Uncertain on issues?
16-02-2005, 02:17
Are there any issues that you have trouble taking a side on? For me they are gun control and abortion.
Not really, I dont approve of abortion but if someone wants to get one that is their right so I am pro-choice. And gun control meh, I wish they would get rid of all of them. :p
16-02-2005, 02:18
Abortion for me. Sometimes you just have to say 'I don't know. Neither side is right.'
16-02-2005, 02:21
Abortion was a difficult one for me until I found out what exactly an illegal coat-hanger abortion was. At the same time I was becoming a social libertarian, which aided my pro-choice path.
16-02-2005, 02:21
All of them.
As of yesterday, I've begun seeing what exactly is wrong with my system of beliefs and personal politics, and am trying to see where it makes sense to stand.
16-02-2005, 02:28
We here at the nation of SUPd00dz have had many a hard problem to come by, though we have only arisen recently, the citizens and I have had a very hard problem with Compulsory voting. So we all agreed on me making all the decisions on who to be the next leader, I have full trust on me for this next election, though my competitor may be fierce.
-teh d00d
16-02-2005, 06:21
I have trouble with some economic issues, since I have not been educated very thoroughly in economics.
Evil Arch Conservative
16-02-2005, 06:33
Stem cell research. On one hand, I'm convinced that it's a human that's being killed in order to harvest the cells. On the other, the possibilities of the research are mind boggling. Lives are saved, but lives are taken. One life hasn't even left the womb, the other has lived and has yet much to live for. But the embryo has much to live for too. Maybe it's just the selfishness in me. The part of me that wonders what my opinion would be if I were the one with a disease or disability that could be potentially cured by it. If it is selfishness, it's quite a powerful force.
I don't think I have ethics ingrained in me to the point that I could oppose it.
Stem cell is a tough one. I don't think anyone can prove if it is good or bad but I do believe it won't stop any time soon. As far as abortion and gun laws, I'm pro-life and I love guns! :-D :-D
Soviet Narco State
16-02-2005, 06:45
I don't really know how I feel about the Northern Ireland issue. I'm like half irish so I think I should have some opinion on it, but I don't know who is right. My gut tells me the Republicans and the IRA are in the moral right, the British didn''t have the right to carve up the country, yet the Protestants would certainly be oppressed in a Catholic state.
16-02-2005, 06:52
Are there any issues that you have trouble taking a side on? For me they are gun control and abortion.
That's why we have pundits, my dear fellow. Pundits! Without pundits, 90% of Americans would have no opinion on anything.
16-02-2005, 06:54
My gut tells me the Republicans and the IRA are in the moral right
My gut, my mind, my speech, and my family in Belfast and Omagh tells me that the IRA are in the moral right.
Niccolo Medici
16-02-2005, 07:45
What I have the most difficulty establishing a firm position on? Probably any civil war you care to mention; any ethnic-tensions, the Israeli-Palestinain conflict, etc...
As for social issues, I can only think of one really, Gun Control. I dislike the positions of many of the pro-gun control groups, but I also dispise the attitudes of the gun lobby on the subject. My own personal position is clear, but I have no group that represents my interests on the subject.