Create a presidential campaign slogan
New Genoa
12-02-2005, 22:29
"A vote for my opponent would be a vote for me. so vote for me if you don't want me to win, otherwise you'd be voting for me and you don't want that to happen do you?"
"I'm the lesser of the two evils."
"At least I'm not a Democrat."
"At least I'm not a Republican."
"At least I'm not a human."
"Every time you vote for my opponent, God kills a kitten. Please, think of the kittens."
Drunk commies
12-02-2005, 22:32
The other guy's a gay, atheist, communist, who will tax you to death.
It's not snappy, but it hits the right notes.
12-02-2005, 22:33
"At least I'm not the other guy."
"The only candidate to not sexually assault a coatrack."
New Genoa
12-02-2005, 22:34
"I'm a war veteran. Vote for me or you hate veterans, you sick bastard."
"My opponent's a war veteran. By voting for him, you support the needless slaughter he participated in. You sick bastard."
"I'm not gay."
12-02-2005, 22:35
"My opponents hat is made by chinese slaves, my hat is made by Americans, receiving a living wage!"
New Genoa
12-02-2005, 22:39
"C'mon, whaddya got to lose?"
"Former Antipope: 1993-2002"
"Hey, why the hell not?"
"Jesus would vote for me, why don't you?"
"I fought Charlie, dammit!"
"Abortion is wrong. Sort of."
"The other guy once did something bad twenty years ago."
And for the re-election "I can't exactly make things any worse, can I?"
12-02-2005, 22:39
I look better in a Speedo
Arrested two less times than the other guy
All the skeletons are already out of my closet
I'm a Protestant white male, does anything else matter?
Wanna see more of my hot daughters for 4 years?
Single, I can't have an affair
Promise to only invade cool countries like Jamaica
I'll bring back the good old days, good music, family television, Cold War...
Once held a gun in a photo-op, true badass American
I promise to do whatever you want, I'm making a mental note right now
Vote for me stupid
12-02-2005, 22:40
"My opponent eats babies. I eat corn, grown in the good old USofA. You're not a commie, are you? Vote for me."
Drunk commies
12-02-2005, 22:41
Who can forget this classic? "Abortions for some, miniature American flags for the rest"
New Genoa
12-02-2005, 22:44
"I have the cure to cancer."
"I promise round-the-clock threesomes at PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD!"
"I'll nuke Mecca. Cmon, you can't say that isn't cool!"
"Bite my shiny metal ass. And then vote for me."
12-02-2005, 22:44
"My opponent kills babies! We must defeat him!"
The Gongites
12-02-2005, 22:46
"Right on!"
"Vote for revoulation!"
"I'll kill the other guy when I win!"
"I'm sick of the rich guy always being in charge too!"
New Genoa
12-02-2005, 22:49
12-02-2005, 22:52
vote or get shot
12-02-2005, 22:53
"Don't you think it's time to crush the rest of the world? A vote for me will seal the deal."
"My opponent is incompitent and partakes in satanic rituals...and nobody likes satan."
"I support whatever you support."
"I will legalize marijuanna.....dude."
"I promise a case of beer in every garage and two cans of whup ass to anyone who opposes me."
"A vote for me will skyrocket the world into a hurricane of war and devistation that when the dust is settled will reveal one nation that will be ruled over by a feirce and iron fisted government with me at it's head. Now doesn't that sound nice?"
12-02-2005, 22:53
"I don't actually care if you vote for me or not. 'They' have already decided I will be President. Vote for Mickey Mouse if you want."
New Genoa
12-02-2005, 22:59
"All my daughter ever wanted was for me to become president. Now she's a terminal leukemia sufferer. Please, fulfill my daughter's dream. Or I'll FUCKING KILL YOU."
"Pi is exactly 3!"
"Today, I consider myself to be the luckiest man on the earth by seventeen years ago when the Kaiser stole our word twenty that bastard is fucking douche so I chased him but gave up after dickety-six miles but then I was like yo this is the shit and then he was like okay you can have this shit back only if you say that the Weimar Republic is gay and I was like no way dude you suck ballz lol and then he was like lmao so r u serious and i was like nah ill say that the weimars are gay if you give us our word back so he did and it's because of me that we can use the word twenty without the fear of being castrated by ghengis khan."
Free Soviets
12-02-2005, 22:59
"your ad here!"
"Not like it'll make a difference, I'm being President whether I win or not!"
- Bush/Cheney 08
Irrelevant Islands
12-02-2005, 23:06
vote for me... please?
I will do nothing and pass no laws, but I bet if you vote for that guy he'll stuff the country up more than it already is.
Oh, of course
"I'm down with the bitches and the hos"
Armandian Cheese
12-02-2005, 23:07
"Vote or die, bitches!"
"Dude. Just...dude."
"Enough jibba jabba. Vote for me!"
"Vote for me or I'll teach you the meanin' of pain!"
"My opponent once appeared in a photoshoped picture of Hitler, Stalin, and Satan."
Free Soviets
12-02-2005, 23:07
"at least this chimp has been trained"
12-02-2005, 23:10
I want you, to vote for me and for a better and safer tommorow, think of your children, only you can make it happen.
New Genoa
12-02-2005, 23:48
"I was on American Idol."
Irawana Japan
12-02-2005, 23:56
"Boo!"--Summarization of every attack ad ever