Ouch!!! Help!!!
Allright, my back has been cramping and spasming for 10 hours, and it is really hurting. It takes a lot of pain for me to even care, AND THIS REALLY HURTS!! I can't even go to sleep it hurts so bad. So, since you guys are, at this time of night, my only "human contact" I was wondering if anyone on here had any good way to relive the pain, or better yet, get rid of the problem. Serouisly.
~ :D My 1,500th post :D ~
Der Lieben
14-02-2005, 09:27
Try popping your back. Either lean backwards over a sofa, or twist you bottom vertebrae left and your top vertebrae right.
PS: sorry about the attack, I didn't realize your back was sore *hands Branin Hp potion*
Allright, my back has been cramping and spasming for 10 hours, and it is really hurting. It takes a lot of pain for me to even care, AND THIS REALLY HURTS!! I can't even go to sleep it hurts so bad. So, since you guys are, at this time of night, my only "human contact" I was wondering if anyone on here had any good way to relive the pain, or better yet, get rid of the problem. Serouisly.
~ :D My 1,500th post :D ~
Long, very hot bath with lots of Epson Salts, if you have it.
Los Banditos
14-02-2005, 09:29
Alcohol? I have never had a pain that tylenol could not fix so I have no idea?
Legless Pirates
14-02-2005, 09:29
Boiling hot bath.
Occidio Multus
14-02-2005, 09:29
take two acetominaphen, one motrin, put on a porn and take yourself on a date. works for a friend of mine every time.
14-02-2005, 09:30
I have fibromyalgia, and heat helps a lot. Not as much as Soma, but my doctor doesn't like to prescribe it. I lay on a heating pad. A hot water bottle helps, but it's a little hard to lay on.
14-02-2005, 09:32
Allright, my back has been cramping and spasming for 10 hours, and it is really hurting. It takes a lot of pain for me to even care, AND THIS REALLY HURTS!! I can't even go to sleep it hurts so bad. So, since you guys are, at this time of night, my only "human contact" I was wondering if anyone on here had any good way to relive the pain, or better yet, get rid of the problem. Serouisly.
I have serious problems with things like this as well. Unfortunately, I can't get my hands on painkillers due to some past actions of mine.
The only over-the-counter medication that has ever helped me is Aleve. It doesn't do a whole lot for me, but it helps some. the other thing that I've found helps sometimes is a heat pack of some sort will sometimes help muscles relax. Or a nice hot bath.
If this is something that happens to you recurringly or if it continues for too much longer, I would recommend you see a doctor about it, as they might be able to help you figure out what exactly is the problem, and hopefully solve it or at least make it more bearable.
~ :D My 1,500th post :D ~
Go you!
Try popping your back. Either lean backwards over a sofa, or twist you bottom vertebrae left and your top vertebrae right.
PS: sorry about the attack, I didn't realize your back was sore *hands Branin Hp potion*
Won't pop, I've tried it, it's to tight. Thanks for the potion. And the advice.
Thanks everybody. I've taken what painkillers I have, and took a long shower (the dorm has no tubs). I'm looking for my heating pad as we speak. You guys are great, thanks.
take some anti inflammatories...
Occidio Multus
14-02-2005, 09:39
Thanks everybody. I've taken what painkillers I have, and took a long shower (the dorm has no tubs). I'm looking for my heating pad as we speak. You guys are great, thanks.
you know he is looking for a good porn ,also. he just wont admit it ;)
Shadow Cats
14-02-2005, 09:40
god you people have too much dependancy on painkillers, i have arthritis in my spine and perthes in my right hip plus lower rib problems at the moment, all of which most doctors i see are shocked that i am still capable of walking around unaided, i dont use any painkillers. they are bad for you and lower your pain tolerance, just take the pain it will slowly get easier as time goes by
14-02-2005, 09:47
they are bad for you and lower your pain tolerance, just take the pain it will slowly get easier as time goes by
Well, the problem is when it gets to the point that repeatedly you are inable to function due to pain. I.E., some days I would not be able to get out of the house and work a job, if I had one. That's when painkillers come in as sort of needed, when you don't get tolerance to pain any higher, and you can't function otherwise.
At least, that's what I think.
I, myself, have rather high pain tolerance myself, as I unfortunately sometimes do myself harm due to my mental illness. However, in some ways it can be a good thing as my pain tolerance skyrocketed after that, and now that I don't struggle with it quite as much, I guess I'm the better for having struggled with it.
Wow, I'm going off on an odd tangent, so I'll shut up now.
take some anti inflammatories...
Shadow Cats
14-02-2005, 09:51
err i have had this for the last about 6 years and yes i find it hard to sleep and do things, but painkillers and anti-inflamatories only damage your liver and you can always benefit from learning to deal with pain it helps to make you a stronger person. Mind you i did do marine basic training when i was younger, flunked out due to perthes disease which stops me from marching, probably lead me to this attitude
god you people have too much dependancy on painkillers, i have arthritis in my spine and perthes in my right hip plus lower rib problems at the moment, all of which most doctors i see are shocked that i am still capable of walking around unaided, i dont use any painkillers. they are bad for you and lower your pain tolerance, just take the pain it will slowly get easier as time goes by
I generally avoid pills and doctors for the life of me me, and by no means have a low pain tolerance. My sport of choice in HS, and my self-inflicted pain leave little room for a low pain tolerance. I once blew out my knee playing football, second play of the game, I went out for five minutes, then finished the game, when I shouldn't even have been walking. It became swollen beyond reason for the next four weeks (more than they had ever seen with that injury, they still don't know why) but as soon as the swelling was down enough to play, I put on a brace and finished the season. WITHOUT ANY DRUGS. Don't riducule me about pain tolerance.
Cramps suck.
Shadow Cats
14-02-2005, 09:57
boohoo, cramps are no more painful anything else
Los Banditos
14-02-2005, 09:59
err i have had this for the last about 6 years and yes i find it hard to sleep and do things, but painkillers and anti-inflamatories only damage your liver and you can always benefit from learning to deal with pain it helps to make you a stronger person. Mind you i did do marine basic training when i was younger, flunked out due to perthes disease which stops me from marching, probably lead me to this attitude
I guess we should also not get vaccinations because measels will improve our character?
boohoo, cramps are no more painful anything else
Wanna bet.
14-02-2005, 10:02
err i have had this for the last about 6 years and yes i find it hard to sleep and do things, but painkillers and anti-inflamatories only damage your liver
If only I could get my hands on something other than the over-the-counter meds...
Opiate-based painkillers are surprisingly safe, when used properly.
14-02-2005, 10:04
god you people have too much dependancy on painkillers, i have arthritis in my spine and perthes in my right hip plus lower rib problems at the moment, all of which most doctors i see are shocked that i am still capable of walking around unaided, i dont use any painkillers. they are bad for you and lower your pain tolerance, just take the pain it will slowly get easier as time goes by
IMHO you're full of crap. I've had fibromyalgia for 15 years, and though it has gotten a bit easier to endure, it still has the capacity to make me miserable. My doctor won't give me painkillers unless I crawl in on my hands and knees. But I still appreciate it a lot when he'll give them. I hoard them for when it really gets bad. Fine if you're willing to suffer, but if it's not neccessary, I feel it's silly to do so.
Nation of Fortune
14-02-2005, 10:04
Branin, I think we have something in common. My back is pissing all over me as well, and the fucker doesn't wanna pop.
Shadow Cats
14-02-2005, 10:05
opiate based meds are bad for you if you have to take them for any time period over 2 months, and no cramps are nothing niether are trapped nerves, both of which i have experianced :P oh and i did take opiate based meds for 5 months, surgeon i saw afterwards told my doc he sohulda only given them to me for 2 months and then take a 6 month break from them and use other based meds
14-02-2005, 10:12
Branin, do you have any idea what is causing this? Fibromyalgia can cause severe muscle cramps and I got my first symptoms when I was in my early teens. It didn't get really bad until I was in my twenties. Ask your doctor, but be careful. I had a couple of doctors tell me it was all in my head.
Though actually it is. The newer studies connect it with serotonin deficiencies. That's why it's so frequent with people suffering from depression.
14-02-2005, 10:18
Branin, do you have any idea what is causing this? Fibromyalgia can cause severe muscle cramps and I got my first symptoms when I was in my early teens. It didn't get really bad until I was in my twenties. Ask your doctor, but be careful. I had a couple of doctors tell me it was all in my head.
Though actually it is. The newer studies connect it with serotonin deficiencies. That's why it's so frequent with people suffering from depression.
Be very careful with this sort of thing, since many different problems manifest as back pain. If it continues, or recurrs, please see your doctor immediately!
I have kidneystones on a semi-regular basis. They can sometimes begin manifesting as side or back pain.
Van Demans Land
14-02-2005, 10:18
Cant go wrong with laxatives.
take a bottle or two, i garuentee whatever was causing it will be flushed out.
Branin, do you have any idea what is causing this? Fibromyalgia can cause severe muscle cramps and I got my first symptoms when I was in my early teens. It didn't get really bad until I was in my twenties. Ask your doctor, but be careful. I had a couple of doctors tell me it was all in my head.
Though actually it is. The newer studies connect it with serotonin deficiencies. That's why it's so frequent with people suffering from depression.
I would guess that a nerve is pinched in my back(I have bad back, you can't swim out of the gene pool) but I could be wrong. Could be something else, if it goes on another day or so I might see a doctor. I hate doctors. Nothing personal, just an unexplained fear of physicians. That last part makes me wonder though. There is a distinct possibility I suffer from depression, I show many if not most of the signs of being a manic depressive(but thus far I have refused to get checked, I hate doctors. And my GF is doing better without the meds than she did with).
Cant go wrong with laxatives.
take a bottle or two, i garuentee whatever was causing it will be flushed out.
Thanks, I'll try that. :D :headbang: :D