Do you like Star Trek?
20-02-2005, 02:37
Do You?
I love Star Trek. Odo was cool for an authoritarian.
20-02-2005, 03:08
I love Star Trek. Odo was cool for an authoritarian.
Lol, I knew we couldn't disagree on everything. ;)
TOS is the best!!!! :D
Andaras Prime
20-02-2005, 03:12
I prefere Stargate SG-1 & Atlantis for sci-fi, but it's not bad if a little unrealistic.
20-02-2005, 03:14
Star Trek is freaking awesome. If you don't watch it, you must now relinquish your status as a nerd.
....darn, I missed Enterprise yesterday *weeps* - but I was doing something equally nerdy at the time, so its okay, I gues...*hopes to see rerun*
21-02-2005, 02:14
I wonder what type of series they'll make after Enterprise goes off? I hope it's something set in the 24 or 25 hundreds. Any other ideas?
Dragon Cows
21-02-2005, 02:21
I wonder what type of series they'll make after Enterprise goes off? I hope it's something set in the 24 or 25 hundreds. Any other ideas?
hopefully whatever they do, they'll go back to more along the lines of the original theme, rather than some gay pop-rock song
Serio Mathimatica
21-02-2005, 02:36
I had heard before they started Enterprise they there was interest in doing a sci-fi E.R. styled show with a medical craft going to different trouble spots...
The Plutonian Empire
21-02-2005, 02:50
I had heard before they started Enterprise they there was interest in doing a sci-fi E.R. styled show with a medical craft going to different trouble spots...
That would be freaking awesome!! :)
I like ER, but I don't watch it much because there aren't enough natural disasters to fuel my megalomania :D
Word Games
21-02-2005, 03:16
Mmmm. Seven of nine...
The South Islands
21-02-2005, 03:20
I heared that there were pictures of Seven of nine naked floating around the internet. Does andyone know, uh, were I can find them? For reaserch, of course.
Word Games
21-02-2005, 03:22
I heared that there were pictures of Seven of nine naked floating around the internet. Does andyone know, uh, were I can find them? For reaserch, of course.
Google Image Search is your friend in research.
The South Islands
21-02-2005, 03:25
I tried, I didn't find anything.
21-02-2005, 03:25
Star Trek is OK.
It was a bit too soft for a while, ie: Klingons are friends of the Federation and diplomacy always works.
DS9 improved with the Dominion.
Babylon 5 kicks ass for the underhanded politics and brutal 'I've got a bigger gun than you whoops there goes your planet' sort of interaction between alien races.
Started watching Battlestar Galactica, mini series screened here in Australia two weeks ago and the series starts this Wednesday. I will give it a go.
The South Islands
21-02-2005, 03:29
B5 Kicks major posterior. Its so realistic. It portrays people as they would probably be. Most goodest.
Serio Mathimatica
21-02-2005, 03:35
Yeah Babylon 5 was fantastic, if only The Crusade hadn't sucked so bad...
I missed the Battlestar mini-series, guess I have to buy it to see it before Wednesday, loved the original series heaps getting that on dvd soon I hope...
21-02-2005, 03:36
Star Furys also kick ass for manuvering in zero G, don't need to be in the direction I'm going to kill you sort of deal.
STar Trek never really used star fighters, don't think I ever saw a carrier or anything either. They had them for pilot training and they were used in the Dominion war.
Fighter offer greater flexability in military opperations.
Star trek is awesome, but all the series except TOS are just weights on the bottom of TNG. Enterprise doubly so.
21-02-2005, 03:40
I love ST. and I think DS9 was great.
Naval Snipers
21-02-2005, 13:53
i never saw what made Star Trek so fascinating.
Pure Metal
21-02-2005, 16:53
star trek rules ass. 'nuff said.
I always liked Star Trek because it was the only sci-fi show that portrayed a future where humans actually evolved mentally and morally. It has always had a very positive view on the potential of humanity.
Others I've seen are very much like westerns in outer space. The original Star Trek had a lot of that feel as well, which is why it's my least favourite.
21-02-2005, 17:38
I always liked Star Trek because it was the only sci-fi show that portrayed a future where humans actually evolved mentally and morally. It has always had a very positive view on the potential of humanity.
That's probably the main reason I dislike it. That premise is so unrealistic, that I can't even suspend disbelief.
That and the lame costumes, generic aliens, and excessive use of Deus Ex Machina.
DS9 was fairly good, though, when I could be bothered to watch it.