Virulent Anti-Americanism
Though I hate to be contributing to the seemingly endless debate on whether or not the US is evil/stupid/imperialist/fascist/insert-random-negative-adjective-here, I have several questions that I would like explained, by anyone who cares to.
Why is it that when you join the frenzy of frothing-at-the-mouth America haters no seems to care, but as soon as I or anyone else tries to defend her, we are maligned as stupid, arrogant, ignorant, et cetera?
Do we not have as much right to express our love for America as you have a right to express your dislike for her? I understand we have done terrible things, but so has every country ever to rise to prominence, and so have many that haven't. However, no country has done as much good for the world as the United States. You don't have to like it, and I don't expect you to if you're from another country.
The fact of the matter is, America has done far more good for the world than evil.
The question I have is simple. Why do you hate us so much?
note: Please no stupid one-line posts like "The USA is dumb and they hate black people" or "t3h U54 is teh sux0rs." I'm really trying to figure this out, and I would appreciate your help. Also, this is not directed at any one person, but rather anyone who cares to enlighten me.
The South Islands
16-02-2005, 00:00
The USA is dumb and they hate black people
The USA is dumb and they hate black people
I don't. I hate white people! (J/K. I hate everyone equally! :D )
Chicken pi
16-02-2005, 00:01
The USA is dumb and they hate black people
That's right, South Islands, they're t3h sux0rs. :)
Disciplined Peoples
16-02-2005, 00:02
There is a book called "Hating America: The New World Sport". Read it, it will answer your question.
16-02-2005, 00:04
Jealousy? ;)
16-02-2005, 00:04
no country has done as much good for the world as the United States. You don't have to like it, and I don't expect you to if you're from another country.
Liking it or not is quite apart from the fact that it is empirically not true. Any course in modern history will play testament to this fact.
The main reason I my self hate the U.S is because I’m a card carrying communist student, America exploits the masses and supports other nations/entities that do so, therefore i see it as my intrinsic duty to stop the U.S and its allies at all cost.
I’m a man of conviction and I can't help this
/rant over
The Zoogie People
16-02-2005, 00:11
I think it's a matter of numbers. There are considerably more people who are at least somewhat anti-American than those that support it. Naturally, their voice will be louder.
Take away the morass of poorly founded opinions and those that just 'go with the flow,' however, and I think you'll find that the number is more evenly split. The percentage of libertarians here on NS, for example, most likely massively PWNs the percentage of people in the world that know what 'libertarian' means.
There is a book called "Hating America: The New World Sport". Read it, it will answer your question.
Thanks for the recommendation.
International Terrans
16-02-2005, 00:14
Want to know why the world hates America, and especially many on this forum?
Because you're hypocritical.
That's right, folks. Ever heard someone of someone who goes to church on Sunday and preachs about how much they love God, then goes and films kiddie porn? That's what America is, except on a global scale.
You didn't always be like this, and America did some great things during those times. But the simple truth is, the ideals set forth by the Founding Fathers and in the Constitution were too lofty to be truly upheld.
Until you see the nature of your own hypocrisy, and fix your own house, the world (and myself included) will simply tell you to screw off.
My politics don't make me hate the United States. My hatred of the United States government (and all those who blindly support it) is what made my politics.
16-02-2005, 00:16
1. They are idiots.
2. You are mistaking some peoples objections to the policies of the government of the states as anti-Americanism.
These two cover most situations.
16-02-2005, 00:17
I suppose i could have edited my previous post but I felt this warranted a new post.
The reason most of the world hates the U.S, well perhaps the educated part of Europe is not your government, there all shit. Its your media, I’ve seen fox I’ve watched your movies your day time t.v, its abhorrent our media is nothing like it, hell I remember a day I was watching fox during the Iraq war, a reporter proudly said he was biased. Dear god sent chills down my spine it did, think its on that Michel Moore movie is well (he is also a cock). Your society appears so very decadent its unbelievable, sole goal of hording money and the apparent utter ignorance of the whole world (but always in a jest so its ok then) the whole, “I guess I like shit and stuff” culture.
Now I’ve sounded very biased my self, but I know several Americans, arguably my best friend is an American, in fact he happens to be the direct descendent of George Washington but that’s another story. Hes a decent fellow no doubt about it.
Yet all empirical evidence I get from your media sujjest all Americans are not like him, they are people on the whole I would hate, A Posteriori I hate Americans, yes? Or just the media reflection of your country, but is that not a reflection of the country soul, will that media not make people in its image.
Bah got a bit philosophical there, i just hope i dont apear xenophobic after this self Rebuttal
I dont like the christian zeal of the current ruling class in american either, an education on european history taught me the hate chrisianity and all conformed relgion, and what it can do when the mob is behind it.
The Island of Rose
16-02-2005, 00:19
So we killed a few hundred-thousand people for personal gain, so what! We gave you Hugh Hefner!
Forgive and forget :p
Its your media, I’ve seen fox I’ve watched your movies your day time t.v, its abhorrent our media is nothing like it, hell I remember a day I was watching fox during the Iraq war, a reporter proudly said he was biased.
Okay. Um... Fox. On Fox, the most popular TV show in America is American Idol. Guess what? Idol was originally a UK show.
And anyone who says they are unbiased on given any subject is a liar.
16-02-2005, 00:33
The USA is dumb and they hate black people
No, America has gotten to the point where you can't even say black(even when it doesn't refer to the people) without being accused of Racism. The "bigot witch hunt" has gotten out of hand, and for the most part, it's led by stupid white liberals who have no idea what intergration is.
16-02-2005, 00:33
The reason there seems to be so many "anti-Americans" is because of idiots who go around saying "We are the best nation in the universe ever, you all eat our shit, here's some completely wrong reasons why..."
What are we supposed to do? go "oh yes your right you did invent the wheel, I bow to you!"?
16-02-2005, 00:36
aha, so the fact Fox decided to reproduce a rather poor ratings ITV show some how defeats my point then.
When I said media perhaps i could have made this more clear, i meant, Papers and the News, the entertainment programs over here are also quite dire, but they gernally stave away from changing peoples opinions on world events.
Interesting. I agree about the American media. One thing I dislike about it is that it's so ethnocentric. Rarely, if ever, do we hear about things in other countries unless it directly relates to us. This obviously breeds a lot of (innocent) ignorance on the part of the American public. A lot of people on both sides of the political spectrum are completely unaware of many other countries think about us.
16-02-2005, 01:20
Rarely, if ever, do we hear about things in other countries unless it directly relates to us.
The problem with that is that people (everywhere, not just the US) generally don't care about stuff that doesn't affect them. I agree with you, but the news media primarily delivers what its customers demand.
The problem with that is that people (everywhere, not just the US) generally don't care about stuff that doesn't affect them. I agree with you, but the news media primarily delivers what its customers demand.
I know, but still it seems excessive in the US. While I was in Europe this summer, I would occasionally watch the news (looking back I don't know why, I can't speak French or German :rolleyes: ), and it seemed like they had a lot of stories about other countries.
Maybe that's just because Europe has so many countries in such a small space, though.
The problem with that is that people (everywhere, not just the US) generally don't care about stuff that doesn't affect them. I agree with you, but the news media primarily delivers what its customers demand.
News media that rely on making a profit, anyway.
That's actually a pretty good argument for public funded news sources like the BBC. They're not trapped into only supplying human interest or lite celebrity news. If something is happening in the world, they can report on it, even if only 32% (for example) of their viewers are interested.
Mystic Mindinao
16-02-2005, 02:36
My politics don't make me hate the United States. My hatred of the United States government (and all those who blindly support it) is what made my politics.
So you believe that everyone would hate the US government if some of us weren't nationalistic?
16-02-2005, 02:43
So you believe that everyone would hate the US government if some of us weren't nationalistic?
Umm, huh?
He never said anything about anyone else, just what caused his beliefs to form.
16-02-2005, 03:37
Though I hate to be contributing to the seemingly endless debate on whether or not the US is evil/stupid/imperialist/fascist/insert-random-negative-adjective-here, I have several questions that I would like explained, by anyone who cares to.
Why is it that when you join the frenzy of frothing-at-the-mouth America haters no seems to care, but as soon as I or anyone else tries to defend her, we are maligned as stupid, arrogant, ignorant, et cetera?
Do we not have as much right to express our love for America as you have a right to express your dislike for her? I understand we have done terrible things, but so has every country ever to rise to prominence, and so have many that haven't. However, no country has done as much good for the world as the United States. You don't have to like it, and I don't expect you to if you're from another country.
The fact of the matter is, America has done far more good for the world than evil.
The question I have is simple. Why do you hate us so much?
note: Please no stupid one-line posts like "The USA is dumb and they hate black people" or "t3h U54 is teh sux0rs." I'm really trying to figure this out, and I would appreciate your help. Also, this is not directed at any one person, but rather anyone who cares to enlighten me.
Something has happened to America.....
From this historic symbol:
To this :
French fries in the House of Representatives' cafeterias will now be known as "freedom fries" as part of a Republican protest at France's opposition to a war on Iraq.
Even with a petition to McDonald's (
Perhaps you can fill in the missing information?
16-02-2005, 03:43
Blanket statements that cover large groups of people, such as an entire population of a country, are just as stupid as anyone who defends said country can be.
Want to know why the world hates America, and especially many on this forum?
Because you're hypocritical.
That's right, folks. Ever heard someone of someone who goes to church on Sunday and preachs about how much they love God, then goes and films kiddie porn? That's what America is, except on a global scale.
You didn't always be like this, and America did some great things during those times. But the simple truth is, the ideals set forth by the Founding Fathers and in the Constitution were too lofty to be truly upheld.
Until you see the nature of your own hypocrisy, and fix your own house, the world (and myself included) will simply tell you to screw off.
My politics don't make me hate the United States. My hatred of the United States government (and all those who blindly support it) is what made my politics.
A purely emotional evaluation - your emotion of hate determines your system of beliefs when it comes to politics. You might want to re-evaluate that statement . . .
16-02-2005, 03:57
Because youre shaping up to become the fourth reich.
Robert E Lee II
16-02-2005, 04:08
Yeah, we have done all sorts of horrible things, like:
Modern Democracy.
Economic success.
Invention and modern technology.
People who actually love and obey the religions they profess.
Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Freedom for us.
Life for the unfortunate of other countries.
Vengance for psychopathic dictators.
A haven for anyone of any culture.
George Bush.
My my, I wonder what we'll do next.