people would be nicer to each other? Do you think we'd try to fuck each over less and have more fun?
20-02-2005, 15:26
I would think that a god wouldn't want people to be out preachig various stories about it. I mean, look at what happens in religious clashes everywhere. This isn't pleasant and makes life very unpleasant.
What would happen if everyone lived as though this was the only life they had though? Do you think people would be nicer to each other? Do you think we'd try to fuck each over less and have more fun?
I'm undecided on this, but am leaning towards "No".
Regardless of whether or not there is a God or whether or not there is an afterlife, we are what we are... and we are, at time, cruel, fickle, petty creatures. The conflicts that take place now would still take place, just under different guises.
--The Democratic States of Cogitation
"Think about it for a moment."
Pure Metal
20-02-2005, 15:30
Humanity never came up with the concept of "god"?
we might be a peaceful and enlightened species by now
20-02-2005, 15:36
we might be a peaceful and enlightened species by now
I somehow doubt that. For instance, Christianity teaches tolerance and love for others all throughout the New Testament, and yet there are still extremists. Same with many, if not most, other religions. Some people will come up with any reason to put others down, and having no religion would just mean those people would come up with other things to bicker about, I would think.
New Genoa
20-02-2005, 15:46
we might be a peaceful and enlightened species by now
probably not. we'd just have more time to worship gold.
Pure Metal
20-02-2005, 15:50
what of all the crusades and wars throughout history that have been fought in the name of "God"?
Greedy Pig
20-02-2005, 15:53
we might be a peaceful and enlightened species by now
Nah, we'll be fighting over something else.
Greedy Pig
20-02-2005, 15:55
what of all the crusades and wars throughout history that have been fought in the name of "God"?
Not ALL wars are fought in the name of God.
However having a 'God' does make people better fighters. :)
New Genoa
20-02-2005, 15:56
what of all the crusades and wars throughout history that have been fought in the name of "God"?
an excuse rather than the true motives. palestine's location is important to world trade.
Pure Metal
20-02-2005, 17:26
meh, you're all probably right.