NationStates Jolt Archive

B & G Cronicles, Ep. 1

The South Islands
19-02-2005, 06:51
This is a transcript of an IM conversation that really occured. These are unedited.

Clock902: hey hey

sparkmaster4513: yo

Clock902: how was muggly land?

sparkmaster4513: ?

Clock902: Florida

sparkmaster4513: im still there

Clock902: oh

Clock902: laptop or internet cafe?

sparkmaster4513: im to socialy unaceptible to go to a net cafe

Clock902: you may be in the sun but I got some goodness today

Clock902: Russian goodness

sparkmaster4513: white men like me dont go in the sun

Clock902: whatever I still got some.

sparkmaster4513: is your mom russian

sparkmaster4513: or pinski's mom

sparkmaster4513: pinskis mom is hot

Clock902: my girlfriend is russian

sparkmaster4513: whatever, im still thinking about pinskis

Clock902: waaaaaaaaaa

sparkmaster4513: i wonder whats it like to be stoned

Clock902: I'm not stoned and I got some.

sparkmaster4513: now, wouldet it be more correct to say that your grlfriend
got more than you did?

Clock902: 50/50

sparkmaster4513: in sex, it it alwase better to give than to recieve...

Clock902: yes

sparkmaster4513: especially if you are a man

Clock902: she said I put her in heaven a few times.

sparkmaster4513: you killed her?!?!?!?!?!?!

Clock902: skill is when you can please a woman

Clock902: no i didn't kill her

sparkmaster4513: hows halo working out for you

Clock902: got abit farther

sparkmaster4513: good....

Clock902: hmmmm goodness

Clock902: coffee shop or sit around here...?

sparkmaster4513: sit around here, ou are probably tired after sex

sparkmaster4513: anything happen @ school?

Clock902: i kinda am

Clock902: mid winter break no school

Clock902: but when you weren't around things were much better

Clock902: good law and order episode in law.

sparkmaster4513: that makes me feel special...

Clock902: good

sparkmaster4513: you are mean, im going to go impame myself now

Clock902: ehhh i went out last night....

sparkmaster4513: there are lots of spics here

Clock902: ehhhhh but I want to go out

Clock902: there are alot of hot chicks that you have no chance with

sparkmaster4513: not really, the only chicks ive seen are eather fat white
rednecks or niggers or spics

sparkmaster4513: none speak english well, eather

Clock902: spics are mexicans, your dealing with cudan

Clock902: regionalize my friend.

Clock902: cubans

sparkmaster4513: spics are hispanic, not nessesarily mexicans

Clock902: fuck you

sparkmaster4513: that would be a long distence fuck

Clock902: most you've ever gotten

sparkmaster4513: i dont think your dick is that long

Clock902: and by the way if you don't try to have a reletionship with the jew
when you get back then you'll officaly be declared gay.

sparkmaster4513: ive got another in mind

Clock902: do tell

sparkmaster4513: this asian chick

Clock902: slivia ku?

sparkmaster4513: cant remember the name off the top of my head

Clock902: she poked you at the dance right?

sparkmaster4513: yah

sparkmaster4513: thata her

Clock902: hmmmmmm go for it

sparkmaster4513: she is the one

Clock902: I try not to set my sights so low

sparkmaster4513: ku is kuel

Clock902: yeah but shes not hot

Clock902: I got a russian chick shes cool and hot.

sparkmaster4513: she is hot in a librarian style, sylvia is

Clock902: i donno

Clock902: doesn't matter

Clock902: sex is goodness is good

sparkmaster4513: you mind if i post this conversation online?

Clock902: where?

sparkmaster4513: someplace you will never visit

Clock902: hmmmm

Clock902: somehow i think this will come around and bite me in the ass.

sparkmaster4513: im goig to anyway, just thought i would warn you

Clock902: yeah I would too

Clock902: just as long as my name isn't entered with it

sparkmaster4513: thses will be unedited

Clock902: whats this conversation going to prove?

sparkmaster4513: nothing, some of our convos are funny

Clock902: yeah they are.

sparkmaster4513: Sky whale, AWAY

Clock902: lol

Clock902: see ya

sparkmaster4513: war!

Clock902: ?

Clock902: where are you posting this again?

sparkmaster4513: well, some people say pease, and since you are a nazi, i
thought i would say war

sparkmaster4513: clever, eh

Clock902: ...

sparkmaster4513: come now, that was smart

Clock902: i'm leaving email me a link to wear you posted this

Clock902: damnit now I have to go put some pants on.

sparkmaster4513: im posting it on NS general

sparkmaster4513: put some damn pants on ******

Clock902: go ahead no one reads that shit anymore anyway

sparkmaster4513: you would be supprized in the general forum

Clock902: you don't count as your not real.

sparkmaster4513: i think, therefor i am

Clock902: you say you think

sparkmaster4513: Voltare said that

sparkmaster4513: i know i think

Clock902: Hitler tells you to fuck off.

sparkmaster4513: FYI, hitler's dead

Clock902: and stalin is coming to rape you.

sparkmaster4513: i heared stalin had a big penis

Clock902: really I heard the opoisite

sparkmaster4513: big is subjective

Clock902: right

sparkmaster4513: get some pants on ******

Clock902: good send me a link to when you post it so i can read replys

sparkmaster4513: sure

Clock902: i'm out

Clock902: bitch

sparkmaster4513: War!

Clock902: sky whale.

sparkmaster4513: Sky whale, hooooooo

Clock902: Peaces of humans.

sparkmaster4513: peaces of feces

Clock902: peices of humans

sparkmaster4513: peices of feces

Clock902: anyway i'm going get some pants on and try to get laid twice in 1

sparkmaster4513: good luck, i mean it

Clock902: thank you

Clock902: fuck off

Clock902 is away at 9:10:26 PM.

sparkmaster4513: ohhhhh.....

Auto response from Clock902: Maybe I'm around and just don't want to talk to you.

or maybe i'm away


If you found this enjoyable, more episodes will be forthcoming. If you found this not enjoyable, more episodes will be forthcoming.
19-02-2005, 06:59
Interesting...but obviously your friends are getting laid and you are not.
Occidio Multus
19-02-2005, 07:44
someone tell me this is spam.
New Sancrosanctia
19-02-2005, 07:47
someone tell me this is spam.
this is spam.

oh, and on topic, something i very rarely am, i don't think this recieved quite the reaction you had hoped for. perhaps this convo of yours was a tad more juvenile and lowbrow than it was funny? or perhaps i read too much into it. or perhaps i was turned off of it by the constant racial slurs. who knows.
Occidio Multus
19-02-2005, 07:56
yeah. this attempt at attention failed.
19-02-2005, 07:57
OMG this really occured! Wow! Who would have thought a couple of morons could actually have a conversation on the internet? WOW!