16-02-2005, 03:54
Here's a recent conversation between me (Ravea) and Klonor on AIM.
BobMelkor Is Ravea
JBK405 Is Klonor
BobMelkor: Yahoy!
JBK405: Being a pedophile is bad
BobMelkor: Yes, it is.
BobMelkor: >.>
BobMelkor: Hey, i got this great new idea
JBK405: Oh?
BobMelkor: It's called "Sky Whales." We somehow make whales evolve really fast and somehow give them the power of flight, then you can ride them and say, "Onward into battle Sky Whale!"
JBK405: That could go wrong in so many ways
JBK405: What if the Sky Whales get sick? Think about the poor bastard beneath them!
BobMelkor: I want a Narwhale!
BobMelkor: Well...Screw the bastards beneath the mighty sky whale!
BobMelkor: With thier happy, silly song of the sea!
BobMelkor: Er
BobMelkor: Air?
JBK405: Okay, then imaging what anti-aircraft gun would do to one?
JBK405: *imagine
BobMelkor: That's why we have really fast "attack sky Narwhales." They're fast enough to dodge bullets and can spear people with thier horn.
BobMelkor: And belive it or not, I'm not on drugs.
BobMelkor: And i suppose we could armor the other whales
JBK405: I'd like to contest that theory
BobMelkor: Then contest away, my friend.
JBK405: Exhibit A) Your blood tests
BobMelkor: Wait...The drug theory or the Sky Whale theory?
JBK405: The drug theory
BobMelkor: Gyarr!
BobMelkor: No pirate worth his Sky Narwhale Horn would ever take drugs!
JBK405: Uh-huh
BobMelkor: Now let us ride into the sun set on our Sky Whales! *Awooga!*
JBK405: What will the sky whales eat?
JBK405: How come they wont be crushed under their own weight?
JBK405: I mean, pigeons are bad enough
JBK405: Think of the STatues!
BobMelkor: Sky.....Shrimp? Or mabey just stupid people. And who needs to follow the laws of gravity and physics anyways? And we could use the poop as...food for the rich, then give the actual food of the rich to the poor, thus effectively ending world hunger.
JBK405: But think of the statues!
BobMelkor: Um
BobMelkor: We could...
BobMelkor: Build giant umbrellas over every statue?
JBK405: Okay, ow many drugs are you on?
BobMelkor: I'm only high on life, my Fuzzy woodland friend.
BobMelkor: We should post this in NS general
BobMelkor: See what people would say
JBK405: Go for it
BobMelkor: Holy Crap
BobMelkor: Who are you again?
JBK405: Klonor
BobMelkor: Jesus. I knew that.
JBK405: No, you didn't
BobMelkor: I was thinking about it pretty hard.
JBK405: No, you weren't
BobMelkor: Ok, you got me.
Now, Who think's I'm on drugs and who doesnt? And who thinks sky whales are the coolest thing ever?
BobMelkor Is Ravea
JBK405 Is Klonor
BobMelkor: Yahoy!
JBK405: Being a pedophile is bad
BobMelkor: Yes, it is.
BobMelkor: >.>
BobMelkor: Hey, i got this great new idea
JBK405: Oh?
BobMelkor: It's called "Sky Whales." We somehow make whales evolve really fast and somehow give them the power of flight, then you can ride them and say, "Onward into battle Sky Whale!"
JBK405: That could go wrong in so many ways
JBK405: What if the Sky Whales get sick? Think about the poor bastard beneath them!
BobMelkor: I want a Narwhale!
BobMelkor: Well...Screw the bastards beneath the mighty sky whale!
BobMelkor: With thier happy, silly song of the sea!
BobMelkor: Er
BobMelkor: Air?
JBK405: Okay, then imaging what anti-aircraft gun would do to one?
JBK405: *imagine
BobMelkor: That's why we have really fast "attack sky Narwhales." They're fast enough to dodge bullets and can spear people with thier horn.
BobMelkor: And belive it or not, I'm not on drugs.
BobMelkor: And i suppose we could armor the other whales
JBK405: I'd like to contest that theory
BobMelkor: Then contest away, my friend.
JBK405: Exhibit A) Your blood tests
BobMelkor: Wait...The drug theory or the Sky Whale theory?
JBK405: The drug theory
BobMelkor: Gyarr!
BobMelkor: No pirate worth his Sky Narwhale Horn would ever take drugs!
JBK405: Uh-huh
BobMelkor: Now let us ride into the sun set on our Sky Whales! *Awooga!*
JBK405: What will the sky whales eat?
JBK405: How come they wont be crushed under their own weight?
JBK405: I mean, pigeons are bad enough
JBK405: Think of the STatues!
BobMelkor: Sky.....Shrimp? Or mabey just stupid people. And who needs to follow the laws of gravity and physics anyways? And we could use the poop as...food for the rich, then give the actual food of the rich to the poor, thus effectively ending world hunger.
JBK405: But think of the statues!
BobMelkor: Um
BobMelkor: We could...
BobMelkor: Build giant umbrellas over every statue?
JBK405: Okay, ow many drugs are you on?
BobMelkor: I'm only high on life, my Fuzzy woodland friend.
BobMelkor: We should post this in NS general
BobMelkor: See what people would say
JBK405: Go for it
BobMelkor: Holy Crap
BobMelkor: Who are you again?
JBK405: Klonor
BobMelkor: Jesus. I knew that.
JBK405: No, you didn't
BobMelkor: I was thinking about it pretty hard.
JBK405: No, you weren't
BobMelkor: Ok, you got me.
Now, Who think's I'm on drugs and who doesnt? And who thinks sky whales are the coolest thing ever?